

Jun 24th, 2016
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  1. billibilliのURLで曲を探せない
  2. "Search by bilibili URL" -> done
  4. NNDが自動連続再生できない
  5. "Automated, continous playback for NicoNico" -> can't be done without support from NicoNico (see
  7. NNDのID(sm○○○)やyoutubeの後半IDやbillibilliのID(av○○○)で検索登録できるようにしてほしい
  8. "Search by NND, Youtube or Bilibili ID" -> Possible for NicoNico, but not possible for all services at this point.
  10. soundcloudの音量調整が出来ない
  11. "Want to adjust SoundCloud volume" -> no option for this in the widget. You can adjust volume using the API, but it would be a separate control on VocaDB, not worth it
  13. 関連楽曲のマッチング機能はDBとしての力が生かされる機能だと思うので、もっと目立った方が良い、そしてマッチングリストを1クリックですぐ再生できるようにした方が良い
  14. "I think related song match is a potential for VocaDB so it should be easier to find. Also, a 1-click button to play a matching list." -> possible, but could be a lot of work. The matching algorithm should be improved. In general it would help if we had more ratings and tags.
  16. listの表示件数が少ない100件は欲しい
  17. "want the list to show at least 100 songs." -> ok, this can be changed (
  19. listの表示件数を変えた時それで固定できるようにしてほしい
  20. "a way to lock the list length after changing it." -> you mean the system should remember the "items per page" setting permanently? For all lists, or just that one? User setting should be possible. CONFIRM
  22. listからNNDのマイリスト登録が出来るようにしてほしい、もしくは1clickで元動画に飛べるようにして欲しい
  23. "a way to create MyList on NND from a list" -> I don't know how we could make this happen. Is there an example somewhere? CONFIRM
  24. "1-click from list to the original video" -> Not sure I understand this. Link to original video from the list view? CONFIRM
  26. マイページの好きな曲や曲検索での条件をurlクエリーで渡せるようにしてほしい
  27. "be able to put favorite songs and song search url queries on the profile description page." -> if you mean the specific query parameters, it's possible, but quite a lot of work (see
  29. customListに付いているsearchが曲名にしか対応してない、ボカロ名と作者名の抽出は欲しい
  30. "custom list search only looks through song name and not vocaloid or artist." -> doable, but I'd have to figure out the UI... (see
  32. 一度作ったcustomListに後からNND mylistの曲をインポートで追加、更新できるようにしてほしい
  33. "be able to re-import custom List made from NND import to refresh the list." -> I can look into this (
  35. customListではリスト作成者の評価(いいね・お気に入り) と視聴者本人の評価と総合評価 両方表示されるようにしてほしい、ボタンで切り替えでも良い
  36. "show "like" "favorite" and view counts on custom list, or a toggle to display those
  37. also the user's own "like" "favorite" preference displayed"
  38. -> like counts are not tracked, but favorite count + score is possible. User's own rating can be shown, but that would be a toggle option for performance reasons. CONFIRM
  40. 自動再生のplaylistにバグが多い、曲送りで固まったり操作できなくなることが多い、特にsoundcloudからyoutubeやNNDに移るときにバグが起きやすい気がする
  41. "Many bugs in auto-play playlist. Song and control gets stuck a lot, especially going from SC to YT or NND."
  42. -> I couldn't reproduce this with some testing, but I know the NND player especially gets stuck sometimes. It's quite complicated because the player has to be reloaded from the server when changing song. I've been hoping NND would switch to a completely new player.
  44. 曲評価のいいね! と お気に入り 以外にもう1,2段階評価のランクが欲しい
  45. "1 or 2 more ranks between Like and Favorite" -> I don't think I'm going to change this, sorry.
  48. NNDをHTML5に対応させてほしい、そうすればスマホでも楽に見られるのに
  49. はHTML5対応なので出来ないことは無いかと、その代わりプレミアム画質で見られなくなるかもしれないが・・
  50. "HTML5 player for NicoNico similar to nicofinder, to make it work in mobile" -> I guess we could try to imitate nicofinder's implementation, but it's not officially supported, there's no documentation, so it's going to be a lot of work. I'm still hoping NND officially releases HTML5-based embeddable player.
  52. 自分が作ったcustomListをアピール出来る場が欲しい、今は作っても気づかれないので
  53. "A way/place to have more visibility for custom lists users make. Currently no one notices the custom lists." -> I've been thinking about this too, but not sure how. We could list those in the activity feed at least?
  55. 出来れば公表するかしないかをリスト毎に設定できると嬉しい、初期設定は非公開で
  56. "Option to make list public or private with default being private." -> "private", as in not viewable even with a link? It's possible, I just don't know why someone would need that. Unlisted might make more sense. We can do both of course, but I'd like to know a use case for private song lists. CONFIRM
  60. いっぱい書いたけど凄いサイトだと思って楽しんで使ってますので、これからも応援してます
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