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Oct 19th, 2019
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  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. --
  3. -- eLua Pong Game
  4. --
  5. -- LED Lab @ PUC-Rio - 2009
  6. -- Dado Sutter
  7. -- Ives Negreiros
  8. -- Ricardo Rosa
  9. -- Pedro Bittencourt
  10. -- Teo Benjamin
  11. --
  13. -- Initial Version by Dado Sutter, Fev 2009
  14. -- This had only the ball bouncing on walls, paddle and paddle movement
  15. --
  16. -- Greatly enhanced by Teo Benjamin in Aug/Sep 2009, adding:
  17. -- Score, resizeable paddles, levels/speeds, items
  18. --
  19. --
  20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. local canvas = {}
  23. -- canvas.x -- Horizontal display size
  24. -- canvas.y -- Vertical display size
  26. local paddle = {}
  27. -- paddle.size -- Actual Paddle size = ( 6 * ( paddle.size + 1 ) ) + 2
  28. -- paddle.max_size -- Max paddle.size value -> Constant
  29. -- paddle.min_size -- Min paddle.size value -> Constant
  30. -- paddle.y -- Paddle's Y position ( X position not needed, always 0 )
  32. local ball = {}
  33. -- ball.x -- Ball's X position
  34. -- ball.y -- Ball's Y position -> starts at a random position
  35. -- ball.dx -- Ball's X movement ( 1 = moving right; -1 = moving left )
  36. -- ball.dy -- Ball's Y movement ( 1 = moving down; -1 = moving up )
  37. -- ball.char -- The char that is printed for the ball -> Constant
  39. local item = {}
  40. -- item.x -- Item's X position
  41. -- item.y -- Item's Y position ( fix for each item )
  42. -- item.char -- This is the char that represents the item ( if false, there is no item )
  43. -- item.all_chars -- A table that contains all the possibles item chars. Initialized by upload_items() function
  45. -- Define all constants
  46. local tmr_id = 1
  47. paddle.max_size = 4
  48. paddle.min_size = 0
  49. ball.char = "*"
  50. local delay_incr = 2000
  53. -- Define all "global" variables as program local ones.
  54. -- The values are initialized at the main loop.
  56. local score -- Player's score
  57. local dscore -- How many points for each paddle hit
  58. local delay_time -- This value is used for the main delay, to make the game speed faster or slower
  59. local paddle_hits -- Counts the number of hits on paddle
  60. local highscore -- Current Highscore
  62. item.all_chars = {}
  63. local pressed = {} -- pressed[ button ] is true if the corresponding button was pressed, or nil if not
  65. local kit = require( pd.board() ) -- This variable is used as a pin assignments for the specific board
  67. local itemFunction = {
  68. ["L"] = function ()
  69. draw_paddle( paddle.y, 0, 0 )
  70. if paddle.size < paddle.max_size then
  71. paddle.size = paddle.size + 1
  72. end
  73. draw_paddle( paddle.y, 11, 0 )
  74. end,
  75. ["S"] = function ()
  76. draw_paddle( paddle.y, 0, 0 )
  77. if paddle.size > paddle.min_size then
  78. paddle.size = paddle.size - 1
  79. end
  80. draw_paddle( paddle.y, 11, 0 )
  81. end,
  83. ["?"] = function ()
  84. item.char = item.all_chars[ math.random( #item.all_chars ) ]
  85. use_item()
  86. end,
  88. ["*"] = function ()
  89. end,
  91. ["P"] = function ()
  92. score = score + dscore
  93. end,
  95. ["D"] = function ()
  96. score = score * 2
  97. end,
  99. ["Z"] = function ()
  100. lm3s.disp.print( tostring( score ), 111, 89, 0 )
  101. score = 0
  102. end,
  104. ["T"] = function ()
  105. lm3s.disp.print( ball.char, ball.x, ball.y, 0 )
  106. ball.y = math.random( 82 )
  107. lm3s.disp.print( ball.char, ball.x, ball.y, 15 )
  108. end,
  109. ["F"] = function()
  110. if delay_time >= 1000 then
  111. delay_time = delay_time - 1000
  112. end
  113. end,
  114. }
  116. -- Updates Y paddle position and draw it using the draw_paddle( ... ) function
  117. function update_paddle_pos()
  118. if kit.btn_pressed( kit.BTN_UP ) then
  119. if ( paddle.y > 0 ) then
  120. paddle.y = paddle.y - 1
  121. draw_paddle( paddle.y, 11, -1 )
  122. else
  123. tmr.delay( 1, 1700 )
  124. end
  125. elseif kit.btn_pressed( kit.BTN_DOWN ) then
  126. if ( paddle.y + ( paddle.size*6 ) + 1 < 90 ) then
  127. paddle.y = paddle.y + 1
  128. draw_paddle( paddle.y, 11, 1 )
  129. else
  130. tmr.delay( 1, 1600 )
  131. end
  132. else
  133. draw_paddle( paddle.y, 11, 0 )
  134. tmr.delay( 1, 300 ) -- Maintain function processing time aprox the same
  135. end
  136. end
  138. -- Draw the paddle in the display. This function is used by update_paddle_pos() function
  139. function draw_paddle( y, color, movement )
  140. if ( movement == 0 ) then
  141. for i = 0, paddle.size, 1 do
  142. lm3s.disp.print( "|", 0, y + ( i * 6 ), color )
  143. end
  144. elseif ( movement > 0 ) then -- Paddle moving Down
  145. if y < 8 then
  146. lm3s.disp.print( "|", 0, 0, 0 )
  147. else
  148. lm3s.disp.print( "|", 0, y - 8 , 0 )
  149. end
  150. for i = 0, paddle.size, 1 do
  151. lm3s.disp.print( "|", 0, y + ( i * 6 ), color )
  152. end
  153. elseif ( movement < 0 ) then -- Paddle moving Up
  154. lm3s.disp.print( "|", 0, y + ( ( paddle.size + 1 ) * 6 ) + 2 , 0 )
  155. for i = 0, paddle.size, 1 do
  156. lm3s.disp.print( "|", 0, y + ( i * 6 ), color )
  157. end
  158. end
  159. end
  161. -- Updates the ( X, Y ) ball position and prints the corresponding char
  162. function update_ball_pos()
  163. if( ( ball.x + 5 >= canvas.x ) or ( ball.x <= 4 ) ) then
  164. ball.dx = -ball.dx;
  165. if ball.dx == -1 and item.char == false then
  166. createItem()
  167. end
  168. end
  169. if( ( ball.y >= 90 - ball.dy ) or ( ball.y <= 1 - ball.dy ) ) then
  170. ball.dy = -ball.dy;
  171. end
  172. lm3s.disp.print( ball.char, ball.x, ball.y, 0 )
  173. ball.x, ball.y = ( ball.x + ball.dx ), ( ball.y + ball.dy );
  174. lm3s.disp.print( ball.char, ball.x, ball.y, 15 )
  175. end
  178. -- Draw the top wall and erase the last one. Used to move it
  179. function draw_wall( x )
  180. for i = 0, canvas.y, 7 do -- Erase the wall
  181. lm3s.disp.print( "|", canvas.x + 1, i, 0 )
  182. end
  183. canvas.x = x
  184. for i = 0, canvas.y, 7 do -- Draw a new wall
  185. lm3s.disp.print( "|", canvas.x + 1, i, 6 )
  186. end
  187. end
  189. -- Item Functions
  190. function createItem()
  191. item.char = item.all_chars[ math.random( #item.all_chars ) ]
  192. item.x = canvas.x - 10
  193. item.y = ball.y
  194. end
  196. -- Upload the itens from table itemFunction into the table item.all_chars
  197. -- Must be used to initialize the items
  198. function upload_items()
  199. for k,v in pairs( itemFunction ) do
  200. table.insert( item.all_chars, k )
  201. end
  202. end
  204. -- Updates the item X position
  205. function update_item_pos()
  206. if item.char then
  207. if ( item.x <= 4 ) then
  208. if ( ( item.y + 8 < paddle.y ) or ( item.y > paddle.y + ( paddle.size * 6 ) + 8 ) ) == false then
  209. use_item()
  210. end
  211. lm3s.disp.print( item.char, item.x, item.y, 0 )
  212. item.char = false
  213. return
  214. end
  215. lm3s.disp.print( item.char, item.x, item.y, 0 )
  216. item.x = item.x - 2
  217. lm3s.disp.print( item.char, item.x, item.y, 10 )
  218. end
  219. end
  221. -- Uses the item's function
  222. function use_item()
  223. itemFunction[ item.char ]()
  224. end
  226. -- Checks if a button was clicked ( pressed and released )
  227. -- Returns true or false
  228. function button_clicked( button )
  229. if kit.btn_pressed( button ) then
  230. pressed[ button ] = true
  231. else
  232. if pressed[ button ] then
  233. pressed[ button ] = nil
  234. return true
  235. end
  236. pressed[ button ] = nil
  237. end
  238. return false
  239. end
  241. ------------ MAIN ------------
  242. upload_items()
  243. lm3s.disp.init( 1000000 )
  245. tmr.start( tmr_id )
  246. --menu()
  247. math.randomseed( tmr_id ) ) -- If you use the menu function, the time will be used as a seed to the random function
  248. --tmr.stop( tmr_id )
  250. collectgarbage( "collect" )
  256. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  257. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  258. -- --
  259. -- GAME START --
  260. -- --
  261. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. repeat
  265. canvas.x = 124
  266. canvas.y = 97
  267. ball.x = 5
  268. ball.y = math.random( ( canvas.y - 8 ) / 2 ) + ( canvas.y / 4 )
  269. ball.dx = 1
  270. ball.dy = 1
  271. paddle.y = ball.y - 4
  272. item.x = 0
  273. item.y = 0
  274. score = 0
  275. dscore = 1
  276. item.char = false
  277. paddle.size = 2
  278. delay_time = 10000
  279. paddle_hits = 0
  281. lm3s.disp.clear()
  283. draw_wall( canvas.x )
  284. draw_paddle( paddle.y, 11, 0 )
  286. while ( true ) do
  287. for i = 0, 1 do
  288. update_paddle_pos()
  289. end
  290. tmr.delay ( 0, delay_time )
  291. update_ball_pos()
  292. update_item_pos()
  293. if ( ball.x <= 4 ) then
  294. if ( ( ball.y + 8 < paddle.y ) or ( ball.y > paddle.y + ( paddle.size * 6 ) + 8 ) ) then -- If this is true, you lose
  295. break
  296. else -- Else, you score
  297. score = score + dscore
  298. paddle_hits = paddle_hits + 1
  299. end
  300. end
  302. if button_clicked( kit.BTN_RIGHT ) and delay_time > 0 then -- If the right button is clicked, increase the level
  303. delay_time = delay_time - delay_incr
  304. dscore = dscore + 1
  305. end
  306. if button_clicked( kit.BTN_LEFT ) and dscore > 0 then -- If the left button is clicked, decrease the level
  307. delay_time = delay_time + delay_incr
  308. dscore = dscore - 1
  309. end
  311. if ( paddle_hits == 5 ) and canvas.x > 80 then -- After 5 hits in a row, move the wall until canvas.x = 80
  312. paddle_hits = 0
  313. draw_wall( canvas.x - 5 )
  314. end
  315. lm3s.disp.print( tostring( dscore ), 118, 0, 6 )
  316. lm3s.disp.print( tostring( score ), 111, 89, 6 )
  317. collectgarbage( "collect" )
  318. end
  319. -------------------------------------------
  320. -- Game Over
  321. -------------------------------------------
  322. if score >= ( highscore or 0 ) then
  323. highscore = score
  324. end
  325. lm3s.disp.clear()
  326. lm3s.disp.print( "Game Over :(", 30, 20, 11 )
  327. lm3s.disp.print( "Your score was "..tostring( score ), 15, 40, 11 )
  328. lm3s.disp.print( "Highscore: "..tostring( highscore ), 15, 50, 11 )
  329. lm3s.disp.print( "SELECT to restart", 6, 70, 11 )
  330. enough = true
  331. for i=1, 100000 do
  332. if kit.btn_pressed( kit.BTN_SELECT ) then
  333. enough = false
  334. break
  335. end
  336. end
  337. until ( enough )
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