

Mar 1st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Picture a shell ('person') or a race with either a low intelligence or verbal IQ caught up in a particular issue, it's a fairly one of a kind issue in a world where the war was short and small. Now picture there are many universes, each separate from each other. Each of these universes has the same issue develop, except the race or shell in their universe generally had a higher intelligence or verbal IQ than in the first universe we started with and they tended to find the angles to get themselves free of their charges whereas the race or shell in our first universe could not do that.
  3. Picture a universe set-up much like ours with 'ones' begetting 'two's' who inhabit their own separate universe. Now picture a race issue where someone is charged with using a racial epithet inappropriately, the racial epithet is generally sourced in a perception of that race being more violent, and mayhaps they actually are. But there's something peculiar about that race, their particularly smaller penises, relative to the other races and the offending race, allows them to propagate more because the women love inviting them to their countries, the sex is generally more comfortable for them, everyone else's penises are way too big. With more of them around, its simply more likely they can get their revenge on the offender.
  5. Picture another world where a particular stupid race has taught the rest of the races how to think in an SJW manner. They can either be more or less visibly violent, that part really doesn't matter. The other races as a result had a higher tendency to embrace enemy mercy meanwhile for whatever reason that race in particular hates enemy mercy, and targets them.
  7. As you know there is some kind of feedback system where the negative % energies can be manipulated to work against evil. This feedback system is presumed to be highly effective but is also corruptive. In many cases it is the idea of hacking the -% energies themselves that lead to people getting involved in the war, because the idea feels powerful, satisfyingly badass, and liable to be super effective. Unfortunately, their heroism and desire to do good can go punished by the chemical corruption, leading to their fall above a rate that would otherwise be expected.
  9. Things like this are devastating when you believe you are engaged with a real enemy.
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