

Mar 6th, 2020
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  1. Seconds ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, people caught mistreating Qaskura's flag generally wind up in a great deal of pain.
  2. 3 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, the Counter-Terrorism Unit has been nicknamed "Big Bad Wolf" for its tendency towards urban demolition.
  3. 14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, good-looking soldier boys have celebrity status amongst the nation's homosexuals.
  4. 14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, the nation has nearly as many history museums as Qaskurans.
  5. 22 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, there is a growing belief that consciousness is a simulated illusion within a computer-generated reality.
  6. 22 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, 4-year-olds are often found reminiscing about the 'good old days'.
  7. 1 day 14 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, a National Academy regulates grammar and usage.
  8. 1 day 17 hours ago: Qaskura was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Highest Poor Incomes and Most Advanced Public Education.
  9. 1 day 21 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, the tomato-covered corpses that decorate the nation's cities are a favourite amongst morbid tourists.
  10. 2 days 8 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, belligerent citizens shoot at passing clouds for 'violating their airspace'.
  11. 2 days 8 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, politicians always seem to take two steps forward then three steps back.
  12. 2 days 8 hours ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, five-year-olds chanting "Little Miss Muffet" are accused of bullying arachnophobes.
  13. 3 days 16 hours ago: Qaskura was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Largest Welfare Programs.
  14. 4 days ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, war vets look after war animals.
  15. 4 days ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, there's a literal nanny state for the legions of children taken by social services.
  16. 4 days ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, every new building project has to undergo a five-year environmental impact study before it can go ahead.
  17. 4 days ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, young girls and senior citizens alike can be spotted wearing colourful short shorts.
  18. 5 days ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, students abandon classrooms for online education.
  19. 5 days ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, private pharmacies close down as medicinal drugs are given away freely by the government.
  20. 5 days ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, people reciting Shakespeare have become a common sight.
  21. 5 days ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, peace talks occasionally rack up a higher body count than the wars they seek to stop.
  22. 5 days ago: Following new legislation in Qaskura, sullen teenagers in bright orange 'community payback' onesies can be seen picking litter at the roadside.
  23. 6 days ago: Qaskura created a custom banner.
  24. 6 days ago: Qaskura created a custom banner.
  25. 6 days ago: Qaskura created a custom banner.
  26. 6 days ago: Qaskura was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Cultured.
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