
Day I have no idea what I'm Doing pt 1

Jun 24th, 2013
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  1. >Day of the Tentacle in Equestria
  2. >You are Anon, Half-Human, Half-Tentacle-Rape-Monster
  3. >On Earth, you were a freak of nature
  4. >They put you in a zoo, and people threw peanuts at you
  5. >You were alergic to peanuts
  6. >You think they would've figured it out before the sixteenth time you went into anaphylatic shock
  7. >This place was different
  8. >You were still a freak of nature, but they gave you a house
  9. >And nobody threw peanuts at you
  10. >You even had a job
  11. >Some orange pony payed you to pick apples
  12. >You sometimes saw her staring, drooling, at your tentacles as they plucked apples from her trees
  13. >So nice of her to give work so someone she was so clearly disgusted by
  14. >You could never remember her name, you think it was applejacks
  15. >Such a silly name
  16. >Today didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary
  17. >After completing your morning ritual, you head over to fruit loop's farm
  18. >The air was nice and crisp, but it was oddly quiet today
  19. >You notice a bush following you
  20. >Silly bush, bushes do not walk
  21. >Wait, maybe they do in equestria, you should ask Weetabix when you get to work
  22. >Nothing really eventful happens that day, other than Cinnamon Toast Crunch mushing her ass into your leg
  23. >Silly pony, must have thought you were a tree
  24. >You should tell her to get her eyes checked
  25. >As you approach your house, you notice your door is open
  26. >Scratch that, your door is nowhere to be found
  27. >In fact, there appears to be a large hole where your door frame was this morning
  28. >You Quizically stick your head in what used to be your door frame
  29. Hello? Who's in here?
  30. >The last thing you see is yellow, then black
  31. >Fuck, you knew the bee apocalypse would come day
  32. >You finally come to, and appear to be strapped to your bed
  34. >You notice that your attacker is not, in fact a bee, but a yellow pegasus, who is now giving you an incredebly bewildered look
  35. Oh. Hi miss pegasus. You haven't seen any bees around here, have you?
  36. >You see her mouth "What the fuck?"
  37. >"Fuck it, I don't care if your are nuts"
  38. >She grabs your pants in her teeth
  39. >In one swift motion, she pulls them off
  40. >"All i care is that i get some of the that hot monkey di-"
  41. >She freezes, jaw agape, staring at your crotch
  42. >Luckily for you, being part tentacle monster removes the need for a normal dick
  43. >As such, you do not have one, your tentacles sit retracted when not in use
  44. >You can hear attempts at vocalizations for about a minute
  45. My name's Anon, what's yours?
  47. >She runs out of your house in a fit of noisy tears
  48. Good-Bye! My legs are so cold...
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