
Fallout NY Reboot: Session 7: Grand Old Time

Aug 4th, 2014
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  1. Game starts at 8:59
  3. Never tell your password to anyone.
  4. Tuesday, July 29, 2014
  5. 8:37 PM - yo homie entered chat.
  6. 8:37 PM - Doc has been invited to chat.
  7. 8:37 PM - Doc entered chat.
  8. 8:37 PM - Wing Attack Plan R has been invited to chat.
  9. 8:37 PM - Wing Attack Plan R entered chat.
  10. 8:37 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: sqeee
  11. 8:37 PM - yo homie: there we go
  12. 8:38 PM - Doc: hey dan man where the fuck are you
  13. weve got games to play and shit to do
  14. dont jsut say "wait a bit, i'm late its called the new york minute"
  15. you can sit and spin on it chill tits and tilt chairs nowhere to be seen causing a scene like a drama queen
  16. 8:38 PM - Doc: i call it
  17. 8:38 PM - Doc: "what the fuck this is awful"
  18. 8:39 PM - yo homie: yeah that whole .txt was a bundle of what the fuck
  19. 8:39 PM - yo homie: but hey, he's here
  20. 8:39 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: had to run to my school to deal with some shit about my schedule
  21. 8:39 PM - Doc: im gonna eat in a little bit
  22. 8:39 PM - Doc: so lets not start yet
  23. 8:40 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: who the fuck eats at 9pm
  24. 8:40 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: fucking weirdos
  25. 8:40 PM - Doc: it's 7:30
  26. 8:40 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: that's still p late
  27. 8:40 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I ate at like 6
  28. 8:40 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: it's not like eating late does anything anyway :v
  29. 8:40 PM - Doc: yeah, it's a barbeque
  30. 8:40 PM - Doc: so ran a little late
  31. 8:40 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: o
  32. 8:40 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I just had some toast and it's 2 AM so
  33. 8:41 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I guess I might as well get some food now
  34. 8:41 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: well you're weird
  35. 8:41 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: yeah who has toast at 2 am
  36. 8:41 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass:
  37. 8:41 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: poles that's who
  38. 8:42 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: brb
  39. 8:42 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I show up and everyone leaves
  40. 8:42 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'm still here
  41. 8:43 PM - Doc: yeah
  42. 8:46 PM - Saiko Itami entered chat.
  43. 8:47 PM - Saiko Itami: ((hi nerds))
  44. 8:47 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: yo
  45. 8:47 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oh hey look who it is
  46. 8:48 PM - Doc: hey 2kool4scool
  47. 8:48 PM - Saiko Itami: sup 2lame4fame
  48. 8:49 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: back
  49. 8:50 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: sup butthole4dumbbutt
  50. 8:50 PM - Doc: how's kamen rider giam: with magical girls: the game
  51. 8:50 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: alright so we're all here
  52. 8:50 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: lets get rollin~~~
  53. 8:50 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yyyyyyep
  54. 8:51 PM - Saiko Itami: pretty alright, now get back to fisher price's My First Apocalypseโ„ข
  55. 8:51 PM - Doc: actually this is like
  56. 8:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: technically our third
  57. 8:51 PM - Doc: the 3rd or 4th yeah
  58. 8:51 PM - Doc: gotta eat
  59. 8:51 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: 4th for me and ciaster I think
  60. 8:51 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: goddamn
  61. 8:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oh yeah, 4th
  62. 8:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: wait, 4th?
  63. 8:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: probably
  64. 8:52 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: do we count aloha as a separate campaign or not
  65. 8:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: 4th what
  66. 8:52 PM - Saiko Itami: i wasnt even referring to that
  67. 8:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: aloha is seperate yeah
  68. 8:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: 4th fallout campaign
  69. 8:52 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: in this case yeah it's the 4th
  70. 8:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: ah
  71. 8:52 PM - Saiko Itami: man you guys look too deeply
  72. 8:52 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yes we do
  73. 8:52 PM - Saiko Itami: get back to roleplaying
  74. 8:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: we can't
  75. 8:52 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: anyway, what were we doing when we finished last time?
  76. 8:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: because potato has to eat :V
  77. 8:53 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: we were just resupplying in town
  78. 8:53 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: new job available
  79. 8:53 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oh yeah now I remember
  80. 8:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I updated the barter calculator to include buy and sell buttons
  81. 8:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: so that makes things easier for you
  82. 8:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: since nobody knew how to use it proprly
  83. 8:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: properly
  84. 8:54 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: 2confuse
  85. 8:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: dum nerd
  86. 8:54 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: good job
  87. 8:54 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: I can't stop listening help me
  88. 8:55 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: also, Dan, your /tg/ thread got like 0 attention :v
  89. 8:55 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: yep
  90. 8:55 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: we we're the only people that posted in there :V
  91. 8:55 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yes
  92. 8:55 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: were*
  93. 8:55 PM - Saiko Itami: did he make a second one?
  94. 8:55 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: it was pretty pathetic, really, now that I think of it :v
  95. 8:55 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah
  96. 8:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: yeah, I know it did
  97. 8:56 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: nah its always worse with facepunch
  98. 8:56 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: my burst threads get more attention
  99. 8:56 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: when you make a thread that is on the front page for a good 10 hours
  100. 8:56 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: and gets no attention
  101. 8:56 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: with 4chan and reddit shit stays there for like 2 minutes
  102. 8:57 PM - Wing Attack Plan R has changed their name to Dez.
  103. 8:59 PM - Dez: Dez plops down beside Marlowe "Hey Marlowe"
  104. 8:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to New York, New York.
  105. 9:00 PM - Dez: "What exactly did you do before you came here?"
  106. 9:00 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Private detective."
  107. 9:00 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Way back in California."
  108. 9:00 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "You?"
  109. 9:00 PM - Dez: "Bodyguard I guess?"
  110. 9:00 PM - Dez: "Kinda hard to explain"
  111. 9:01 PM - Dez: "Just a bunch of odd jobs here and there."
  112. 9:01 PM - Dez: "But, what was your intended purpose yknow?"
  113. 9:01 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Police officer, I think."
  114. 9:02 PM - Dez: "So are you some kind of pre-war relic then?"
  115. 9:02 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "That's why they made me look human, for people to consider me more trustworthy."
  116. 9:02 PM - Dez: "Never heard of a lawman in the wastes"
  117. 9:02 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Yeah, pre-war. Been sitting in cold storage for a long time."
  118. 9:03 PM - Dez: "Ever met anyone like you?"
  119. 9:04 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Nah."
  120. 9:04 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Not yet, at least."
  121. 9:04 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Don't think there are others like me, even. Been walking so long and I haven't seen a single one."
  122. 9:04 PM - Dez: "Yknow that radio show that the Doc keeps talking about?"
  123. 9:05 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Think I might've caught an episode or two, why?"
  124. 9:05 PM - Dez: "They mention a whole lot of androids living around in NY and other places on the East Coast"
  125. 9:05 PM - Dez: "What if it's true?"
  126. 9:06 PM - Dez: "Like, a whole colony full of 'em"
  127. 9:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "You think?"
  128. 9:07 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Wouldn't really make sense, to be honest. Me in Cali, and an entire colony over here, and no others? Doesn't compute."
  129. 9:07 PM - Dez: "I've seen stranger things man. I mean, it's possible. Anything is."
  130. 9:07 PM - Dez: "I don't think people would just make androids exclusively in one area."
  131. 9:09 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I shrug clumsily.
  132. 9:09 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Guess we'll see."
  133. 9:09 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "I'm going to check on the girl. You coming?"
  134. 9:10 PM - Dez: "Nah, you go."
  135. 9:10 PM - Dez: "I'll wait here for the Doc"
  136. 9:10 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: Shaking my head in disbelief, I walk out of
  137. 9:10 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I assume we were talking in a bar or something?
  138. 9:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: wherever we were talking
  139. 9:11 PM - Dez: whateva you want bb
  140. 9:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: and head for the hospital to check on Sarah.
  141. 9:12 PM - New York, New York: You head into the hospital, to find that Sarah... isn't in her room.
  142. 9:13 PM - Dez: ewotniga
  143. 9:13 PM - New York, New York: Or anywhere in the hospital, for that matter
  144. 9:13 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: Does it look like she got up and left, or
  145. 9:13 PM - New York, New York: Most definitely
  146. 9:13 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: well I'm still gonna ask the doctor
  147. 9:13 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: is he anywhere to be found?
  148. 9:14 PM - New York, New York: He's in another room, you find after a short search
  149. 9:14 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Hey, doc. Where's the girl I brought here a while ago?"
  150. 9:14 PM - New York, New York: "Hm? You mean she isn't in her room?"
  151. 9:15 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Nope, it's empty."
  152. 9:15 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Shit."
  153. 9:15 PM - Dez: do ur private dick shit nigga
  154. 9:15 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: chill your ass man
  155. 9:15 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: but yeah, I'm gonna do my private detective shit
  156. 9:16 PM - Dez: Dez pulls out a bag and counts out his caps on the counter
  157. 9:16 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'm going back to her room and looking over it for ~clues~
  158. 9:16 PM - New York, New York: "Empty? Well, that's problematic. She was still in pretty bad shape."
  159. 9:16 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Yeah, here's hoping she left on her own."
  160. 9:17 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "This ain't exactly a well secured place, is it?"
  161. 9:17 PM - New York, New York: roll PER
  162. 9:17 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: 3
  163. 9:17 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: pass
  164. 9:18 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: what do I
  165. 9:18 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: percept
  166. 9:18 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: ?
  167. 9:18 PM - Dez: no
  168. 9:18 PM - Dez: yes
  169. 9:18 PM - New York, New York: You spot that the bedsheets are thrown aside as though the bed's occupant got out, while the window, which can only be opened from the inside, is, well, open
  170. 9:19 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: alright so it's pretty obvious she got up and walked away
  171. 9:19 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: but she's probably gonna get fucked up out in the wastes
  172. 9:19 PM - Dez: or is it ;o
  173. 9:20 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'm gonna swing by the quest giving dude's shack and ask if she collected her pay for the hospital job
  174. 9:20 PM - Dez: wait
  175. 9:20 PM - Dez: I just payed that bitch's hospital build for nothing
  176. 9:21 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: did you mean bill
  177. 9:21 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: and if yes
  178. 9:21 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: how is it possible to misspell a word that bad
  179. 9:21 PM - Dez: oh wow yeah
  180. 9:22 PM - Dez: I udnno
  181. 9:22 PM - Dez: I say build a lot I think
  182. 9:22 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: are you having a stroke
  183. 9:22 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  184. 9:22 PM - New York, New York: You swing by Will's shack, and find him doing some sort of paperwork or another
  185. 9:22 PM - Dez: in
  186. 9:22 PM - Dez: nyes
  187. 9:22 PM - Doc: hi
  188. 9:22 PM - Dez: sarah is gone
  189. 9:23 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: rip
  190. 9:23 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: actually not
  191. 9:23 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: but maybe
  192. 9:24 PM - Doc: well
  193. 9:24 PM - Doc: data is staying this session randomly
  194. 9:24 PM - Doc: sarah is missing
  195. 9:24 PM - Doc: hijinks might just ensue
  196. 9:24 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah but I think he's just spectating :v
  197. 9:24 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: anyway
  198. 9:24 PM - New York, New York: yeah he's just watching
  199. 9:24 PM - Doc: so where are dex and myself
  200. 9:25 PM - Dez: I'm in some bar
  201. 9:25 PM - Dez: mar is at will's place
  202. 9:25 PM - Dez: I dunno where you are you can make that up
  203. 9:25 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Hey, listen - did you see the girl swing by to collect her pay for the hospital job?"
  204. 9:26 PM - New York, New York: "The one who you came in with the first time? No, she hasn't been around. Wasn't she in the hospital?"
  205. 9:26 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Emphasis on 'was'."
  206. 9:26 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Goddammit."
  207. 9:27 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Looks like she left on her own, but if she wasn't here..."
  208. 9:27 PM - Doc: (pssst)
  209. 9:27 PM - Doc: (check the vault)
  210. 9:27 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Then again, she's probably confused and weak from blood loss."
  211. 9:28 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: which vault was it again?
  212. 9:28 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  213. 9:28 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I feel like Marlowe should remember this but I don't
  214. 9:28 PM - New York, New York: 6 iirc
  215. 9:28 PM - Dez: would we even know where that is
  216. 9:28 PM - New York, New York: nope
  217. 9:29 PM - Dez: I smell a plot hook
  218. 9:29 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "You wouldn't happen to know which way to Vault 6, would you?"
  219. 9:29 PM - Dez: but then again, why should we care
  220. 9:29 PM - Doc: actualyl yeah
  221. 9:29 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: well Marlowe cares
  222. 9:29 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I think
  223. 9:29 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  224. 9:29 PM - Saiko Itami: it was 9 actually
  225. 9:29 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: ssh
  226. 9:31 PM - Saiko Itami: sorry~
  227. 9:31 PM - Doc: hush, bennedict arnold
  228. 9:32 PM - Doc: did dan die again
  229. 9:32 PM - New York, New York: no
  230. 9:32 PM - New York, New York: I'm typing
  231. 9:33 PM - New York, New York: "Vault (retconned to) 9? No, I don't personally know. But I hear tell that the Yellow Cab caravan company deals with them. They're a semi-open Vault that deals with the outside."
  232. 9:33 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "And where would I go if I wanted to do business with Yellow Cab?"
  233. 9:35 PM - New York, New York: "They have a their own floor in the Empire State Building, that's where they're headquarters is, at least. The State Building's a settlement much like our little town here, but far grander. They've got some pull in the more civilized parts of the city."
  234. 9:36 PM - New York, New York: doc and dez are welcome to wander conveniently in if you guys want
  235. 9:36 PM - Dez: I'm waiting for doc in the bar :V
  236. 9:36 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: guess we're not gonna be blowing this place up this time
  237. 9:36 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oooooooooor are we?
  238. 9:36 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  239. 9:37 PM - Dez: Dez finishes counting his caps, and due to impatience, leaves the bar and wanders around town looking for Doc.
  240. 9:37 PM - Doc: "Didn't know you care so much"
  241. 9:37 PM - Doc: i say wandering in
  242. 9:37 PM - Doc: "Wait, is she out of the hospital?"
  243. 9:38 PM - New York, New York: Dez spots Doc wander into Will's shack and follows after
  244. 9:38 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Yeah, she's gone."
  245. 9:38 PM - New York, New York: you're all together happy days
  246. 9:38 PM - Dez: "Who is?"
  247. 9:38 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Looks like she headed off on her own, but I'm still worried."
  248. 9:39 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "The doc at the hospital said she was in pretty bad shape still."
  249. 9:39 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "I just figure we owe her something, you know? She almost died because of us."
  250. 9:40 PM - Doc: "Techincally she owes Dez"
  251. 9:40 PM - Doc: "But.....fine. Where are we heading?"
  252. 9:40 PM - Dez: mrudermurdermudermurder
  253. 9:40 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Empire State Building it is, then. Mark it on the map, would ya?
  254. 9:41 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: (that's your cue to mark it on our map, Dan :v
  255. 9:41 PM - New York, New York: oh
  256. 9:41 PM - New York, New York: I'm needed
  257. 9:42 PM - Doc: OK, game plan
  258. 9:42 PM - Doc: we go there
  259. 9:42 PM - Doc: get her
  260. 9:42 PM - Doc: ??????
  261. 9:42 PM - Doc: blow it up
  262. 9:42 PM - Doc: ??????
  263. 9:42 PM - Doc: profit
  264. 9:42 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: she's not there
  265. 9:42 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I think
  266. 9:42 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: did you even read the chat :v
  267. 9:42 PM - Dez: If she is there
  268. 9:42 PM - Dez: we bring her back to the vault
  269. 9:43 PM - Doc: oh yeha
  270. 9:43 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: we're trying to find the vault she's going to but we don't know where it is
  271. 9:43 PM - Dez: if she wants to
  272. 9:43 PM - Doc: game plan part 2
  273. 9:43 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah that was the plan
  274. 9:43 PM - Doc: go to ESB
  275. 9:43 PM - Doc: take cab
  276. 9:43 PM - Doc: go to vault
  277. 9:43 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'm just worried if she can actually make it in one piece
  278. 9:43 PM - Doc: get her
  279. 9:43 PM - Saiko Itami: alright, ill seeya guys for now
  280. 9:43 PM - Doc: ?????
  281. 9:43 PM - Dez: bi
  282. 9:43 PM - Saiko Itami: gotta get up early tomorrow
  283. 9:43 PM - Saiko Itami left chat.
  284. 9:43 PM - Doc: there goes my consperiacy therory
  285. 9:43 PM - Dez: we are just trying to escort her to the vault
  286. 9:44 PM - Dez: find where she is going, catch up to her
  287. 9:44 PM - New York, New York: so what was the name of the font you wanted me to use ciaster
  288. 9:44 PM - Dez: and get her to where she needs to go safely
  289. 9:44 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: rayando
  290. 9:44 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: it's in the map folder
  291. 9:44 PM - Dez: rayando~~
  292. 9:44 PM - Dez: looks like crayon
  293. 9:44 PM - Dez: brb
  294. 9:44 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: that's the point
  295. 9:45 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: it actually looks hand written and shit
  296. 9:47 PM - New York, New York: well whatever I'll do it later
  297. 9:48 PM - New York, New York: heading to the empire state?
  298. 9:48 PM - Dez: back
  299. 9:48 PM - Dez: yeah
  300. 9:48 PM - Dez: obv
  301. 9:48 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah but I wanted to roleplay it and stuff
  302. 9:48 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  303. 9:48 PM - Dez: o
  304. 9:48 PM - Doc: lets
  305. 9:49 PM - Dez: are we going yet
  306. 9:50 PM - New York, New York: there, circled
  307. 9:50 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Alright then, let's take the subway as far as we can."
  308. 9:50 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: did yo actually save it? save it so we can actually get it :v
  309. 9:50 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: *you
  310. 9:51 PM - New York, New York: yeah, I saved it
  311. 9:51 PM - Doc: so how are we getting there?
  312. 9:51 PM - Dez: metro
  313. 9:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah the metro lines are actually marked on the map
  314. 9:53 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Judging by the map, we should go past Lafayette, get out at the Central Park stop, and go through the park."
  315. 9:53 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Any ideas, Dez? Doc?"
  316. 9:53 PM - Doc: "hhhmm"
  317. 9:53 PM - Dez: "Metro sounds good"
  318. 9:54 PM - Doc: "I'm not very geographically minded"
  319. 9:54 PM - New York, New York: why go through the park? the ESB is below it
  320. 9:54 PM - Doc: "But that sounds good to me, yeah"
  321. 9:54 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oh shit yeah
  322. 9:54 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'm blind
  323. 9:54 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  324. 9:54 PM - Dez: "I'd rather take on ghouls than raiders"
  325. 9:54 PM - Doc: ciaster confirmed for daredevil
  326. 9:54 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: let's pretend I said "grand central" instead
  327. 9:55 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: and nix the part about the park
  328. 9:55 PM - Doc: rp it fggt
  329. 9:55 PM - Dez: Doc give your character a name already
  330. 9:55 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Or should we just get out at the Grand Central Station?"
  331. 9:55 PM - Doc: she has one
  332. 9:55 PM - Doc: it's doc
  333. 9:56 PM - Doc: "Wait, shit"
  334. 9:56 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Knowing our luck, it's probably full of something, but it'll be faster."
  335. 9:56 PM - Doc: "He's right, grand central is probably quicker and less dank/underground"
  336. 9:56 PM - Dez: "Then let's get going."
  337. 9:56 PM - Dez: "If we want to catch up with her we should move now."
  338. 9:57 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: so that's us, then
  339. 9:57 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Thanks for the help."
  340. 9:57 PM - Doc: I look around
  341. 9:58 PM - Doc: "hey, you gotta a portable radio a girl could buy?"
  342. 9:58 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: actually before we head out
  343. 9:58 PM - New York, New York: Will waves a hand, "Check the shops, I don't handle that."
  344. 9:58 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Goddammit." I wince.
  345. 9:58 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Doc, think you can patch up the hole in my shoulder?"
  346. 9:59 PM - Dez: Dez coughs
  347. 9:59 PM - Dez: >48 in doctor skill
  348. 9:59 PM - Dez: >doctor is not actually a doctor
  349. 9:59 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: ssh
  350. 10:00 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: well then step in and say that you can you dingus
  351. 10:00 PM - Dez: 9:58 PM - Dez: Dez coughs
  352. 10:00 PM - Dez: "I should probably take a look at that first"
  353. 10:00 PM - Doc: hhmmm
  354. 10:00 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Go ahead, just don't fuck it up more."
  355. 10:01 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "At least I can't get an infection."
  356. 10:01 PM - Doc: "sure, trust stabby mcstabspeople over the person who preformed a heat transplat"
  357. 10:01 PM - Dez: guess who just double failed
  358. 10:01 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: probably you
  359. 10:01 PM - Dez: Doc's bitchy voice fucks up my concentration
  360. 10:01 PM - Dez: "How about you just shut the fuck up"
  361. 10:01 PM - Doc: does my rockin' bod add points
  362. 10:02 PM - New York, New York: no
  363. 10:02 PM - Dez: we have no evidence of a rocking bod
  364. 10:02 PM - Dez: or your luckiness
  365. 10:02 PM - New York, New York: You have no idea what in the fuck you're doing, and you fruitlessly poke Mar's shoulder
  366. 10:03 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I stealthily disable my pain inhibitors.
  367. 10:03 PM - Dez: "You're different"
  368. 10:03 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "No shit."
  369. 10:03 PM - Dez: "You need a mechanic, not a doctor."
  370. 10:03 PM - Doc: "see, at least i have a good track record of doing things i dont know anything about"
  371. 10:04 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "The damage readout for the inside's showing 90% and has been for years."
  372. 10:04 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "It's just the fleshy outside."
  373. 10:04 PM - Dez: "Probably just a glitch."
  374. 10:05 PM - New York, New York: You guys ever leave, or are you still in town?
  375. 10:05 PM - New York, New York: And did you finish your selling and buying?
  376. 10:05 PM - Dez: "Are you guys ready to leave now or shall we wait here while Sarah's chances of getting her brains blown out increase?"
  377. 10:05 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: still in town
  378. 10:05 PM - Doc: i find the nearest merchant with a portable radio and buy it
  379. 10:06 PM - Doc: like, run in and out
  380. 10:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'd love to get patched up
  381. 10:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'm at 32/51
  382. 10:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: so not doing that hot
  383. 10:06 PM - Doc: hhmmm
  384. 10:06 PM - Dez: oh wait
  385. 10:06 PM - Dez: can I use repair on him
  386. 10:06 PM - Doc: can you onlt be healed by mechanics?
  387. 10:06 PM - Dez: or my spar parts
  388. 10:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: actually I'm just gonna try repairing myself
  389. 10:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: nah, both mechanics and regular doctors work
  390. 10:07 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: but the latter only heal half the HP they would
  391. 10:07 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: (same with healing drugs etc.)
  392. 10:07 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: and thanks to my tight nuts, so does the former
  393. 10:07 PM - New York, New York: a portable radio, Ciaster? Price?
  394. 10:07 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: it's in the book
  395. 10:08 PM - New York, New York: and so it is
  396. 10:08 PM - New York, New York: M45 Long Range Radio
  397. 10:08 PM - New York, New York: 550 caps
  398. 10:08 PM - Doc: ouch
  399. 10:08 PM - Dez: lol
  400. 10:08 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: that's like a hugeass radio set
  401. 10:08 PM - New York, New York: the merchant's Barter is 80
  402. 10:08 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: the walkie-talkies cost 450 for two
  403. 10:08 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: so I guess if you only wanted a half of a set you could get away with paying 225
  404. 10:09 PM - New York, New York: I think he wants something that can pick up radio signals
  405. 10:09 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: anyway, time for me to ask a question
  406. 10:09 PM - New York, New York: like the pipboy
  407. 10:09 PM - Doc: "Welp. I guess I'm missing on the new episode"
  408. 10:09 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: does anyone know how much hp you get healed from getting repaired/repairing yourself :v
  409. 10:09 PM - New York, New York: I'd imagine it's the same as using first aid
  410. 10:09 PM - Dez: 1d10 I assume
  411. 10:10 PM - Dez: yeah whatever first aid is
  412. 10:10 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: and how much does first aid do? :v
  413. 10:10 PM - New York, New York: works for me
  414. 10:10 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: 1d10?
  415. 10:10 PM - Dez: ye
  416. 10:10 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: damn that's really not a lot at all but ok
  417. 10:10 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oh wow I actually passed the roll
  418. 10:10 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: for a whole 2 hp
  419. 10:11 PM - Dez: whopping
  420. 10:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: alright I tried a couple more times and did jack shit :v
  421. 10:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: lemme try first aid
  422. 10:11 PM - New York, New York: how many times can you use a skill a day?
  423. 10:11 PM - New York, New York: there's a limit iirc
  424. 10:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I think only passes count?
  425. 10:11 PM - Dez: 4 times for first aid
  426. 10:12 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: that's how it was in the game
  427. 10:12 PM - Dez: nope fails count too I think
  428. 10:12 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: alright so let's make it 4 times for repair too
  429. 10:12 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: that makes more sense anyway so sure, fails count
  430. 10:12 PM - New York, New York: weird
  431. 10:12 PM - Doc: how would i roll if i wanted to just kinda dick around and hope something would work in him?
  432. 10:12 PM - Doc: wow that was way less gay in my head
  433. 10:12 PM - New York, New York: fallout 4 has its own section in the wiki
  434. 10:12 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: nix one of these repair rolls then
  435. 10:12 PM - Dez: yeah its for rumors and stuff
  436. 10:12 PM - Dez: it's been there a while
  437. 10:13 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: alright, now that's more like it
  438. 10:13 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: and with that I'm out of my first aid/repair uses for a day :v
  439. 10:13 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: at least I'm at 39/51 now
  440. 10:13 PM - New York, New York: amazing
  441. 10:14 PM - New York, New York: and I guess if you wanted to try Doc roll repair
  442. 10:15 PM - Doc: man next time i'm not gonna create a character based around a talent taht i cant actually use in game :V
  443. 10:15 PM - Dez: that's an idea
  444. 10:15 PM - New York, New York: I said you can change your skill
  445. 10:16 PM - Dez: perhaps I can teach you how to actually do first aid shit in character
  446. 10:16 PM - New York, New York: because the gambling/entertainment shit to heal was really dumb
  447. 10:16 PM - Dez: as in you must put 3 points into First Aid every level :V
  448. 10:16 PM - Doc: shoulda been a pysker
  449. 10:16 PM - Dez: I can kill you if you want
  450. 10:16 PM - Doc: then at least i could set people on fire with my mind
  451. 10:16 PM - Doc: nah
  452. 10:16 PM - Doc: i like doc
  453. 10:17 PM - Dez: i don't
  454. 10:17 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: doc is aight but kinda useless to be honest :v
  455. 10:17 PM - Dez: I'm so ready to murder
  456. 10:17 PM - Dez: so ready
  457. 10:17 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: also she wants to fuck Marlowe and it's making me mildly creeped out
  458. 10:17 PM - Doc: no
  459. 10:17 PM - New York, New York: so, anything else?
  460. 10:17 PM - Doc: no she doesnt
  461. 10:17 PM - Dez: you were hinting toward it :V
  462. 10:18 PM - Doc: yeah like i'm actually gonna be serious about that
  463. 10:18 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: she literally said 'i'm either gonna bang you or kill you' or something
  464. 10:18 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah well either way no ERP here
  465. 10:18 PM - Dez: lets go now
  466. 10:18 PM - Dez: I want to kill something
  467. 10:19 PM - Dez: I critfailed the outdoorsman roll if you needed one
  468. 10:19 PM - New York, New York: You head out, then
  469. 10:19 PM - Doc: well next time you need to do somethign that isnt healing or hurting ill be there
  470. 10:19 PM - Dez: :V
  471. 10:19 PM - New York, New York: gg
  472. 10:19 PM - Doc: wait
  473. 10:19 PM - Doc: thats all we do
  474. 10:19 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: gg
  475. 10:20 PM - New York, New York:
  476. 10:20 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: anyway yeah let's roll like a fat man downhill
  477. 10:20 PM - Dez: what happens
  478. 10:21 PM - New York, New York: I'm typing chill
  479. 10:22 PM - New York, New York: You lead the party under a set of buildings that are connected by a little tunnel
  480. 10:23 PM - New York, New York: that's above street level, that is
  481. 10:23 PM - New York, New York: Unfortunately, it's underside is covered in 10 giant bats, who immediately zip down and ambush you before you notice they're there
  482. 10:23 PM - Dez: oh no
  483. 10:23 PM - Dez: bats!
  484. 10:24 PM - Dez: I'll just do my thing and wildly flail around
  485. 10:24 PM - Dez: thats the only way to kill bats
  486. 10:24 PM - Doc: yeah
  487. 10:24 PM - Doc: honest to god dez can just spin around and hope for the best
  488. 10:25 PM - Dez: ((its actually a plot to kill you))
  489. 10:25 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'm just gonna keep my distance from Dez
  490. 10:26 PM - Doc: yeah
  491. 10:26 PM - New York, New York: Doc is hit for 2 damage, Dez for 6
  492. 10:26 PM - Dez: fook m8
  493. 10:26 PM - New York, New York: Two more bats gnaw fruitlessly on Marlowe
  494. 10:26 PM - Doc: before or after armor
  495. 10:26 PM - New York, New York: before
  496. 10:26 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: 22 sequence btw
  497. 10:26 PM - New York, New York: I'm not calcing your armor
  498. 10:26 PM - Dez: my after armor says -2.4
  499. 10:26 PM - Dez: do I heal
  500. 10:27 PM - New York, New York: no
  501. 10:27 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: ahaha
  502. 10:27 PM - New York, New York: you have 8 dt?
  503. 10:27 PM - Dez: heuehheheu
  504. 10:27 PM - Dez: 10
  505. 10:27 PM - New York, New York: how
  506. 10:27 PM - Dez: metal armor
  507. 10:27 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: you should prolly add a check for that or something, Dna
  508. 10:27 PM - New York, New York: ah
  509. 10:27 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: *Dan
  510. 10:27 PM - New York, New York: a check for what?
  511. 10:28 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: for negatives
  512. 10:28 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: in your calculator
  513. 10:28 PM - New York, New York: oh
  514. 10:29 PM - New York, New York: nah
  515. 10:29 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: so it doesn't spit out results like -2.4
  516. 10:29 PM - New York, New York: people can figure it out themselves
  517. 10:29 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: possibly something to make them round up too
  518. 10:29 PM - New York, New York: sequence rolls Doc, Dez
  519. 10:29 PM - New York, New York: fuck that jazz you're lucky I coded the damn thing in the first place
  520. 10:30 PM - Dez: 9
  521. 10:30 PM - Dez: fuck
  522. 10:30 PM - New York, New York: doc
  523. 10:30 PM - New York, New York: roll sequence
  524. 10:30 PM - Doc: 13
  525. 10:30 PM - Doc: shit
  526. 10:30 PM - Doc: rolled it out of the chatrrom
  527. 10:31 PM - Dez: o fuq
  528. 10:31 PM - Dez: I hair flipped and my glasses fell in the trash
  529. 10:32 PM - Dez: good now
  530. 10:32 PM - New York, New York: Marlowe, Bat 7, Bat 2, Bat 5, Bat 4, Bat 8, Doc, Bat 6, Bat 9, Bat 10, Bat 1, Bat 3, Dez
  531. 10:32 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oh my god we're all such gigantic fuckups :v
  532. 10:32 PM - Doc: 10 bats
  533. 10:32 PM - Doc: seriously
  534. 10:32 PM - New York, New York: yep
  535. 10:32 PM - New York, New York: I rolled for it
  536. 10:32 PM - Dez: that do 6 damage may I add
  537. 10:32 PM - New York, New York: 1d10 damage
  538. 10:32 PM - New York, New York: try killing them
  539. 10:32 PM - New York, New York: that's usually effective
  540. 10:32 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: alright so since I go first
  541. 10:33 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: imma blast bat 7 with my 9mm
  542. 10:33 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: fuck that guy
  543. 10:33 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: 18 damage
  544. 10:34 PM - New York, New York: You shoot it clean out of the sky and it spirals down before crashing in a splatter against the pavement
  545. 10:35 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: would you say he was going down so fast
  546. 10:35 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: he was going like a bat out of hell?
  547. 10:35 PM - New York, New York: Bats' turns
  548. 10:36 PM - New York, New York: The first one target shots Dez and his dumb face, going to claw his eyes out
  549. 10:36 PM - New York, New York: yaaaay
  550. 10:36 PM - New York, New York: u got hitted in the head
  551. 10:36 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: rip
  552. 10:37 PM - Dez: dmg?
  553. 10:37 PM - New York, New York: oh hey that makes it a crit
  554. 10:37 PM - New York, New York: lesse then
  555. 10:37 PM - Dez: shit
  556. 10:37 PM - New York, New York: 6 damage, and your armor doesn't count cuz it was a headshot
  557. 10:37 PM - New York, New York: unless you got a helmet on
  558. 10:37 PM - Dez: I doo~~~
  559. 10:38 PM - New York, New York: then the helmet's armor is applied
  560. 10:38 PM - New York, New York: no wait
  561. 10:38 PM - Dez: 0 dmg fgt
  562. 10:38 PM - New York, New York: that's 10 damage
  563. 10:38 PM - Dez: 5
  564. 10:38 PM - New York, New York: because headshots deal max damage
  565. 10:38 PM - New York, New York: what fucking helmet do you have
  566. 10:39 PM - Dez: I rolled the wrong calculator
  567. 10:39 PM - New York, New York: gg arse biscut
  568. 10:39 PM - New York, New York: next bat goes to Mar's face
  569. 10:39 PM - New York, New York: lol
  570. 10:39 PM - New York, New York: crit
  571. 10:40 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: u kiddin
  572. 10:40 PM - New York, New York: hmmm
  573. 10:40 PM - New York, New York: I think I might reroll that instant death thing
  574. 10:40 PM - New York, New York: :v
  575. 10:40 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: are you fucking kidding me
  576. 10:40 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: are you fucking
  577. 10:41 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I am not dying to a bat
  578. 10:41 PM - New York, New York: oh relaaaax
  579. 10:41 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: they're fucking bats
  580. 10:41 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  581. 10:41 PM - New York, New York: it only bypasses your armor
  582. 10:41 PM - Dez: batman's spirit lives
  583. 10:41 PM - New York, New York: a mere 4 damage
  584. 10:41 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: good thing that doesn't include my innate resistances
  585. 10:42 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: at least I assume it doesn't
  586. 10:42 PM - New York, New York: says it bypasses DT/DR
  587. 10:42 PM - New York, New York: doesn't specifiy just armor
  588. 10:42 PM - New York, New York: suk it nerd
  589. 10:42 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oh well
  590. 10:42 PM - New York, New York: 2 more bats to go
  591. 10:42 PM - New York, New York: LOL
  592. 10:42 PM - New York, New York: FUCKING
  593. 10:42 PM - New York, New York: 2 MORE CRITS
  594. 10:43 PM - New York, New York: I'd say I'm dying but I think its you guys who are dying
  595. 10:43 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I cover my face with my left arm.
  596. 10:43 PM - New York, New York: I'll roll to see who gets murdered by these chumps
  597. 10:43 PM - New York, New York: That'd be Doc and then Mar
  598. 10:43 PM - New York, New York: rolling damage, then crit
  599. 10:44 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I guess these guys
  600. 10:44 PM - Dez: how are these bats critting what the fuck
  601. 10:44 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: are batting an even thousand
  602. 10:44 PM - New York, New York: 5 damage, aaaand rerolling the instakill crit :v
  603. 10:44 PM - New York, New York: 150% damage
  604. 10:44 PM - Dez: christ
  605. 10:44 PM - New York, New York: next, Mar
  606. 10:44 PM - Dez: can we jrpg flee this shit
  607. 10:44 PM - New York, New York: 4 damage, 200%
  608. 10:44 PM - New York, New York: go for it :v
  609. 10:45 PM - New York, New York: they go down in a single hit
  610. 10:45 PM - New York, New York: p much at least
  611. 10:45 PM - New York, New York: and it's Doc's turn
  612. 10:45 PM - Dez: they seem to be glass nuclear bombs
  613. 10:45 PM - Dez: "FUCKIN RUN!"
  614. 10:45 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: jesus fucking hell
  615. 10:45 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: nah Doc's got the .38 it takes 3 AP to shoot
  616. 10:45 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: assuming she hits she can take two of 'em out
  617. 10:45 PM - New York, New York: don't forget the -10% from your gun
  618. 10:46 PM - New York, New York: courtesy of ciaster~
  619. 10:46 PM - Doc: kk
  620. 10:46 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah
  621. 10:46 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: rebalance byotch
  622. 10:46 PM - Doc: hhmm
  623. 10:46 PM - New York, New York: well, shoot away :v
  624. 10:46 PM - Doc: double shoot etc etc
  625. 10:46 PM - New York, New York: or flee in terror
  626. 10:47 PM - New York, New York: oh wow a hit
  627. 10:47 PM - Doc: pass fail
  628. 10:47 PM - New York, New York: and uh
  629. 10:47 PM - Doc: shut up dan
  630. 10:47 PM - Doc: christ, rollin' damage
  631. 10:47 PM - New York, New York: c;
  632. 10:47 PM - Doc: 11
  633. 10:47 PM - New York, New York: I dunno what a 747 falls under
  634. 10:47 PM - Doc: you're hilarious
  635. 10:47 PM - New York, New York: bb i kno it
  636. 10:48 PM - New York, New York: you shoot another bat out of the air
  637. 10:48 PM - New York, New York: 4 more bats, then Dez :v
  638. 10:48 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: there's a joke about 747s and falling here
  639. 10:49 PM - Dez: im gunna die aren't i
  640. 10:49 PM - New York, New York: miss, hit hit hit
  641. 10:49 PM - Dez: i am
  642. 10:50 PM - New York, New York: probably
  643. 10:51 PM - New York, New York: 1 damage to Doc, 2 to Dez, 3 to Doc
  644. 10:51 PM - New York, New York: unless you're dressed in rags, your armor should negate most of it
  645. 10:51 PM - Doc: guys i hate to do this to you
  646. 10:51 PM - Doc: but im just really not feeling this whole thing
  647. 10:51 PM - Doc: i'm sorry and i hate ot bail on a tiny party and fuck it up for you two
  648. 10:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: Fallout doesn't do fighting groups well at all
  649. 10:52 PM - Dez: its fine if you don't want to play dude
  650. 10:52 PM - Doc: but shit i'm just not even enjoying this anymore
  651. 10:52 PM - Dez: we can find other players
  652. 10:52 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: to be honest it's hella plodding
  653. 10:52 PM - Doc: man i dont want to do this to you guys
  654. 10:52 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah, we can find others
  655. 10:52 PM - Doc: but, shiit happens i guess
  656. 10:52 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: as long as Dan doesn't cancel the game it's ok
  657. 10:52 PM - Doc: i know i'll leave a small jack-sized hole in your hearts
  658. 10:53 PM - Doc: but we should try somethign else after fallout
  659. 10:53 PM - Dez: aye
  660. 10:53 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: ...
  661. 10:53 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: octaNe?
  662. 10:53 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :D
  663. 10:53 PM - Dez: :V
  664. 10:54 PM - Doc: i'm interested in cock-taNe
  665. 10:54 PM - Dez: pfft
  666. 10:54 PM - Dez: alright my turn right?
  667. 10:54 PM - New York, New York: yep
  668. 10:55 PM - Dez: sprint out of there
  669. 10:55 PM - Dez: anywhere
  670. 10:55 PM - Dez: just gotta leave the combat
  671. 10:55 PM - Dez: should I roll for anything?
  672. 10:55 PM - New York, New York: nah, running is running
  673. 10:55 PM - New York, New York: Mar, running too?
  674. 10:55 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: well I'm not an idiot, if I stay I'll get ripped to shreds
  675. 10:56 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: time to get the hell outta dodge
  676. 10:56 PM - Doc: well shit, now it's just you three once again
  677. 10:56 PM - New York, New York: You sprint after Dez, back into sunlight and out of the shadow of the pathway overhead
  678. 10:57 PM - New York, New York: the bats flutter in the shade as you retreat, before returning to their positions hanging under the structure
  679. 10:58 PM - Dez: Dez slouches down to catch his breath, "Fucking shit. I've taken bullets, dozens."
  680. 10:58 PM - Dez: "But bats? Fuck bats."
  681. 10:58 PM - Dez: "There is always something about bats."
  682. 10:58 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: Marlowe carefully feels the ripped open skin on his face.
  683. 10:58 PM - Dez: "Something"
  684. 10:58 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Well, that's gonna leave a scar."
  685. 10:59 PM - Dez: Dez finally comes to his senses, "Wait. Where is Doc?"
  686. 10:59 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Goddammit."
  687. 11:00 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "You see her laying over there?"
  688. 11:00 PM - Doc: "Fuuuuuuuucckkk yooouuuuuu" you hear a soft echo
  689. 11:00 PM - Dez:
  690. 11:01 PM - Dez: Dez runs back towards the voice
  691. 11:01 PM - Doc: Doc would emerge from the tunnel 3 days later
  692. 11:01 PM - Dez: or nvm :F
  693. 11:01 PM - Dez: :V
  694. 11:01 PM - Dez: *
  695. 11:01 PM - Doc: she decided "fuck everyone" and studied how to be a doctor legit
  696. 11:01 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'm just gonna run after Dez
  697. 11:01 PM - Doc: it's like she said
  698. 11:01 PM - Doc: A) Saving the waste in small ways
  699. 11:01 PM - Doc: B) Fuck you two
  700. 11:01 PM - Doc: C:
  701. 11:02 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I guess we did get fucked
  702. 11:02 PM - Dez: After a good few minutes of sprinting, Dez collapses down. "I can't..... I just can't find her."
  703. 11:02 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "She's gone, but I didn't see any blood."
  704. 11:02 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Guess she just got tired of us."
  705. 11:03 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: ", it's just us two now."
  706. 11:03 PM - Dez: Dez laughs inbetween breaths, "Gee... I wonder why?"
  707. 11:03 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Wanna keep going?"
  708. 11:03 PM - Dez: Dez lifts himself up by his spear
  709. 11:03 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: Marlowe snickers.
  710. 11:03 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Jesus christ, it's just one fuckup after another, ain't it?"
  711. 11:04 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "C'mon, let's go find that kid and make sure she gets home in one piece."
  712. 11:04 PM - Doc: you hear an even fainter whisper
  713. 11:04 PM - Doc: "eeeaaaaaat shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"
  714. 11:04 PM - New York, New York: So, after that little spat, you arrive at the entrance to the subway tunnels, and descend into the gloomy darkness
  715. 11:04 PM - Doc: Doc: yo GM
  716. Doc: feel free to have her show up randomly 10 sessions later
  717. Doc: if she sees the group have her say "fuck no", and walk off flipping them off
  718. Doc: never to be seena gain
  719. 11:04 PM - Dez: "Famous last words"
  720. 11:06 PM - Dez: roll for outdoorsman?
  721. 11:06 PM - New York, New York: It's a long ways to the ESB, roll Outdoorsman~
  722. 11:06 PM - Doc: well
  723. 11:06 PM - Dez: 82~
  724. 11:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: fucksake
  725. 11:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: imma roll PER
  726. 11:06 PM - Dez: sorry
  727. 11:06 PM - Dez: :V
  728. 11:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: pass
  729. 11:06 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: we really gotta get a car
  730. 11:07 PM - Doc: see ya douchnerddumbgayfagloserfaglordasseatingcockmunchingmouthbreathinwobblingtubbyuseless bastards
  731. 11:07 PM - Doc: C;
  732. 11:07 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: and more players
  733. 11:07 PM - Dez: calling us useless :V
  734. 11:07 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: and just as you got a grasp on the rules, Potato :v
  735. 11:07 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: you're gone
  736. 11:07 PM - Dez: zing x1
  737. 11:07 PM - Doc: hey the only reason you're noticing that doc is useless is she doesnt have mind powers and the plot doesn revolve around her
  738. 11:08 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: well yeah
  739. 11:08 PM - Doc: at least i ever got a grasp on them unlike wing
  740. 11:08 PM - Doc: zingx100000
  741. 11:08 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: we're the players, of course the plot should revolve around us
  742. 11:08 PM - Dez: I got a grasp on fallout rules
  743. 11:08 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: or at least there should be a plot :v
  744. 11:08 PM - Dez: I don't have a grasp on Stars /w out number
  745. 11:08 PM - Dez: w/ out
  746. 11:08 PM - Doc: but like, it was mostly about john then LL
  747. 11:09 PM - Doc: the vault, the vault stuff inside, john going nuts, etc
  748. 11:09 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: anyway
  749. 11:09 PM - Doc: gnight y'all
  750. 11:09 PM - Doc left chat.
  751. 11:09 PM - Dez: nighty
  752. 11:09 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: Dan, are you still typing
  753. 11:10 PM - New York, New York: oh hi
  754. 11:10 PM - New York, New York: well why'd you roll per
  755. 11:10 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: or did you just silently weep because your game seems to be cursed
  756. 11:10 PM - New York, New York: isn't per used to determine outdoorsman
  757. 11:10 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: to at least try to salvage Dez's terrible roll
  758. 11:10 PM - Dez: why are there 4000 people in GD
  759. 11:10 PM - New York, New York: eh?
  760. 11:10 PM - Dez: general discussion
  761. 11:10 PM - Dez: on facepunch
  762. 11:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: people don't have lives? :v
  763. 11:11 PM - Dez: what is so important on GD
  764. 11:11 PM - New York, New York: what the fuck
  765. 11:11 PM - Dez: no one is ever on there
  766. 11:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: or something broke
  767. 11:11 PM - New York, New York: no thread stands out
  768. 11:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah just checked too
  769. 11:11 PM - Dez: exactly
  770. 11:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: looks like Garry fucked up
  771. 11:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: again
  772. 11:11 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: or something
  773. 11:11 PM - New York, New York: so anyway
  774. 11:12 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: so anyway
  775. 11:12 PM - New York, New York: Your outdoorsman roll doesn't help, but hey, you run into nothing in the subway
  776. 11:12 PM - New York, New York: so far, at least
  777. 11:12 PM - New York, New York: roll again
  778. 11:12 PM - Dez: yay pass
  779. 11:14 PM - New York, New York: You feel some vibrations and tremors in the walls, like something is... moving, behind them. It's ahead of you, and growing fainter. Though they're going in the direction you are
  780. 11:15 PM - New York, New York: Gonna do anything? Follow quietly, charge blindly ahead, wait it out?
  781. 11:15 PM - Dez: wait it out I guess
  782. 11:16 PM - New York, New York: You wait about 5 minutes after the sounds fade completely before venturing forwards
  783. 11:17 PM - Dez: "The hell..."
  784. 11:17 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: Without a word, we venture onward.
  785. 11:17 PM - New York, New York: but Dez said two words
  786. 11:17 PM - Dez: shhhh
  787. 11:17 PM - New York, New York: aaaand one more roll!
  788. 11:18 PM - Dez: 55 yikes
  789. 11:20 PM - New York, New York: Ahead, you hear the familiar clacking of someone readying a weapon, and shortly after you're blinded by a flashlight shining directly on your faces in the gloom. Then, you hear a voice call, "You there, hands up! No funny business!"
  790. 11:20 PM - Dez: Dez drops his spear
  791. 11:20 PM - Dez: "We aren't hostile"
  792. 11:20 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I comply.
  793. 11:20 PM - Dez: "Unless you are..."
  794. 11:22 PM - New York, New York: "The light is taken off your faces and pointed towards the ceiling, and as your eyes adjust, you spot a dusty man raise a pair of equally dusty goggles to his head, as he points his rifle downwards, relaxing his grip
  795. 11:22 PM - New York, New York: "So you're not raiders? That's a relief."
  796. 11:22 PM - Dez: "What are you then?"
  797. 11:23 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "How many raiders going around in twos you've seen?"
  798. 11:23 PM - New York, New York: "A raider's a raider, whether he's alone, with a buddy, or with a gang."
  799. 11:23 PM - Dez: Dez picks his spear back up
  800. 11:24 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Never met a raider who wasn't backed up by at least two other bastards."
  801. 11:24 PM - New York, New York: "Me? I'm from a small little town that makes a living here in these tunnels."
  802. 11:24 PM - New York, New York: "Never know, those raiders can be crafty. Sometimes."
  803. 11:25 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Well, this is getting interesting."
  804. 11:25 PM - Dez: "Raider's been bothering you?"
  805. 11:25 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "And if you've got a raider infestation, we'd be glad to help."
  806. 11:25 PM - New York, New York: "Now and again, but they tend to stick above ground."
  807. 11:26 PM - Dez: "Raider hunting is my specialty."
  808. 11:26 PM - New York, New York: "More to loot on the surface, I suppose. And really? I'd never have guessed, armed with only a spear."
  809. 11:27 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Well, I've seen him gut at least two or three with it. Trust me on my word, he's good."
  810. 11:27 PM - Dez: "Of course you can't defend a whole town with just a spear.", "but I've lead a few decent defenses."
  811. 11:27 PM - New York, New York: "I'm not about to test you on that, so I'll take your word."
  812. 11:29 PM - New York, New York: "The real issue we have is with the tunnel snakes. Those damned things not only cause a racket, but occasionally collapse tunnels and tend to pick off lone individuals who aren't careful. You'd do best to watch yourselves down here, it's not so safe as you might hope."
  813. 11:30 PM - Dez: "Tunnel Snakes?"
  814. 11:30 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Are we talking regular snakes, desert worm sized snakes, or something in between?"
  815. 11:31 PM - New York, New York: He hoists his rifle to his shoulder and leans it back, scratching his head with his free hand. "No clue what the hell a desert worm is, so I can't say for comparison, but they tend to vary in size."
  816. 11:32 PM - Dez: "I can set up a bunch of traps for you if you want."
  817. 11:32 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Are we talking feet, yards, or miles here?"
  818. 11:33 PM - New York, New York: "The smaller ones will be about the size of, say," he looks around, before looking to his gun and displaying it for you to see. He's weilding an H&K MP5. "The size of my gun here, in length, and fat enough to suit that size. Bigger ones have been rumored to take up half the damned tunnel in width at least, though I've never seen anything like that."
  819. 11:34 PM - New York, New York: "Oh, trap-savvy, are you?"
  820. 11:34 PM - Dez: "Just give me the parts and I'll set up some traps to get those bastards."
  821. 11:35 PM - Dez: "I wish I could stick around to properly defend you all but me and my friend are busy right now."
  822. 11:35 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Yeah, we're looking for a girl."
  823. 11:36 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Sixteen years old, wearing a Vault suit, wicked slash across the torso."
  824. 11:36 PM - New York, New York: "Hey, we've lived this long without any guardian angels, I think we can make it a while more. Though some traps would be appreciated."
  825. 11:36 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Seen her?"
  826. 11:36 PM - New York, New York: "A girl? Hmm, no, can't say I have. I mostly patrol around the tunnels, and head to Grand Central to meet the caravans."
  827. 11:38 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Shit. Well, we'll keep looking then."
  828. 11:39 PM - New York, New York: "Hey, looks like you've got an old map there. Tell you what, I'll mark down where our town is, and you can stop by whenever you'd like. We're not objective to tourists, so long as you don't trash the place."
  829. 11:40 PM - Dez: "Alright then, guess we'll be on our way."
  830. 11:41 PM - Dez: "Didn't expect to find someone so nice out here in these tunnels."
  831. 11:42 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "To be honest, I haven't really met as many assholes in my life as you'd have thought."
  832. 11:42 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Guess civilisation's coming back in a way. Hell, one day I might even start doing what I was made to do in the first place."
  833. 11:43 PM - New York, New York: "Being secluded as we are underground means we have fewer neighbors. /That/ means you've got to get along with who you know, or bad blood can turn to spilled blood real quick."
  834. 11:43 PM - Dez: "Phildelphia could definitely use some peacekeeping."
  835. 11:43 PM - New York, New York: "Sounds like you two have been around."
  836. 11:43 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: where the hell is the map gone
  837. 11:43 PM - Dez: Images?
  838. 11:44 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: nope
  839. 11:44 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oh it's syncing
  840. 11:44 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: false alarm :v
  841. 11:44 PM - Dez: "I've been around but, I don't really remember where."
  842. 11:45 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Yep, all the way from California to here."
  843. 11:45 PM - New York, New York: He gives a low whistle. "That's clear across the US."
  844. 11:45 PM - New York, New York: "Sure hope you didn't walk all that."
  845. 11:45 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Nah, I had a car."
  846. 11:46 PM - Dez: "And you don't have it now"
  847. 11:46 PM - Dez: also fuck this dead user's thread
  848. 11:46 PM - New York, New York: "Had? Sounds like a story. But, another time. I'd best get going. Stop by the town anytime."
  849. 11:46 PM - Dez: its like a train wreck I can't look away from
  850. 11:46 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Yeah, it's a story alright."
  851. 11:46 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: oh yeah this thread is fucking hilarious and sad in equal parts
  852. 11:46 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: all these people mad at Craptasket, it's amazing
  853. 11:47 PM - New York, New York: well he is kinda shit
  854. 11:47 PM - Dez: yep
  855. 11:47 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: he's kind of a one-person walking FYAD
  856. 11:47 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: only half as funny and twice as offensive :v
  857. 11:47 PM - New York, New York: FYAD?
  858. 11:48 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass:
  859. 11:48 PM - New York, New York: I don't have an account there I don't think I'll be able to see it
  860. 11:48 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: depends on whether the paywall's up
  861. 11:48 PM - New York, New York: it is
  862. 11:48 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: aw
  863. 11:49 PM - New York, New York: oh whoops I almost forgot
  864. 11:49 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: well this is FYAD
  865. 11:49 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: ?
  866. 11:49 PM - New York, New York: 150 xp for the death of two bats
  867. 11:49 PM - Dez: so it's OIWY?
  868. 11:49 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: other way around :v
  869. 11:50 PM - Dez: or whatever it's called
  870. 11:50 PM - New York, New York: OIFY
  871. 11:50 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: FP is basically an inferior SA ripoff in many ways
  872. 11:50 PM - New York, New York: you nerd
  873. 11:50 PM - Dez: yeah I know
  874. 11:50 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: but free so there's more 12 year olds
  875. 11:50 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  876. 11:50 PM - Dez: I'm so used to FP tho
  877. 11:50 PM - Dez: I lurked SA for a bit but I couldn't adjust
  878. 11:50 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I still like some of the mini communities that kinda sprung up in some threads
  879. 11:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: on FP
  880. 11:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: so I still pop in now and again :v
  881. 11:51 PM - New York, New York: I bet you like the gay thread
  882. 11:51 PM - New York, New York: oooooo #rekt
  883. 11:51 PM - New York, New York: :v
  884. 11:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: hehe
  885. 11:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: nah
  886. 11:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I probably would
  887. 11:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: but I'm not actually gay so it'd be awkward
  888. 11:51 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  889. 11:52 PM - New York, New York: rip
  890. 11:52 PM - New York, New York: rest in poland
  891. 11:52 PM - Dez: I should totally start posting on there
  892. 11:52 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: actually no: I'm gay as fuck aside from one thing: I'm not attracted to dudes
  893. 11:52 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  894. 11:52 PM - Dez: it would be great
  895. 11:52 PM - New York, New York: well don't expect me to visit
  896. 11:53 PM - New York, New York: we'll just send data in as a messenger
  897. 11:53 PM - New York, New York: though all he'll do is shrug and give two word responses
  898. 11:53 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: :v
  899. 11:54 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: anyway
  900. 11:54 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: it'd be nice to at least wrap up the game for today
  901. 11:54 PM - Dez: lets get the ESB and then end this
  902. 11:54 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah
  903. 11:54 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: I'm assuming we were walkin' and talkin' with the guard guy
  904. 11:54 PM - New York, New York: yep
  905. 11:55 PM - New York, New York: Well that was the last roll to get out of the subways, and you now arrive at Grand Central. The place is... absolutely bustling. It's like a flea market
  906. 11:56 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: *sweeping cinematic shot*
  907. 11:56 PM - Dez: woosh
  908. 11:57 PM - New York, New York: There are stands and vendors all across the flat platforms and little shops that are there, and the massive glass windows are surprisingly intact
  909. 11:58 PM - Dez: Lets just get to the place and we'll visit later
  910. 11:58 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: "Bet you could find anything in here if you looked for it long enough."
  911. 11:58 PM - New York, New York: Oversized, tattered flags hang from the walls, and the arched ceiling is painted with faded constellations. But, this isn't your destination. Your destination is the nearby ESB, which must have close ties with this place
  912. 11:59 PM - beep boop shoot yo ass: We wade through the crowd in the direction of the exit.
  913. Wednesday, July 30, 2014
  914. 12:00 AM - New York, New York: You work your way through the crowds and climb the stairs, now on street level again. This area seems to be safe enough, and you walk through the streets unaccosted by any vermin, beast or human
  915. 12:01 AM - New York, New York: You now stand before the ESB. Tall and grand, even here people seem to stream in and out at an interval that seems shockingly frequent, considering the wasteland as it is
  916. 12:01 AM - New York, New York: so cut, print, that's a wrap?
  917. 12:01 AM - Dez: "I'm suprised this hasn't been blown up yet"
  918. 12:02 AM - Dez: *freeze frame roll credits*
  919. 12:02 AM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yep
  920. 12:02 AM - beep boop shoot yo ass: and yep
  921. 12:02 AM - Dez: *thumbs up*
  922. 12:02 AM - New York, New York: logging, then
  923. 12:02 AM - New York, New York: hey hopefully some new blood will spice things up
  924. 12:02 AM - beep boop shoot yo ass: that's precisely what we were hoping for
  925. 12:02 AM - Dez: are we doing a game this friday or next?
  926. 12:02 AM - New York, New York: we'll find out
  927. 12:02 AM - beep boop shoot yo ass: the last part of the session, with the snakes and the guard and the new interesting looking places?
  928. 12:02 AM - beep boop shoot yo ass: that was cool though
  929. 12:03 AM - beep boop shoot yo ass: way more interesting than just farting around terminal fighting rats and doing lvl 1 quests :v
  930. 12:03 AM - New York, New York: I'm sorry you got assraped by bats
  931. 12:03 AM - New York, New York: but come on
  932. 12:03 AM - New York, New York: 4 crits in a row
  933. 12:03 AM - New York, New York: that is fucking hysterical
  934. 12:03 AM - Dez: and it was a critfail on my part :V
  935. 12:03 AM - beep boop shoot yo ass: yeah it was quite literally a freak of nature
  936. 12:04 AM - Dez: The spirit of batman inadvertently lives on
  937. 12:04 AM - New York, New York: I got the 30 and due to target shot it was crit, then a 5, 3 and 1
  938. 12:04 AM - New York, New York: it was beautiful
  939. 12:04 AM - New York, New York: I only wish I had that kind of luck as a player
  940. 12:04 AM - beep boop shoot yo ass: rip
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