
Tabletop for dummies

Apr 13th, 2014
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  1. [22:38:02] @Flame Emblem: Okay, first off, the players are (for now) divided into five classes, Priests, Rogues, Archers, Mages, Warriors, and that's the attack order in terms of who goes first
  2. [22:38:22] @Flame Emblem: If Bob and James are both Mages, Bob goes first, because alphabetical order
  3. [22:38:47] @Skitty: I see.
  4. [22:38:54] @Flame Emblem: Bob the Priest and James the Mage are fighting Goblin the Goblin
  5. [22:39:19] @Skitty: Lel
  6. [22:39:22] @Flame Emblem: Bob and James are both level 1, and so have 15 in every stat: Attack, Defense, HP, Mana, Stamina
  7. [22:39:42] @Flame Emblem: Goblins, like all enemies, have higher attack and HP, but bad defense
  8. [22:39:57] @Flame Emblem: Let's say 30 HP, 35 Attack, 5 defense
  9. [22:40:09] @Skitty: (I'm listening)
  10. [22:40:11] @Flame Emblem: Players go first
  11. [22:40:27] @Flame Emblem: And because Priests go before Mages, Bob is the first to command
  12. [22:40:53] @Flame Emblem: Bob uses a basic attack, with an attack stat of 15, leaving 13 stamina to use later.
  13. [22:41:09] @Flame Emblem: You roll with their attack stat
  14. [22:41:16] @Flame Emblem: In this case: 15
  15. [22:41:17] @Flame Emblem: !roll 15
  16. Random number (1 - 15): 6
  17. [22:41:28] @Skitty: Can mama ever be restored?
  18. [22:41:39] @Flame Emblem: When you "Regenerate", aka "Regen", you gain 33% of max Mana and Stamina.
  19. [22:42:42] @Flame Emblem: Bob hits the goblin with his wooden cross, with 6 power; the Goblin has 5 defense, so the Goblin loses 1 HP.
  20. [22:42:53] @Flame Emblem: Now, it's James the Mage's turn
  21. [22:43:11] @Flame Emblem: James casts Fireball, with an attack of 15, leaving 13 mana for later use.
  22. [22:43:27] @Flame Emblem: Now, we !roll 15
  23. [22:43:31] @Flame Emblem: !roll 15
  24. Random number (1 - 15): 6
  25. [22:43:38] @Flame Emblem: And we have pansies
  26. [22:43:57] @Flame Emblem: However, Fireball also has a 10% chance to do an extra 2 damage
  27. [22:44:02] @Flame Emblem: !roll 10
  28. Random number (1 - 10): 8
  29. [22:44:13] @Flame Emblem: However, it didn't land on 10
  30. [22:44:16] @Flame Emblem: So no power boost
  31. [22:44:20] @Skitty: Interesting
  32. [22:44:46] @Flame Emblem: The Goblin has 28 HP, 35 Attack, 5 defense.
  33. [22:45:04] @Flame Emblem: Now, it's the enemy turn
  34. [22:45:31] @Flame Emblem: The goblin launches a basic attack.
  35. [22:45:48] @Flame Emblem: You roll to decide which character is targeted
  36. [22:45:50] @Flame Emblem: !roll 2
  37. Random number (1 - 2): 2
  38. [22:46:12] @Flame Emblem: Because James is number 2 in the attack order, he's targeted/
  39. [22:46:28] @Flame Emblem: Now, monsters attack differently
  40. [22:46:38] @Flame Emblem: They roll three dice
  41. [22:46:48] @Flame Emblem: And you average the results
  42. [22:46:59] @Flame Emblem: !roll 3d35
  43. Random number 3x(1 - 35): 35, 26, 17
  44. Total: 78
  45. [22:47:09] @Flame Emblem: 35 is the Goblin's attack stat
  46. [22:47:21] @Flame Emblem: And 3d is what makes it roll three dice
  47. [22:47:33] @Skitty: Ohh
  48. [22:47:39] @Flame Emblem: 78 divided by 3 is 36
  49. [22:47:58] @Flame Emblem: James starts with 15 defense, so loses 21 HP
  50. [22:48:00] @Flame Emblem: He's dead
  51. [22:48:16] @Flame Emblem: Because he starts with 15 HP
  52. [22:48:31] @Flame Emblem: Now it's Bob the Priest's turn
  53. [22:48:39] @Flame Emblem: And where I'll explain True Damage.
  54. [22:49:00] @Flame Emblem: Priests get a level 1 skill, called "Repel Evil"
  55. [22:49:08] @Skitty: I just used that XD
  56. [22:49:08] @Flame Emblem: That deal a set 5 true damage
  57. [22:49:20] @Skitty: So does it disregard defense?
  58. [22:49:28] @Flame Emblem: True damage pierces defense; remove that number straight from the HP
  59. [22:50:02] @Flame Emblem: So it would be Bob the priest uses Repel Evil, dealing 5 true damage, with 12 mana remaining.
  60. [22:50:15] @Flame Emblem: The Goblin loses 5 HP, because defense isn't an issue here; it's a set 5 damage attack.
  61. [22:50:46] @Flame Emblem: It's up to the player to decide if it's worth trying to do more than 5 damage and risk doing less than what Repel evil would net them
  62. [22:51:01] @Skitty: Makes sense
  63. [22:52:25] @Flame Emblem: For example, mage-like enemies like Black Mage might have a Fireball spell
  64. [22:52:25] @Skitty: What other attacks are there for enemies?
  65. [22:52:31] @Skitty: Oh
  66. [22:52:41] @Flame Emblem: As enemies have infinite stamina or mana, they can spam it
  67. [22:52:45] @Flame Emblem: With no consequence
  68. [22:53:03] @Flame Emblem: I've seen resurrection with better stats when they die
  69. [22:53:41] @Flame Emblem: Sometimes I'll just grab a player class
  70. [22:53:41] @Flame Emblem: Like a level 25 Paladin
  71. [22:53:55] @Flame Emblem: And use skills that a level 25 paladin would have
  72. [22:54:10] @Flame Emblem: It's really up to the host
  73. [22:54:21] @Flame Emblem: For the most part, though, varies from host to host
  74. [22:54:28] @Flame Emblem: Most will just spam basic attack
  75. [22:54:49] @Flame Emblem: Any questions?
  76. [22:55:03] CF6: (Private to +Flame Emblem) what's the difference between Stamina and Mana?
  77. [22:55:15] @Flame Emblem: Good question, random person in my PMs
  78. [22:55:29] @Flame Emblem: The difference between Stamina and Mana is simple:
  79. [22:55:35] @Flame Emblem: Different pools for different abilities
  80. [22:55:51] @Flame Emblem: You'll notice that when the priest cast Repel Evil and the Mage cast Fireball
  81. [22:55:56] @Flame Emblem: It drained from Mana
  82. [22:56:26] @Flame Emblem: While when basic attacks and physical abilities on, say, the rogue, use Stamina
  83. [22:56:36] @Skitty: I don't have any questions
  84. [22:56:45] @Skitty: Thanks again, this really helped
  85. [22:56:49] @Flame Emblem: Not a problem!
  86. [22:56:59] @Flame Emblem: Any other questions, PM guy?
  87. [22:57:08] CF6: (Private to +Flame Emblem) one more thing. do the subclasses activate at level 15?
  88. [22:57:46] @Flame Emblem: Subclasses do indeed activate at level 15, and once you choose, that's it; the other trees are cut off
  89. [22:57:57] CF6: (Private to +Flame Emblem) okay thats it. thanks!
  90. [22:58:15] @Flame Emblem: For example, a Cleric will never have access to the Exorcist's "Healthy Attack"
  91. [22:58:40] @Flame Emblem: Before level 15, though, you don't choose a subclass
  92. [22:58:58] @Flame Emblem: Although you can put your stat boosts into the stats you want them put in
  93. [23:00:02] @Flame Emblem: For example, PM dude
  94. [23:00:23] @Flame Emblem: If you plan on being a Paladin, you might throw some stat points in Mana as a Warrior, despite not having access to any mana-based attacks before being a Paladin.
  95. [23:02:47] @Flame Emblem: Any other questions, CF6?
  96. [23:02:59] CF6: (Private to +Flame Emblem) nope i'm good. thanks a lot
  97. [23:03:11] @Flame Emblem: Not a problem!
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