Guest User


a guest
Oct 6th, 2017
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  1. Application.installMode=Store
  3. Using Facebook Unity SDK v7.10.0 with FBAndroidSDK/4.23.0
  4. PermissionsModule.CheckStarted
  5. samsung SM-G930F
  6. [GameCenter_Android]: Init
  7. Move template don't find: ShortAttack
  8. Move template don't find: ShortAttack
  9. Move template don't find: ShortAttack
  10. Move template don't find: ShortAttack
  11. Move template don't find: ShortAttack
  12. Move template don't find: ShortAttack
  13. loadGame - loading tactics
  14. [Store_Android] Init
  15. UnityIAP StandardPurchasingModule Version: 1.13.1
  16. [Store] OnInitialized
  17. Login sequence: initSocial
  18. Login sequence: GameCenterController.SignIn
  19. [GameCenterAndroid]: SignIn
  20. Starting Auth with token client.
  21. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:28 +03:00 DEBUG: Activating PlayGamesPlatform.
  22. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:28 +03:00 DEBUG: PlayGamesPlatform activated: GooglePlayGames.PlayGamesPlatform
  23. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:28 +03:00 DEBUG: Creating platform-specific Play Games client.
  24. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:28 +03:00 DEBUG: Creating Android IPlayGamesClient Client
  25. ---- [0] -- 29
  26. Setup Authenticate Timeout: 15 sec
  27. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Starting Auth Transition. Op: SIGN_IN status: VALID
  28. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Entering internal callback for PlayerManager#InternalFetchSelfCallback
  29. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Populating User
  30. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Found User: [Player: 'AgileSecret45063' (id g03290784886893078173)]
  31. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Maybe finish for User
  32. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Auth not finished. User=[Player: 'AgileSecret45063' (id g03290784886893078173)] achievements=
  33. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Entering internal callback for AchievementManager#InternalFetchAllCallback
  34. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Populating Achievements, status = VALID
  35. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Found 128 Achievements
  36. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Maybe finish for Achievements
  37. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Auth finished. Proceeding.
  38. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:29 +03:00 DEBUG: Invoking Callbacks: System.Action`2[System.Boolean,System.String]
  39. [GameCenter_Android]: CB_Authenticate, authed = True
  40. OnAuthenticate, isAuth = True
  41. OnAuthenticateFinished
  42. Login sequence: ListSF::serverAPIAuthorize
  43. [InternetUtils]: internet.AVAILABLE
  44. [Play Games Plugin DLL] 10/06/17 18:43:31 +03:00 DEBUG: Invoking user callback on game thread
  45. [GameCenter_Android]: CB_LoadAchievements
  46. Login sequence: NetworkController.OnLoadConfig
  47. Login sequence: NetworkController.LoadLogin()
  48. rand=2084035180
  49. action=user
  51. build_version=1.0.1
  52. data_version=
  53. type=and_phone
  54. publisher=and
  55. os=Android OS 7.0 / API-24
  56. paid=1
  57. imei=7f91ca21f76f974bbec858f231776991
  58. token=7f91ca21f76f974bbec858f231776991-UP
  59. uniqueID=and_98862750373735524f-UP
  60. device_id=47a03d33-9795-4879-9039-d884e2d3d487
  61. dev=samsung SM-G930F
  62. corecount=8
  63. ram=3
  64. display_width=1920
  65. display_height=1080
  66. bonus=108
  67. level=10
  68. exp=0
  69. money=2903
  70. high_score=0
  71. location_id=ZONE_2
  72. LoginResponse
  73. Result ok!
  74. {"data":"user","value":{"need_update":false,"timestamp":1507304619,"data":{"date":"2017-10-06 18:43:39.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/Moscow"},"utc_offset":10800,"is_new":0,"spendertypeid":1,"total_payment_sum":0,"payment_count":0,"gives":[],"should_log":0,"should_log_pay":1,"last_login":{"data":"update","value":{"level":"52","money":"42963.00","bonus":"12376","high_score":"0","exp":"280000"}},"session":{"data":"error","value":"No current_time"},"counter_video":10,"login_frequency":3600,"user_id":"263543095","config_url":"http:\/\/\/shadowfight\/data\/config_shadowfight.xml"}}
  75. [InternetUtils]: internet.AVAILABLE
  76. rand=1551084987
  77. action=dump_restore
  78. first_launch=0
  79. user_id=263543095
  81. level=10
  82. build_version=1.0.1
  83. data_version=
  84. type=and_phone
  85. publisher=and
  86. os=Android OS 7.0 / API-24
  87. paid=1
  88. imei=7f91ca21f76f974bbec858f231776991
  89. token=7f91ca21f76f974bbec858f231776991-UP
  90. uniqueID=and_98862750373735524f-UP
  91. device_id=47a03d33-9795-4879-9039-d884e2d3d487
  92. DumpResponse
  93. Result ok!
  94. {"data":"dump_restore","value":{"url":0,"restore":0,"ctime":0}}
  95. rand=1506777071
  96. action=dump_save
  97. md5=F1F7A1CC196F86E3383183060E1550B0
  98. user_id=263543095
  100. level=10
  101. build_version=1.0.1
  102. data_version=
  103. type=and_phone
  104. publisher=and
  105. os=Android OS 7.0 / API-24
  106. paid=1
  107. imei=7f91ca21f76f974bbec858f231776991
  108. token=7f91ca21f76f974bbec858f231776991-UP
  109. uniqueID=and_98862750373735524f-UP
  110. device_id=47a03d33-9795-4879-9039-d884e2d3d487
  111. Login sequence: NetworkController.LoginComplete
  112. ConditionExtension::setValue - empty string
  113. Location:dojo
  114. Loading tactics for next subtypes:
  115. Fists
  116. weaponsSubtypes
  117. Fists
  118. Reading - table Fists/Fists !
  119. Reading - table Fists/Fists !
  120. Reading - table /Fists !
  121. Reading - table /Fists !
  122. Skipping - table /Fists !
  123. Reading - table / !
  124. Reading - table / !
  125. Old tactic:
  126. New tactic:
  127. - Fists
  128. -
  129. Available tables:
  130. outcometablesforattack:
  131. - Fists/Fists
  132. - /Fists
  133. - /
  134. movementsTable:
  135. - Fists/Fists
  136. - /Fists
  137. - /
  138. dodgeTable:
  139. - Fists
  140. -
  141. [Store] RefreshProductsSuccess
  142. DumpResponse
  143. Result ok!
  144. Null
  145. DumpResponse
  146. Result fail!
  147. Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  148. Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  149. ST: at SimpleJSON.JSONNode.Parse (System.String aJSON) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  150. at SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse (System.String aJSON) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  151. at JNJCHGGMJMM.PFHODJCANJN (Boolean GENDHKFLLCH, System.String EELKPBBDCMO, System.Object JOAGGOOGNGI) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  152. at Nekki.SF2.Core.Network.ServerProvider+<SendUnityWebRequest>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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