

Jun 23rd, 2019
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  1. Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 1.26 to Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 1.27
  3. Added:
  4. - Bigger Packets Please
  5. - DefaultSettings
  6. - Nomadic Tents
  7. - Rats
  9. Updated:
  10. Better Questing - Standard Expansion (went from StandardExpansion-3.4.158.jar to StandardExpansion-3.4.159.jar):
  11. StandardExpansion-3.4.159.jar:
  12. Fixed right clicking with entity interact task
  14. Added JEI support to several tasks (yes... I'm sorry it took so long)
  16. NOTE: Using JEI to looking up items obtainable via rewards won't be re-added due to planned network sync changes. Put simply the client side won't have a complete quest database to search through so there's no point in providing an incomplete response.
  18. Charm (went from Charm-1.12.2-1.1.2.jar to Charm-1.12.2-1.1.12.jar):
  19. Charm-1.12.2-1.1.12.jar:
  20. Charm 1.1.12
  21. * Fix crash: removed ItemHelper ASM transformer entirely
  22. From Charm 1.1.11
  24. * Check casting of handler. Fix [#84](, Fix [#86](
  25. * Armor duping issue.
  26. Charm-1.12.2-1.1.10.jar:
  27. This build has issues with mod compatibility and is not recommended.
  30. Charm 1.1.10
  32. * Added Magentic enchantment.
  33. Charm 1.1.9
  35. * Config to specify how many lanterns are crafted. Fix [#81](
  36. * Config to force enable lanterns. Other force config will be added as needed. Fix [#70](
  37. * Crates with no items no longer show hover. Fix [#80](
  38. * Composter no longer opaque cube to fix light level. Fix [#51](
  39. * Handle crates being added to shulkers via Quark's drop off. TEST [#82](
  40. Charm 1.1.8
  42. * Flavored Cakes now supports quark potions. Fix [#72](
  43. * New configs add them automatically, but you can add quark's to your existing config like so: S:"Effect potion types" <
  44. swiftness
  45. strength
  46. leaping
  47. regeneration
  48. fire_resistance
  49. water_breathing
  50. invisibility
  51. night_vision
  52. quark:danger_sight
  53. quark:haste
  54. quark:resistance
  55. >
  56. * Now checking for homing enchantment on hoe. Fix [#79](
  57. Charm-1.12.2-1.1.7.jar:
  58. Charm 1.1.7
  60. * Wither now can't destroy End Portal Rune blocks. For real this time. Fix [#76](
  61. * Crates have hover tooltip when in the inventory. Fix [#74](
  62. * Rune portal frame lighting fix to match End portal frame
  63. * Extra records have volume explicitly set to 1.0 (max) now. Fix [#77](
  64. Charm 1.1.6 was broken so won't be uploaded here. 1.1.7 includes everything from 1.1.6
  65. Charm-1.12.2-1.1.5.jar:
  66. Charm 1.1.5
  68. * Wither no longer able to destroy End Portal Rune blocks and portal. Fix [#75](
  69. * No longer performs config backup - if you upgrade directly from from 1.0.1 to 1.1.5 you must first backup and delete your config file.
  71. From Charm 1.1.4
  73. * Issue with treasure/junk loot table. Related to [#69](
  74. * Debug mode now enabled when a file called "charm.debug.cfg" exists in config dir
  75. * Added sealed crate loot table debug in creative mode
  76. Charm-1.12.2-1.1.3.jar:
  77. Charm 1.1.3
  79. * Rune portal frames and blocks no longer breakable in survival mode. Fix [#68](
  80. * Barrel sounds no longer play when sneaking. Fix [#67](
  82. CraftTweaker (went from CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.18 to CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.19):
  83. CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.19:
  84. Properly check the display tag instead of the root tag for pre-existing Lore (Thanks Nooby!)
  86. Added some null checks and code cleanup Close #799
  88. Added player#sendStatusMessage Close #798
  90. Tooltip overhaul, remove tooltips by regex, Closes #788
  92. Implement IAction validation
  94. added IFormattedText version of sendStatus
  96. Added keyboard support Close #800
  98. Cyclic (went from Cyclic-1.12.2-1.19.11.jar to Cyclic-1.12.2-1.19.12.jar):
  99. Cyclic-1.12.2-1.19.12.jar:
  100. * Fixed the Redstone toggle button resetting in Structure Builder.
  101. * Entity Detector now counts total items in the itemstacks when in Item mode.
  102. * zh_CN.lang changes from sandtechnology.
  103. * ru_RU.lang changes from kellixon.
  105. Doggy Talents (went from DoggyTalents-1.12.2- to DoggyTalents-1.12.2-
  106. DoggyTalents-1.12.2-
  107. + Can use pick block button on dog with gives doggycharm
  109. + Fix dogs wandering when trying to follow owner
  111. # Change entity tracking param to be less demanding
  113. * Fix natura fusewood casing texture
  115. * Remove inventory string in treat bag GUI
  117. * Fix incorrect bounding box for different dog sizes
  118. DoggyTalents-1.12.2-
  119. | 13th June 2019
  120. + Untamed dogs (don't mistake dogs with wolves) can also be tamed with training treats
  121. + When untaming a dog with collar shears it will drop it's pack puppy inventory
  122. + Add two new dog textures
  123. + Can now Fill bottles from dog bath
  124. + Dogs now run to water when on fire
  125. + Update zh_cn lang file (Thanks to mcBegins2Snow from github)
  126. + Update zh_cn lang file (Thanks to kellixon from github)
  127. # Changed roaring whistle errors messages from chat messages to status update messsages
  128. # Improve last owner name tag (shift to see owner tag below dog name)
  129. # Change roaring gale chat messages to status messages
  130. # Improved follow AI
  131. * Fix not dismounting dog in water and not being able to stay underwater for long (swimmerdog)
  133. Enchantment Descriptions (went from EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.13.jar to EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.15.jar):
  134. EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.15.jar:
  135. * Added support for Portuguese. Thanks to thiagokenis. - Thiago Kenis
  136. Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
  138. * NillerMedDild
  139. * Jonathan McManus
  140. * Varitek
  141. * Pongo Sapiens
  142. * Darkosto
  143. EnchantmentDescriptions-1.12.2-1.1.14.jar:
  144. * Fixed added by showing the wrong mod. Closes #8 - Tyler Hancock
  145. Huge thanks to my supporters on [Patreon](
  147. * NillerMedDild
  148. * Jonathan McManus
  149. * Tristan McMahon
  150. * Pongo Sapiens
  151. * Darkosto
  153. ForgeEndertech (went from ForgeEndertech-1.12.2- to ForgeEndertech-1.12.2-
  154. ForgeEndertech-1.12.2-
  157. * fixed: an issue where the ForgeBlock.isRegistered method returned "true" for unregistered blocks in some cases
  159. Just Enough Resources (JER) (went from JustEnoughResources-1.12.2- to JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  161. Pyramid Plunder (went from PyramidPlunder-1.12.2-1.2.jar to PyramidPlunder-1.12.2-1.3.jar):
  162. PyramidPlunder-1.12.2-1.3.jar:
  163. - Added Biome blacklist config
  165. - Added poison chance config
  167. Quark (went from Quark-r1.5-156.jar to Quark-r1.5-162.jar):
  168. Quark-r1.5-162.jar:
  169. - General: Fixed crash when opening the beacon, again.
  170. - Client: Fixed a crash with the usage ticker.
  171. - Experimental: Added Custom Splashes.
  172. - Management: Fixed chest buttons rendering under Cosmetic Armor items, again.
  173. - Oddities: Fixed pipe animation bug.
  174. Quark-r1.5-161.jar:
  175. - General: Changed some "chance" configs to use percentage rather than 1-in-X.
  176. - General: Fixed crash when opening a beacon.
  177. - Management: Fixed Chest Buttons rendering below items from Cosmetic Armor.
  178. - Vanity: Fixed patron emotes not working.
  179. - World: Added a dimension config to quark dungeons.
  180. - World: Fixed log spam with the Archaeologist Hat.
  181. Quark-r1.5-160.jar:
  182. - Experimental: Added Better Nausea, which attempts to make nausea not give the player motion sickness.
  183. - Misc: Fixed an exploit with botania mana enchanting.
  184. - Misc: Fixed using modded potion effects with the beacon replacement feature resulting in the wrong sprites being drawn.
  185. - Tweaks: Fixed the recipe book shopwing up in the crafting table even if the config to disable it is on.
  186. - World: Fixed some items on stonelings z-fighting.
  187. - World: Fixed the Pickarang bypassing region claims.
  188. - World: Fixed Wraiths being able to be spawned as babies.
  189. Quark-r1.5-159.jar:
  190. - Client: Fixed debug messages in the log with enchanted books.
  191. - Client: Fixed Enchanted Books not showing items added by mods in their tooltip
  192. - Decoration: Fixed Iron Ladders not sounding like iron.
  193. - Tweaks: Fixed Quark's config to disable the recipe book breaking Patchouli's book button.
  194. - Vanity: Fixed other players' emotes leaking.
  195. - Vanity: Fixed patreon only emotes being usable by non patrons.
  196. - Vanity: Fixed sitting in BlockCraftery stairs having weird behaviour.
  197. - World: Added a config to add more sounds to wraiths.
  198. - World: Fixed Stonelings intercepting actions taken on them even if nothing happens.
  199. Quark-r1.5-158.jar:
  200. - World: Fixed compatibility with Ore Stone Variants. You can now have quark stone clusters and ore stone variants.
  201. Quark-r1.5-157.jar:
  202. - Automation: Fixed wolves eating food off the ground breeding even if not at full hp.
  203. - Client: Added the ability to add custom items to the enchantment book toolip.
  204. - Client: Fixed adding mod items to the enchantment book tooltip not working.
  205. - Decoration: Fixed a crash when untying leashes.
  206. - Misc: Added a config option to not add the slime bucket as an oredicted slimeball.
  207. - Tweaks: Fixed a milk bucket dupe.
  208. - Tweaks: Fixed hoe harvesting not supporting mod blocks.
  210. Random Loot Mod (went from RandomLoot-1.4.2 to RandomLoot 1.4.3):
  211. RandomLoot 1.4.3:
  212. Finally fixed that one weird tool dig speed resetting to zero and the bow pull speed resetting to zero! And for 1.12.2, something I never thought I would touch again.
  214. Scaling Health (went from ScalingHealth-1.12.2-1.3.37+142.jar to ScalingHealth-1.12.2-1.3.38+143.jar):
  215. ScalingHealth-1.12.2-1.3.38+143.jar:
  216. # Changelog
  218. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]([](,
  219. and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]([](
  221. ## [1.3.38] - 2019-06-19
  222. ### Added
  223. - Config to disable WIT compatibility [#178]
  224. - Copied needed WIT API classes into this mod, which should prevent crashes if another mod uses the "wit" mod ID. Disable the config if needed. [#178]
  227. Shadowfacts' Forgelin (went from Forgelin-1.8.2.jar to Forgelin-1.8.3.jar):
  228. Forgelin-1.8.3.jar:
  229. * Update Kotlin to 1.3.40 and Coroutines to 1.2.1 (thanks to NikkyAI for doing all the work)
  231. Simple Storage Network (went from SimpleStorageNetwork-1.12.2-1.7.6.jar to SimpleStorageNetwork-1.12.2-1.7.7.jar):
  232. SimpleStorageNetwork-1.12.2-1.7.7.jar:
  233. Fixed Output Only mode in cables.
  235. ru_RU.lang updated by kellixon
  237. Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (went from solcarrot-1.12.2-1.6.3.jar to solcarrot-1.12.2-1.7.jar):
  238. solcarrot-1.12.2-1.7.jar:
  239. * Made blacklist actually functionally disable foods rather than just hiding them
  240. * Added whitelist as alternative to the blacklist
  241. * Added option for a minimum hunger value foods need to provide in order to count towards improving your health
  242. * Added page to food book displaying information about the configuration
  243. * Improved tooltips to be more informative and have nicer colors
  244. * Hovering over the carrot to the left of the progress graph in the food book now shows you how many foods you need to taste to reach the next milestone
  245. * Large numbers of foods are now displayed in a prettier way in the food book
  246. * Fixed incompatibility with some other mods by indexing foods later in the initialization process
  247. * Other minor improvements and fixes
  249. [ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands (went from The Betweenlands v3.4.6 to The Betweenlands v3.4.9):
  252. * Generated using (1.13)
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