
Weeping pony (Finished)

Jul 3rd, 2016
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  1. >Be anon
  2. >You are in town looking for a centerpiece for your garden
  3. >Roseluck suggested a fountain but that's too plain for your taste
  4. >so you are shopping around for an idea of what to have instead
  5. >you're passing by a construction crew working on tearing down an old store building
  6. >it belonged to a pony named "Mr. Hard On", making works of art in stone and some cases tombstones
  7. >pretty much anything stone related, it's in the store
  8. >as you glance upon the work they're doing, you see two stallions moving a statue out of the building
  9. >it looked like a mare in some grey dress standing on her rear leags and covering her eyes with her front hooves
  10. >A shy looking statue would fit nicely for your garden
  11. >you walk up to the stallions in question
  12. Excuse me.
  13. >one of them turns to you
  14. >"Hmm?"
  15. May I ask on what you are going to do with the stone products like this statue you find inside?
  16. >"The guys are thinking on breaking them down with sledgehammers and help create a new gravel road"
  17. >that's a real bummer, someponys work of art being reduced to rubble, literally
  18. Is there a lot more tombstones and so forth inside?
  19. >"Yea, why do you ask?"
  20. Because I was looking through town for a centerpiece for my garden and that statue you're holding seems perfect for it.
  21. >he and his partner share glances at each other and nods
  22. >"Alright, you can have it. Save some time for us anyways."
  23. >they place it down where they stood, whipping of sweat of their brow
  24. >its height goes up to your chest, towering half a foot taller than them
  25. Thank you very much guys.
  26. >with a "you're welcome", they turn to go back inside
  27. >you put your hands on the sides to test the weight
  28. >either very light stone or hollow inside
  29. >equals carry weight
  30. >you lift it off the ground and hold in an a bridal carry
  31. >as you are heading home, you get odd looks as you pass by
  32. >you are also feeling faint heat from your statue?
  33. >must be your body heat warming it up
  34. >you finally made it home near the shopping district
  35. >you go around back and go through the backyard gate
  36. >this garden that you worked on for about two months is coming up swell
  37. >because no internet, gotta find other hobbies besides reading and wanking!
  38. >the place you are going to put it is almost surrounded by a rose hedge, right in the center
  39. >you set her down gently on the circle slab and face her to your house
  40. >her body has only a few cracks in it but even those spots is still smooth
  41. >as you adjust her, you hear somepony calling you name
  42. >you turn to look and find a smiling Roseluck at your gate
  43. Hi, Roseluck! Come see what I brought home.
  44. >she enters the garden and looks over the statue
  45. >"I see you found a centerpiece. A very odd choice, if you ask me."
  46. It may be odd to you but the way I see it...
  47. >you take a few steps back and hold your index fingers and thumbs out like a camera view
  48. ...I see myself coming out here as the flowers bloom at its finest and see a beautiful and shy pony waiting for me. Unknowing of her, that she is beautiful as the garden she stands in.
  49. >Roseluck lets out a chuckle
  50. >"You are such a sap, anon. But I can see what you mean and it sounds to me that you seriously need to get laid."
  51. >you give her a deadpan stare
  52. >"What? That's the way I see it" holding her hooves up just like your camera pose
  53. Well how about I find a statue for your garden but it being a stallion with a MASSIVE hard on peeing out water!
  54. >she's blushing with embarrassment and waving defensively
  55. >"wha-no NO, I don't want that, thank you very much!"
  56. >you let out a good laugh that rings out through the backyard
  57. Then don't judge my tastes again.
  58. >she calms down and starts to have a neutral face on
  59. >"But seriously, even though that is romantic, you need a marefriend if this is what you decided to go with"
  60. >you let out a sigh and furrowed brow
  61. You know very well that this town doesn't see me that way. When I do have one, then I'll replace it with something else. But for now, let me have this dream.
  62. >man, this kills the mood
  63. >Roseluck looks down in defeat
  64. >"Sorry I brought it up."
  65. Eh, i'll be alright.
  66. >you crouch down to her face and flick her nose, giving you a scrunch up face
  67. You still up for the flower breeding meeting this afternoon?
  68. >"Of coarse! I'm the one HOSTING it after all"
  69. Then I shall see you there.
  70. >you get back up and she makes a small smile
  71. >"Alright, I'll see you there"
  72. >you say your goodbyes and she leaves through the gate
  73. >it's about time for lunch so you start to head to your back door
  74. >you look back as you are halfway inside to look at the stone mare once more
  75. >It's bittersweet truth of what was said earlier and the dream of being with somepony special
  76. >Hope is still there but the fear and facts of being alone is still inside too, slowly growing
  77. >this stone princess will be a very good reminder of your dream and to seek it out
  78. >with a small smile, you head inside for some grub
  79. >not knowing of the eye looking at you as you turned to go inside
  80. >
  81. >
  82. >you just got back from the flower breeding meeting at roselucks house
  83. >pretty intense shit then you thought it would be
  84. >suggesting on creating a black rose set the whole room off into a heated debate
  85. >in the end, they are willing to try out of pure curiosity
  86. >at the moment you are watering your garden
  87. >better do it now than in the morning when you are grouchy
  88. >aaaannnddd hedges done, the garden is now moist
  89. >"Hey, Anon!"
  90. >you turn to the noise to find Rainbow Dash, flying to you in a hurry
  91. >she pulls on the breaks right in front of you
  92. Evening dash, what's the rush?
  93. >"A bad storm is heading our way and I'm warning everypony to stay inside and cover their windows!"
  94. >this is the first time seeing dash worried, ever
  95. That's very bad.
  96. >"You bet it is! Somepony slacked off in a few departments and now because they were not doing their job, we can't break down the storm."
  97. >she looks over your shoulder
  98. >"What's that?"
  99. >you look where she is looking, the angel pony
  100. Oh this? This is my new decoration for my backyard.
  101. >"Dude, it's pretty creepy. Why did you choose this instead of oh, I don't know, anything else!?"
  102. Ok, first, that was rude. Second, I don't want to clean crap out of a bird bath and third, fountains are BORING and make me want to pee!
  103. >"I still think it's pretty weird."
  104. As long as you don't dis my tastes, then I don't dis your Daring Doo addiction. Deal?
  105. >""
  106. Good, so what time?
  107. >"What time what?"
  108. What time does the storm get here?
  109. >now she went back into panic mode
  110. >"Horse feathers! I got to hurry and tell the rest of ponyville!"
  111. >in a blurr of rainbow, she's gone
  112. >she was in such a hurry that she didn't answer your question
  113. >with the wind picking up a little, you assume very soon
  114. >better get the shutters closed quickly
  115. >you head inside and go counter clockwise closing every window and barricade
  116. >the final window was the one overlooking the backyard
  117. >as you get the plank of wood ready to support the shutters, you overlook the garden
  118. >man, you worked hard to get it all the way you wanted and now, it'll be nothing soon
  119. >damn it!
  120. >you even look at the stone pony statue for possibly for the last time
  121. > it stealing a peek to look at you?
  122. >you shake your head and look to it again
  123. >it's covering her eyes with her hooves
  124. >must be you having a mini meltdown
  125. >you block up the final window
  126. >gotta check everything is secured and nailed down for tonight
  127. >and maybe think of hobbies that wont get destroyed this bad
  128. >
  129. >
  130. >Rainbow Dash was so right right now
  131. >you are in the living right now, reading a book from home
  132. >it's hard to concentrate reading when the whole house is creaking
  133. >you have buckets and a flashlight beside you just in case it gets in the house
  134. >the only light right now is the fireplace in front of you
  135. >there is a loud bang, making you jump
  136. >you grab your flashlight and head to the source of the noise
  137. >wind is blowing hard against your face as you find the problem
  138. >the wind was blowing so hard that the back door flew open
  139. >rain and heavy gusts shoot through the door frame
  140. >you grab a nearby dining chair and slowly march against the wind to get the door shut
  141. >nearly slipping on water gave the wind enough force you make you fall, hard
  142. >being very dazed, you slowly get back on your knees
  143. >grabbing the chair, you crawl to the door making much faster ground
  144. >once there, with all you might you get up and shove the door shut
  145. >locking the door will help a little but your main goal is with the chair
  146. >shoving the chair against the door will give it enough strength
  147. >with that door secure you feel a little safer
  148. >...but what about the front door?
  149. >you better get that one done too
  150. >turning on the flashlight and grabbing another chair you start to head to the front of the house
  151. >something caught your attention on the floor, the dim light from the flashlight revealing the water that came in the house
  152. >along with the trail of you crawling to the door
  153. >you know you made that trail...but seems to be a trail going further into your house
  154. >a boom and a flash of lightning outside flickers through the cracks of the shutters, showing more of the trail for just a second
  155. >with flashlight and chair in hands, you cautiously follow the trail
  156. >the watery path looks pretty big, like somebody dragged the top of a table against the ground
  157. >you follow it towards the dining room and past a corner into the hallway
  158. >looking ahead to see the trail leads to, stops in the middle of the hall way
  159. >a lone figure is standing there wearing a grey dress and looking away from you, dripping water onto the ground
  160. Hello? Are you alright?
  161. >no reply comes from the figure
  162. >you approach carefully
  163. Do you need help?
  164. >whoever it is, has not moved an inch
  165. >you go around him and find a familiar sight
  166. >the angel pony, still intact
  167. >how the hell did it get here?
  168. >you put the chair down to examine any damages done to the statue
  169. >it seems to be ok
  170. >you ponder how it got here and conclude the wind must of been so strong, that it tossed her into the house
  171. >and you also conclude that you need a towel to dry it off so it won't soak through the floor
  172. >luckily you were close by to your bathroom
  173. >you quickly open the nearby door, grab the towel from the rack and get to work drying it off
  174. >your garden is no doubt destroyed but at least you have something that was saved
  175. >a little smile crept up on your face
  176. I'm glad you are ok in one piece.
  177. >pretending that she can hear you
  178. You are a VERY lucky mare to survive out there. Hell, I'm surprised you didn't lose anything when you went through my do-. Oh shit! The front door!
  179. >dropping the towel and grabbing the chair, you hurry to the front door
  180. >the door isn't open, that's a good sign but you won't take any chances tonight
  181. >you shove the chair to the door and a sense of relief comes over you
  182. >it should be ok now
  183. >you head back to the hallway to find the statue is still there
  184. >where's the towel?
  185. >looking around the angel and you can't find it
  186. >glancing in the bathroom, you find the towel on the rack
  187. >dripping
  188. >you must of hit the floor pretty hard because you could have SWORN that you dropped it on the ground
  189. >maybe some sleep will help unscramble your brains
  190. >looking over to the stone beauty, she may also need to be heat dried
  191. >you pick her up vertically and waddle to the living room
  192. >the fire is still going very well
  193. >you gently place her down by the fire and you place your ass on the couch
  194. >gotta stay in here in case leeks and more "excitement" happens
  195. >you use the end cushions and blanket cover and get comfortable
  196. >as you doze off, you look over to her still standing by the fire
  197. >maybe it's the minor concussion or the flicker of the fireplace but you think you see her peeking through her hooves again to look at you
  198. >another small smile finds your face
  199. You very cute when you're shy.
  200. >ok brain, I think it's time to sleep now
  201. >you slowly do your forty blinks to get some sleep
  202. >she is hiding her eyes, like before
  203. Goodnight.
  204. >and you are out
  205. >
  206. >
  207. >you slowly wake up and you have a headache
  208. >checking your surroundings to find the fire went out overnight
  209. >...and the angel is missing
  210. >did you hallusinate her last night?
  211. >you get up from the couch and listen to the room for any signs of the storm
  212. >silence
  213. >that's good to hear
  214. >you head to the back room to check if she is still in the backyard
  215. >how last night was, you expect it to either be in pieces or missing all together
  216. >you move the chair to the side, unlock the door and prepare to see severe damage
  217. >turning the handle, you slowly open it
  218. >from peek to full view, sadness grew
  219. >because all the things you did grow is now ruined
  220. >from pebbles to boulders, to twigs to large branches litter the once happy garden
  221. >you make your way through the debbrie to try to find anything intact
  222. >tullips, ripped from the roots and thrown past the fence line
  223. >hooker lips, has also gotten the kiss from death
  224. >some of the rose bushes have been ripped right out of the ground and can't be found
  225. >anything that lived here is no more
  226. >your eyes widen as you see something DID survive
  227. >the angel pony
  228. >you aproach it in astonishment
  229. >how did it survive?
  230. >how does it not have a single cratch on it?
  231. >how come it did not fly like the rest of the garden
  232. >the garden
  233. >depression hits you again and you hang your head low
  234. >a single rose is resting in front of your feet
  235. >you pick it up and pop of the prickles with your thumb
  236. >the last thing in your backyard that showed beauty now
  237. >you look up to the statue again
  238. >...well second thing
  239. >you place the rose behind her left ear
  240. You are the most bautiful thing in my garden now
  241. >you sigh as you look around
  242. This will take months to replace and regrow
  243. >you pick up a small branch
  244. It should take me that long to get this place back together
  245. >you toss it to your left and look at her again
  246. But i'm glad you're still here
  247. >that reminds you that now that the storm is gone, you can open the shutters
  248. >you head inside and start opening them up
  249. >this headache hasen't gone away so you go to the bathroom
  250. >opening up the pill cabnet, you grab the pain killers and take a few
  251. >you check the sink to see you have plumming
  252. >water still flows from the faucet
  253. >that means it's triple S time!
  254. >Shit, Shower,...Shave?
  255. >when you were done shaving and grabbed a towel to wipe off, it was wet
  256. >this aint right
  257. >you mind battles between logic and reasoning
  258. >the towel is wet, and you remember drying off the angel
  259. >but it's outside and you didn't move it
  260. >you can't pin this on the fall you took because this towel is proof that something is strange is in the neighborhood
  261. >*growl*
  262. >...maybe some breakfast will help your thinking
  263. >pancakes, prepare to meet thy doom!!!
  264. >
  265. >
  266. >the monster of pancakes have been slayed!
  267. >and it was a delicious defeat
  268. >it may not be pinkies but you make a mean pancake
  269. >you pick up the dishes and go wash them in the sink
  270. >about half way, there was a knock on the front door
  271. >curse you distractions from the main objective!
  272. >leaving the sink, you head to the door and open it
  273. >there's nobody here?
  274. >...oh right, everything's short
  275. >look down and their is twilight and spike on her back with quill and paper
  276. >she looks at you warmly "Good morning, Anon."
  277. >"I see you made it in one piece." Spike interupts
  278. "Yea. If it wasn't for Rainbow Dash warning me ahead of time, i'd probably be dead. So what's up?"
  279. >"We're going around town and doing a head count of everyone here.", Twilight explains
  280. >"So far everypony is accounted for.", He adds excitedly
  281. "That's awesome to hear. How does the town look?"
  282. >she sighs, "It will takes weeks to clean up the debry."
  283. >Spike adds his words in on the damage,"Trees broken in half, the town halls wind rooster is on top of Bon Bons Candy Shack, the fountain mares head is missing..."
  284. >...The Statue!
  285. "Hold up just a moment spike"
  286. >he stops
  287. >you get on your knees and turn your head downwards
  288. "Can you guys check for a bump in the back of my head?"
  289. >you gently feel a hoof and claw go across your head
  290. >you wince in pain when they found it
  291. >seeing the pained look on your face, they stop
  292. >"What happened to you?", Twilight asks
  293. "One of my doors flew open last night and I tried to shut it. Fell backwards pretty hard but got it the second time.
  294. The rest of last night I believe I was hallucinating but now,'im not so sure."
  295. >twilight and spike share a glance
  296. >"Spike, put anon down for minor injury."
  297. >"Right" he says, as he scribbles your name on paper
  298. >"We'll send nurse Readheart to you for a check up after she deals with the more serious injured ponies.", she states
  299. "Sounds like a plan."
  300. >"We better get going and check up on the others", the little dragon pointing to twilights list
  301. "Ok then. You both take care and best of luck"
  302. >"We will."
  303. >they turn to leave and start walking
  304. >Spike yells to you "See ya, Anon", waving his arm at you
  305. >you wave back
  306. "See ya, little bro"
  307. >and they are off
  308. >it's always nice to see them when they come over, even though this time it was for checking up on you
  309. >they remind you that there ARE things that are safe and sane around here
  310. >them and AJ
  311. >it brings a smile to your goofy face
  312. >you go back inside and close the door behind you
  313. >heading back into the kitchen to finish up the dishes
  314. >As you about to enter through the living room, your smile and your heart dropped to the floor as you stand still
  315. >you feel ice cold fear pumping into your veins
  316. >a familiar grey figure is in your living room
  317. >your sanity and logic breaking and mending rapidly
  318. >and you want your mommy
  319. >
  320. >
  321. >Your brain is going very fast as you stand very still
  322. >how did it get in here?
  323. >Is it alive?
  324. >Why is it here?
  325. >Has it come for your kidney?
  326. >Is this the effect of magical bullshit?
  327. >...or are you hallucinating again?
  328. >you NEED to know
  329. >you approach slowly it with your hand stretched forward, shaking
  330. >it doesn't move
  331. >reaching arms length, you grasp her hoof gently
  332. >you feel the cold touch of marble and cement
  333. >it's stone and its really standing here
  334. >you honestly don't know what to do
  335. >the fear you were holding has decreased quite a bit, making you feel more relaxed
  336. "Good morning to you."
  337. >you speak out to her
  338. >the more you are relaxed, the more chatty you become
  339. >you learned that when you went to the spa
  340. "Make yourself at home. I going to finish up the dishes."
  341. >letting go of her hoof, you go around her to the kitchen
  342. >as you get started again, your brain wonders back to that little angel in your living room
  343. >you are not sure if she can move her hoofs or not or if she just stays in that pose and teleports around
  344. >reminds you of something you read back home
  345. >you think it was an SCP called "The Lonely Ball"
  346. >maybe it worked like that?
  347. >you were interrupted by a small voice behind you
  348. >"Can I help?"
  349. >you turn to see who it is and it's your rocky guest
  350. >however, her eyes are not covered
  351. >she is in fact staring at you
  352. >her eyes maybe grey but it has some cute charms to them
  353. >with a smile, you turn back to the dishes
  354. "No thanks, i'm almost done."
  355. >you hear clopping of hooves on the kitchen tiles coming closer
  356. >then, you feel it
  357. >she grips you from behind, embracing you in a hug
  358. >"T-thank you"
  359. >is she soft or something?
  360. >you look down to see stone arms around your waist and the embrace feels solid
  361. >maybe she becomes "Alive" when you are not looking at her?
  362. >worth a shot since other experiences with her is when you are not looking
  363. >you look back to the dish and get it cleaned
  364. "Whatever for?"
  365. >"For saving me from becoming pebbles yesterday. Along with being so kind to me."
  366. >you finish up drying and gently hold her hooves while still looking forward
  367. "It was my pleasure, miss..."
  368. >"Pearl, i'm Pearl Feathers"
  369. "Well miss Pearl..."
  370. >you turn around and crouch a little to meet her eye to eye, making her lose her hug
  371. >when you look at her, she is stone again but looking into your eyes
  372. " are VERY welcome."
  373. >you close your eyes and hug her back, wrapping your arms under her wings
  374. >she is back to being soft again so you guess having your eyes closed works too
  375. >Pearl gives back to hugging at full force
  376. >you both enjoy the tender hug, feeling each others warmth against another and feeling each others breath hit your shoulders
  377. >this feels wonderful
  378. >though you should ask some important questions
  379. "Pearl?"
  380. >"hmm?"
  381. "Can you only move when I can't see you?"
  382. >"Mmmhmm"
  383. >good guess on your part
  384. "Along with you being this soft when nopony is looking?"
  385. >you are greeted with silence for a little bit but she nods against your head
  386. >you separate from the hug but still hold one of her hooves
  387. "Come, lets go to the living room to talk some more."
  388. >you rise to your full height and slowly walk with her to the living room
  389. >when you made it and was about to sit on the couch, she speaks up
  390. >"You are quite an interesting creature."
  391. "In what way?"
  392. >you set your keister down on the couch and pat the cushion next to you, giving her the invitation
  393. >she sees that and you feel the cushions fall under her weight
  394. >"Every other pony or the like would run when they found out i'm alive but you, you welcomed me into your home."
  395. "I'm getting more use to magic being around me, so most things don't faze me anymore. I will admit when you did pop up like you did, you scared me..."
  396. "...However it was more like a jump scare than fearing for my life so don't worry about that. I don't get scared like that often, you get points for that."
  397. >"Points? For what?"
  398. "For being awesome!"
  399. >she makes a small laugh
  400. "Now that we got introductions and the like out of the way, let me show you your room."
  401. >you get up from the couch
  402. >"I-I'm getting a room?"
  403. "Yea. If I had known you were alive from the start, you wouldn't be out in the garden yesterday. Lets go meet your room."
  404. >you open your eyes and start moving
  405. >as you make your way to the hallway, you can't tell if she it following you or not
  406. >but you hear sniffling soon after you got off the couch
  407. >you turn to see her still sitting on the couch but she is covering her eyes again
  408. "Pearl?"
  409. >you go to check up on her and you see little reflections of light hit her newly formed tears falling into her lap
  410. >while crouching to her height and closing your eyes, you ask again
  411. "Pearl, are you ok?"
  412. >"I'm" *sniffle* "I'm so happy that i'm crying. You are the only one that treated me this way. Talking to me like equals, Giving me gifts when others ran away..."
  413. >she starts crying her eyes out
  414. >you move her arms out of the way and wipe her tears off that you can feel
  415. >she does slow down her crying and the noise that comes with it so it becomes a small sniffle again
  416. "Feel better?"
  417. >for a few seconds, both of you don't say a word but after that you feel something
  418. >something pressed against you lips for only a moment
  419. >that little moment made your brain go everywhere for a split second
  420. >she kissed you!
  421. >nopony done that to you before
  422. >can we be a thing?
  423. >her lips were soooo soft
  424. >what restaurant is this? Because you kinda want seconds
  425. >[lewd things about splitting her stone taco add here]
  426. >you brain comes back when you hear a little giggle
  427. "What's funny?"
  428. >"You look cute when you blush"
  429. >that doesn't help the situation!
  430. >it makes you blush even more
  431. "Ah-well-um, thanks."
  432. >you hold her hoof
  433. "Let me show you where your staying."
  434. >you rise to your height once more with vision included and lead her with your grip
  435. >she doesn't resist and follows you
  436. >"Um, i forgot to ask but what's your name?"
  437. >woops, how rude of you ask her name with out giving yours
  438. "My name is Anon."
  439. >"Anon, if it's not much to ask, can I stay with you in your room?"
  440. >[Brain crashed, need reboot]
  441. >did she really just asked to sleep in your room?
  442. >does she want protection, love, sex?
  443. >[Reasoning broken, need repairs]
  444. >maybe want the warmth of another body?
  445. >[Mary had a little lamb BUT I ATE IT!!!]
  446. >you shall find out
  447. >letting go of her hoof and put the same arm around her you say "Sure thing."
  448. >she leans into the walking embrace
  449. >and for a brief moment, a thought passed through you brain
  450. >Things are looking up!
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