

Oct 19th, 2014
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  1. tradesxforbattlesx: men what you looking for?
  2. AWildRivalAppears: any competitives not on that list
  3. tradesxforbattlesx: im interested in regigigas
  4. tradesxforbattlesx:
  5. AWildRivalAppears: 1306 6242 4188 I'm sure we can find an agreement
  6. tradesxforbattlesx: ?
  7. tradesxforbattlesx: is your fc?
  8. AWildRivalAppears: yes.
  9. AWildRivalAppears: and oops
  10. AWildRivalAppears: 1306 6242 4199
  11. tradesxforbattlesx: but what you want?
  12. AWildRivalAppears: the reunculus
  13. tradesxforbattlesx: ok
  14. tradesxforbattlesx: 5386 9267 5492
  15. tradesxforbattlesx: cris
  16. tradesxforbattlesx: added
  17. tradesxforbattlesx: you are ready?
  18. AWildRivalAppears: almost, sorry, someone got in a trade before you ;)
  19. tradesxforbattlesx: a ok
  20. AWildRivalAppears: my ign is nathaniel, I think I added you
  21. tradesxforbattlesx: ok tell me when you are ready
  22. tradesxforbattlesx: ....
  23. AWildRivalAppears: I'll tell you ^_^
  24. AWildRivalAppears: just a minute.
  25. AWildRivalAppears: I'm headed online.
  26. tradesxforbattlesx: ok im getting
  27. tradesxforbattlesx: bro what evs has?
  28. AWildRivalAppears: I dunno.
  29. tradesxforbattlesx: you can reset evs?
  30. AWildRivalAppears: Nothing a reset bag can't fix.
  31. AWildRivalAppears: yeah.
  32. tradesxforbattlesx: please reset
  33. AWildRivalAppears: it'll be a few minutes.
  34. tradesxforbattlesx: hmmmm
  35. tradesxforbattlesx: ok
  36. AWildRivalAppears: ew, his evs are exactly even all around.
  37. tradesxforbattlesx: but you can reset evs?
  38. AWildRivalAppears: yeah, with a reset bag.
  39. AWildRivalAppears: I'm punching it right now
  40. AWildRivalAppears: I'm online now
  41. tradesxforbattlesx: im getting on
  42. tradesxforbattlesx: has 30 ivs in special atack,specieal defence nd speed
  43. tradesxforbattlesx: ._.
  44. tradesxforbattlesx: i think i report you
  45. AWildRivalAppears: you mean it's not perfect?
  46. AWildRivalAppears: okay, yes, please do.
  47. tradesxforbattlesx: i has your fc
  48. tradesxforbattlesx: i report you
  49. AWildRivalAppears: Tell them I even reset the bag for you.
  50. AWildRivalAppears: Give it back to me.
  51. AWildRivalAppears: If my pokemon is incorrectly listed, give me back the pokemon and the trade is off, by you keeping the pokemon, it means you intend to keep it.
  52. tradesxforbattlesx: men you can give me other regigigas?
  53. AWildRivalAppears: can you rephrase that?
  54. AWildRivalAppears: I can't give you another regigigas with 6ivs. I was told this one was 6ivs, and listed it as such. it's incorrect, it'll change it and you'll have your pokemon back.
  55. tradesxforbattlesx: yes?
  56. AWildRivalAppears: that's all I can do. I don't have a 6iv one apparently.
  57. AWildRivalAppears: Unless you like the one you have, which you can keep for the reunculus.
  58. tradesxforbattlesx: but you can give one more is for friend
  59. AWildRivalAppears: No.
  60. AWildRivalAppears: Seriously. Is that blackmail?
  61. tradesxforbattlesx: and i dont said nothing
  62. tradesxforbattlesx: i give you one trophy shiny in return
  63. AWildRivalAppears: I'd like the Ho-oh for another Regigas exactly like the one you have now.
  64. tradesxforbattlesx: no men you are wrong you scam me because in your list you describe your regigigas 6 iv
  65. tradesxforbattlesx: and not is 6 iv
  66. AWildRivalAppears: Then trade me back my pokemon and we're done.
  67. tradesxforbattlesx: nah because you clone my pokemon
  68. AWildRivalAppears: I have not.
  69. AWildRivalAppears: and what does it matter if I do?
  70. tradesxforbattlesx: cmom im not a idiot
  71. tradesxforbattlesx: you no lose nothing me yes
  72. AWildRivalAppears: take back your pokemon.
  73. tradesxforbattlesx: ok i try
  74. tradesxforbattlesx: i report you with a mod
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