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Mar 4th, 2021
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  1. ERROR: Message 'at' not understood.
  3. nil
  4. ARGS:
  5. Symbol 'mainTrig'
  6. PATH: /media/mickey/Transcend/Supercollider files/nupg-lfs/startup-interactive.scd
  9. Meta_MethodError:new 0x55cb33283440
  10. arg this = DoesNotUnderstandError
  11. arg what = nil
  12. arg receiver = nil
  13. Meta_DoesNotUnderstandError:new 0x55cb33285400
  14. arg this = DoesNotUnderstandError
  15. arg receiver = nil
  16. arg selector = at
  17. arg args = [ mainTrig ]
  18. Object:doesNotUnderstand 0x55cb328a4c40
  19. arg this = nil
  20. arg selector = at
  21. arg args = nil
  22. Meta_Conductor:findSpec 0x55cb343ed900
  23. arg this = Conductor
  24. arg name = mainTrig
  25. var spec = nil
  26. Meta_Conductor:makeCV 0x55cb343ed480
  27. arg this = Conductor
  28. arg name = mainTrig
  29. arg value = nil
  30. a FunctionDef 0x55cb343ee8c0
  31. sourceCode = "<an open Function>"
  32. arg i = 4
  33. Integer:forBy 0x55cb34170f00
  34. arg this = 1
  35. arg endval = 88
  36. arg stepval = 1
  37. arg function = a Function
  38. var i = 4
  39. var j = 3
  40. Conductor:makeArgs 0x55cb343ee380
  41. arg this = Conductor[ (con_freq -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]), (preset -> class NullPreset), (con_env -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]), (player -> a ConductorPlayer), (con_pul -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]) ]
  42. arg func = a Function
  43. var argList = [ Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ], Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ], Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ] ]
  44. var size = 89
  45. var names = SymbolArray[ conductor, con_pul, con_env, con_freq, mainTrig, mainGrain, mainEnv, mainPan, mainAmp, mainMod, mainRatio, mainFlux, data_0, data_1, data_2, data_3, data_4, speed, min_0, max_0, min_1, max_1, min_2, max_2, min_3, max_3, min_4, max_4, mx_00, mx_01, mx_02, mx_03, mx_10, mx_11, mx_12, mx_13, mx_20, mx_21, mx_22, mx_23, mx_30, mx_31, mx_32, mx_33, mx_40, mx_41, mx_42, mx_43, mx_50, mx_51, mx_52, mx_53, mx_60, mx_61, mx_62, mx_63, freq_0, freq_1, freq_2, freq_3, index_0, index_1, index_2, index_3, l...etc...
  46. var argNames = [ con_pul, con_env, con_freq, mainTrig ]
  47. var theClassName = nil
  48. var name = mainTrig
  49. var obj = Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]
  50. Conductor:make 0x55cb343ecbc0
  51. arg this = Conductor[ (con_freq -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]), (preset -> class NullPreset), (con_env -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]), (player -> a ConductorPlayer), (con_pul -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]) ]
  52. arg func = a Function
  53. var obj = nil
  54. var args = nil
  55. var names = nil
  56. a FunctionDef 0x55cb3416fc00
  57. sourceCode = "<an open Function>"
  58. arg i = 0
  59. Integer:do 0x55cb3416f000
  60. arg this = 3
  61. arg function = a Function
  62. var i = 0
  63. Integer:collectAs 0x55cb3416f840
  64. arg this = 3
  65. arg function = a Function
  66. arg class = Array
  67. var res = [ ]
  68. a FunctionDef 0x55cb348e90c0
  69. sourceCode = "<an open Function>"
  70. arg con = Conductor[ (preset -> a CVPreset), (settings -> a ConductorSettingsGUI), (con_1 -> Conductor[ (con_freq -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]), (preset -> class NullPreset), (con_env -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]), (player -> a ConductorPlayer), (con_pul -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]) ]), (con_2 -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]), (player...etc...
  71. arg con_1 = Conductor[ (con_freq -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]), (preset -> class NullPreset), (con_env -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]), (player -> a ConductorPlayer), (con_pul -> Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]) ]
  72. arg con_2 = Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]
  73. arg con_3 = Conductor[ (preset -> class NullPreset), (player -> a ConductorPlayer) ]
  74. var st = 3
  75. Function:prTry 0x55cb33549c40
  76. arg this = a Function
  77. var result = nil
  78. var thread = a Thread
  79. var next = nil
  80. var wasInProtectedFunc = false
  83. DoesNotUnderstandError:reportError
  84. arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
  85. Nil:handleError
  86. arg this = nil
  87. arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
  88. Thread:handleError
  89. arg this = <instance of Thread>
  90. arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
  91. Object:throw
  92. arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
  93. Function:protect
  94. arg this = <instance of Function>
  95. arg handler = <instance of Function>
  96. var result = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
  97. Environment:make
  98. arg this = <instance of Conductor>
  99. arg function = <instance of Function>
  100. var result = nil
  101. var saveEnvir = <instance of Environment>
  102. Conductor:make
  103. arg this = <instance of Conductor>
  104. arg func = <instance of Function>
  105. var obj = nil
  106. var args = [*3]
  107. var names = [*3]
  108. NuPG_Conductor:conductorInit
  109. arg this = <instance of NuPG_Conductor>
  110. < closed FunctionDef > (no arguments or variables)
  111. Interpreter:interpretPrintCmdLine
  112. arg this = <instance of Interpreter>
  113. var res = nil
  114. var func = <instance of Function>
  115. var code = "(
  116. // ~nupgpath = [ Platform...."
  117. var doc = nil
  118. var ideClass = <instance of Meta_ScIDE>
  119. Process:interpretPrintCmdLine
  120. arg this = <instance of Main>
  121. ^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR: Message 'at' not understood.
  122. RECEIVER: nil
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