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Aug 17th, 2019
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  1. ---------------jinx carry
  2. 6 brawler 2 gunslinger
  3. 6 noble 2 gunslinger + vi(flexslot)
  5. play eco level fast (level 2/6, 6/10, 10/18, 10/30, ~10-20/46)
  6. spatula>everything
  7. ruaans x2 +1 onhit item (redbuff is best) on jinx
  8. level 4 2 slinger 2 brawler, lvl 5 2 slinger 3 brawler, lvl 6 4 brawler 2 slinger, lvl 7 6 brawler 1 slinger lvl 8 6 brawler 2 slinger
  9. make sure to build items early
  10. do not pick cloak if you dont have spatula, its easy to get clockes and having a cloak in the bank being useless sucks, prefer to finish off other items like the on-hit item or items for other characters
  11. like shiv, redbuff, maybe even shrinkblade, stuff like soujins on kayle or ludens on lucian, morellos on vi or cho
  12. jinx doesnt need to be perfect 2x ruaans + on-hit, if she ends up having like shrinkblade shiv rageblade or something it should still be a good finish
  13. scout what others go for, scout when ppl die who play units you need, dont try to play around other ppl too much though and get bullied out of your strat, if you do have options its nice to scout and adapt/decide but if you're already in something and pretty comitted just stay that
  14. secound carry vi in brawlers or kayle in nobles, additional onhit items on the other slinger is nice
  15. middle positoning so carry is protected from blitz
  16. play another slinger in jinx place early on (trist,lucian, graves sucks hes only to enable 2x slingers if you dont find anything else)
  19. ---------draven carry
  20. imperial blademasters
  21. all 4 imperials + 2 additional blademasters(atrox yasou pref) and sej (cho can stand in) , stacked draven with peferablyt 2x ruaans but other items are decent too like rfc rageblade bloodthirster or guardian angel (no shiv/onhits on him though, only if you have 2x ruuans 3rd item can be onhit)
  22. secound carry swain
  24. protect draven
  25. 2 imperials (swain pref but others work as standin) 2 additional blademasters(atrox+yasou pref) braum, leona, sej(chrostandin) kayle(cho/sej standin)
  26. same items
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