
Ecchi, don't read

Jun 22nd, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((:p))
  2. Artificer: ((SUP CUTIE))
  3. Tsaaq: ((Nothing, nothing :p))
  4. Artificer: ((wanna post first? Im cleaning up my "room" lol))
  5. Tsaaq: ((>.> Fiiinneee.))
  6. Tsaaq: Libi was seated in a booth with Damian sitting across from her. Her eyes on her salad. She was mostly picking around in it rather than eating. She was as drunk as the day is long, as usual. Libi crossed her legs and kept her hood up over her head to look incognito. // Mr. Hiraj had been at the front of the resturant, but didn't stop himself from peeking at Libi periodically.// Libi's little sister Nadia was wiping down tables, humming to herself and basically doing her job.
  7. Artificer: Damian was enjoying his chicken curry, dipping his naan bread into it and taking a bite. He looked over at Libi, playing with her food. "What do you want to do tonight baby?" He asked before taking a sip of his soda.
  8. iKamal: [ello ello]
  9. Tsaaq: ((Hey.))
  10. iKamal: [brb then ill post in if you guys are rping im super hungry]
  11. Tsaaq: She looked up from her salad and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." Libi replied. "Get fucked up. Party." She suggested. "I haven't seen my bandmates in a while. Maybe I should invite them over or some shit." // Mr. Hiraj looked from behind the counter at Nadia, pointing to Libi's table. // Nadia looked reluctant as she approached Libi's booth. "Anything you guys need?" She asked awkwardly, nervously adjusting her hijab.
  12. Tsaaq: ((Tyt. We are btw.))
  13. iKamal: [bk]
  14. Tsaaq: ((Wb.))
  15. iKamal: Kam was craving some of the curry puffs. She hadn't been to the resturant since Charles tried to killed Libi literally. Shewasn't sure if she was even allowed in the resturant anymore. She walked in and aited in line. she had ordered some food over the phone earlier and was here to pick it up. she looked down at her phone smiling.
  16. Artificer: Damian dipped his bread in the curry again, taking another bite. "Aight, cool. I havent heard you play before. Lemme guess, you are a country western band?" He teased, bumping her foot with his own under the table as a playful nudge. He looked over when Nadia came to the table. "I think I'm good for now, thanks." He gave her a smile and sipped his soda again.
  17. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows at Damian. "Fuck off." She said before laughing a bit. She rolled her eyes at her little sister. "Take that fucking shit off your fucking head you spaz." She grumbled. "Get out of my face." She lowered her head once more. // Mr. Hiraj rung up the following guests as the line inched forward. // Nadia smiled at Damian before she frowned at Libi. "Um... Okay. I'll go." She whispered, stepping away from their booth.
  18. iKamal: Kam heard Libi and looked over waving at her. She inched up the line and was finally at the counter. she waved her hand at Mr.Hiraj"I ordered the curry puffs and large coke." she hoped he wasnt angry at her for charles actions.
  19. Artificer: "No? What then? Jazz?" He asked again with a chuckle, he looked down at his food as she told her little sister to fuck off, deciding not to say anything. He looked up at the counter seeing Kam. "There's your friend Kam again." He said, pointing over Libi's shoulder to her with his fork.
  20. Tsaaq: "Fuck." Libi grumbled and looked over to Damian, noticing his look. She pursed her lips and crossed her arms. "You know we don't play any of that shit." She finally said before looking over to Kam. "Oh. I didn't know she still bought shit here." Libi went to wave at her unenthusiastically.// Mr.Hiraj gave came a bit of a stiff look as he handed over her bag of food then went to grab her fountain drink. "You pay online?" He asked, trying not to look at her.
  21. iKamal: she shook her head and set her card on the counter."No sir." she frowned as he seemed to not want to look at her. It actually bothered her some. she loked down at her phone and her frown turned into a smile. she sent a message back while she waited.
  22. Artificer: Damian smirked and continued eating his food. "Alright, well I am definitely on board for getting fucked up with your band mates tonight." He said as he scraped some rice onto his fork and chowed down. "Im gonna go pick up some goodies later today." He said with a grin, looking over at her.
  23. Tsaaq: "Molly?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrows. "Should we invite our friends too?" Libi asked, drinking from a tiny liquor bottle from her purse. // Mr. Hiraj took her card then handed over her drink as he rung her up, handing the card back to her. "Alright miss, have a good day." He told her, forcing a smile on his lips.
  24. iKamal: She took her things and smiled."you too." She made her way over to Libi and whats his face. she knew his name started with a D. she smiled to them both."Hey Lib how have you been?" she tucked her phone in her pocket.
  25. Artificer: Damian just nodded with a grin before taking another bite. "Yeah, invite your girlfriends. We will make a party outta this." He said before looking over to Kam as she walked up. He just looked up at her as she said hi to Lib, then went back to eating.
  26. Tsaaq: Libi shrugged her shoulders at Kam. "I'm okay. What about you?" She asked Kam before turning to Damian again. "So... Quinn, I guess. Angel, as long as she doesn't bring fucking Travis." She scoffed. "Want to come to a party at my place?" She asked Kam.
  27. iKamal: She smiled to Damian and jsut waved to him."uh yeah sure mind if I bring a friend? Don't worry it's not Charles. He is away on business I believe." she stoo there not wanting to interude on their date is what she thought it was.
  28. Artificer: Damian scoffed, "Oh Travis better not show up. Cant stand that prick." He said as he shook his head. He looked up at Kam and raised his brow. "Away on business? What exactly does he do?" Damian asked
  29. Tsaaq: "Even he did show up I'd fucking destroy him." She smirked a bit. "I wouldn't even care if Charles came." Libi said casually before raising her eyebrow at the mention of him being away. "Bring whoever, as long as they bring drugs and alcohol I really don't care." She shrugged her shoulders. "Are you gonna sit or what?" She asked Kam.
  30. iKamal: She sat down with Damian and Libi and chuckled as Libi said she would destroy Charles." Well He umm does security. He puts in secruity systems or something like that for uptowners." she smiled and sipped her coke.She pulled her phone out texting her friend she wanted to bring."So you are D right." she figured if she caleld him D he wouldn't know she forgot his name.
  31. Artificer: Damian raised his brow at Kam as she asked his name again. "Well thats the first letter? Its Damian, Kam. My name is Damian." He looked down at his soda then over at Libi. "Babe," He said before glancing up at Mr. Hiraj. He leaned in closer so he could speak softly. "Can I put a little shot into my soda? Hand it to me under the table." He said, reaching under with one hand, waiting for her.
  32. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips a moment and tried not to snicker when she called Damian: 'D'. She stopped laughing once he caught her attention. She nodded, digging into her purse for another tiny liquor bottle then passed it under the table to him. "Is your friend somebody I know cause that also works. But tell them not to forget the booze or the drugs."
  33. iKamal: She smiled to Damian."I'm sorry I am horrible with names. Took me forever to remember Libi's name." she smiled and looked at her phone."It's Ken. The guy fro the bar that one day. He is actually kind of nice. we hung out yesterday." she leaned against the table.
  34. Artificer: Damian took the bottle and slyly dumped some into his drink before going to hand it back to libi under the table. "Yeah, isnt he the dude we sat with for a bit? I dont remember what happened to him though, I was a little distracted by this ones like usually am." He said with a grin, nodding towards Libi. "I gotta say," He took a sip of his drink before turning his attention towards Kam. "Its hard to pay attention to anything else when youve got someone this good looking on your arm." He said as he pointed to Libi, giving her a playful wink.
  35. Artificer: (This one like i usually am*))
  36. Tsaaq: "Oh yeah I do know that guy." She nodded then glanced at Damian. "Some shit about something. I don't even remember." Libi shrugged her shoulders. "Well... I don't really care about people being nice but I like free stuff. You should know that by now." She shrugged, drinking from her bottle she shook her head at Damian. "Stop." She laughed.
  37. iKamal: She shrugged some."I wouldn't know Ive never had Libi on my arm." she chuckled and looked at Libi."I know this. you love free stuff. Someone could hand you anything you would take it just because its free." she laughed at her own little joke. she looked at her phone and smiled."but I will see you guys later I have to go tot he cafe and pick up some cash from a friend."
  38. Artificer: Damian raised a brow at Kam's statement. "Wouldnt anyone take anything that was free?" He asked before glancing back at Libi, looking at her with a smile. "Bye Kam," He gave her a wave and chugged down some more soda.
  39. Tsaaq: Libi darted her eyes a moment. "Yeah..." She muttered. She gave Kam a wave. "Don't forget to tell Ken to bring shit." Libi told her before turning to Damian and biting her lip.
  40. iKamal: She shrugged."some things i wouldnt take for free. but you are right." she smiled to damian."I will libs see you later." she smiled and grabbed her stuff making her way out.
  41. Artificer: As Kam left, Damian stood and moved over to Libi's side of the table, sliding in beside her. He reached over and slide is food in front of him. He wrapped one arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "There, thats better." He said, pulling her against him.
  42. Tsaaq: She gave Kam another wave then scooted over a moment as Damian sat beside her. "Stop, you're gonna make everyone in here sick." Libi giggled as she leaned against him.
  43. Artificer: He took another drink of his soda, setting down the cup. "Why would I make them sick? Because of this?" He asked before placing a hand on either side of her face, and slamming his lips against hers, pushing her back against the corner of the wall and the bench as he made out with her.
  44. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply as she kissed him, letting her eyes close. Libi slid her tongue into this mouth and pressed her body up against his. She draped her arms over his shoulders and just focused on tongue banging him.
  45. Artificer: Damian continued making out with her, not really hungry for anything other then her anymore. He kept a hand on her hip, pulling from the kiss for a moment, his lips brushing against hers as he spoke. "you make me crazy." He whispered before nipping at her lower lip.
  46. Tsaaq: "Is that good?" Libi asked him and rose her eyebrow at him. She turned in her seat a pulled him in closer, she was practially sitting in his lip. "It better be fucking good."
  47. Artificer: "Oh its fucking amazing, like you." He said, nipping at his neck, his hands went around to her ass, squeezing it as he pulled her against his lap.
  48. Tsaaq: She smiled and bit her lip as she actually climbed into his lap, she brough her lips to his and shut her eyes once more biting and sucking on his lips between their kisses. "Im not wearing a bra." Libi told him, as she ran her hands along the chest of her hoodie.
  49. Artificer: Damian bit on his lip, watching her hands run along her hoodie, making out the outtlines of her breasts. He reached up, tugging her zipper down, just enough to see the curves of the top of her breasts before zipping it back up. He glanced around the restuarant and then back at her breasts. "Maybe we should go somewhere private before we make things really awkward for your sister" He says, looking back at her sister who was wiping down tables. As he spoke, his hand went up her hoodie from the bottom, being sneaky so no one would notice. He began to fondle her breast with one hand, keeping the other one in sight.
  50. Tsaaq: Libi snickered and rubbed the fabric of her hood where her nipples were so they'd hardened. "But it'll be so funny." She whispered to him and shifted in his lap. She grinded a little against his thigh and bit down on her lip hard. "She probably doesn't even know what sex looks like."
  51. Artificer: Damian widened his eyes, realizing she was serious about getting it on right there. "You must be the culmination of all the good karma I have earned for keeping old people alive all day, cuz mami," He paused and went to kiss up her neck, he tugged at her nipple beneath her hoodie. His other hand helped her grind harder against his thigh. His kisses stopped at her ear and he tugged on her earlobe before whispering to her. " You are too fine, and all mine." As he spoke his hand moved from her hip to between her legs, rubbing her as she continued to grind.
  52. Tsaaq: She gave him a mischievous look while holding back her moans. "I hope that's the fucking case." LIbi smirked at Damian, grabbing the back of his neck. Relishing in the feel of his lips moving along her neck. Her nipples poked out under the material of her hoodie. Libi almost yelped when his hand went between her legs. "Fuck." She whispered under her breath. "You know just where to touch me." She smirked.
  53. Artificer: "This will make a really bad first impression if the old man catches us." He whispered with a light chuckle. He moved his hand from her crotch only for a moment, he grabbed a napkin from the table placing it over his hand as it went back to her crotch. He continued rubbing her, then he pulled her pannties aside, sliding a finger into her slowly. The napkin covered the view although anyone with a brain could still tell what was happening if they really looked. "I really think we should go out to your car," He kissed at her neck some more. "I have a feeling you are going to get loud." He teased as he pushed his finger deeper, trying to prove his point.
  54. Tsaaq: "Whatever, fuck him." She whispered. Libi continued to grind her hips against his fingers, sighing with pleasure. She bit her lip and shook her head. "But we already got started." She whined. She squirmed once he went deeper. Libi kept her mouth closed but she was still squealing audibly enough for people to look. "Just put your cock in me. I'll be fast. I promise." She begged. // Customers in the other booths glanced over to Libi and Damian, furrowing their eyebrows. It made Mr. Hiraj look up and over to their booth curiously. // Nadia heard the squeal and immediately looked at them.
  55. Artificer: Damian, able to see this would cause some issue if they continued, pulled his hand away. He turned and dumped her in the seat, standing to his feet t the end of the booth. "Come on." He said, holding his hand out to her, waiting for her, He didnt realize though he was sporting a boner that pitch a pretty impressive tent in his pants as he stood there.
  56. Tsaaq: "What the fuck?" Libi complained as she sank into the cushions of the booth. She looked over to his crotch and her eyes widened, glancing away as she stood. // Mr. Hiraj kept his eyes on the two. "Libi, are you hurt?" He called out, calling attention to them. He cleared his throat and looked away cause man erection. // Nadia's mouth hung open and then she covered it, obviously she hadn't seen many boners yet. // "
  57. Artificer: Damian noticed hat there was a certain tension in his crotch and he shifted for a moment trying to conceal it before her grabbed Libi by the hand and headed out of the restuarant to her car. He walked to the back of her hearse and opened it up, slamming his lips against hers as he laid her down in the back of the car.
  58. Tsaaq: She pouted as he dragged her away from the resturant. She fell hard on her back once he went to kiss her. Libi wrapped her legs around his waist then unzipped her hoodie, exposing her breasts. "Come on." Libi said as she took one of his hands and guided it to her throat.
  59. Artificer: Damian knew the drill, his hand went to her throat as she grabbed it, squeezing it a bit. He tugged his zipper down to let his cock out, wasting no time as he pulled her panties aside and slipped his cock inside of her. He spread her legs apart, putting one of his knees up on the edge of the car while the other kept him standing on the pavement. He began to thrust himself into her quickly, squeezing her neck tighter, watching her face.
  60. Tsaaq: Libi smiled up at Damian. She grinned as she laid there and enjoyed his hand on her throat. She gasped for air and watched him closely. Her mouth opening wide once he was inside of her. She tried to moan but it proved difficult which made her pussy even more wet. Libi felt her tits bounce and spread her legs a little wide, lifting them up so he to plunge deeper into her. Her eyes not leaving his face.
  61. Artificer: His other hand went to her clit, massaging it with his thumb as he continued to fuck her. "Are you going to cum like a good girl eh?" He asked, leaning in to kiss her some more. He pulled from the kiss and loosened his grip on her neck a bit so she could speak.
  62. Tsaaq: She nodded her head and shut her eyes as she kissed him ferociously. The first thing she did when he pulled his mouth from hers was moan. Her lower body was already twitching and squirming from her impending orgasm. "Yeah. Make me cum. Make me fucking cum." She moaned and glanced down at her pussy as his cock slid in and out of it. He clit was throbbing against his thumb.
  63. Artificer: Damian sped up his thrusts, trying to coaz the orgasm out of her with his thumb. He began squeezing her neck again as she begged him to make her cum. He could feel his own orgasm nearing too as his balls began to swell.
  64. Artificer: ((coax* dammit))
  65. Tsaaq: ((Bwahahaha!))
  66. Tsaaq: "Fuck yes!" She strained to saw as her body began to shake. Libi resumed her panting as he fucked her harder. Libi cursed between her pants as her pussy tightened against his cock and her body became tense. Her pussy sprayed a bit on his crotch as she climaxed. Her whole body had been shivering as she let the orgasm ripple through her. "Fuck." She whined, trying to move his thumb from her clit because it was making her shak uncontrollably.
  67. Tsaaq: ((Broooo whats happening))
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