

Sep 17th, 2020
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  2. [root@control etcd]# history
  3. 1 cd cka
  4. 2 ./ 14
  5. 3 vim exercise3.yaml
  6. 4 kubectl create -f exercise3.yaml
  7. 5 exit
  8. 6 tail -n 1 /etc/passwd
  9. 7 cd /home/anna
  10. 8 openssl genrsa -out anna.key 2048
  11. 9 ls
  12. 10 openssl req -new -key anna.key -out anna.csr -subj "/CN=anna"
  13. 11 openssl x509 -req -in anna.csr -CA /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt -CAkey /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out anna.crt -days 600
  14. 12 ls
  15. 13 mkdir .certs
  16. 14 mv anna.crt anna.key .certs/
  17. 15 ls .certs/
  18. 16 exit
  19. 17 cd /home/anna/
  20. 18 mkdir .kube
  21. 19 pwd
  22. 20 cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf /home/anna/.kube/config
  23. 21 vim .kube/config
  24. 22 chown -R anna /home/anna
  25. 23 ls -a
  26. 24 ls -al
  27. 25 chown -R anna:anna /home/anna
  28. 26 cd .certs
  29. 27 ls -l
  30. 28 chmod 400 anna.key
  31. 29 exit
  32. 30 vim /etc/hosts
  33. 31 history
  34. 32 ip a
  35. 33 vim /etc/hosts
  36. 34 yum install vim git bash-completion
  37. 35 git clone
  38. 36 cd cka
  39. 37 ls
  40. 38 vim
  41. 39 ./
  42. 40 vim
  43. 41 ./
  44. 42 ls
  45. 43 ./ 14
  46. 44 kubeadm init
  47. 45 vim /etc/hosts
  48. 46 kubeadm reset
  49. 47 kubeadm init
  50. 48 vim /tmp/todo.txt
  51. 49 su - student
  52. 50 history
  53. 51 su - student
  54. 52 su - anna
  55. 53 exit
  56. 54 etcdctl --help | less
  57. 55 ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --help | less
  58. 56 ps aux | grep etcd
  59. 57 ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= snapshot save snapshotdb
  60. 58 ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key snapshot save snapshotdb
  61. 59 ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key get /
  62. 60 ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key get / --prefix --keys-only
  63. 61 cd /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/
  64. 62 ls
  65. 63 history
  68. OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"curl\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown
  69. command terminated with exit code 126
  70. [student@control ckad]$ history
  71. 1 mkdir .kube
  72. 2 sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
  73. 3 sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
  74. 4 vim .kube/config
  75. 5 kubectl get all
  76. 6 kubectl get all --all-namespaces
  77. 7 kubectl apply -f "$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
  78. 8 kubectl get all --all-namespaces
  79. 9 kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  80. 10 vim /tmp/todo.txt
  81. 11 ssh root@worker1
  82. 12 ssh root@worker2
  83. 13 kubectl get nodes
  84. 14 history
  85. 15 exit
  86. 16 history
  87. 17 vim exercise2.yaml
  88. 18 kubectl -h
  89. 19 kubectl completion -h
  90. 20 source <(kubectl completion bash)
  91. 21 kubectl create namespace -h
  92. 22 kubectl create namespace mynamespace
  93. 23 vim exercise2.yaml
  94. 24 kubectl create -f exercise2.yaml
  95. 25 kubectl run alpine2 --image=alpine --command sleep 3600 -n mynamespace --dry-run=client -o yaml > rtex2.yaml
  96. 26 vim rtex2.yaml
  97. 27 kubectl explain pods.spec
  98. 28 vim rtex2.yaml
  99. 29 kubectl get pods --namespace=mynamespace
  100. 30 kubectl describe pods alpine --namespace=mynamespace
  101. 31 kubectl get pods alpine --namespace=mynamespace -o yaml | less
  102. 32 cd cka
  103. 33 su -
  104. 34 vim exercise3.yaml
  105. 35 kubectl create -f exercise3.yaml
  106. 36 kubectl explain pods
  107. 37 vim exercise3.yaml
  108. 38 kubectl create -f exercise3.yaml
  109. 39 kubectl run --image=nginx mynginx --dry-run=client -o yaml | less
  110. 40 vim exercise3.yaml
  111. 41 kubectl create -f exercise3.yaml
  112. 42 kubectl get pods
  113. 43 watch -n1 kubectl get pods
  114. 44 kubectl describe pods multi-containers
  115. 45 kubectl delete pods multi-containers
  116. 46 vim exercise3.yaml
  117. 47 kubectl apply -f exercise3.yaml
  118. 48 kubectl get pods
  119. 49 kubectl delete --grace-period=0 --force pods multi-containers
  120. 50 kubectl get nodes
  121. 51 vim exercise4b.txt
  122. 52 kubectl taint nodes master key:NoSchedule-
  123. 53 kubectl taint node master key:NoSchedule-
  124. 54 kubectl get nodes
  125. 55 kubectl taint node key:NoSchedule-
  126. 56 kubectl taint nodes --all
  127. 57 git clone
  128. 58 cd cka
  129. 59 kubectl label nodes disktype=ssd
  130. 60 kubectl get nodes --show-labels
  131. 61 vim selector-pod.yaml
  132. 62 kubectl apply -f selector-pod.yaml
  133. 63 kubectl get pods -o wide
  134. 64 kubectl run nginx1 --image=nginx
  135. 65 kubectl run nginx2 --image=nginx
  136. 66 kubectl run nginx3 --image=nginx
  137. 67 kubectl get pods -o wide
  138. 68 kubectl get nodes -o wide
  139. 69 kubectl describe nodes
  140. 70 kubectl tain nodes example-key=value1:NoSchedule
  141. 71 kubectl taint nodes example-key=value1:NoSchedule
  142. 72 kubectl run nginx4 --image=nginx
  143. 73 kubectl run nginx5 --image=nginx
  144. 74 kubectl run nginx6 --image=nginx
  145. 75 kubectl get pods -o wide
  146. 76 kubectl describe nodes | less
  147. 77 kubectl create deployment nginx-taint --image=nginx
  148. 78 kubectl scale deployment nginx-taint --replicas=3
  149. 79 kubectl get pods -o yaml
  150. 80 kubectl get pods -o wide
  151. 81 vim taint-toleration.yaml
  152. 82 kubectl create -f taint-toleration.yaml
  153. 83 kubectl get pods -o wide
  154. 84 vim taint-toleration.yaml
  155. 85 history | grep git
  156. 86 kubectl get daemonsets.apps --namespace kube-system
  157. 87 kubectl get daemonsets.apps --namespace kube-system --show-labels
  158. 88 kubectl get all --namespace=kube-system --selector name=weave-net
  159. 89 kubectl get all --namespace=kube-system --selector name=weave-net -o wide
  160. 90 ./ 13
  161. 91 vim ex251.yaml
  162. 92 kubectl explain --recursive pods
  163. 93 history
  164. 94 kubectl create deployment nginx-ex5 --image=nginx --replicas=5
  165. 95 kubectl get all --selector app=nginx-ex5
  166. 96 kubectl get all
  167. 97 kubectl get all --selector app=nginx-ex5
  168. 98 ./ 5
  169. 99 vim ws4.yaml
  170. 100 kubectl create -f ws4.yaml ; watch -n1 kubectl get pods
  171. 101 kubectl describe pods myapp-pod
  172. 102 ./ 4
  173. 103 vim ex15.yaml
  174. 104 kubectl apply -f ex15.yaml
  175. 105 vim ex15.yaml
  176. 106 kubectl get all --selector name=nginx-ds
  177. 107 kubectl get daemonsets
  178. 108 kubectl get all --selector name=nginx-ds -o wide
  179. 109 remove noschedule
  180. 110 kubectl taint node
  181. 111 kubectl describe nodes | less
  182. 112 kubectl taint node example-key=value1:NoSchedule-
  183. 113 kubectl explain pods.spec.containers.spec
  184. 114 kubectl explain pods.spec.containers
  185. 115 kubectl explain pods.spec.containers | less
  186. 116 kubectl explain pods.spec.containers --recursive | less
  187. 117 history
  188. 118 ip a
  189. 119 ./ 4
  190. 120 kubectl create deployment mynginx --image=nginx:1.14
  191. 121 kubectl get all --selector app=mynginx
  192. 122 kubectl scale deployment mynginx --replicas=5
  193. 123 kubectl get all --selector app=mynginx
  194. 124 kubectl edit deployments.apps mynginx
  195. 125 kubectl get all --selector app=mynginx
  196. 126 kubectl get deployments.apps mynginx -o yaml | less
  197. 127 kubectl explain deployment.spec.strategy
  198. 128 kubectl edit -h
  199. 129 kubectl edit --record=true deployments.apps mynginx
  200. 130 kubectl rollout history deployment mynginx
  201. 131 kubectl create deployment -h | less
  202. 132 sudo useradd anna && sudo cd /home/anna
  203. 133 pwd
  204. 134 sudo -i
  205. 135 kubectl config set-credentials anna --client-certificate=/home/anna/.certs/anna.crt --client-key=/home/anna/.certs/anna.key
  206. 136 kubectl config set-context anna-context --cluster=kubernetes --user=anna
  207. 137 pwd
  208. 138 su -
  209. 139 vim podacessrole.yaml
  210. 140 kubectl create -f podacessrole.yaml
  211. 141 vim rolebinding.yaml
  212. 142 kubectl create -f rolebinding.yaml
  213. 143 kubectl run rolepod --image=nginx
  214. 144 su - anna
  215. 145 exit
  216. 146 cd cka
  217. 147 vim rolebinding.yaml
  218. 148 kubectl config view
  219. 149 sudo su - anna
  220. 150 kubectl cordon worker1
  221. 151 kubectl cordon
  222. 152 kubectl completion -h
  223. 153 source <(kubectl completion bash)
  224. 154 history
  225. 155 kubectl auth can-i get pods --as anna
  226. 156 ./ 15
  227. 157 kubectl top -h
  228. 158 kubectl top pod
  229. 159 git clone
  230. 160 ls
  231. 161 cd metrics-server/
  232. 162 ls
  233. 163 cd manifests/
  234. 164 ls
  235. 165 cd ../..
  236. 166 kubectl create -f metrics-server/manifests/base/
  237. 167 vim metrics-server/manifests/base/kustomization.yaml
  238. 168 kubectl api-versions | less
  239. 169 kubectl get pods
  240. 170 kubectl get pods -o kube-system
  241. 171 kubectl get pods --name-space kube-system
  242. 172 kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system
  243. 173 kubectl apply -k metrics-server/manifests/base/
  244. 174 vim metrics-server/manifests/base/kustomization.yaml
  245. 175 kubectl apply -k metrics-server/manifests/base/
  246. 176 kubectl delete -f metrics-server/manifests/base/
  247. 177 kubectl apply -k metrics-server/manifests/base/
  248. 178 vim metrics-server/manifests/base/kustomization.yaml
  249. 179 kubectl kubectl get deployments --namespace kube-system
  250. 180 kubectl get deployments --namespace kube-system
  251. 181 kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system
  252. 182 kubectl -n kube-system edit deployments.apps metrics-server
  253. 183 kubectl -n kube-system logs metrics-server-755b999b8-swzqk
  254. 184 history
  255. 185 kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system
  256. 186 kubectl top
  257. 187 kubectl top pod
  258. 188 kubectl top pod -h
  259. 189 kubectl top pod --sort-by=cpu
  260. 190 ./ 5
  261. 191 vim ww.yaml
  262. 192 cat ww.yaml
  263. 193 kubectl run busybox22 --image=busybox:1.28 -- sleep 3600
  264. 194 kubectl get pods busybox22 -o yaml | less
  265. 195 cat ww.yaml
  266. 196 kubectl expose pod busybox22 --port 80 --name=mysvc --type=ClusterIP
  267. 197 kubectl exec -it busybox22 -- nslookup mysvc
  268. 198 kubectl exec -it busybox22 -- nslookup busybox22
  269. 199 kubectl get pods
  270. 200 kubectl get pods -n kube-system
  271. 201 kubectl get svc -n kube-system
  272. 202 kubectl exec -it busybox22 -- cat /etc/resolv.conf
  273. 203 kubectl -n kube-system describe pods coredns-f9fd979d6-qhdt7
  274. 204 kubectl logs -n kube-system coredns-f9fd979d6-qhdt7
  275. 205 kubectl get ep
  276. 206 kubectl get svc -n kube-system kube-dns -o yaml | less
  277. 207 kubectl describe svc -n kube-system kube-dns
  278. 208 kubectl get pods -o wide
  279. 209 sudo iptables -L
  280. 210 ssh root@worker1
  281. 211 ./ 14
  282. 212 ssh root@worker2
  283. 213 kubectl get pods
  284. 214 ssh root@worker2
  285. 215 kubectl get pods
  286. 216 ssh root@worker2
  287. 217 ls
  288. 218 vim
  289. 219 ./
  290. 220 ./ 15
  291. 221 etcdctl --help
  292. 222 sudo yum search etcdctl
  293. 223 sudo yum provides */etcdctl
  294. 224 ping
  295. 225 sudo yum install etcd
  296. 226 sudo -i
  297. 227 kubectl create deployment nginxsvc --image=nginx
  298. 228 kubectl scale deployment nginxsvc --replicas=3
  299. 229 kubectl expose deployment nginxsvc --port=80
  300. 230 kubectl get svc
  301. 231 kubectl get endpoints
  302. 232 curl
  303. 233 kubectl edit svc nginxsvc
  304. 234 kubectl get svc
  305. 235 curl
  306. 236 curl
  307. 237 curl
  308. 238 cd ..
  309. 239 ls
  310. 240 git clone
  311. 241 cd ckad
  312. 242 vim nginxsvc-ingress.yaml
  313. 243 kubectl create -f nginxsvc-ingress.yaml
  314. 244 kubectl exec -it busybox22 -- curl
  315. 245 history
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