
ShortStick - Everything's Alright

Mar 14th, 2015
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  1. >You slowly open your eyes and close them again.
  2. >Hate mornings, waking up is the worst thing that can happen, especially when you're having a pleasant dream.
  3. >Not too many of those lately.
  4. >You sit up in bed, or rather you would have done so, if not for the weight on your body.
  5. >Eyes snap open and you're fully awake as you finally notice the Indigo haired woman sleeping on top of you with a look of absolute bliss.
  6. >Is that drool? Well, as long as she's happy, you're not going about to have her suffer the same fate as you and wake her up.
  7. >Your heart skips a beat when you realize she's naked.
  8. >Damn Luna is hotter than you'd thought!
  9. >Quick! Remember last night, remember last night!
  10. >No good, but judging from that smile and drool, if must have been everything she'd wanted and more.
  11. >You stud you.
  12. >You bring your arm over to bring up the blanket and fight off the cold, or rather you would have, but again, your arm was busy at the moment.
  13. >You glance to your left and another nude beauty was laying on your arm, with her head resting on your shoulder.
  14. >Damn, Celestia too?! You the man Anon!
  15. >Please let me remember last night brain, please!!!
  16. > she's drooling too!?
  17. >Can't say they aren't siblings after all.
  18. >No sense worrying about the covers then.
  19. >You gently bring the slightly more tanned woman closer to your body and move the slightly smaller woman resting on your body over so as to get more body warmth.
  20. >Luna sleeps like a champ, smile intact and line of drool making it look like a slug took a walk on your chest.
  21. >Looking back to the other woman you're greeting with a kiss.
  22. >"Good morning, love." Celestia says, with a smile that could only be described a true happiness.
  23. "Good morning, Princess, or should I say my Queen?" you reply.
  24. >"You won't be able to call me Queen until after tonight Anon." Celestia replies as she brings her hand to Luna's sleeping face.
  26. >"Wake up dear sister. It's time to begin the last rehearsal before the actual ceremony." She whispers to the still sleeping, still drooling sibling on your chest.
  27. >Luna stirs slightly snuggling her face into your chest and smearing drool everywhere.
  28. >"Just five more minutes sister. I still tire after last nights fun." Luna sleepily replied.
  29. >"I wish we could Luna, but we have a schedule to keep and on this most important day, even we need to be on time."
  30. >Luna opened her eyes and looked at her sister, then you.
  31. >"Good morning, lover." She whispered as she brought her face closer to yours, locking her lips with yours in a passionate kiss.
  32. >Her tongue prods your lips and you grant her access, but just as aggressively as she entered your mouth, you fought back, wrestling her tongue back into her mouth.
  33. >Ending the kiss with a loud smack, Luna looked at her sibling with a grin.
  34. >"I was the first to kiss him today Sister! Victory goes to the moon!" she proudly declares.
  35. >Celestia's cheeks redden and she pushes Luna off your chest.
  36. >"You may have had the first kiss of the day, but I'll have the most important kiss of the day first!" she taunts in retaliation.
  37. >Luna quickly recovers and jumps out of bed.
  38. >"I'll also be the first to use the Royal Shower today sister!" She shouts as she runs off nude to the door to begin her day.
  39. >You smile as you enjoyed the sight of the sisters "competing". Not to mention Luna's firm posterior as she ran off.
  40. >Celestia smiles as she slides her hand down towards your crotch, bringing you back from La-la Land.
  41. >"As much as I'd like to tell her later that I had the days first mind numbing orgasm with you, I need to go and get Luna's clothes and mine as well."
  42. >You hide your disappointment and bring a hand up to her cheek and kiss her.
  43. "I'll go ahead and start getting ready as well. I'll see you at breakfast?"
  44. >Celestia blushes and opens her mouth to say something, but quickly changes her mind.
  45. >"Yes Anon, we'll be there shortly."
  47. >She leans in and gives you another kiss, but unlike Luna, she licks your lips and invites your tongue into her mouth.
  48. >A quiet moan and sudden gripping of your shaft gives you all the feedback you needed.
  49. >"O-ok Anon, I really must be off, there is a schedule to adhere to after all.
  50. >"I'll see at breakfast my love." She says before relinquishing her grip on you.
  52. >You watch with a smile as Celestia walks towards the dresser and begins getting both her and Luna's clothing and towels ready.
  53. >That's a lot of towels you muse as Celestia takes a final look at you and winks before leaving.
  54. >Guess that's my cue to get moving as well.
  55. >Gathering a towel and some shower essentials you make way to the shower.
  56. >Upon opening the door you hear the siblings voices.
  57. >Guess they hadn't left just yet.
  58. >"No sister, you mustn't ah-h mustn't grope them so much! I don't wish to have droopy breast like yours!"
  59. >The next thing you hear is a loud splash.
  60. >"I happen to know for a fact that Anonymous happens to prefer larger portions!"
  61. >A quick shower huh? you smirk to yourself.
  62. >You come around the corner into the spacious room and clear your throat.
  63. >Celestia and Luna are chest to chest with daggers in their eyes.
  64. >You merely walk over and place your change of clothes and towels next to the siblings and step into the small swimming pool sized bath.
  65. >"Anon! You're finally here!" Luna races through the water towards you after pushing her older sister causing water to splash everywhere.
  66. >Pull Luna into a hug and give her a quick kiss.
  67. "It may take some time to get used to how energetic you are Princess."
  68. >Luna blushes and and giggles as she buries her head into your chest.
  69. >Huh, Celestia has been under for a good minu
  70. "Ahh!"
  71. >Your world turned completely blue as your legs gave under you, submerging you in the bath before everything went black.
  72. >"Anon! Anon! Are you alright?!"
  73. "W-what?"
  74. >"You went too far this time sister!"
  75. >"I'm sorry Luna, it was just a silly prank! I meant no harm!"
  76. "Wh-what happened?" You groggily reply as your vision clears.
  77. >"I'm sorry Anon, I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just playing around, I promise!"
  78. >You're laying on your back on one of the lawn chairs strewn about the bath.
  79. >"How are you feeling Anon? Does it hurt anywhere? Sister we're lucky that we where able to get him out before he took on too much water!"
  81. "My chest hurts a little, but it should be fine."
  82. >You look at Luna and Celestia, tears in their eyes.
  83. >"I didn't want to even think of losing you Anon." Luna cries as she places her head on your shoulder, stifling her tears.
  84. >"Anon, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't think that you'd black out like that. Can you forgive me?" Celestia softly apologizes.
  85. >You smile and reach with your free hand to her cheek and gently bring her face closer to yours.
  86. "Yes my Princess, I forgive you."
  87. >Celestia cries tears of joy and you silence them with a kiss as she lays down on top of you.
  88. >crick....
  89. >The lawn chair gives away and both you and Celestia hit the ground with a thud.
  90. >Luna laughs as she tries to speak.
  91. >"Sis-sister, is this w-giggle-what happens to women with l-hahaha-larger portions?"
  92. >Your chest was still hurting, but you don't bother to bring it up to Celestia whose blushing furiously at Luna's comment
  93. >"Prince, would you mind helping me with my bath?"
  94. >Celestia asks as she smothers you with her bosom.
  95. "My pleasure."
  96. >Celestia leads you back into the shallow end of the bath and goes to retrieve a washcloth and a bar of soap and some shampoo.
  97. >Taking a seat you wait as she returns with the items.
  98. >"Anon, you'll do me next right?" Luna coos into your ear.
  99. "Yes Princess, just as soon as I'm done with Celestia."
  100. >Luna takes a seat behind you and begins to rub a washcloth on your back.
  101. >Celestia takes a seat in between your legs and hands you her washcloth and other items.
  102. >You begin with her neck and start to work the soapy suds on her body in a massaging manner.
  103. >She gives up a quiet moan and begins to slowly rub your thighs with her hands as you start to massage her large posterior.
  104. >After reapplying some more soap to the washcloth you begin with the front, starting with her belly.
  106. >Placing one hand on her hip you creep the washcloth hand up to her breasts and begin to lather them up, trying your best to keep your touch light as possible.
  107. >No need to get her hot and bothered, we're on a schedule after all!
  108. >Celestia gives another throaty moan and leans back onto you trapping your growing erection, while letting her head rest on your left shoulder so that you're both cheek to cheek.
  109. >"You're sooooo good at this Anon...." She dreamily sighs.
  110. >"No fair you're taking too long sister!" Luna pouts as she tries to bring her dainty hands around to the front of your body.
  111. >"He'll be with you in a moment dear sister. Patience is a vir-AAAAAAAAH!"
  112. >She didn't get a chance to continue as you quickly moved the washcloth down to her womanhood.
  113. >You lightly massage her as she begins to squirm and mewl from your touch.
  114. >Luna gives up and moves around to her sisters legs and begins to rubs Celestia's legs with the washcloth.
  115. >"You'll be able to finish faster if I help right Anon?"
  116. >You smile and nod.
  117. >Celestia moans, "Nooooo Luna, please do-don't do that while Anons touching me t-there...."
  118. >Moving your head to the side a bit you begin to nibble on Celestia's neck causing her to squirm even more, her legs kicking ever so often.
  119. >The taste of soap bothered you, but not enough to keep you from kissing and lightly licking her as you continued your washing.
  120. >"A-A-Anon....please....please don't tease me like this..." She pleaded, in a voice full of lust.
  121. >"ALL DONE! Luna shouted as she poured the buckets water out over your heads.
  122. >Celestia stared ahead blankly.
  123. >Talk about a mood killer Luna.
  124. >"That's not fair Luna, I wasn't done yet!"
  126. >"Yes you are sister, I finished applying soap to your legs and now I've helped you rinse off! That means it's my turn next!"
  127. >"B-but what about shampooing my hair? I can't very well leave the bath without having Anon shampoo my hair!"
  128. >Luna wedges herself between you and Celestia holding onto a bottle of shampoo.
  129. >"Don't worry sis, I've got you covered, I'll shampoo your hair while Anon washes me!"
  130. >You smirk at Luna's explanation and begin reapplying some more soap to the washcloth.
  132. >With Luna you decided to start rubbing her smaller legs which were spread open thanks to having her more endowed and older sister sitting between them.
  133. >"Tha-AH! That tickles Anon!" she giggled.
  134. >You continue your minstrations and listen to Luna as she speaks with Celestia.
  135. >"I can't wait start the ceremony tonight dear Sister. I want to express my sincerest gratitude to you for allowing us to do it tonight during the full moon."
  136. >Luna continued lathering up Celestia's hair as she spoke, and Celestia closed her eyes, enjoying the younger siblings tender treatment of her hair.
  137. >"I know how much it means to you sister, and I'll even go so far as to admit that it will be much more romantic under the full moon."
  138. >Luna's smile widened and she continued caressing her sisters hair and shaking her ass ever so slowyly causing your engorged penis to move back and forth in time with her motions.
  139. >You finish washing her legs and lean back a bit begin washing her back and give yourself a little bit of breathing room down there.
  140. >"Is something wrong Anon?" Luna questions knowlingly.
  141. "Not at all Princess, just need some room so I can was your back." You reply as your hand begin to stimulate her cheeks.
  142. >She acwknowledges and leans foward onto Celestia to give you a little bit more working room, almost as if to encourage you.
  143. >Who are you to let your Priness down, right Anon?
  144. >"Mhmmmmmm. A deep massage? Oh Anon, you tea-OH!" Luna yelped at the sudden intrusion into her rear, literally almost climbing onto Celestia's head like some sort of small frog.
  145. >You quickly pull your finger out and begin to trace a small circle on her cinnamon ring.
  146. >She turns back and glares at you with eyes full of shock and mischief and a crimson colored face.
  147. >"Luna, I do so love you, but would you be a dear and get off my head?" Celestia grumbled.
  149. >"O-of course sister, our apologies, Anon simpl-OOOH!"
  150. >Just as Luna began demounting Celestia's head you stopped circling her orifice and straightened your finger allowing her to spear herself.
  151. >Luna took back to her perch on top of Mount Celestia, much to the her chagrin.
  152. >Celestia sighed and gently smack Luna on the head.
  153. >You chuckled and removed your hand from her posterior and made little circles in the water with your fingers.
  154. >Luna cautiously sat back down between your legs and submitted herself to you.
  155. >Finishing with her neck you have an idea and whisper it in her ear.
  156. >Luna's eyes light up and rinses out Celestia's hair.
  157. >"Sister would please wash my hair for me?" She innocently asks.
  158. >"Of course Luna, has Anon finished washing you?" She replies as she turns around to face you both.
  159. >Even though you couldn't see past Luna who had turned around and was now sitting on your lap with her legs wrapped around your waist, you could still feel the irked glare that Celestia must have been giving you and Luna at the moment.
  160. >You went on with washing the Princess starting with her arms and then moving down to her belly.
  161. >"Oh Anon, this is a great idea, you in the front and Celestia in the back, 'tis a heavenly feeling." She murmured happily as you began massaging her smaller breasts and Celestia lathered up her hair.
  162. >"To...the...moon...." Celestia muttered so faintly that you almost didn't hear it.
  163. "What was that Princess?" You ask as you lean forward and being kissing Luna.
  164. >"Oh, I was just asking Luna if she wanted another scented shampoo or to keep using the one I'm using."
  166. >Luna broke off the kiss and faintly replied. "Sister please it doesn't con....mmmmmmm."
  167. >You stopped her reply short as you gently thrust your hips up causing her to rub up against you and lean forward into the kiss.
  168. >Moving your neck to the right you catch a glimpse of a fuming Celestia as she squeezes a rather obscene amount of shampoo onto Luna's hair and vigorously massaging her hair.
  169. >Luna breaks off the kiss and looks into your eyes, a thin line of saliva connecting your lips together.
  170. >Removing the washcloth from her soapy breasts you grin.
  171. >A moment latter and you've placed the cloth on your penis.
  172. >Luna gives you a puzzled look before you bring your lips to her ear, Celestia looking straight at you, still bright red and irked.
  173. >You gently nibble on Luna's earlobe before whispering.
  174. "How about we wash down there my Princess?" while staring straight at Celestia.
  175. >Teasing Celestia this badly could land both of you on the moon you think to yourself, but you know that she loves you and Luna too much for that to happen. Not to mention its very cute and fun to tease her like this.
  176. >Luna's look of puzzlement quickly fades away as you wrap you arms around, pulling her closer.
  177. >From this position you start thrusting your hips slowly, causing your washcloth covered penis to rub up against her femininity.
  178. >A squeak of pleasure escaped Luna's lips as she tightened her hold on you.
  179. >A sudden shift of weight caused you to look behind Luna at Celestia.
  180. >She'd given up on washing Luna's hair properly and was now rubbing herself on her sister with one hand between her legs.
  181. >"Luna, you're not being fair, you interrupted my bath and now you're hogging him all to yourself!" She cried.
  182. >"'Twas not my ideAAAA! Sister, Anon suggested IT!!!!" Luna replied between gasps of pleasure.
  183. >After a couple of minutes of "cleaning" you lean back until you're resting on the bath's wall.
  184. >Luna took this as a sign to remove the cloth and continue at her leisure.
  186. >You merely wanted to avoid the splash of water that was about to be rained down by Celestia.
  187. >"AAAAAAAAH! What was that for sister?!" Luna shouted half mad, half shocked.
  188. >Celestia calmly replied. "Luna as much as I enjoyed the bath, we need to get going, have you forgotten what today is?"
  189. >Luna pouted as she stood up and walked out of the bath with Celestia.
  190. >"You're a bad, bad man for doing this to us Anon." Luna said as she looked back, then winked. "And we promise that we'll repay you the "favor" tonight."
  191. >You "reply" by giving them your best smile and standing up, lathering yourself up in front of them, erection proudly displayed for all to see.
  192. >"Sister, perhaps we are being too hasty, are you sure we don't have a little bit of time to stay?" Luna fidgeted looking at her sister and back at you.
  193. >"I'm afraid not Luna, but take heart, Anon WILL be punished later tonight.
  194. >Celestia finishes wrapping her towel around her and wraps an arm around a struggling Luna, dragging the younger sibling away as she protests and reaches out towards you with big tears of longing.
  195. "Just five more minutes sister, please!" Luna pleaded as she was dragged out the door.
  196. >You shake your head and chuckle. Tonight outta be fun.
  198. >You stand in front of your dresser looking over your wardrobe, no need to wear your suit, you'll need to keep that clean and pressed for tonight after all.
  199. >You pull your back up suit out and get dressed. Thankfully Rarity was able to make more suits for you, you classy bastard.
  200. >Making your way to the large dining hall you take a deep breath and smell breakfast.
  201. >The Princess's were both sitting down, Celestia at the head of the table and Luna to her left, with one empty seat reserved for you between the two.
  202. >They smile and welcome you as you take your seat at the table.
  203. >A trio of maids come by bringing an assortment of plates and eating utensils.
  204. >Another set of maids came quickly behind the first and placed an assortment of trays with food in front of you and the Princess's.
  205. >Celestia cleared her throat. "Let's enjoy breakfast so that we can move onto the rehearsal."
  206. >The Princess's began putting food onto their plates and started eating.
  207. >You start off by grabbing two pieces of french toast, four hard boiled eggs, a small bowl of oatmeal along with a glass of milk.
  208. >Breakfast of champions right there anons.
  209. >As you're eating breakfast Celestia and Luna are talking about the ceremony and how excited they are that it's finally time.
  210. >"You're lucky Anon. You have the easiest part." Luna remarks.
  211. >You'd just finished spreading peanut butter on your french toast and drowning them in maple syrup when Luna commented.
  212. "You really think so Luna?" You reply.
  213. >Luna nodded affirmation, mouthful of oatmeal preventing her from talking.
  214. "Well when you think about it, you're both just really walking down the aisle to me, so it can't be all that difficult."
  215. >"Well not exactly Anon." Celestia interrupts in between mouthfuls of buttered toast. "We also have to make two stops in certain spots of the aisle and turn to the crowd in attendance and thank them for coming."
  217. "Oh. Does the crowd know exactly where you have to stop when you do that?"
  218. >"No, not really Anon." Celestia admits.
  219. "Couldn't that be done afterwards as well?"
  220. >"Anon my love, please don't worry so much about our role, just do what you do best, stand there looking beautiful for us."
  221. >Ok, Celestia must be a stickler for ceremony. Making note of that.
  222. >Luna put her hand on your shoulder and looked at Celestia. "He's just curious about why we've had to rehearse several times now sister, be nice. Personally I think we're going overboard with the rehearsals myself."
  223. >"Luna, I want the ceremony to go perfectly, after all, wouldn't you like to watch the video later on down the road and cherish the memories?"
  224. >Luna gently squeezed your shoulder. "It would be nice, but I think I'll be too busy creating new memories with Anon to be too worried about the past."
  225. >Blushing as you continue eating your french toast, a bit of maple syrup starts dribbling down the corner of your lips heading towards your chin.
  226. >You messy bastard.
  227. >Luna leans closer and begins to lightly lick the maple syrup off.
  228. >"L-L-LUNA! You shouldn't be so bold in public!"
  229. >Luna's looks past you at her sister and gives you a final lick before kissing you.
  230. >"I'm done! I'll go finish getting dressed!" She shouts as she runs off to her chambers.
  231. >"Oh that girl! What am I going to do with her?" Celestia fumes.
  232. "You're wrong Princess, Luna isn't a girl anymore, she's a woman, just as you are." You comfort the princess as you take a small spoonful of syrup and bring it to her face.
  233. >"No thank you Anon, I'm trying to cut back on sugary foods."
  234. "It's not for you Celestia." you reply as you let the syrup drip onto her neck.
  235. >Celestia gasps and stiffens up as the thick syrup comes in contact with her skin.
  237. >You put the spoon on an empty plate and return your attention to Celestia.
  238. >"You're a horrible man Anon." She blushed. "Making me do such indecent things in public."
  239. "Don't worry, if it makes you feel better, just tell anyone who walks in on us that you were lulled into a false sense of security."
  240. >"Oh hush you, clean me up now."
  241. "Right away my Princess." You whisper as you bring you lips to her syrupy neck.
  242. >Celestia puts her arm around you and places her hand on the back of your head as you begin to lick and gently suck at her neck.
  243. >"Oh Anon......why do you do this? You know we don't have time to fool around right now. I should really be getting dre-HA!"
  244. "Feel free to stop me at anytime Celestia, I won't keep you her if you don't want to."
  245. >"Bu-but what if someone comes and sees us like this?" She stutters.
  246. "You could simply tell the guards that the room is off limits?" You offer as your continue your caresses.
  247. >"Yes sister, you could just tell the guards the room is off limits. If you'd like I could go do that for you." Luna offers.
  248. >"No Luna that won't be neces........"
  249. >You give her a final lick and kiss before pulling away.
  250. >You bring your hand to you mouth to hide your grin but can't help but laugh at how red Celestia's face has gotten.
  251. >"Is this why you were in such a rush to get me out of the room to be alone with Anon? We shall be keeping our eyes on you dear sister." Luna cautioned as she stood behind her older sister in her dress.
  253. >"L-luna, don't you know it's bad luck to let the groom see you before the wedding?!"
  254. >"It's not like we haven't spent all morning with him so far sister, what harm would it do for him to see me in my dress?"
  255. >You nod appreciatively at Luna's remark and look her up and down.
  256. >The dress is just amazing. The small choker around her neck with the moon emblem was a very nice touch.
  257. >The poofy shoulders were a bit off-putting, but far be it for you to say otherwise.
  258. >Her ribbons added a sense of innocence and youthfulness, while the long gloves added a touch of modesty to the ensemble.
  259. >Modesty, you can only imagine at what kind of lingerie she's sporting under the dress.
  260. You decide to compliment her. "You look absolutely stunning Luna."
  261. >Luna blushes and thanks you.
  262. >Turning to Celestia, she urges her sister to hurry and get dressed so they could get on with the final rehearsal.
  263. >Celestia stands up still bright red. "You'll excuse me Anon, I should get going and get ready."
  264. "Of course Princess."
  265. >You turn towards Luna and shrug.
  266. >"You shouldn't tease sister so much Anon, she might end up having a heart attack or nervous breakdown." Luna scolded.
  267. >You finish with the napkin and stand up and walk towards Luna when a shot of pain hits you in the chest and you fall to your knees.
  268. >"Anon! Are you ok?! Guards! Guards, get the royal doctor at once!" Luna shouted in a panic.
  269. >You cough a couple of times and wince at the pain.
  270. "I think I'll be fine Luna, probably just from the incident in the bath earlier." You struggle to stand but finally manage.
  271. >"Are you sure Anon? I would be more at ease if you'd at least let the doctor look you over."
  272. >Looking at Luna's eyes and noticing them watering up you concede and agree to see the doctor.
  273. >The royal doctor arrived and started asking questions. Questions that made Luna blush and look away nervously.
  274. >Particularly the question of when you'd started having these chest pains.
  276. >Not that you went into detail about the morning bath, but even so hearing it being mentioned must have brought back the memory of what you two had been doing in there.
  277. >"I'll go tell Celestia." Luna started walking away as the doctor instructed you to sit.
  278. "Luna wait, it's probably not a good idea. She's already anxious about the wedding, should we really be adding to that? I'm sure the doctor will tell us it's nothing after all. Right Doc'?"
  279. >"Hmmmmm.....Anon have you been having trouble breathing, or sudden coughing fits, or extreme fatigue as of this.....bath?" The doctor questioned.
  280. "No Doctor, just a bit of chest pain here and there."
  281. >"I see. Well the only thing that comes to mind is that you may possibly be at risk of dry drowning. Chest pains are one of the symptoms of dry drowning. The doctor looks at Luna but continues to address you. "Anon, I'm going to have to ask you to take it easy for the next 24 hours. No...........strenuous activities of any kind you understand."
  282. >Luna looks away blushing.
  283. >The doctor looks back to you and goes on. "If you pass out or start having trouble breathing you'll need to come by my office in the medical wing of the castle so we can fix you up, but for now as long as you avoid overexerting yourself, I think you'll be just fine."
  284. >"By your leave Princess." The doctor bowed before turning around and heading off.
  285. >Luna called out. "Thank very much doctor!"
  286. >"Well, I'm off to get my sister Anon, Promise me you won't go off getting yourself hurt in the meantime?"
  287. "I think I'll take a stroll through the garden and then head over to watch you practice your walk." You joked.
  288. >"I'm looking forward to seeing you there, and I'll also have some guards follow you discreetly to keep an eye on you in case your health takes a turn for the worse my dear."
  289. >You hug Luna and sigh before giving her a kiss. "Thank you my love."
  291. >You take a deep breath as you walk through the castle gardens. It always helped you relax and even when you first became officially acquainted with the Royal sisters, you sort of just gravitated to it. Something about it just made you feel more alive, perhaps it was because the garden was so full of beauty or life of it's own, flowers and plants of all shapes and colors, but the real beauty was kept off limits today. It was there in front of the magnificent water fountain that you'd worked up the courage to ask Celestia for a date.
  292. >The memory of Luna coming falling out from the nearby bushes made you smile. She'd been crying because she'd grown fond of you as well. You felt bad for her, but had decided that you were more attracted to Celestia, Luna was more a friend than anything. That was until you were told that having more than one wife was acceptable here in Equestria, so long as the partners involved in the relationship agreed to it.
  293. >Standing there stunned you stuttered something about being willing to give it a shot. Luna's spirits quickly returned and she embraced you.
  294. >It didn't take long for her vigorous personality to grow on you, and by the time you'd grown inseparable, you'd decided to ask for both of their hands in marriage.
  295. >You longed to visit the fountain if only to make the memory more vivid.
  296. >"How are you doing Prince Anonymous?"
  297. >The sudden voice behind you startled you and you jumped a foot or two into the air.
  298. >The Royal Guard chuckled and apologized for frightening you.
  299. "Oh no worries. Other than that little excitement there, I'm fine. Just remembering a happy memory and spacing out." You reply.
  300. >"Very well Prince Anonymous, we'll return to the shadows and let you enjoy yourself. By your leave my liege." The guard bowed as he left.
  301. >You'd nearly forgotten that Luna had the guards following you to make sure you didn't suffer another wave of pain or worse.
  302. >Time to go see how they are doing.
  304. >You take a last look and decide to pick one of the blue and red roses before departing.
  305. >The guards keeping the area off limits take a look at you and shift uncomfortably.
  306. >"Prince Anonymous, this area is off limits by order of the Princess."
  307. "Oh, that's alright, could I possibly just give them these roses?" You asked.
  308. >"Uh.....well.....we're tasked with keeping you specifically out of the area. The Princess's have a surprise for you and don't want it to be spoiled." He replies.
  309. >The guard nods to another guard and tells him to ask the Princess if they would be willing to accept the interruption.
  310. >You knew already without a doubt that at the very least Luna would rush out to see what was happening, seeing as she knew about the chest pains incident.
  311. >Right on cue, Luna came out from behind the curtains. "Anon? Is everything ok?"
  312. >You simply raise the roses and wave them to her.
  313. >"Oh Anon, they're beautiful! Thank you so much!" Luna gushed.
  314. >"Anon what is so important that you couldn't wait?" Celestia spoke from behind the curtain.
  315. >Luna answered for you. "Anon has a gift dear sister, you shouldn't be so rude."
  316. >You stood speechless as Celestia walked out from behind the curtain.
  317. >A long flowing dress with a golden trim along the bottom. The little golden belt that was larger than her waist so that it dangled in front had been adorned with an oversized sun emblem. Like Luna she choose to wear a choker, but unlike the younger siblings small accessory, this was was just as larger as well. She also chose a strange but enticing sleeve design. It was as if the dress originally came with sleeves that became larger by the hands and smaller as they reached the shoulders, but she'd decided to cut the shoulder section and show off more of her self.
  318. >You smile as you regain your senses and bring the red rose up to her view.
  320. >Celestia smiles and takes the rose from you, smelling the fragrant plant.
  321. >Her cheeks gained some rosiness from the act of love you displayed.
  322. >"We'll wear this tonight Anon, would that be alright?" She questions.
  323. >You nod and excuse yourself.
  324. >So much for seeing the fountain right now.
  325. >Later in the day you find yourself in the dining room talking to the chef asking for a simple lunch.
  326. >"So that will be some grilled trout, steamed brown rice, some green beans, and a bowl of diced fruits? Coming right up Prince Anonymous." The chef bowed leaving to the kitchen.
  327. >You hear orders being shouted and wait for your meal to be prepared.
  328. >"Now that that's over lets get something to eat sister, I'm famished!" Luna shouted back at Celestia.
  329. >"Yes I could use something sweet to calm my nerves as well."
  330. >You stand to make your presence known.
  331. "Oh? I thought you were trying to cut back on the sweets Celestia?"
  332. >"Anon! So glad you're here!" Luna raced to embrace you.
  333. >You hug and kiss and ask how rehearsal went.
  334. >"Everything went well Anon. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time, my stomach is doing back flips!" Celestia replied.
  335. >"You worry too much sister, everything will be fine." Luna smirked teasingly "What is the worst that can happen? You trip and fall and land bottom up in front of the large amount of attendees?"
  336. >"You're not helping Luna!"
  337. >You pull Luna's seat out before giving Celestia a hug and pulling her seat out as well.
  338. >"Ah, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, here for a snack or meal? What do your hearts desire?"
  339. >Luna and Celestia tell the chef what they wanted to eat and he quickly took off to prepare their meals.
  340. >You stop the man by placing your hand on his shoulder and whisper into his ear.
  341. >He smiles and nods taking off once more.
  343. >"What was that all about Anon?" Celestia questioned with a raised eyebrow.
  344. "Oh nothing Celestia, I just asked the chef if he could add some lemon wedges to my grilled fish, that's all."
  345. >She narrows her eyes at you. She might not have fallen for it hook line and sinker, but she doesn't question it any further.
  346. >After a short discussion regarding the honeymoon plans the food is brought out and as usual the chef puts on a show of delivering the food and eating utensils.
  347. >Never getting used to that, that's for sure.
  348. >"Now for the Pièce de résistance! Behold!"
  349. >A large four tier chocolate cake with an assortment of berries was placed in front of Celestia.
  350. >"Your highness, bon appétit!"
  351. >Luna giggled at Celestia's thousand yard stare.
  352. "That looks delicious Celestia, are you willing to share?" You tease.
  353. >Celestia mumbled under her breath "Why would you do this to me Anon?"
  354. >You smile, enjoying your meal and chuckle as you watch Celestia eat her food without so much as looking away from the cake.
  355. >Luna waits alongside you for Celestia to finish her meal and get a slice of cake.
  356. >"It really does look yummy Anon. The chef has outdone himself." Luna whispered.
  357. >Luna called a maid forward and asked for a pitcher of milk to be brought and turned in time for Celestia to the top layer of cake and place it on an empty plate.
  358. >You and Luna place your plates next to hers and watch with grins, anticipating the reaction from Celestia.
  359. >"T-this is my piece you two! I'm not sharing!" She pouts as she begins devouring the cake.
  360. >Both Luna and yourself start howling with laughter as you cut two pieces of cake and give one to Luna.
  361. >"You're horrible, both you!" Celestia says with tears in her eyes.
  362. >Only serves to make you laugh even harder.
  363. >After everyone finishes their dessert you stand ready to leave and begin getting prepared.
  364. >Walking down the corridor to your respective rooms, Luna excuses herself, leaving Celestia and you alone.
  366. >Arriving at your room you open the door only to be stopped by Celestia as she whispers in your ear.
  367. >"You better help me burn some serious calories tonight Anon."
  368. >You grin and nod like an idiot before heading into the room.
  369. >You take an uneventful but still enjoyable shower and after drying off you get dressed.
  370. >Brushing your teeth and gargling some mouthwash you move over to you dresser.
  371. >Choosing your best suit you decide to ditch the bowtie and go with the tried and true red tie.
  372. >You leave the jacket off for the moment and return to the bathroom to fix your hair.
  373. >Applying some hair gel to your hands you run them through your hair leaving it with a combed back appearance.
  374. >Putting on the jacket and finishing the ensemble you give yourself a once over in the large mirror.
  375. "Looking good Anon, looking real good." You say aloud to no one in particular.
  376. >"Oh I'll say." A voice from behind surprises you.
  377. >Looking to the door you see Celestia and Luna smiling and giving you appraising looks.
  378. >"Are you ready Anon?" Celestia beckons.
  379. >You nod and walk out of the room and head into the gardens.
  380. >Celestia stops you short of entering and kisses you. "I hope you enjoy the surprise Anon. Luna and I came up with the idea."
  381. >You return the kiss and thank them both.
  382. "I'll be waiting for you two, don't take long alright?"
  383. >They nod and shoo you away, Luna already tearing up and sniffling.
  384. >You wave once and stat walking towards the site where the wedding will take place. With your favorite water fountain as the backdrop.
  385. >Luna's full moon shined brightly in the sky, the many torches set up in the area providing enough illumination to keep guests from tripping on anything in the dark.
  386. >You slowed down to a complete stop. You couldn't believe your eyes. The water fountain had been changed. Their gift, their gift to you. You pulled out the napkin in your pocket and tried drying your tears. It was beautiful, beyond words, perfectly conveying their love for you.
  388. [Embed]
  389. Read following section while listening to this song. :D
  390. >Regaining your composure you wipe away the remaining tears and put away your little napkin/handkerchief.
  391. >With blush and smile on your face you walk down the isle and wave at the guests.
  392. >The band on the side stage is playing a great cover to Fly Me to the Moon. No doubt at Luna's a request.
  393. >You arrive at your position at the bottom of the small steps and look around enjoying the scenery. Pillars of marble stone line the area holding up the structure with no walls or ceiling and the red carpet at your feet has a trim made of flowers in an assortment of colors. Flower petals litter the carpet, but it looks intentional instead of accidental.
  394. >You internally laugh as you think it makes it look like a bad Hawaiian shirt. The arch above you has a wide variety of birds chirping and flying here and there before returning to roost. Fluttershy sure does have a talent with animals you muse.
  395. >You turn your attention to the crowd and see her with her friends, and wave at them.
  396. >"Getting cold feet there buddy?" A male voice emanates from behind you.
  397. >Why is everyone sneaking up on me?
  398. >You turn and come face to face with Shining Armor, your best man.
  399. "Not at all Shining. Well, just a bit nervous. This is a much bigger crowd than what I thought it would be."
  400. >"Of course it would be a large crowd Anon, the Princess's are getting married and Equestria will finally have not only one, but two Queens AND a King!" That's a pretty big deal you know?"
  401. "Heh, King. I don't now if I'll get used to being called that. I really don't care for the whole thing to be honest with you Shining."
  402. >"What do you mean Anon?" replied a concerned Shining Armor.
  403. "What I mean is even if Celestia and Luna weren't royalty, if nothing else changed, I'd still go through with this. I've no aspirations of ruling a kingdom or being in power. It's just something that I'll have to be part of I guess.
  405. >"And that's why I've no issue with you being with the Princess's Anon."
  406. >You smirk and shake Shining's hand.
  407. "You wouldn't have said anything either way though would you?"
  408. >Male lead singer switches places with female singer and the band starts back up.
  409. [Embed] [Embed]
  410. >"No Anon, I wouldn't have. Celestia and Luna have never been happier. I would have kept an eye on you though, but I'm glad I won't have to."
  411. "Thanks Shining. Thanks for being my best man." You say with tears forming in your eyes again.
  412. >"No worries Anon, but how about you stop the waterworks, it's embarrassing." He chuckles.
  413. >You choke up.
  414. "I can't help it Shining. I'm finally marrying the women I love more than life itself.
  415. >Shining pats you on the back
  416. The song isn't helping your situation and you bring your tear rag out and dry your eyes.
  417. >"It's starting Anon, put on your best smile now." Shining whispered as he stepped back just a bit allowing you to stand in front.
  418. >Stupid Shining, you were already smiling ear to ear, your heart working overtime as you fought back even more tears.
  419. >Cadence came down the aisle first, in a big pink dress, holding a basket with more flower petals.
  420. >Shoulders shaking slightly from laughter you watch as she makes her way towards you dropping more petals on the ground as the music kept going albeit more quietly.
  421. >"You look absolutely great Anon, that tie suits you!" Cadence beamed as she fought back tears of her own. "I can't believe it's finally happening!"
  422. >"Honey don't make it any worse than it already is, can't you see Anon's trying not to cry too?" Shining whispered.
  423. >"I just can't help it dear."
  424. >You thank Cadence and quickly wipe your tears again.
  425. >The entire crowd stands as one and turns to look as Celestia and Luna enter the "room".
  427. >Celestia stands on the left side and Luna to her right. They take quick glances at the audience then to you.
  428. >You notice they're carrying a bouquet of roses. Celestia has red roses in her left hand and Luna chose blue roses in her right hand. They hold each others free hands as they begin their slow walk towards you.
  429. >They make their first stop of many. Letting go of each others hands they turn towards the audience on their respective side of the aisle and curtsy, thanking them for sharing this special moment with them.
  430. >Turning back towards you they rejoin hands and continue the walk.
  431. >You watch as they repeat the gesture four more times before finally arriving before you at the steps.
  432. >Celestia and Luna both smile at you and wipe small tears away.
  433. >You finally noticed it. The roses you'd given them earlier. They'd placed them in their hair.
  434. >"Are you ready Anonymous?" Celestia asked.
  435. >"I can't wait Anonymous." Luna added.
  436. >You reach out both hands to them and the take them.
  437. "Yes my Highnesses. I'm ready to begin the rest of our lives together."
  438. >Celestia and Luna take a step to your sides, putting you in between them both.
  439. >You turn around and offer your arms so that they may hook their arms through yours.
  440. >The three of you take your first steps towards the altar.
  441. >Four more steps and you've finally made it.
  442. >The Princess's both take their roses from their hair and put them in your jackets front pocket.
  443. >With a smile the old priest began the wedding. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and Prince Anonymous in holy matrimony.
  444. >The wedding vows were exchanged. Both Celestia and Luna vowed to be there with you during the good times and the bad times now and forever.
  445. >You made a fool of yourself by saying pretty much the same thing, but the smiles on their faces quickly made the embarrassment fade.
  446. >"Anonymous, the rings child."
  448. >You look at the old man in panic, the rings!
  449. >"Don't worry Anon, I've got you covered." Shining whispers as he hands you the two rings.
  450. >He takes your hand with his hand holding the rings into a handshake and congratulates you again.
  451. >You turn to Celestia and Luna.
  452. "I Anonymous give you Celestia and you Luna this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."
  453. They bring their hands up to you and place them one above the other, Luna's hand over Celestia's, allowing you to put the both rings on their respective fingers simultaneously.
  454. >The old priest looks at Celestia and Luna "Your Highnessess, your rings."
  455. >Cadence walks over and gives Celestia a ring.
  456. >Celestia turns to you and Luna takes you hand.
  457. >The siblings being simultaneously:
  458. >"I Celestia give you Anonymous this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."
  459. >"I Luna give you Anonymous this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."
  460. >Their voices crack and they both push the ring onto you finger.
  461. >You get a better look at the ring yourself and notice both the Sun and Moon emblem have been engraved on the outside surface of the ring they've given you.
  462. >You're moved to tears yet again, but put on a strong front and fight back crying as your smile grows wider.
  463. >"By the power vested in me by the State of Equestria, I now pronounce you wives and husband. You may now kiss the brides".
  464. >You look to your wives and freeze for second. Who do I kiss first?
  465. >Remembering how you'd teased her all day long, you decide to give Celestia a break and bring your face to her and kiss her passionately.
  466. >A tugging on your arm pulls you back as Luna grew impatient with you and she steals you away from Celestia to kiss you herself.
  467. >The sight gave the audience reason to laugh softly.
  468. >"I present to your Highnessess, Queen Celestia and Queen Luna, and their Husband, King Anonymous!"
  470. >The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as you Celestia and Luna took your hands and began the walk down the isle.
  471. >The reception had come and gone, the palace throne room had been packed full of guests congratulating you and the Queens.
  472. >Shining had gotten drunk and tried to take you down with him, but you watched your liquor intake. Good thing too, last you'd seen before Cadence had to take him home he was wearing a maids uniform.
  473. >Celestia had talked with Twilight Sparkle and her friends and asked that they watch over the kingdom while the three of you were absent for the honeymoon. It took some reassuring that the sisters would continue raising and lowering the Sun and Moon respectively.
  474. >It had been an exhausting night and it was finally over. Or so you'd thought.
  475. >An argument had broken out over whose bed you would sleep in tonight and both Princess were tugging on your arms, protesting that the others room would be unsuitable.
  476. >You sighed and reasoned with them.
  477. "We had this talk before don't you remember? It's entirely the reason that there was an addition made to the castle in the first place."
  478. >Celestia and Luna both stopped tugging on your arms and replied with simple "Oh yeah."
  479. "You both forgot didn't you?" You taunt.
  480. >They blush and nod their heads in unison.
  481. >God, that's cute.
  482. >You wanted to laugh but found yourself being dragged by two anxious women down the long hallways to the new room with it's enormously oversized cushiony bed.
  483. >Upon arriving your Queens delicately disrobed, wanting to keep the dresses in one piece, the memories still fresh.
  484. >Standing in front of you in red lingerie, they took a last look at one another and pounced.
  485. >Once they'd finished however they dropped all the tenderness they'd shown to their dresses and ripped you out of your suit, save for you red tie.
  486. >Your protests went unheard, but at least they spared the tie.
  487. >As they peppered your abs with kisses and worked their way up your body you started squirming.
  489. "H-hey, that tickles!"
  490. >They finally come face to face and look to one another, Celestia tilting her head towards you.
  491. >And Luna brought your face towards hers and locked lips with you. Her tongue quickly attacked and you allowed her in your mouth.
  492. >You let her take charge and pulled her closer to you and her tongue entwined with yours.
  493. >Feeling Celestia's hand rubbing along your body was getting you pretty excited.
  494. >Luna pulled away from the kiss and smiled as a thing strand of saliva connected your lips.
  495. >Celestia pulled herself closer to Luna and licked her sisters lips and followed the saliva back to yours, wanting a taste of you after being teased all day.
  496. >You pull Celestia closer to you as well and let you hand wander down to her sizeable butt. She forces her tongue into your mouth and tries to wrap it around yours.
  497. >Gently squeezing her squishy rear, you let your other hand wander down and grab a hold of Luna's firm tush and give it a hard squeeze.
  498. >Luna yelps at the sudden roughness and runs her hand across your body as she plants kisses on your chest.
  499. >When they both reach for the waistband of your boxers you break the kiss with Celestia.
  500. "W-wait! I-I can't....not tonight..." You meekly announce.
  501. >"Anonymous, you've been teasing me all day long and now you'll make up for it." Celestia replied sternly.
  502. >"No sister, he's right." Luna retorts.
  503. >You sigh and begin explaining the situation the her.
  504. "So you see, I can't do anything strenuous for another four hours."
  505. >Celestia mutters in disbelief. "B-b-but what about a night of passion and carnal pleasures?"
  506. "I'm sorry my Queen, as much as it kills me it's going to have to wait."
  507. >Luna returns to bed after turning off the lights and snuggles up perched on top of you, like a cat and kisses you goodnight.
  508. >Celestia quietly kisses you goodnight and silently sobs.
  509. >"Hey sis?" Luna whispers.
  510. >Celestia wearily replies. "Yes Luna?"
  512. >The last thing you'd heard before passing out into dreamworld was Luna's teasing voice.
  513. >"It looks like you have no one else to blame for your dry spell but yourself!"
  515. [Embed]
  516. >Be Femanon, Anonymous' mother. The heart monitors steady beeping turned into a flat tone. He was gone.
  517. >The man and woman in the room with you gave you a moment to grieve.
  518. >"Femanon, I know this is a horrible time to do this, but it's company policy, a policy that I've argued against several times, as I believe it's unprofessional as all hell." The man said to you as he pulled a piece of paper.
  519. >"Our business card. If you know of any friends or family that would be interested in our services, we ask that you talk to them and alleviate any fears they may have of the process. You understand that our company doesn't make enough money to have big advertisements so we rely more on word of mouth."
  520. >You reach slowly reach for the card, tears freely falling from your face.
  521. >"Thank you Femanon, I'll begin collecting our equipment so you can mourn in private."
  522. >The woman in the lab coat slapped the younger man on the back of the head.
  523. >You looked at your son, a smile on his face as he passed and then to the card.
  524. >Sigmund Corporation, "We make your one wish come true."
  525. Team 003 Dr. Neil Watts and Dr. Eva Rosalene
  526. >"I'm truly sorry for your loss Femanon." Dr Watts put his hand on your shoulder offering his condolences before walking out with the equipment.
  527. >Dr. Rosalene put her hand on your back and added a small comfort. "I guarantee that his last moments were the best he's ever had Femanon. He passed away peacefully."
  528. "Can you promise me that?" You ask, not caring that your voice broke between sobs.
  529. >Dr. Rosalene pulled you into a hug. "Yes Femanon, I promise you he was happy in the end."
  530. >You thanked her and sat down in the chair next to the bed and lay your head on your sons chest and cried freely.
  531. >"I'm truly sorry for your loss Femanon." Dr. Rosalene whispered as she shut the door behind her.
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