
Forged Destiny [Book 5: Ch. 1]

Aug 30th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. Inside lay two golden ovals, each connected to a thin gold chain. Blake's eyes widened. She glanced up to me, then down, and finally back up again.
  3. "Open it," I said.
  5. She took one of them out and held it before her. It was plain and undecorated, but I'd forged it myself and I felt that offered something more, especially with how fiddly the chain was. Blake picked the side of it open with her finger, and revealed a tiny image inside, a hand-painted one of our two faces close to one another. It was all the artist was able to fit into the tiny space, but he'd done an amazing job nonetheless.
  7. β€”Forged Destiny [Book 5: Ch. 1]
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