
Next tomorrow

Feb 5th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad sat in one of the booths at the cafe, his laptop open in front of him with a notebook open beside it. He'd scribbled a few paneled sketches into the books to outline some storyboards for the upcoming video shoot. Glancing at his laptop screen, he moved his hands over to the keyboard to type in a few notes, comparing them to his storyboards.-
  2. Covet: Kelsey was sitting with Brad in the booth, Connor as well. They were eating while Bradley was working. Connor was going on and on about show and tell tomorrow and Kelsey was doing her best to stay clued in. She had a headache all weekend with a lot on her mind. "Hey kiddo you need to take a few more bites of your mashed potatoes." // "Momma I will, I just wanna tell you about this other part." Connor argued until he saw the look she gave him and he took a bite, with the most offended look a 4 year old could give.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Brad's hands slowed over his keyboard, his eyes drifting to look at Connor and make sure he was eating his mashed potatoes like Kelsey had requested. Once he took his bite, he gestured his hand in a sort of circle to indicate to Connor he could continue. "Now you can tell us."-
  4. Covet: Kelsey rubbed her head a little running her hand down her face, giving Brad a look of gratitude. "Tell us a little bit, and then take another bite." // "Okay, okay." Connor said then started in. "Last show and tell, this one kid, Kevin. He brought his pet snake to show us. Tomorrow, no not tomorrow, Next tomorrow, it will be my turn. I wanna bring something cool"
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Brad tapped his finger against his chin as he thought about something cool that Connor could bring, genuinely wanting to help him top this little asshole Kevin and his fucking pet snake. "I think I have an idea. And I'll tell you my idea if you finish your mashed potatoes."-
  6. Covet: Kelsey looked at her kid, "Oh really? Well we're definitely not getting a snake. I'm not a big fan of them." // Connor shook his head, "No I don't want a snake, I don't want to copy Kevin, it has to be cooler than a snake" He said then looked at Brad then his mashed potatoes, "Two bites? And you can tell me?" He tried to negotiate with him.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Brad pursed his lips as he considered the counter offer. "I'll tell you what. If you take two bites, I'll tell you my idea, but if you want to use it, you have to finish them. How does that sound?" He asked Connor before shooting Kelsey a quick grin. He felt so fucking sly.-
  8. Covet: Kelsey smiled, impressed with his tactics and bartering skills with him. "So, tell us you cooler than a snake idea?" She said after Connor had taken his two bites. // Swallowing the big mouthful, having shoved both bites in one right after the other. Then nodded his head, "Yeah, I did it, you have to say it."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Well......" He trailed off, rubbing his hands together like it was fucking juicy or something. "I still have the original clapper from Momma's Wildest Dreams music video. What if you took that to show and tell to show the whole class something they see on tv all the time?"-
  10. Covet: Kelsey smiled at Brad, because that was sweet. She looked at Connor to see his response. //"Dad, we're almost kindergartners. The things we see on TV are cartoon characters. If Momma was a cartoon character, they'd be excited, but we don't really care about grown ups on TV. " Connor spoke with such unintentionally cruel words directed at them both.
  11. Covet: *To hear
  12. Alexithymiaa: -He raised his brows as he stared at Connor, slowly looking to Kelsey with a shrug. "I thought it was pretty cool..." He mumbled with a little offense, slumping backward in his seat. "I guess you're on your own to come up with something then, Kiddo."-
  13. Covet: Kelsey was both shocked and hurt at the same time, "I thought it was sweet, but kiddo you wound me." She said with a laugh. // Connor looked at them, "It is cool, for us. What is wound?" He asked then shook his head thinking. "My car is pretty cool, and it does things a snake can't. Dad!" Connor perked up, "Can I bring my car, and your car?That would be reall really cool."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Wound is like hurt." He spoke to him, picking up his pen from on top of his notebook to tap the end of it against the page. "You absolutely cannot bring my car with you to show and tell. As far as your car...." Brad trailed off, looking over to Kelsey because that was up to her.-
  15. Covet: Kelsey looked at Brad then gave a soft smile, "Why not take him to school that day, and show off your car and he show's off his?" // Connor nodded then pleaded with him, "Pleeeeeaaaase Dad, then I'd have three cool things which is better than Kevin's one stupid snake."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "I'll have to think about that..." He trailed off before furrowing his brows, looking down at Connor. "What makes three? If you bring my car and your car, which is the third?"-
  17. Covet: Kelsey tilted her head to the side as she looked at Brad, suddenly not wounded be cause her kid was such a sweetheart, even if he wanted nothing to do with his mom these days.That only hurts a little, but.. he's a boy. // "Duh Dad, You?" Connor told him like he was dumb for not nowing that answer.
  18. Alexithymiaa: (He is dumb, Connor. He IS.)
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Oh." Brad started to grin, lifting his hand to sheepishly adjust the beanie on his head. "Well, I'm sure I'll be able to take you to school on Tuesday. But I can't stay very long, okay Little Man?" He asked him even though he was still kind of beaming about being the show and tell coolness.-
  20. Covet: Kelsey laughed softly at both of them, entertained at Brad's response in particular. // "No not Tuesday, Monday but not tomorrow, the next tomorrow." He said as if that clarified anything, "Why can't you stay long?" Connor gave a slight pout.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Okay." He said because he kind of jus wrote Connor's strange days of the week off. "I can't stay long because I have to get to class. It's important for me to go to school too." He said even though he didnt really agree because he hates school, but set a good example for Connor. "You wouldn't want me to be late to school, would you?"-
  22. Covet: "I think he means next monday." Kels clarified for Brad, "It's a weekly thing they do. He's got to be there no later than nine am. Do you even have any classes that start that early?" She asked him with a smirk // "C'mon Dad, you are going to class, just my class instead." Connor told him.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Ohhhh." He said as he understood Kelsey's explanation of show and tell days, starting to nod. "I'll get him there by nine, but I have to be back by ten so I can only stay about a half hour or whatever." He said before looking to Connor. "I have to go to my class, Little Man."-
  24. kekesoroyal has joined the chat
  25. kekesoroyal has left the chat
  26. Covet: "Okay, I'll be there to help get him up and going in the morning so it's not like you'll have to worry about any of that." Kelsey told him. "Thank you for entertaining his fantasies of being cool" She said with a laugh. // "An hour? That's a pretty long time that will be plenty cool enough." Connor said with a nod as he went about finishing the last few bites of his potatoes without needing to be told.
  27. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Half hour, kid. Thirty minutes is what you have with me so we need to make show and tell kind of quick." He glanced at Kelsey again, fiddling with his pen. "Yeah, I figured that much. And I guess we should probably move the carseat into my car tonight so that it doesn't take any extra time tomorrow."-
  28. Covet: "Why?" Kelsey asked him turning her head, "He said his wasn't tomorrow, he goes next week. Unless you want to take him tomorrow? I'd be okay with that, It'd let me stop by the library before class." // Connor sighed, "Fine thirty minutes, we only get twenty anyways." He said then pushed his plate away from him.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I figured if I take him tomorrow I'll be able to get into the swing of it and figure out how long it's going to take me to get back to campus from the school and if I'll have time to stop back at Talon on my way." He told her before looking to Connor. "What do you want me to do for show and tell?"-
  30. Covet: "Sounds perfect to me. And smart on your part." She told him with a proud smile, then looked at Connor. // "Just be your cool self Dad. You can talk about the car too if you want. Or the other cool things you do." He said, now it was sounding more and more like Connor just wanted Brad to be his show and tell, the cars were just a bonus.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Hey I can talk about the car and work. How does that sound?" He asked him with a grin, shoving his pen into his backpack and closing his laptop to slide that into his bag as well since he wasnt going to continue working from here on anyway.-
  32. Covet: "I think I might be getting traded in and I don't know how to feel about this. I'll get the carseat moved over once we get back" Kelsey said with a laugh. "You ready to get back to My room so we can go to sleep?" // "Yeah I suppose so. Maybe I'll wake up and it will be next week already and my turn for show and tell." He said clearly day dreaming.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Time doesnt really work like that, kid." Brad said with a laugh before looking at Kelsey. "It could be much worse. You could be traded in for someone not nearly as cool as me." He spoke with a smirk, sliding his notebook into his bag and zipping it up before sliding out of the booth, offering Kelsey his hand. "Everyone tired?"-
  34. Covet: "Well when you put it like that, how could I not think I'm lucky for that?" She asked shaking her head at him. "I'm getting there, it won't take me much to fall asleep." // Connor nodded, "Yeah I have to be up really early to go to school tomorrow." He said exagerating, kid you go to pre-k...just wait until college.
  35. Alexithymiaa: (I miss coloring as an assignment.)
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Swinging his bag onto his back, he started to laugh. "Well then I guess it's time to get everyone into bed then isn't it?" He asked, holding his hands out for Connor to help him get down from the booth since tiny child.-
  37. Covet: [Me too.. me too..]
  38. Covet: "Mhhm." Kelsey said, "And maybe take some tylenol to ease that process." She mumbled. // Connor stood up on the seat and jumped at Brad, holding onto him, instead of jumping down to the ground.
  39. Alexithymiaa: -Brad let out a soft groan when Connor jumped at him, shifting him up to a more comfortable position before heading toward the door. "I think we can handle that." He spoke as he walked out with Connor, making his way out to Kelsey's car to get Connor all strapped in to head home.-
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