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Nov 18th, 2017
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  4. <!----------------✧ ☾ ☆ ☄ ⁛ THEMES BY ASTRAEAWRITES ⁛ ☄ ☾ ✧
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  8. POP UP CODE IS BY @ACUITE, i claim no credit for it !!----------->
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  634. </head>
  635. <body>
  639. <div id="everything">
  640. <div id="head">
  641. <div class="headertitle">Put out these fires in my headspace</div>
  642. <div class="headersubtitle">The city sits below and we take shots at the moon
  643. </div>
  644. </div>
  647. <!---------------MUSE SLOTS // PLEASE READ
  649. If you want to add more slots, just add the following and continue onto the popup sections. also make sure that the box number matches the popup number.
  651. <div class="cube">
  652. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box10" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  653. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  654. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  655. <div class="muselinks">
  656. <ul>
  657. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  658. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  659. </ul>
  660. </div>
  661. </div>
  663. ----------------->
  665. <div id="box">
  666. <div class="container">
  669. <div class="cube">
  670. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box1" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  671. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  672. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  673. <div class="muselinks">
  674. <ul>
  675. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  676. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  677. </ul>
  678. </div>
  679. </div>
  682. <div class="cube">
  683. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box2" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  684. <div class="musename">aurelia avery</div>
  685. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  686. <div class="muselinks">
  687. <ul>
  688. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  689. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  690. </ul>
  691. </div>
  692. </div>
  695. <div class="cube">
  696. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box3" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  697. <div class="musename">austin poe jr.</div>
  698. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  699. <div class="muselinks">
  700. <ul>
  701. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  702. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  703. </ul>
  704. </div>
  705. </div>
  708. <div class="cube">
  709. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box4" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  710. <div class="musename">david adeyemi</div>
  711. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  712. <div class="muselinks">
  713. <ul>
  714. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  715. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  716. </ul>
  717. </div>
  718. </div>
  721. <div class="cube">
  722. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box5" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  723. <div class="musename">logan hartley</div>
  724. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  725. <div class="muselinks">
  726. <ul>
  727. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  728. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  729. </ul>
  730. </div>
  731. </div>
  734. <div class="cube">
  735. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box6" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  736. <div class="musename">luciano santoro</div>
  737. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  738. <div class="muselinks">
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  740. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  744. </div>
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  748. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box7" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  749. <div class="musename">madeline tolbert</div>
  750. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  751. <div class="muselinks">
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  753. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  761. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box8" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  762. <div class="musename">nathan clarke</div>
  763. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  764. <div class="muselinks">
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  766. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  769. </div>
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  774. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box9" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  775. <div class="musename">stefan walker</div>
  776. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  777. <div class="muselinks">
  778. <ul>
  779. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  783. </div>
  786. <div class="cube">
  787. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box10" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  788. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  789. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  790. <div class="muselinks">
  791. <ul>
  792. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  795. </div>
  796. </div>
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  799. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box11" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  800. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  801. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  802. <div class="muselinks">
  803. <ul>
  804. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  811. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box12" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  812. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  813. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  814. <div class="muselinks">
  815. <ul>
  816. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  819. </div>
  820. </div>
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  823. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box13" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  824. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  825. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  826. <div class="muselinks">
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  828. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  831. </div>
  832. </div>
  834. <div class="cube">
  835. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box14" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  836. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  837. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  838. <div class="muselinks">
  839. <ul>
  840. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  843. </div>
  844. </div>
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  847. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box15" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  848. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  849. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  850. <div class="muselinks">
  851. <ul>
  852. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  859. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box16" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  860. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  861. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  862. <div class="muselinks">
  863. <ul>
  864. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  867. </div>
  868. </div>
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  871. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box17" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  872. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  873. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  874. <div class="muselinks">
  875. <ul>
  876. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  879. </div>
  880. </div>
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  883. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box18" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  884. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  885. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  886. <div class="muselinks">
  887. <ul>
  888. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  895. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box19" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  896. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  897. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  898. <div class="muselinks">
  899. <ul>
  900. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  903. </div>
  904. </div>
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  907. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box20" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  908. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  909. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  912. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  916. </div>
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  919. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box21" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  920. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  921. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  922. <div class="muselinks">
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  924. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  928. </div>
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  931. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box22" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  932. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  933. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  934. <div class="muselinks">
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  936. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  940. </div>
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  943. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box23" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  944. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  945. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  946. <div class="muselinks">
  947. <ul>
  948. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  955. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box24" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  956. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  957. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  958. <div class="muselinks">
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  960. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  964. </div>
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  967. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box25" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  968. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  969. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  970. <div class="muselinks">
  971. <ul>
  972. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  975. </div>
  976. </div>
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  979. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box26" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  980. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  981. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  982. <div class="muselinks">
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  984. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  992. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box27" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  993. <div class="musename">aurelia avery</div>
  994. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  997. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  1005. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box28" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1006. <div class="musename">austin poe jr.</div>
  1007. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1008. <div class="muselinks">
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  1010. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  1018. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box29" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1019. <div class="musename">david adeyemi</div>
  1020. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1021. <div class="muselinks">
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  1031. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box30" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1032. <div class="musename">logan hartley</div>
  1033. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1040. </div>
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  1044. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box31" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1045. <div class="musename">luciano santoro</div>
  1046. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1053. </div>
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  1057. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box32" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1058. <div class="musename">madeline tolbert</div>
  1059. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1070. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box33" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1071. <div class="musename">nathan clarke</div>
  1072. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1073. <div class="muselinks">
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  1083. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box34" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1084. <div class="musename">stefan walker</div>
  1085. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1086. <div class="muselinks">
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  1088. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  1096. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box35" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1097. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1098. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1108. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box36" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1109. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1110. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1120. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box37" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1121. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1122. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1132. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box38" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1133. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1134. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1144. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box39" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1145. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1146. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1147. <div class="muselinks">
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  1149. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  1156. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box40" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1157. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1158. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1161. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  1168. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box41" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1169. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1170. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1173. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  1177. </div>
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  1180. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box42" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1181. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1182. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
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  1193. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1194. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1195. <div class="muselinks">
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  1197. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  1199. </ul>
  1200. </div>
  1201. </div>
  1203. <div class="cube">
  1204. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box44" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1205. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1206. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1207. <div class="muselinks">
  1208. <ul>
  1209. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  1210. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  1211. </ul>
  1212. </div>
  1213. </div>
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  1216. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box45" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1217. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1218. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1219. <div class="muselinks">
  1220. <ul>
  1221. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  1222. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  1223. </ul>
  1224. </div>
  1225. </div>
  1227. <div class="cube">
  1228. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box46" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1229. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1230. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1231. <div class="muselinks">
  1232. <ul>
  1233. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  1234. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  1235. </ul>
  1236. </div>
  1237. </div>
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  1240. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box47" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1241. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1242. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1243. <div class="muselinks">
  1244. <ul>
  1245. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  1246. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  1247. </ul>
  1248. </div>
  1249. </div>
  1251. <div class="cube">
  1252. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box48" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1253. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1254. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1255. <div class="muselinks">
  1256. <ul>
  1257. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  1258. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
  1259. </ul>
  1260. </div>
  1261. </div>
  1263. <div class="cube">
  1264. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box49" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1265. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1266. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1267. <div class="muselinks">
  1268. <ul>
  1269. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
  1270. <li><a href="/URL" title="musings"><span class="lnr lnr-tag"></span></a></li>
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  1273. </div>
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  1276. <div class="muselnr"><a href="#?w=450" rel="box50" class="poplight" title="read more !!"><span class="lnr lnr-heart"></span></a></div>
  1277. <div class="musename">adam halim</div>
  1278. <div class="musepic"><img src=""></div>
  1279. <div class="muselinks">
  1280. <ul>
  1281. <li><a href="/URL" title="account"><span class="lnr lnr-user"></span></a></li>
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  1300. </ul>
  1301. </div>
  1302. </div>
  1308. <!---------------MUSE POP UPS // PLEASE READ
  1310. If you want to add more popups, just add the following and make sure you change the links to match. for example, if you're adding a tenth box, make sure the tag reads <div id="box10" class="popup_block"> and so on. It'll look best when you keep everything short
  1312. <div id="box1" class="popup_block">
  1313. <div class="abouttitle">meet adam.</div>
  1314. <div class="abouttab">
  1315. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1316. <img src="">
  1317. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1318. <ul>
  1319. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1320. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1321. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1322. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1323. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1324. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1325. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1326. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1327. </ul>
  1328. </div>
  1329. </div>
  1331. <div class="abouttabright">
  1332. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1333. <br>
  1334. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1335. </div>
  1336. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1337. <h1>history</h1>
  1338. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1340. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1341. <h1>history</h1>
  1342. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1343. </div>
  1345. </div>
  1346. </div>
  1347. </div>
  1349. ----------------->
  1352. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #1----------------->
  1354. <div id="box1" class="popup_block">
  1355. <div class="abouttitle">meet adam.</div>
  1356. <div class="abouttab">
  1357. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1358. <img src="">
  1359. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1360. <ul>
  1361. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1362. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1363. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1364. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1365. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1366. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1367. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1368. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1369. </ul>
  1370. </div>
  1371. </div>
  1373. <div class="abouttabright">
  1374. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1375. <br>
  1376. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1377. </div>
  1378. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1379. <h1>history</h1>
  1380. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1382. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1383. <h1>history</h1>
  1384. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1385. </div>
  1387. </div>
  1388. </div>
  1389. </div>
  1392. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #2----------------->
  1394. <div id="box2" class="popup_block">
  1395. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  1396. <div class="abouttab">
  1397. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1398. <img src="">
  1399. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1400. <ul>
  1401. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1402. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1403. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1404. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1405. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1406. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1407. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1408. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1409. </ul>
  1410. </div>
  1411. </div>
  1413. <div class="abouttabright">
  1414. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1415. <br>
  1416. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1417. </div>
  1418. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1419. <h1>history</h1>
  1420. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1422. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1423. <h1>history</h1>
  1424. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1425. </div>
  1427. </div>
  1428. </div>
  1429. </div>
  1432. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #3----------------->
  1434. <div id="box3" class="popup_block">
  1435. <div class="abouttitle">meet austin.</div>
  1436. <div class="abouttab">
  1437. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1438. <img src="">
  1439. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1440. <ul>
  1441. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1442. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1443. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1444. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1445. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1446. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1447. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1448. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1449. </ul>
  1450. </div>
  1451. </div>
  1453. <div class="abouttabright">
  1454. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1455. <br>
  1456. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1457. </div>
  1458. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1459. <h1>history</h1>
  1460. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1462. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1463. <h1>history</h1>
  1464. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1465. </div>
  1467. </div>
  1468. </div>
  1469. </div>
  1472. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #4----------------->
  1474. <div id="box4" class="popup_block">
  1475. <div class="abouttitle">meet david.</div>
  1476. <div class="abouttab">
  1477. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1478. <img src="">
  1479. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1480. <ul>
  1481. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1482. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1483. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1484. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1485. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1486. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1487. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1488. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1489. </ul>
  1490. </div>
  1491. </div>
  1493. <div class="abouttabright">
  1494. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1495. <br>
  1496. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1497. </div>
  1498. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1499. <h1>history</h1>
  1500. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1502. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1503. <h1>history</h1>
  1504. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1505. </div>
  1507. </div>
  1508. </div>
  1509. </div>
  1512. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #5----------------->
  1514. <div id="box5" class="popup_block">
  1515. <div class="abouttitle">meet logan.</div>
  1516. <div class="abouttab">
  1517. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1518. <img src="">
  1519. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1520. <ul>
  1521. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1522. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1523. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1524. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1525. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1526. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1527. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1528. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1529. </ul>
  1530. </div>
  1531. </div>
  1533. <div class="abouttabright">
  1534. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1535. <br>
  1536. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1537. </div>
  1538. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1539. <h1>history</h1>
  1540. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1542. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1543. <h1>history</h1>
  1544. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1545. </div>
  1547. </div>
  1548. </div>
  1549. </div>
  1552. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #6----------------->
  1554. <div id="box6" class="popup_block">
  1555. <div class="abouttitle">meet luciano.</div>
  1556. <div class="abouttab">
  1557. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1558. <img src="">
  1559. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1560. <ul>
  1561. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1562. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1563. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1564. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1565. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1566. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1567. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1568. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1569. </ul>
  1570. </div>
  1571. </div>
  1573. <div class="abouttabright">
  1574. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1575. <br>
  1576. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1577. </div>
  1578. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1579. <h1>history</h1>
  1580. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1582. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1583. <h1>history</h1>
  1584. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1585. </div>
  1587. </div>
  1588. </div>
  1589. </div>
  1592. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #7----------------->
  1594. <div id="box7" class="popup_block">
  1595. <div class="abouttitle">meet madeline.</div>
  1596. <div class="abouttab">
  1597. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1598. <img src="">
  1599. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1600. <ul>
  1601. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1602. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1603. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1604. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1605. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1606. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1607. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1608. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1609. </ul>
  1610. </div>
  1611. </div>
  1613. <div class="abouttabright">
  1614. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1615. <br>
  1616. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1617. </div>
  1618. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1619. <h1>history</h1>
  1620. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1622. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1623. <h1>history</h1>
  1624. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1625. </div>
  1627. </div>
  1628. </div>
  1629. </div>
  1632. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #8----------------->
  1634. <div id="box8" class="popup_block">
  1635. <div class="abouttitle">meet nathan.</div>
  1636. <div class="abouttab">
  1637. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1638. <img src="">
  1639. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1640. <ul>
  1641. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1642. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1643. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1644. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1645. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1646. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1647. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1648. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1649. </ul>
  1650. </div>
  1651. </div>
  1653. <div class="abouttabright">
  1654. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1655. <br>
  1656. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1657. </div>
  1658. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1659. <h1>history</h1>
  1660. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1662. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1663. <h1>history</h1>
  1664. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1665. </div>
  1667. </div>
  1668. </div>
  1669. </div>
  1672. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #9----------------->
  1674. <div id="box9" class="popup_block">
  1675. <div class="abouttitle">meet stefan.</div>
  1676. <div class="abouttab">
  1677. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1678. <img src="">
  1679. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1680. <ul>
  1681. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1682. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1683. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1684. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1685. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1686. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1687. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1688. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1689. </ul>
  1690. </div>
  1691. </div>
  1693. <div class="abouttabright">
  1694. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1695. <br>
  1696. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1697. </div>
  1698. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1699. <h1>history</h1>
  1700. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1702. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1703. <h1>history</h1>
  1704. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1705. </div>
  1707. </div>
  1708. </div>
  1709. </div>
  1711. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #10----------------->
  1713. <div id="box10" class="popup_block">
  1714. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  1715. <div class="abouttab">
  1716. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1717. <img src="">
  1718. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1719. <ul>
  1720. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1721. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1722. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1723. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1724. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1725. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1726. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1727. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1728. </ul>
  1729. </div>
  1730. </div>
  1732. <div class="abouttabright">
  1733. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1734. <br>
  1735. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1736. </div>
  1737. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1738. <h1>history</h1>
  1739. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1741. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1742. <h1>history</h1>
  1743. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1744. </div>
  1746. </div>
  1747. </div>
  1748. </div>
  1750. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #11----------------->
  1752. <div id="box11" class="popup_block">
  1753. <div class="abouttitle">meet adam.</div>
  1754. <div class="abouttab">
  1755. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1756. <img src="">
  1757. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1758. <ul>
  1759. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1760. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1761. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1762. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1763. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1764. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1765. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1766. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1767. </ul>
  1768. </div>
  1769. </div>
  1771. <div class="abouttabright">
  1772. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1773. <br>
  1774. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1775. </div>
  1776. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1777. <h1>history</h1>
  1778. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1780. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1781. <h1>history</h1>
  1782. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1783. </div>
  1785. </div>
  1786. </div>
  1787. </div>
  1790. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #12----------------->
  1792. <div id="box12" class="popup_block">
  1793. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  1794. <div class="abouttab">
  1795. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1796. <img src="">
  1797. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1798. <ul>
  1799. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1800. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1801. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1802. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1803. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1804. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1805. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1806. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1807. </ul>
  1808. </div>
  1809. </div>
  1811. <div class="abouttabright">
  1812. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1813. <br>
  1814. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1815. </div>
  1816. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1817. <h1>history</h1>
  1818. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1820. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1821. <h1>history</h1>
  1822. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1823. </div>
  1825. </div>
  1826. </div>
  1827. </div>
  1830. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #13----------------->
  1832. <div id="box13" class="popup_block">
  1833. <div class="abouttitle">meet austin.</div>
  1834. <div class="abouttab">
  1835. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1836. <img src="">
  1837. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1838. <ul>
  1839. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1840. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1841. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1842. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1843. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1844. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1845. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1846. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1847. </ul>
  1848. </div>
  1849. </div>
  1851. <div class="abouttabright">
  1852. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1853. <br>
  1854. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1855. </div>
  1856. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1857. <h1>history</h1>
  1858. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1860. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1861. <h1>history</h1>
  1862. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1863. </div>
  1865. </div>
  1866. </div>
  1867. </div>
  1870. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #14----------------->
  1872. <div id="box14" class="popup_block">
  1873. <div class="abouttitle">meet david.</div>
  1874. <div class="abouttab">
  1875. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1876. <img src="">
  1877. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1878. <ul>
  1879. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1880. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1881. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1882. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1883. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1884. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1885. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1886. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1887. </ul>
  1888. </div>
  1889. </div>
  1891. <div class="abouttabright">
  1892. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1893. <br>
  1894. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1895. </div>
  1896. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1897. <h1>history</h1>
  1898. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1900. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1901. <h1>history</h1>
  1902. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1903. </div>
  1905. </div>
  1906. </div>
  1907. </div>
  1910. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #15----------------->
  1912. <div id="box15" class="popup_block">
  1913. <div class="abouttitle">meet logan.</div>
  1914. <div class="abouttab">
  1915. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1916. <img src="">
  1917. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1918. <ul>
  1919. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1920. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1921. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1922. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1923. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1924. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1925. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1926. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1927. </ul>
  1928. </div>
  1929. </div>
  1931. <div class="abouttabright">
  1932. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1933. <br>
  1934. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1935. </div>
  1936. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1937. <h1>history</h1>
  1938. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1940. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1941. <h1>history</h1>
  1942. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1943. </div>
  1945. </div>
  1946. </div>
  1947. </div>
  1950. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #16----------------->
  1952. <div id="box16" class="popup_block">
  1953. <div class="abouttitle">meet luciano.</div>
  1954. <div class="abouttab">
  1955. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1956. <img src="">
  1957. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1958. <ul>
  1959. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  1960. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  1961. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  1962. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  1963. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  1964. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  1965. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  1966. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  1967. </ul>
  1968. </div>
  1969. </div>
  1971. <div class="abouttabright">
  1972. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  1973. <br>
  1974. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  1975. </div>
  1976. <div class="abouttabbio">
  1977. <h1>history</h1>
  1978. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  1980. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  1981. <h1>history</h1>
  1982. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  1983. </div>
  1985. </div>
  1986. </div>
  1987. </div>
  1990. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #17----------------->
  1992. <div id="box17" class="popup_block">
  1993. <div class="abouttitle">meet madeline.</div>
  1994. <div class="abouttab">
  1995. <div class="abouttabsb">
  1996. <img src="">
  1997. <div class="abouttabstats">
  1998. <ul>
  1999. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2000. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2001. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2002. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2003. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2004. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2005. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2006. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2007. </ul>
  2008. </div>
  2009. </div>
  2011. <div class="abouttabright">
  2012. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2013. <br>
  2014. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2015. </div>
  2016. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2017. <h1>history</h1>
  2018. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2020. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2021. <h1>history</h1>
  2022. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2023. </div>
  2025. </div>
  2026. </div>
  2027. </div>
  2030. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #18----------------->
  2032. <div id="box18" class="popup_block">
  2033. <div class="abouttitle">meet nathan.</div>
  2034. <div class="abouttab">
  2035. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2036. <img src="">
  2037. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2038. <ul>
  2039. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2040. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2041. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2042. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2043. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2044. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2045. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2046. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2047. </ul>
  2048. </div>
  2049. </div>
  2051. <div class="abouttabright">
  2052. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2053. <br>
  2054. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2055. </div>
  2056. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2057. <h1>history</h1>
  2058. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2060. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2061. <h1>history</h1>
  2062. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2063. </div>
  2065. </div>
  2066. </div>
  2067. </div>
  2070. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #19----------------->
  2072. <div id="box19" class="popup_block">
  2073. <div class="abouttitle">meet stefan.</div>
  2074. <div class="abouttab">
  2075. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2076. <img src="">
  2077. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2078. <ul>
  2079. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2080. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2081. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2082. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2083. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2084. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2085. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2086. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2087. </ul>
  2088. </div>
  2089. </div>
  2091. <div class="abouttabright">
  2092. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2093. <br>
  2094. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2095. </div>
  2096. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2097. <h1>history</h1>
  2098. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2100. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2101. <h1>history</h1>
  2102. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2103. </div>
  2105. </div>
  2106. </div>
  2107. </div>
  2109. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #20----------------->
  2111. <div id="box20" class="popup_block">
  2112. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  2113. <div class="abouttab">
  2114. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2115. <img src="">
  2116. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2117. <ul>
  2118. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2119. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2120. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2121. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2122. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2123. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2124. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2125. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2126. </ul>
  2127. </div>
  2128. </div>
  2130. <div class="abouttabright">
  2131. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2132. <br>
  2133. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2134. </div>
  2135. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2136. <h1>history</h1>
  2137. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2139. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2140. <h1>history</h1>
  2141. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2142. </div>
  2144. </div>
  2145. </div>
  2146. </div>
  2148. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #21----------------->
  2150. <div id="box21" class="popup_block">
  2151. <div class="abouttitle">meet adam.</div>
  2152. <div class="abouttab">
  2153. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2154. <img src="">
  2155. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2156. <ul>
  2157. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2158. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2159. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2160. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2161. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2162. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2163. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2164. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2165. </ul>
  2166. </div>
  2167. </div>
  2169. <div class="abouttabright">
  2170. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2171. <br>
  2172. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2173. </div>
  2174. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2175. <h1>history</h1>
  2176. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2178. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2179. <h1>history</h1>
  2180. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2181. </div>
  2183. </div>
  2184. </div>
  2185. </div>
  2188. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #22----------------->
  2190. <div id="box22" class="popup_block">
  2191. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  2192. <div class="abouttab">
  2193. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2194. <img src="">
  2195. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2196. <ul>
  2197. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2198. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2199. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2200. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2201. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2202. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2203. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2204. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2205. </ul>
  2206. </div>
  2207. </div>
  2209. <div class="abouttabright">
  2210. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2211. <br>
  2212. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2213. </div>
  2214. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2215. <h1>history</h1>
  2216. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2218. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2219. <h1>history</h1>
  2220. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2221. </div>
  2223. </div>
  2224. </div>
  2225. </div>
  2228. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #23----------------->
  2230. <div id="box23" class="popup_block">
  2231. <div class="abouttitle">meet austin.</div>
  2232. <div class="abouttab">
  2233. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2234. <img src="">
  2235. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2236. <ul>
  2237. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2238. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2239. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2240. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2241. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2242. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2243. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2244. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2245. </ul>
  2246. </div>
  2247. </div>
  2249. <div class="abouttabright">
  2250. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2251. <br>
  2252. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2253. </div>
  2254. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2255. <h1>history</h1>
  2256. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2258. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2259. <h1>history</h1>
  2260. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2261. </div>
  2263. </div>
  2264. </div>
  2265. </div>
  2268. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #24----------------->
  2270. <div id="box24" class="popup_block">
  2271. <div class="abouttitle">meet david.</div>
  2272. <div class="abouttab">
  2273. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2274. <img src="">
  2275. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2276. <ul>
  2277. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2278. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2279. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2280. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2281. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2282. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2283. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2284. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2285. </ul>
  2286. </div>
  2287. </div>
  2289. <div class="abouttabright">
  2290. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2291. <br>
  2292. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2293. </div>
  2294. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2295. <h1>history</h1>
  2296. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2298. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2299. <h1>history</h1>
  2300. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2301. </div>
  2303. </div>
  2304. </div>
  2305. </div>
  2308. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #25----------------->
  2310. <div id="box25" class="popup_block">
  2311. <div class="abouttitle">meet logan.</div>
  2312. <div class="abouttab">
  2313. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2314. <img src="">
  2315. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2316. <ul>
  2317. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2318. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2319. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2320. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2321. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2322. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2323. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2324. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2325. </ul>
  2326. </div>
  2327. </div>
  2329. <div class="abouttabright">
  2330. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2331. <br>
  2332. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2333. </div>
  2334. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2335. <h1>history</h1>
  2336. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2338. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2339. <h1>history</h1>
  2340. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2341. </div>
  2343. </div>
  2344. </div>
  2345. </div>
  2348. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #26----------------->
  2350. <div id="box26" class="popup_block">
  2351. <div class="abouttitle">meet luciano.</div>
  2352. <div class="abouttab">
  2353. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2354. <img src="">
  2355. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2356. <ul>
  2357. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2358. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2359. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2360. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2361. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2362. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2363. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2364. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2365. </ul>
  2366. </div>
  2367. </div>
  2369. <div class="abouttabright">
  2370. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2371. <br>
  2372. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2373. </div>
  2374. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2375. <h1>history</h1>
  2376. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2378. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2379. <h1>history</h1>
  2380. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2381. </div>
  2383. </div>
  2384. </div>
  2385. </div>
  2388. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #27----------------->
  2390. <div id="box27" class="popup_block">
  2391. <div class="abouttitle">meet madeline.</div>
  2392. <div class="abouttab">
  2393. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2394. <img src="">
  2395. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2396. <ul>
  2397. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2398. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2399. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2400. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2401. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2402. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2403. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2404. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2405. </ul>
  2406. </div>
  2407. </div>
  2409. <div class="abouttabright">
  2410. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2411. <br>
  2412. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2413. </div>
  2414. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2415. <h1>history</h1>
  2416. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2418. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2419. <h1>history</h1>
  2420. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2421. </div>
  2423. </div>
  2424. </div>
  2425. </div>
  2428. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #28----------------->
  2430. <div id="box28" class="popup_block">
  2431. <div class="abouttitle">meet nathan.</div>
  2432. <div class="abouttab">
  2433. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2434. <img src="">
  2435. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2436. <ul>
  2437. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2438. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2439. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2440. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2441. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2442. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2443. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2444. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2445. </ul>
  2446. </div>
  2447. </div>
  2449. <div class="abouttabright">
  2450. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2451. <br>
  2452. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2453. </div>
  2454. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2455. <h1>history</h1>
  2456. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2458. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2459. <h1>history</h1>
  2460. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2461. </div>
  2463. </div>
  2464. </div>
  2465. </div>
  2468. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #29----------------->
  2470. <div id="box29" class="popup_block">
  2471. <div class="abouttitle">meet stefan.</div>
  2472. <div class="abouttab">
  2473. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2474. <img src="">
  2475. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2476. <ul>
  2477. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2478. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2479. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2480. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2481. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2482. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2483. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2484. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2485. </ul>
  2486. </div>
  2487. </div>
  2489. <div class="abouttabright">
  2490. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2491. <br>
  2492. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2493. </div>
  2494. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2495. <h1>history</h1>
  2496. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2498. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2499. <h1>history</h1>
  2500. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2501. </div>
  2503. </div>
  2504. </div>
  2505. </div>
  2507. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #30----------------->
  2509. <div id="box30" class="popup_block">
  2510. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  2511. <div class="abouttab">
  2512. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2513. <img src="">
  2514. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2515. <ul>
  2516. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2517. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2518. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2519. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2520. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2521. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2522. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2523. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2524. </ul>
  2525. </div>
  2526. </div>
  2528. <div class="abouttabright">
  2529. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2530. <br>
  2531. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2532. </div>
  2533. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2534. <h1>history</h1>
  2535. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2537. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2538. <h1>history</h1>
  2539. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2540. </div>
  2542. </div>
  2543. </div>
  2544. </div>
  2546. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #31----------------->
  2548. <div id="box31" class="popup_block">
  2549. <div class="abouttitle">meet adam.</div>
  2550. <div class="abouttab">
  2551. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2552. <img src="">
  2553. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2554. <ul>
  2555. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2556. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2557. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2558. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2559. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2560. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2561. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2562. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2563. </ul>
  2564. </div>
  2565. </div>
  2567. <div class="abouttabright">
  2568. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2569. <br>
  2570. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2571. </div>
  2572. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2573. <h1>history</h1>
  2574. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2576. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2577. <h1>history</h1>
  2578. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2579. </div>
  2581. </div>
  2582. </div>
  2583. </div>
  2586. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #32----------------->
  2588. <div id="box32" class="popup_block">
  2589. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  2590. <div class="abouttab">
  2591. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2592. <img src="">
  2593. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2594. <ul>
  2595. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2596. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2597. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2598. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2599. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2600. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2601. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2602. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2603. </ul>
  2604. </div>
  2605. </div>
  2607. <div class="abouttabright">
  2608. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2609. <br>
  2610. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2611. </div>
  2612. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2613. <h1>history</h1>
  2614. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2616. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2617. <h1>history</h1>
  2618. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2619. </div>
  2621. </div>
  2622. </div>
  2623. </div>
  2626. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #33----------------->
  2628. <div id="box33" class="popup_block">
  2629. <div class="abouttitle">meet austin.</div>
  2630. <div class="abouttab">
  2631. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2632. <img src="">
  2633. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2634. <ul>
  2635. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2636. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2637. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2638. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2639. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2640. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2641. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2642. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2643. </ul>
  2644. </div>
  2645. </div>
  2647. <div class="abouttabright">
  2648. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2649. <br>
  2650. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2651. </div>
  2652. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2653. <h1>history</h1>
  2654. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2656. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2657. <h1>history</h1>
  2658. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2659. </div>
  2661. </div>
  2662. </div>
  2663. </div>
  2666. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #34----------------->
  2668. <div id="box34" class="popup_block">
  2669. <div class="abouttitle">meet david.</div>
  2670. <div class="abouttab">
  2671. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2672. <img src="">
  2673. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2674. <ul>
  2675. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2676. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2677. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2678. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2679. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2680. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2681. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2682. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2683. </ul>
  2684. </div>
  2685. </div>
  2687. <div class="abouttabright">
  2688. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2689. <br>
  2690. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2691. </div>
  2692. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2693. <h1>history</h1>
  2694. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2696. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2697. <h1>history</h1>
  2698. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2699. </div>
  2701. </div>
  2702. </div>
  2703. </div>
  2706. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #35----------------->
  2708. <div id="box35" class="popup_block">
  2709. <div class="abouttitle">meet logan.</div>
  2710. <div class="abouttab">
  2711. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2712. <img src="">
  2713. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2714. <ul>
  2715. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2716. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2717. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2718. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2719. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2720. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2721. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2722. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2723. </ul>
  2724. </div>
  2725. </div>
  2727. <div class="abouttabright">
  2728. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2729. <br>
  2730. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2731. </div>
  2732. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2733. <h1>history</h1>
  2734. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2736. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2737. <h1>history</h1>
  2738. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2739. </div>
  2741. </div>
  2742. </div>
  2743. </div>
  2746. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #36----------------->
  2748. <div id="box36" class="popup_block">
  2749. <div class="abouttitle">meet luciano.</div>
  2750. <div class="abouttab">
  2751. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2752. <img src="">
  2753. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2754. <ul>
  2755. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2756. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2757. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2758. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2759. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2760. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2761. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2762. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2763. </ul>
  2764. </div>
  2765. </div>
  2767. <div class="abouttabright">
  2768. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2769. <br>
  2770. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2771. </div>
  2772. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2773. <h1>history</h1>
  2774. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2776. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2777. <h1>history</h1>
  2778. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2779. </div>
  2781. </div>
  2782. </div>
  2783. </div>
  2786. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #37----------------->
  2788. <div id="box37" class="popup_block">
  2789. <div class="abouttitle">meet madeline.</div>
  2790. <div class="abouttab">
  2791. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2792. <img src="">
  2793. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2794. <ul>
  2795. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2796. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2797. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2798. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2799. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2800. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2801. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2802. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2803. </ul>
  2804. </div>
  2805. </div>
  2807. <div class="abouttabright">
  2808. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2809. <br>
  2810. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2811. </div>
  2812. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2813. <h1>history</h1>
  2814. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2816. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2817. <h1>history</h1>
  2818. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2819. </div>
  2821. </div>
  2822. </div>
  2823. </div>
  2826. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #38----------------->
  2828. <div id="box38" class="popup_block">
  2829. <div class="abouttitle">meet nathan.</div>
  2830. <div class="abouttab">
  2831. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2832. <img src="">
  2833. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2834. <ul>
  2835. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2836. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2837. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2838. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2839. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2840. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2841. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2842. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2843. </ul>
  2844. </div>
  2845. </div>
  2847. <div class="abouttabright">
  2848. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2849. <br>
  2850. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2851. </div>
  2852. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2853. <h1>history</h1>
  2854. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2856. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2857. <h1>history</h1>
  2858. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2859. </div>
  2861. </div>
  2862. </div>
  2863. </div>
  2866. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #39----------------->
  2868. <div id="box39" class="popup_block">
  2869. <div class="abouttitle">meet stefan.</div>
  2870. <div class="abouttab">
  2871. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2872. <img src="">
  2873. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2874. <ul>
  2875. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2876. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2877. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2878. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2879. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2880. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2881. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2882. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2883. </ul>
  2884. </div>
  2885. </div>
  2887. <div class="abouttabright">
  2888. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2889. <br>
  2890. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2891. </div>
  2892. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2893. <h1>history</h1>
  2894. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2896. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2897. <h1>history</h1>
  2898. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2899. </div>
  2901. </div>
  2902. </div>
  2903. </div>
  2905. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #40----------------->
  2907. <div id="box40" class="popup_block">
  2908. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  2909. <div class="abouttab">
  2910. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2911. <img src="">
  2912. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2913. <ul>
  2914. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2915. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2916. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2917. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2918. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2919. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2920. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2921. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2922. </ul>
  2923. </div>
  2924. </div>
  2926. <div class="abouttabright">
  2927. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2928. <br>
  2929. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2930. </div>
  2931. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2932. <h1>history</h1>
  2933. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2935. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2936. <h1>history</h1>
  2937. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2938. </div>
  2940. </div>
  2941. </div>
  2942. </div>
  2944. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #41----------------->
  2946. <div id="box41" class="popup_block">
  2947. <div class="abouttitle">meet adam.</div>
  2948. <div class="abouttab">
  2949. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2950. <img src="">
  2951. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2952. <ul>
  2953. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2954. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2955. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2956. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2957. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2958. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2959. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  2960. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  2961. </ul>
  2962. </div>
  2963. </div>
  2965. <div class="abouttabright">
  2966. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  2967. <br>
  2968. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  2969. </div>
  2970. <div class="abouttabbio">
  2971. <h1>history</h1>
  2972. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  2974. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  2975. <h1>history</h1>
  2976. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  2977. </div>
  2979. </div>
  2980. </div>
  2981. </div>
  2984. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #42----------------->
  2986. <div id="box42" class="popup_block">
  2987. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  2988. <div class="abouttab">
  2989. <div class="abouttabsb">
  2990. <img src="">
  2991. <div class="abouttabstats">
  2992. <ul>
  2993. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  2994. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  2995. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  2996. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  2997. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  2998. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  2999. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  3000. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  3001. </ul>
  3002. </div>
  3003. </div>
  3005. <div class="abouttabright">
  3006. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  3007. <br>
  3008. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  3009. </div>
  3010. <div class="abouttabbio">
  3011. <h1>history</h1>
  3012. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  3014. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  3015. <h1>history</h1>
  3016. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  3017. </div>
  3019. </div>
  3020. </div>
  3021. </div>
  3024. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #43----------------->
  3026. <div id="box43" class="popup_block">
  3027. <div class="abouttitle">meet austin.</div>
  3028. <div class="abouttab">
  3029. <div class="abouttabsb">
  3030. <img src="">
  3031. <div class="abouttabstats">
  3032. <ul>
  3033. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  3034. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  3035. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  3036. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  3037. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  3038. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  3039. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  3040. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  3041. </ul>
  3042. </div>
  3043. </div>
  3045. <div class="abouttabright">
  3046. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  3047. <br>
  3048. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  3049. </div>
  3050. <div class="abouttabbio">
  3051. <h1>history</h1>
  3052. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  3054. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  3055. <h1>history</h1>
  3056. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  3057. </div>
  3059. </div>
  3060. </div>
  3061. </div>
  3064. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #44----------------->
  3066. <div id="box44" class="popup_block">
  3067. <div class="abouttitle">meet david.</div>
  3068. <div class="abouttab">
  3069. <div class="abouttabsb">
  3070. <img src="">
  3071. <div class="abouttabstats">
  3072. <ul>
  3073. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  3074. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  3075. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  3076. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  3077. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  3078. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  3079. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  3080. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  3081. </ul>
  3082. </div>
  3083. </div>
  3085. <div class="abouttabright">
  3086. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  3087. <br>
  3088. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  3089. </div>
  3090. <div class="abouttabbio">
  3091. <h1>history</h1>
  3092. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  3094. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  3095. <h1>history</h1>
  3096. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  3097. </div>
  3099. </div>
  3100. </div>
  3101. </div>
  3104. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #45----------------->
  3106. <div id="box45" class="popup_block">
  3107. <div class="abouttitle">meet logan.</div>
  3108. <div class="abouttab">
  3109. <div class="abouttabsb">
  3110. <img src="">
  3111. <div class="abouttabstats">
  3112. <ul>
  3113. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  3114. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  3115. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  3116. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  3117. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  3118. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  3119. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  3120. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  3121. </ul>
  3122. </div>
  3123. </div>
  3125. <div class="abouttabright">
  3126. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  3127. <br>
  3128. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  3129. </div>
  3130. <div class="abouttabbio">
  3131. <h1>history</h1>
  3132. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  3134. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  3135. <h1>history</h1>
  3136. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  3137. </div>
  3139. </div>
  3140. </div>
  3141. </div>
  3144. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #46----------------->
  3146. <div id="box46" class="popup_block">
  3147. <div class="abouttitle">meet luciano.</div>
  3148. <div class="abouttab">
  3149. <div class="abouttabsb">
  3150. <img src="">
  3151. <div class="abouttabstats">
  3152. <ul>
  3153. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  3154. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  3155. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  3156. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  3157. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  3158. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  3159. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  3160. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  3161. </ul>
  3162. </div>
  3163. </div>
  3165. <div class="abouttabright">
  3166. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  3167. <br>
  3168. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  3169. </div>
  3170. <div class="abouttabbio">
  3171. <h1>history</h1>
  3172. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  3174. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  3175. <h1>history</h1>
  3176. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  3177. </div>
  3179. </div>
  3180. </div>
  3181. </div>
  3184. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #47----------------->
  3186. <div id="box47" class="popup_block">
  3187. <div class="abouttitle">meet madeline.</div>
  3188. <div class="abouttab">
  3189. <div class="abouttabsb">
  3190. <img src="">
  3191. <div class="abouttabstats">
  3192. <ul>
  3193. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  3194. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  3195. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  3196. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  3197. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  3198. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  3199. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  3200. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  3201. </ul>
  3202. </div>
  3203. </div>
  3205. <div class="abouttabright">
  3206. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  3207. <br>
  3208. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  3209. </div>
  3210. <div class="abouttabbio">
  3211. <h1>history</h1>
  3212. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  3214. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  3215. <h1>history</h1>
  3216. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  3217. </div>
  3219. </div>
  3220. </div>
  3221. </div>
  3224. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #48----------------->
  3226. <div id="box48" class="popup_block">
  3227. <div class="abouttitle">meet nathan.</div>
  3228. <div class="abouttab">
  3229. <div class="abouttabsb">
  3230. <img src="">
  3231. <div class="abouttabstats">
  3232. <ul>
  3233. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  3234. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  3235. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  3236. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  3237. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  3238. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  3239. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  3240. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  3241. </ul>
  3242. </div>
  3243. </div>
  3245. <div class="abouttabright">
  3246. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  3247. <br>
  3248. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  3249. </div>
  3250. <div class="abouttabbio">
  3251. <h1>history</h1>
  3252. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  3254. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  3255. <h1>history</h1>
  3256. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  3257. </div>
  3259. </div>
  3260. </div>
  3261. </div>
  3264. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #49----------------->
  3266. <div id="box49" class="popup_block">
  3267. <div class="abouttitle">meet stefan.</div>
  3268. <div class="abouttab">
  3269. <div class="abouttabsb">
  3270. <img src="">
  3271. <div class="abouttabstats">
  3272. <ul>
  3273. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  3274. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  3275. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  3276. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  3277. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  3278. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  3279. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  3280. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  3281. </ul>
  3282. </div>
  3283. </div>
  3285. <div class="abouttabright">
  3286. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  3287. <br>
  3288. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  3289. </div>
  3290. <div class="abouttabbio">
  3291. <h1>history</h1>
  3292. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  3294. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  3295. <h1>history</h1>
  3296. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  3297. </div>
  3299. </div>
  3300. </div>
  3301. </div>
  3303. <!---------------POP UP BOXES #50----------------->
  3305. <div id="box50" class="popup_block">
  3306. <div class="abouttitle">meet aurelia.</div>
  3307. <div class="abouttab">
  3308. <div class="abouttabsb">
  3309. <img src="">
  3310. <div class="abouttabstats">
  3311. <ul>
  3312. <li><b>full name:</b> name</li>
  3313. <li><b>current age:</b> age</li>
  3314. <li><b>pronouns:</b> pronouns</li>
  3315. <li><b>sexuality:</b> sexuality</li>
  3316. <li><b>faceclaim:</b> face</li>
  3317. <li><b>muse type:</b> type</li>
  3318. <li><b>rp type:</b> type</li>
  3319. <li><b>status:</b> status</li>
  3320. </ul>
  3321. </div>
  3322. </div>
  3324. <div class="abouttabright">
  3325. <div class="aboutquotation"><big>❝</big> He <i>remembered</i> a version of <b>himself</b> untrammeled by <u>expectation</u>, unimpeded by <b><i>Ego</i></b>. He had <i>suffered</i> in the many years since then, seeking to <b>return</b> to that original self, if, in fact, it <i>ever</i> existed . . . <big>❞</big>
  3326. <br>
  3327. <span>⸻ &nbsp;Ashim Shanker</span>
  3328. </div>
  3329. <div class="abouttabbio">
  3330. <h1>history</h1>
  3331. <p>adam dakarai halim was born in the winter of 2025. he is highly trained individual in the knowledge of botany, first aid and exceptional at parkour. he has been living in secter 13 for only two days as of 11/3/56.</p>
  3333. <p>due to being raised in a survivalist group filled with many war veterans, adam is a very stoic and serious individual. he has been conditioned to not feel his emotions and because of that, he has become unwilling to connect emotionally. he lived on his own for a while and through this he became an introvert. even though adam is beginning to live with others in close proximity, he still struggles to form emotional bonds. friendship is a foreign concept.</p>
  3334. <h1>history</h1>
  3335. <p>i honestly don't know what 2 put here. anyways, if you're reading this, i hope you enjoy this new code, my fresh dude.</p>
  3336. </div>
  3338. </div>
  3339. </div>
  3340. </div>
  3343. <!---------------CREDIT // DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER PLS !! ----------------->
  3345. <div class="credit"><a href="">AW</a></div>
  3350. </body>
  3351. </html>
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