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Mar 13th, 2025
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  1. All scores:
  2. kerriekipje 11
  3. Awkward_King 10
  4. CrimsonROSET 10
  5. Da-Gay-Agenda 10
  6. hockeynl 10
  7. IIIHenryIII 10
  8. ManofOranges 10
  9. red3pit 10
  10. runaway3212 10
  11. dj.222 9
  12. Electro Catalyst 9
  13. yahi 9
  14. WaneLectroToc 8.9
  15. Brilliant-Primary500 8
  16. cashewconstellation 8
  17. DreameeEevee 8
  18. Frajer 8
  19. Hulnia 8
  20. nickl00 8
  21. PrimaryCrusaders 8
  22. Too-Much-To-Dream 8
  23. veryanniev 8
  24. WesternWind 8
  25. luuvin 7
  26. modulum83 7
  27. paradiyze 7
  28. thatplatypus99 7
  29. TheQueenofVultures 7
  30. xophrys 7
  31. youngandlovely_ 7
  32. hikk 6
  33. wasian-invasion 6
  34. vexastrae 5.5
  35. chf333 5
  36. DirtyRat583 5
  37. FreeCuddlesAnyone 5
  38. frogaranaman 5
  39. Goorry121 5
  40. ignitethephoenix 5
  41. NFLfreak98 5
  42. reput4tionera 5
  43. Squandary 5
  44. stealthamo 5
  45. Stryxen 5
  46. zadooi 5
  47. TragicKingdom1 4.5
  48. buildingigloos 4
  49. RandomHypnotica 4
  50. BleepBloopMusicFan 3
  51. SFbby 3
  52. slimboyfriend 3
  53. springfrompages 3
  54. uberpigeon 3
  55. ConnerY2323 2
  56. donewithbirds 2
  57. dreamingpastel 2
  58. GalliumFanatic 2
  59. jman457 2
  60. ktajlili 2
  61. Quasar435 2
  62. redgold51 2
  63. TiltControls 2
  64. uiscebeathaoir 2
  65. __Avaritia 1
  66. Ambrosia42 1
  67. asadprofessorplum 1
  68. BDog949 1
  69. bogo 1
  70. bran 1
  71. ceej_aye 1
  72. ChopperRCRG 1
  73. flava is a brat 1
  74. homestarguy 1
  75. ImADudeDuh 1
  76. indie_fan_ 1
  77. innuendo_overdose 1
  78. jimmy345960 1
  79. jirachi 1
  80. krusso1105 1
  81. Lynflower680 1
  82. mustwinfullgaming 1
  83. Nagisoid 1
  84. oh_crow 1
  85. pbk 1
  86. RainbowSherbet47 1
  87. ricki 1
  88. sarcasticsobs 1
  89. starlitsuns (in their possible PL twentieth title arc) 1
  90. TakeOnMeByA-ha 1
  91. Verboten_Prince 1
  92. wathombe 1
  93. xxipli0ts 1
  94. 1998tweety 0
  95. charlibratfammanfanstan 0
  96. detectivestar 0
  97. FitzMarble 0
  98. Friendly-Canary-3814 0
  99. Poydoo 0
  100. qazz23 0
  101. seanderlust 0
  102. UselessTacooo 0
  103. vayyiqra 0
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