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Config Battlelevel

a guest
Feb 21st, 2016
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  1. # Do we want to use player kills ?
  2. players-enabled: true
  3. # Score which is lost on death
  4. lose-score-on-death: 0.0
  5. # Score which is gained on kill
  6. kill-score: 1.0
  7. # Maximum level
  8. max-level: 1000
  9. # Incremental level value
  10. increment: 1.0
  11. # Default kills to next level
  12. default-kills: 5
  13. # Enabe extra needed per level (each level will become harder and
  14. enable-extra-needed: true
  15. # Extra needed per level (each level will become harder and
  16. # harder)
  17. extra-needed-per-level: 0.05
  18. # If a player has a high streak or multiplier, it is possible
  19. # that he unlocks multiple levels at once, this option allows
  20. # you the amount of next levels to check
  21. check-for-next: 1
  22. # How long the Boss Bar is shown
  23. bar-showtime: 10
  24. # Enable xp bar progress
  25. xp-bar: true
  26. # Execute a command every level-up
  27. every-level-command: false
  28. # If the previous feature is enabled, this is the command
  29. command-every-level:
  30. - /tm msg <player> &6BRAVO%nl%&fVous avez atteint le &bLvL %mvdw_battlelevels_level%
  31. # Level-up message
  32. levelup-message: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &bVous etes maintenant &bLvL %level'
  33. # Level-up announcement
  34. levelup-announcement: 'LvL %mvdw_battlelevels_level%'
  35. # How often it should show the announcement
  36. announce-every-x-level: 5
  37. # Reward message
  38. reward-message: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &dRecompenses LvL &brecevez &2%xpamount XP &bet &2%moneyamount
  39. Runes'
  40. # Death message
  41. death-message: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &bVous perdez &e%amount points'
  42. # Kill message
  43. kill-message: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &bVous avez tuer &e%name&b, vous recevez &e%amount &bpoints'
  44. # Level-up message in the Boss Bar
  45. bar-levelup-message: '&bVotre niveau augmente au &5> LvL &e&l%level&e'
  46. # Kill message in the Boss Bar
  47. bar-kill-message: '&bVous avez tuer &e%died, &cprogression du niveau&e:'
  48. # Settings
  49. show-death-message: false
  50. show-kill-message: false
  51. show-announcements: false
  52. show-reward-message: true
  53. show-levelup-message: true
  54. # Percentage chance that the item will be given
  55. item-give-percentage: 0
  56. # Item ID
  57. item-id: 0
  58. # Item amount
  59. item-amount: 0
  60. # Money amount
  61. money-amount: 50
  62. # XP amount
  63. xp-amount: 10
  64. # If a player has a killstreak, this extrea value is gained # per kill in the killstreak
  65. points-per-kill-in-streak: 0.5
  66. # Enable boosters
  67. booster-enabled: true
  68. # Maximum normal booster time
  69. max-booster: 48
  70. # Maximum global booster time
  71. max-global-booster: 48
  72. # Global booster message
  73. global-booster-message: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &e%name booster globale activer pour &5> &e%amount heures'
  74. # Normal booster message
  75. booster-message: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &bBooster activer pour &5> &6%amount heures'
  76. # Message if boosters aren't enabled
  77. booster-not-enabled: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &aBoosters non activer'
  78. # Normal booster de-activated
  79. booster-de-activated: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &aVotre booster est encore actif'
  80. # Global booster de-activated
  81. global-booster-de-activated: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &aLe booster globale est encore actif'
  82. # Normal booster maximum message
  83. max-boost-message: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &aLe boost maximale est de &5> &b%amount heures'
  84. # Global booster maximum message
  85. max-global-boost-message: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &aLe boost globale maximale est de &5> &b%amount heures'
  86. # Enable ranged zones
  87. ranged-zones: false
  88. # Enable level-zones
  89. level-zones: false
  90. # Ranged zone message
  91. ranged-message: '&aVous ne pouvez pas taper &b%hit &aa cause de la protection de zone &e%range'
  92. # Level zone message
  93. level-message: '&aVous ne pouvez pas allez dans cette zone &aLevel requis &5> &b%level'
  94. # Disabled world list
  95. disabled-worlds:
  96. - disabledworldhere
  97. # Enable global ranged zones
  98. global-ranged-zones: false
  99. # Global ranged zones value
  100. global-ranged-zones-range: false
  101. # Global ranged zone message
  102. global-ranged-message: '&aVous ne pouvez pas taper &b%hit &aa cause de la protection de zone &e%range'
  103. # Commands
  104. commands:
  105. '1':
  106. - ' &a&l<&a&m===&a&l> &cStats &6%name &a&l<&a&m====&a&l>'
  107. - ' &bScore&a: &e%score %coin'
  108. - ' &bLevel&a: &e%level'
  109. - ' &bKills&a: &e%kills'
  110. - ' &bMorts&a: &e%deaths'
  111. - ' &bMultiplieur&a: &e%multiplier &e%coin'
  112. - ' &bKillstreak&a: &e%killstreak kills'
  113. - ' &bExtra dommage&a: &e%extradamage &c%heart'
  114. - ' &bExtra Santees&a: &e%extrahearts &c%heart'
  115. - ' &bPoints manquant pour le prochain level&a: &e%neededfornext %coin'
  116. - ' &bProgression&a: %bar'
  117. - ' &bBooster&a: &e%boostertime'
  118. - ' &bXP level&a: &e%xp'
  119. '2':
  120. - ' &aTop 10 levels'
  121. - ' &e1: &a%toplevels1name - &elevel &a%toplevels1value'
  122. - ' &e2: &a%toplevels2name - &elevel &a%toplevels2value'
  123. - ' &e3: &a%toplevels3name - &elevel &a%toplevels3value'
  124. - ' &e4: &a%toplevels4name - &elevel &a%toplevels4value'
  125. - ' &e5: &a%toplevels5name - &elevel &a%toplevels5value'
  126. - ' &e6: &a%toplevels6name - &elevel &a%toplevels6value'
  127. - ' &e7: &a%toplevels7name - &elevel &a%toplevels7value'
  128. - ' &e8: &a%toplevels8name - &elevel &a%toplevels8value'
  129. - ' &e9: &a%toplevels9name - &elevel &a%toplevels9value'
  130. - ' &e10: &a%toplevels10name - &elevel &a%toplevels10value'
  131. # Commands
  132. level-command:
  133. '1': /level
  134. '2': /topstats
  135. # Show firework
  136. show-firework: true
  137. # Heal on level-up
  138. heal: true
  139. # Show particles
  140. show-levelup-particles: true
  141. # Enable extra damage based on level
  142. enable-extra-damage: true
  143. extra-damage-per-level: 0.01
  144. max-extra-damage: 4.0
  145. # Enable extra hearts
  146. enable-extra-hearts: true
  147. extra-hearts-per-level: 0.1
  148. max-extra-hearts: 4.0
  149. # Show the firework every specific amount of levels
  150. firework-every-x-level: 2
  151. # Message if player doesn't exist in database
  152. player-not-available: '&6DESTYLAND &5> &cCe joueurs n''existe pas'
  153. # MySQL settings
  154. mysql: true
  155. mysql-host:
  156. mysql-username: service_43063
  157. mysql-password: 7i4Azp8Iy2
  158. mysql-database: service_43063
  159. # Level specific command settings, the example is 0, just for demonstration, but you should use a real level
  160. level-specific-commands:
  161. '1':
  162. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  163. - /tell &f
  164. - /tell &b Premier &5level &bpasser, allez encore plus loin !
  165. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  166. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&55 Tokens
  167. - /tell &f
  168. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  169. - /ptimer give %name Boost1
  170. - /tokens give %name 5
  171. '25':
  172. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  173. - /tell &f
  174. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  175. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&510 Tokens
  176. - /tell &f
  177. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  178. - /ptimer give %name Boost1
  179. - /tokens give %name 10
  180. '50':
  181. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  182. - /tell &f
  183. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  184. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&520 Tokens
  185. - /tell &f
  186. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  187. - /ptimer give %name Boost4
  188. - /tokens give %name 20
  189. '75':
  190. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  191. - /tell &f
  192. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  193. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&540 Tokens
  194. - /tell &f
  195. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  196. - /ptimer give %name Boost1
  197. - /tokens give %name 40
  198. '100':
  199. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  200. - /tell &f
  201. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  202. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&550 Tokens
  203. - /tell &f
  204. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  205. - /ptimer give %name Boost5
  206. - /tokens give %name 50
  207. '150':
  208. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  209. - /tell &f
  210. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  211. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&575 Tokens
  212. - /tell &f
  213. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  214. - /ptimer give %name Boost1
  215. - /tokens give %name 75
  216. '200':
  217. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  218. - /tell &f
  219. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  220. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&590 Tokens
  221. - /tell &f
  222. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  223. - /ptimer give %name Boost4
  224. - /tokens give %name 90
  225. '250':
  226. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  227. - /tell &f
  228. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  229. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&5100 Tokens
  230. - /tell &f
  231. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  232. - /ptimer give %name Boost1
  233. - /tokens give %name 100
  234. '300':
  235. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  236. - /tell &f
  237. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  238. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&5150 Tokens
  239. - /tell &f
  240. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  241. - /ptimer give %name Boost5
  242. - /tokens give %name 150
  243. '400':
  244. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  245. - /tell &f
  246. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  247. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&5150 Tokens
  248. - /tell &f
  249. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  250. - /ptimer give %name Boost4
  251. - /tokens give %name 150
  252. '500':
  253. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  254. - /tell &f
  255. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  256. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&5150 Tokens
  257. - /tell &f
  258. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  259. - /ptimer give %name Boost1
  260. - /tokens give %name 150
  261. '600':
  262. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  263. - /tell &f
  264. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  265. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&5150 Tokens
  266. - /tell &f
  267. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  268. - /ptimer give %name Boost5
  269. - /tokens give %name 150
  270. '700':
  271. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  272. - /tell &f
  273. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  274. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&5150 Tokens
  275. - /tell &f
  276. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  277. - /ptimer give %name Boost1
  278. - /tokens give %name 150
  279. '800':
  280. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  281. - /tell &f
  282. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  283. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&5150 Tokens
  284. - /tell &f
  285. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  286. - /ptimer give %name Boost4
  287. - /tokens give %name 150
  288. '900':
  289. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  290. - /tell &f
  291. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  292. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&5150 Tokens
  293. - /tell &f
  294. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  295. - /ptimer give %name Boost1
  296. - /tokens give %name 150
  297. '1000':
  298. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  299. - /tell &f
  300. - /tell &f邱&f&nRECOMPENSES&f邱
  301. - /tell &a Boost &bet &f鐔&5500 Tokens
  302. - /tell &f
  303. - /tell &6------------------------------------
  304. - /ptimer give %name Boost5
  305. - /tokens give %name 500
  306. # Killstreak specific command settings, the example is 0, just for demonstration, but you should use a real killstreak
  307. killstreak-specific-commands:
  308. '0':
  309. - /say This is an example command !
  310. - /say You can even add multiple commands and the variable %killstreak and %name !
  311. # Define if anti-griding is enabled
  312. grinders-enabled: false
  313. # Grinder reset time in seconds
  314. grindertime: 300
  315. # Max times you can kill the same player during the interval
  316. max-grind: 5
  317. # Enable negative score
  318. negative-score: false
  319. # Enabled multipliers
  320. multipliers:
  321. - 0.5
  322. - 1.5
  323. - 2.5
  324. # Disable extra damage and kills on mobs from spawners and commands
  325. special-mobs: false
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