

Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. Name Matthew Carson
  3. Refresh
  5. High Concept [The Boy who would Exceed]
  6. Trouble [Ever Reaching, Over-Extending]
  7. Phase 1 [R-Tech Savant] {A strange thing occurred at the Ranger Choosing Ceremony, the once a generation chance for candidates
  8. like Matt to become full fledged members of a Ranger Team. The power went out and suddenly the test
  9. Morphers began to brainwash the candidates! Through some swift thinking and an instinctual
  10. understanding of R-tech, the Black Box Technology that makes Rangers and Riders so powerful, Matt
  11. halted the brainwashing and uncovered the culprit; This had been perpetrated by the evil organization
  12. Shocker!}
  13. Phase 2 ["Let's do some Field Testing"] {With the discovery of Shocker ties, Andy and Matt begin to look deeper into the Raiders
  14. and their connections via exploring the capital and talking with it's people. Through
  15. their combined skills they manage to find a Raider hideout, but are forced to fight a
  16. Kaijin infused Raider. The perfect opportunity for matt to test out his prototype tech.
  17. The Raider is driven off, leaving more questions than answers.}
  18. Phase 3 [Hero by Choice] {It seemed Matt was getting pushed into a position he wasn't quite ready for; all those dreams of being a
  19. Ranger now coming true in dangerous reality. He takes time to reflect upon his predicament only for Kanna
  20. to interrupt. The two speak of their shared childhood and how Kanna was finally a full-blown kunoichi.
  21. Though her tone was teasing, Matt would come to realize that it didn't matter what he was to fight
  22. Shocker. He had the means and the skills to stand up to them, and his family had his back.}
  24. Skills
  25. Superior +5
  26. Great +4[Crafts]
  27. Good +3[Will][Physique]
  28. Fair +2[Stealth][Fight][Deceive]
  29. Average +1[Investigate][Rapport][Empathy][Shoot]
  31. 3: Clever
  32. 2: Sneaky, Careful
  33. 1: Flashy, Quick
  34. 0: Forceful
  36. Extras
  38. Stunts
  40. Consequences
  41. Mild 2
  42. Moderate 4
  43. Severe 6
  45. Physical Stress
  46. 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
  48. Mental Stress
  49. 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]1
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