
actual dad.jpg

Nov 24th, 2014
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  1. [01:35:42] snark: nitro i'm sad
  2. [08:49:28] Sir Nitbits: oh no, what's wrong :c
  3. [09:02:22] snark: aqua and roxas argued again :T
  4. [09:05:35] Sir Nitbits: :'c does Dad need to run interference w/ you two, it's like you can't get through one day
  5. [09:05:46] snark: shhh no
  6. [09:06:02] snark: she won't let him take the mark of mastery exam :'^(
  7. [09:06:11] snark: says he should wait a few years
  8. [09:06:19] snark: mom wake up i don't have a few years
  9. [09:06:54] snark: calls him immature so he blows up immaturely lD
  10. [09:07:35] Sir Nitbits: poor kid
  11. [09:07:57] Sir Nitbits: Roxas I hate to break it to you but you will probably not pass
  12. [09:08:09] snark: nOT YOU TOO-
  13. [09:08:26] snark: if it's strength of heart I got this ;;;;
  14. [09:09:28] snark: the only reason sora didn't pass was because I tampered with him a bit
  15. so therefore I can pass-
  16. [09:09:39] snark: I'm stronger than both of them :l
  17. [09:10:50] Sir Nitbits: well if you rEALLY want to try you should
  18. [09:10:51] Sir Nitbits: but
  19. [09:11:33] Sir Nitbits: only if you'll move on from it if you don't pass
  20. [09:12:17] Sir Nitbits: you're not allowed to fixate on things, that's just a waste of your time
  21. [09:12:23] Sir Nitbits: ( :'c )
  22. [09:13:46] snark: that's the thing, she won't give me the even the opportunity to fail??
  23. says I should talk to terra as if that'll help.
  24. I don't even care about the exam--I /know/ what I'm capable of.
  25. I just want her to recognize that too.
  26. [09:14:34] snark: [ see nitro u have mastered the art of talking to him without causing conflict ]
  27. [09:15:19] snark: [ but aqua has this nasty habit of telling him who he is and what he can and can't do lD ]
  28. [09:16:18] Sir Nitbits: [Aqua, Vergil has got some experience to share w/ you about this topic]
  29. [09:17:00] Sir Nitbits: [let him tell you about the time he was altogether too controlling of his lil brother for his own good and they ended up trying to kill each other as a result]
  30. [09:17:12] snark: [ ;;; ]
  31. [09:18:53] snark: [ aqua's just like "u let your emotions blind u"
  32. "well excuse me i just got them and i only get mad when i'm hurt ok"
  33. "well you get hurt over every little thing"]
  34. [09:19:21] snark: [ and then he just got sad lD because he only hurts over her oops ]
  35. [09:19:29] Sir Nitbits: [OH NO??]
  36. [09:19:32] Sir Nitbits: [stop it]
  37. [09:19:59] snark: i can link you to the argument it was gr8
  38. [09:20:09] Sir Nitbits: I am gonna cry tbh but pls do
  39. [09:20:23] snark:
  40. [09:22:30] Sir Nitbits: "[ and maybe prove i'm better than sora and riku ]" son no
  41. [09:22:53] snark: [ IT WAS JUST A THOUGHT...]
  42. [09:23:07] Sir Nitbits: SON NO.
  43. [09:23:13] snark: [ and yes maybe he has a complex about standing out from them]
  44. [09:23:23] Sir Nitbits: poor bab
  45. [09:23:31] Sir Nitbits: well if u wanna stand out why would u wanna take the exam >B[
  46. [09:26:06] snark: lays down
  47. because it's so important to her
  48. [09:26:17] Sir Nitbits: o h no
  49. [09:26:24] snark: and that if I pass she'll see me as an equal
  50. [09:27:06] snark: i know she's stronger than me but i need her to know she has more people on her side that can help
  51. i'm not a baby :'/
  52. [09:28:13] Sir Nitbits: [well technically,,,,,]
  53. [09:28:29] snark: :V don't u say it-
  54. [09:29:27] snark: i'm a baby i get it
  55. but why is it that i get a keyblade and she doesn't even offer to train me
  56. sure i don't want to be trained but the offer?? would be nice
  57. [09:30:29] Sir Nitbits: Well, she does know you well enough to know that you wouldn't accept it, anyway. Perhaps she thinks you'll find the offer patronizing.
  58. [09:30:43] snark: ...
  59. [09:31:09] snark: do I come off like that?
  60. ha ha...
  61. [09:31:26] snark: I don't think it's like that at all
  62. [09:31:43] snark: I think it's because I wasn't even supposed to have the keyblade
  63. [09:31:59] snark: she hasn't offered to train sora either
  64. [09:32:57] snark: just cuz I don't have that stupid fairy dust they put on riku
  65. that he screwed up, by the way
  66. [09:33:35] snark: lays down
  67. [09:33:45] snark: i'm so tired of fighting with her
  68. [09:41:40] Sir Nitbits: I do not believe that's how she thinks of it. But if that's how you feel, then what do you think you should do about it?
  69. [10:34:30] snark: I...I don't know. She's pretty stubborn. They all are.
  70. I mean, I am too but--
  71. I feel like even though she talks about how it'll never happen they all know right where I'm going when it's all over. And that's why there's no point in paying attention to me.
  72. [10:35:04] Sir Nitbits: [Snark no... my heart...]
  73. [10:36:04] snark: [ i watched the kh 2.5 recoded movie and he says exactly that but more bitterly ]
  74. [10:40:03] snark: [ this is the face he says it with ]
  75. [10:42:02] snark: [ luckily for aqua roxas saw riku's whole take with darkness and he's not dumb enough to get so mad he wants to use it for revenge ]
  76. [10:44:02] snark: [ i don't think he'd pull a dante kajsdfljadsf ]
  77. [10:46:58] Sir Nitbits: I...see. Well, the most adult thing to do would be to talk to her about it. And to listen to what she has to say, as well. She does care about you and means only for your best.
  78. [10:48:05] snark: ...
  79. [10:48:09] snark: sighs
  80. [10:48:37] snark: // just
  82. [10:48:43] snark: // stands there
  83. [10:48:47] snark: // love me
  84. [10:48:56] * Sir Nitbits o-oh
  85. [10:49:04] snark: u ok
  86. [10:49:06] snark: is this too much
  87. [10:49:24] * Sir Nitbits hair rufflno nevermind that he's just gonna hug u
  88. [10:51:30] snark: ;;;;
  89. // more or less gets buried jeez ur huge
  90. [10:51:33] snark: // but that's ok
  91. [10:52:09] Sir Nitbits: [I'm amused, if Roxas if 5'6" then Vergil is like a foot taller than him]
  92. [10:52:36] snark: [ that is exactly how tall he is he's a shortie ]
  93. [10:52:45] Sir Nitbits: You do have growing to do, and the most mature thing to do would be to come to terms with that. Everyone has to mature in some areas. Realizing that is how they grow up.
  94. [10:52:50] Sir Nitbits: [son ur so tiny]
  95. [10:53:10] snark: But I don't have / time/.
  96. [10:53:32] Sir Nitbits: What's that?
  97. [10:53:39] Sir Nitbits: Is that /admittance/ I hear?
  98. [10:53:55] snark: // wHINEY MUMBLES
  99. [10:54:16] snark: What does that even mean. What am I admitting to.
  100. [10:58:38] Sir Nitbits: You didn't deny that you have growing to do. You're listening to me. And that's what you need to do when you speak with her, no matter how hard it gets. That /is/ maturing. That /is/ growing up.
  101. [10:59:00] Sir Nitbits: And you do not necessarily need years to do it...though, admittedly, practice makes perfect.
  102. [10:59:29] Sir Nitbits: [supportive dad.jpg]
  103. [10:59:38] Sir Nitbits: [here's hoping Roxas doesn't immediately start sassing him]
  104. [11:00:52] snark: But she makes it sound as if I'm just throwing a tantrum. I don't like it when how I feel is treated like it' it's...just something that's unimportant, y'know? I hate being swept under the rug.
  105. I get how she feels, but she feels like that about everyone. She loves and does that momma hen thing to / everyone/.
  106. [11:03:15] snark: I get that I need to grow up or whatever. Even that old geezer Eraqus still had growing up to do. It's not because I'm young. She still has things to learn too.
  107. [11:03:54] snark: // he looks up, making a face
  109. But my personality is just charming and I don't see why I should change it.
  110. [11:06:17] Sir Nitbits: You're right. She has her own maturing to do, as well. But it's not up to you to hold that against her. She does, whatever you may think, have a bit more experience in life than you do. And your best bet in attempting to get her to listen to you and understand how you feel is not to get irate with her and fight her when she cannot read your mind.
  111. [11:06:35] * Sir Nitbits Not Impressed w/ that face and he's going to ruffle your hair for your efforts
  112. [11:08:07] snark: // gROANS ok he won't look at you anymore he's just going to hide again
  114. Why is it that you're not even from my world and yet you get me better than she does.
  115. [11:11:06] Sir Nitbits: ...I've dealt with similar problems before. I suppose I have a bit of a better perspective on it than she does.
  116. [11:11:39] * Sir Nitbits just. rests his chin on your lil fluffy head, you're so tiny he practically has to lean down to do that, gosh
  117. [11:13:05] snark: // shh it's not my fault i'm tiny it's sora he's dumb and short
  119. Hmph. Would you say you live in the realm of light or darkness?
  120. // he won't say Nothing, because who even remembers that
  121. [11:13:30] * Sir Nitbits o
  122. [11:13:47] snark: [ o v o? ]
  123. [11:13:54] Sir Nitbits: [WHY....]
  124. [11:13:56] snark: [ aLSO THANK YOU he feels a lot better ; v ; ]
  125. [11:14:15] snark: [ did he ask a bad question ]
  126. [11:14:16] Sir Nitbits: [YOU ARE THE WORST... but yes Vergil bein a good dadfriend ;u; my pleasure]
  127. [11:15:35] Sir Nitbits: I...lost my way to the light long ago.
  128. [11:15:41] * Sir Nitbits By his own decision, no less.
  129. [11:16:59] snark: I'd say you made your own way pretty good but--
  130. I don't know a whole lot about that stuff. But you're not bad.
  131. I know that for sure.
  132. [11:17:13] * Sir Nitbits ...
  133. [11:17:14] * Sir Nitbits ...
  134. [11:17:22] * Sir Nitbits hugs tighter.
  135. [11:19:25] snark: // hUGS TIGHT he gets it ok he doesn't get it but he gets it
  137. I was pretty much a light born in the darkness. That's what they told me. But they also said I was gonna burn out quickly because of that.
  138. I didn't.
  139. You'll be ok. Please try to be ok.
  140. [11:20:12] Sir Nitbits: [oh no he's gonna cry]
  141. [11:20:14] Sir Nitbits: [I'm gonna cry]
  142. [11:20:19] Sir Nitbits: [Snark why you do dis]
  143. [11:20:40] snark: [ because roxas is a feelsy character and i use this to my advantage u v u
  144. bUT I GOTTA GO ]
  145. [11:27:08] * Sir Nitbits Good job, Roxas. You've actually made him choke up significantly. He's going to hug you even tighter so you can't look up and see that fact ok --
  146. [11:31:03] * Sir Nitbits It takes him a minute to compose himself enough to speak. Why you gotta do this to him, Boy.
  147. [11:31:39] Sir Nitbits: ...I will do my utmost.
  148. [13:50:14] snark: [ HE TOLD YOU HE WAS CHARMING ]
  149. [13:50:25] Sir Nitbits: [when he wants to be]
  150. [13:50:55] snark: [ now we just gotta figure out what makes him so combative w/ some people and so mellow w/ others ]
  151. [13:52:20] Sir Nitbits: [the differences are subtle]
  152. [13:55:20] snark: // pats his back, not quite able to breathe anymore. gENTLE PUSHING AWAY ok that was enough love for a week thank u friend
  154. ...
  155. // gives him a really scrutinizing look, narrowing his eyes before he smiles a little bit
  157. Vergil, can I ask you something?
  158. [13:55:49] * Sir Nitbits u-um
  159. [13:56:37] Sir Nitbits: Well, discounting the fact that you just did ask me something, you may if you wish.
  160. [13:57:41] snark: // puffs his cheeks out, crossing his arms. yeah ok maybe he did just--
  162. // huffs
  164. I kinda get the impression that I remind you of someone.
  165. [13:58:16] * Sir Nitbits oh
  166. [13:59:55] snark: [ this is the part where u make it or break it vergdad ]
  167. [14:00:22] Sir Nitbits: ...Well, that is not a question.
  168. [14:00:58] * Sir Nitbits that definitely wasn't filler while he thinks of a way to answer
  169. [14:01:49] snark: Fiiiiiine.
  170. Who do I remind you of. Why do you get that kinda distant, weepy look.
  171. [14:02:03] snark: ...
  172. [14:02:10] snark: if it's not too painful, I guess.
  173. [14:02:35] * Sir Nitbits d-does he really :c
  174. [14:04:24] snark: [ yes ]
  175. [14:04:51] Sir Nitbits: No, it's...quite alright. You remind me of my brother, at some times, and...
  176. [14:05:04] Sir Nitbits: Of...myself, at others.
  177. [14:07:20] snark: ...huh.
  178. You know, it's mostly the other way around. I'm used to people projecting others on me.
  179. // laughs
  180. Guess I just have that kinda face...but I didn't mind so much. If it helped you feel better about your brother, or whatever. That was okay.
  182. But I think it's really cool that I remind you of you, too. Means a lot.
  183. [14:07:44] snark: // sHEEPISH NECK SCRATCHING he's embarrassed
  184. [14:07:54] Sir Nitbits: [AW]
  185. [14:07:55] Sir Nitbits: [AWWW]
  186. [14:08:00] Sir Nitbits: [BABY]
  188. [14:09:32] snark: [ that's why Roxas asked. He more or less knew, but he's kind of used to it and didn't really plan on letting it affect him. Especially since they won't get to be around eachothher forever. Even if Roxas was just being a parasite he was ok w/ that b/c it was vergil ]
  189. [14:09:52] snark: [ but he's really really glad vergil is projecting himself onto roxas too ]
  190. [14:10:50] snark: [ because you're supposed to see yourself in your kid ]
  191. [14:11:37] Sir Nitbits: [that's really precious hhhhhh]
  192. [14:12:01] snark: [ this is the child whose friends were willing to die for him omfg ]
  193. [14:16:32] * Sir Nitbits ...Why would he take that as a good thing, has he /met/ Vergil
  194. [14:17:07] * Sir Nitbits are u sure ur done hugging for the day because you did the cute heartwarming child thing again and it's making his life hard
  195. [14:17:46] snark: [ go ahead omg ]
  196. [14:19:20] * Sir Nitbits Naaaah, he'll stick to hair ruffles this time. It's like, two ruffles per day, right? He can work with it.
  197. [14:22:45] Sir Nitbits: Don't worry. You are not my brother, and you're certainly not me. You are no one but yourself, fortunately for all of us, even when you act akin to someone else at times. Similarities and individuality are not mutually exclusive.
  198. [14:26:27] snark: // makes a scrunched face at the hair ruffling whyyyyyy > - <
  199. // nods then; it's nice to hear that. you'd be surprised how little he did before sora and aqua.
  202. Yeah.
  203. You're a really cool guy, huh. I bet you don't even notice.
  204. [14:29:38] Sir Nitbits: Uh --
  205. [14:29:41] * Sir Nitbits did he say that aloud
  206. [14:30:54] snark: // sNICKERS
  207. [14:31:43] Sir Nitbits: I what I c-can.
  208. [14:32:02] * Sir Nitbits frOWNS and rubs the back of his neck, DON'T LAUGH AT HIM...
  209. [14:33:33] snark: // bITES HIS KNUCKLE he's trying not to laugh but it's coming out a lil bit
  210. // when he's calmer he grins!!!
  212. Thanks. I feel a lot better now.
  213. Might even try to apologize, or something. But we'll see about that.
  214. [14:35:29] Sir Nitbits: Very well. I, ah --
  215. [14:36:20] * Sir Nitbits how much does he want to say the thing. why did he start to say the thing before he was sure if he wanted to say it. why would he do this to himself. now he's just standing here looking like a big idiot
  216. [14:36:56] Sir Nitbits: I'm, uh...
  217. [14:37:02] Sir Nitbits: I am...proud of you.
  218. [14:38:25] Sir Nitbits: [Vergil melts in embarrassment tbh]
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