
You're Not Alone Anymore 1 (AiE)

Jul 26th, 2012
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  1. >You wake up all cold and naked on hard stone
  2. "FUUCCK! What the hell did I do last night"
  3. >You look around and see you're in a creepy old castle
  4. "Why the fuck am I in a castle? Why would a castle be in-"
  5. >You hear a terrifying roar that sends shivers down your spine
  6. >You feel the prensence of death creeping on you
  7. >you fucking bolt out of the castle leaving a trail of fear
  8. "Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!"
  9. >"Roar"
  10. >Yeah you're fucking dead if that animal catches up to you
  11. "Shit shit shit SHIT!"
  12. >Then you see it
  13. "Aahhh!"
  14. >But it was too late
  15. >It swipes you and knocks you back into the castle
  16. >Since you were naked you earned scartches and brusises
  17. >The hard stone really messed you up
  18. "Ow, what the fuck is happening!"
  19. >The weird lion thing walked in licking its lips
  20. >You know you couldn't move fast enough to avoid it now and you have no weapons
  21. >You close your eyes and wait for it to kill you
  22. >But it never happened
  23. >You open your eyes to see a yellow bird staring at the lion hybrid
  24. >FS: "Leave him alone! You will not hurt him!"
  25. >Oh shit it talks!
  26. "Oh shit it talks!"
  27. >You get up and cover yourself with some random big ass leaf
  28. >You're in pain but the shock has you standing
  29. >You see this bird stare down the lion, literally its up in its face pushing it back
  30. "Oh shit, I must be dreaming"
  31. >You take a step foward only to fall downon the hard stone floor
  32. "Okay maybe not"
  33. >You rub your ankle hoping it can help a little
  34. >"Are you okay?"
  35. >You look up and...its no fucking bird
  36. "Its a talking horse!"
  37. >It facepalms
  38. >"Human please...I am a pony"
  39. >You get up but fall again on your ass. You can confirm that stone floors hurt like hell while nude
  40. "I'm so beta right now..."
  41. 1/x
  43. >"Let me help you up"
  44. >You lean agaisnt her and try to pull yourself up
  45. >Wait...you're getting help by a talking hybrid pony
  46. "Aaaaaahhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! *inhale* Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!"
  47. >"Please stop screaming...you may attract a-an U-ursa Major"
  48. >You can't stop screaming because you're seeing shit
  49. >And you have seen some shit
  50. "Aaaaahhhhh! Aaaaaaahhhh! Aaahh-"
  51. >She shoves her hoof into your mouth
  52. >"Ew, ew, ew, uhm look I need you to please stop screaming...if thats okay with you"
  53. >You nod your head
  54. >She lets go and-
  55. "Aaaaaaahhhhh! Aaaaaaahhhhhh! Aaaaaaa-"
  56. >Her hoof covers your mouth again
  57. >"...don't make me mad and please just follow me"
  58. >She starts walking away from you
  59. >She turns to you at the entrance
  60. >"Aren't you coming?"
  61. "Uhhhhh I need help"
  62. >She blushes-wait can ponies actually blush?
  63. >She helps you up and you lean on her as you both go through the forest
  64. >Some time later after getting cuts on your feet and some awkward crotch stares
  65. >"Well this is my home"
  66. >She points to her midget cottage, kind of reminds you of those hobbits houses in Lord of the Rings
  67. "So uh cool...I'm not dead am I?"
  68. >"Again no and this isn't a dream"
  69. "Are you sure?"
  70. >"*Sigh* the things I do for kindness"
  71. >She just pushes her door open and walks into her home
  72. 2/x
  74. >You bend down to fit in her home and sit on her couch
  75. >She shutters as she sees your naked ass plop on her couch
  76. "Yeah sorry I'm butt naked but I uh woke up like this"
  77. >"You wait here while I go get my friend Twilight Sparkle, she can help"
  78. >You point to your foot
  79. >"I'll wrap it up-"
  80. >She looks at your crotch
  81. >"After I get Twilight and Rarity"
  82. "Yeah okay talking hor-urrr pony"
  83. >"Again it's Fluttershy"
  84. "yeah sorry, still uh kind of you know....adjusting to this magic bullshit"
  85. >She opens her door with her hoof-wait how the fuck...fuck it. Its just magic bullshit
  86. >"You know...I think I should worry introducing you to Megan. Please stop cursing...if that's okay with you"
  87. >She closes her door leaving you alone butt naked on her couch
  88. "I'm in a magical world...Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Aaaaaahhhhhh!"
  89. >Yeah you're still freaking out and being a dumbass
  90. 3/x
  92. >After a while you stopped screaming, especially after a rabbit shoved a carrot into your mouth
  93. >You still sat naked at some p0ny's couch
  94. >You finished eating the carrot
  95. "Not bad"
  96. >The door opened revealing Flutterfly and two purple animals; a unicorn and a dragon
  97. >More magic bullshit and more evidence that you're dead or in a coma
  98. >FS: "Here he is Twilight"
  99. >She gives an annoyed look as she presents you to the unicorn
  100. >The purple unicorn examines you
  101. >TS: "Spike take notes"
  102. >The dragon who you assumed is Spike had some old paper in his hand with a quill in the other
  103. >Where did it come from? Again FUCKING magic bullshit
  104. >You assume dragons are slaves since he looks eager to please his master
  105. >TS: "The human male assumed by the lack of breasts and more wider frame has close resemblence to Megan-"
  106. >She eyes your crotch, man these ponies are perverts
  107. >TS: "He seems to be close to uh Megans age?"
  108. >Why did that end in a question
  109. "Why are you acting like as if I was a specimen?"
  110. >You didn't like where this was going, either you're a new experiment or this bitch doesn't know how to welcome someone
  111. 4/x
  113. >Twinkle Light blushed some how, again magic bullshit
  114. >TS: "Sorry, I'm a student and a scientist so learning something new and different can get me a bit..."
  115. >She does some hoof motions
  116. >She just might be autistic and smart
  117. "Uh yeah...so who is this Megan?"
  118. >Her name seems like the less gayest thing around
  119. >TS: "She is a human just like you and well now not the only one any more"
  120. >Some girl has lived in this bullshit?
  121. >And then you remembred that it was a world of ponies and what did most little girls want?
  122. >ponies
  123. >You scratch your head and think
  124. >You're in a magical land of bullshit and there is just you, a male and one female
  125. >There is a high chance of you being with the female because literally you are the the last man on Earth...or on the planet
  126. >Sounds good, you just hope she isn't fat and clingy
  127. 5/x
  129. "Can I meet her?"
  130. >Flutterfly looks you dead in the eyes
  131. >FS: "We need to clean you up"
  132. >It begins, horrible makeover by magical bullshit ponies
  133. >TS: "We have to wash you, have Rarity make you clothing, and prepare you to meet her. Oh this is so exciting. Spike tell Princess Celestia the wonderful news"
  134. >The little dragon nods and does the most awesome thing a dragon can do
  135. >Burn something but with green fire
  136. >You don't know how burning paper can tell someone something but it must be magical bullshit
  137. >Suddenly Spike burps out a scroll
  138. >Okay this is some serious magic bullshit
  139. >Spike: "Dear Twilight, are you sure its a human? In the past we had people confusing monkeys for humans. Close but far from what a human is. For the fact it talks it brings me high hope. Please come to Canterlot with him. For now it shall be a surprise, tell nop0ny about him. Especially Megan. A chariot shall be there in 3, 2, 1-"
  140. >There is a knock on the door
  141. 6/x
  143. >Suddenly you're dragged away upstairs by Flutterfly
  144. >Your ass smacks and bounces up the stairs earning some splinters
  145. >You hear Twinkle opening the door and saying they need some time to prepare you
  146. >Flutterfly shoves you into a tub and turns on the water
  147. >She violates you with her hard hooves in the shower
  148. >After you're "clean" she violates you again with a towel
  149. >You feel so wronged
  150. >She than shoves you down the steps and finding yourself in front of a blushing Twinkle and two guards
  151. >Guard: "Ready?"
  152. >TS: "Not yet, he needs clothes. Humans need clothing for warmth and protection"
  153. >Guard nods still with that hard stare
  154. >You follow the two girl ponies to a merry-go-round building
  155. >TS: "I actually think Rarity may have some human clothes made since Megans last visit"
  156. >Woah now, you are not wearning some skirt or dress
  157. "Guys and girls dress differently so uh-"
  158. >FS: "Oh you don't have to worry about that, Megan says she is a bit tomboyish compared to other girls"
  159. >Shit they might be setting you up with a dyke
  160. 7/x
  162. "You sure she likes guys? Cause-"
  163. >You follow them in the tent building
  164. >TS: "I am postive uh what is your name? Seems we haven't introduce each other well"
  165. "Anonymous, and you're Twilight and she is Flutterfly"
  166. >FS: "Its Fluttershy..."
  167. "Close eno-"
  168. >"Gasp! Why did you bring me a naked human? What if I had customers over?"
  169. >FS: "We're sor-"
  170. >"Gasp! Bring him here! We must get him ready for Megan!"
  171. >Suddenly you're dragged by static and being measured. Everywhere, like even that one dangling thing got measured
  172. >"Well someones seems a bit-"
  173. "Shut it, its cold"
  174. >She giggles. What a bitch
  175. >R: "My name is Rarity, darling. What is yours?"
  176. "Anonymous, er you do have pants?"
  177. >R: "I have those horrible jeans you humans like to wear. And if you give me a moment i can make you some underwear, is lace okay?"
  178. "No!"
  179. >R: "Kidding, darling. Even stallions don't wear lace here"
  180. >Bitch
  181. 8/x
  183. >You hope you look okay
  184. >She left you there nude in front of everyone. You are getting a little too comfortable being naked
  185. >After some manners lesson with the two mares, now you know what female horse is called, you know have some etiquette
  186. >Rarirty comes out with jeans, boxers, and a white t-shirt. Bless her bitchy heart
  187. "Why thank you Rarity, it was very generous of yo-okay fuck this bullshit. Its not me, I'll just stop cursing and be more polite. Good enough?"
  188. >TS: "Good enough for me"
  189. >Suddenly in a flash in your in a caraiage and throwing up on the floor
  190. >You look up to see a disgusted Twilight
  191. "Sorry but...what happened?"
  192. >TS: "Teleporting made you sick, it does that to everyone's first time. Dress up because we'll be taking off soon"
  193. >As you finsih putting on the shirt you felt the carriage jerk a bit
  194. >It jerked a little more and you saw a blue outline around the curtain
  195. >You opened the curtain and your jaw dropped, you were flying. More magic bullshit
  196. >TS: "It was nice for the princess to send a closed carriage. Now I want to fill you in on some things about Equestria"
  197. >For the rest of the ride you were fed a lot of magic bullshit about Equestria. The Princesses run things and the sun and moon, ponies control nature, and other small stuff. Hell she told you magic healed your foot, fuck yeah bullshit
  198. 9/x
  200. >Your ride finally landed with a few bumps
  201. >The door opened revealing a nice castle
  202. >You nod in approval at how well kept it is
  203. >You follow Twilight who leads you to a big room which at the end had a big white horse
  204. >Twilight bowed and you bowed making sure not to piss the Princess off
  205. >"Twilight, my dearest student-"
  206. >She gives a motherly smile to her and then looks serious at you
  207. >"And human, I am Princess Celestia. What is your name?"
  208. "Name is Anonymous"
  209. >C: "No need to lie"
  210. "No really it is, my dad chose the name. He said it was like Cher and Madonna except cooler. I found it odd but you get use to it"
  211. >She nods and turns to Twilight with a reasuring smile
  212. >C: "Twilight you can head to your room, I would like a private chat with Anonymous"
  213. >T: "Is something wrong?"
  214. >C: "No nothing is wrong"
  215. >Twilight gives a worried smile and walks out leaving you alone in a big room with a Princess and her guards
  216. >C : "Anonymous"
  217. "Molestia"
  218. >You just accidently said the name of a princess wrong, one who could banish you to the sun like she did to her sister
  219. "Err sorry meant to say Trollestia"
  220. >She raises an eyebrow
  221. "I mean...I meant Celestia"
  222. >Did you say it right that time?
  223. >She giggles a little
  224. >Seems you did
  225. 10/x
  227. >You need to get names correct or you may get killed one day
  228. >She smiles at you
  229. >C: "Please relax"
  230. "I am a lil nervous but-"
  231. >C: "Not you, my guards"
  232. >She points to the guards with swords ready to kill you
  233. >You gulp and hold in the pee
  234. >C: "Come follow me Anonymous"
  235. >She gets off the throne and you follow her
  236. >She leads you through halls having differnt paintings, some look close to some human paintings
  237. >Celestia leads you to a garden, you turn to look back and see the guards glaring at you with swords in their mouths
  238. >C: "Anonymous, tell me what has Twilight told you about why you are important?"
  239. >You hear the sound of swords being put away
  240. "Megan needs a man and I am one"
  241. >C: "What do you know about Megan?"
  242. "She is a human girl, only one here in Equestria, and she wears jeans"
  243. >Which feel really good, that stuck up bitch Fairity sure can make jeans
  244. 11/x
  246. >C: "She was one of the first humans here, a very special girl to my sister and I, we wish the best for her...so we expect something out of you"
  247. >She turns around and stares right at you, hard with red eyes
  248. >You gulp and hold in that pee hard
  249. >C: "Now listen here and listen well, you hurt her than you shall feel the worse pain anyp0ny can feel. You will regret it to the core, now I need to introduce you to Megan, now if you don't like her it's fine but if you don't-"
  250. >Her snake like tongue slithers out
  251. >C: "Don't YOU dare use her..."
  252. >Her red demon eyes just scare the pee out of you
  253. >You look back and see two golden helmets clattering to the floor and two guards running away taking off their armor as they flee
  254. >Celestia sniffs and her horn glows, your clothes feel dry again
  255. >Celestia giggles
  256. >C: "I sound like a mother *teehee*"
  257. >More like she acts like Megan's psycho protective mother
  258. 12/x
  260. >C: "So just behave and be honest than everything will be fine, okay?"
  261. >You nod of course
  262. >She looks around and sees her guards have run off
  263. >C: "Seems I need some new guards"
  264. >Her horns glows and two new guards appear, each saluting her and glaring at you
  265. >A mare also appears with glasses on with a serious look on her face
  266. >C: "Day Planner, could you please give a tour to Anonymous than escourt him to his room"
  267. >DP: "Yes Princess, you're 2:30 has cancelled. You have an hour of free time, would you want bump an appointment with Prince Blueblood or spend time with Miss Sparkle?"
  268. >C: "Cancel with Blueblood and give me two hours with Twilight. Please send someone with tea to her room. And that interesting book I reserved, have somep0ny bring that as well"
  269. >Day Planner nods and writes things in a floating paper
  270. >DP: "Everything logged in Princess, come Anonymous"
  271. >You follow her out of the gardens
  272. 13/x
  274. >DP: "That was one of the castles gardens and now I will show you the throne room"
  275. >She takes you to the big room you saw earlier, she shows you a ballroom, the dinning hall, and then the kitchen so she can send her orders out. She finally took you to your room
  276. >DP: "Here is your room, if you need anything you can tug at the rope or if you're hungry at night then stop by the dinning hall. Any questions Mr. Anonymous?"
  277. "No nothing Gay Planner"
  278. >Shit you did it again and got a slap on your face
  279. >She threw the key at your face
  280. >You picked up the key from the floor and opened the door
  281. >The room was nice but the bed was kind of small
  282. >You landed on the bed
  283. >Small but fucking AWESOME
  284. >You felt so good that you fell asleep on the bed right away
  285. 14/x
  287. >You woke up hearing someone knock on your door
  288. >Who the hell was knocking at your apartment at this hour?
  289. >You get off the bed and-
  290. "This isn't my apartment..."
  291. >Then you remembered that some bullshit happened that has you stuck in this world
  292. >You opened the door to find Twinkle Bright
  293. "Ey"
  294. >TS: "Hi Anonymous, did I wake you up?"
  295. "Yeah Twinkle, I-"
  296. >TS: "It's Twilight"
  297. >You give her a poker face which she responds with an annoyed look
  298. "Yeah, I had a n-nap"
  299. >TS: "Wash your face, also you have some drool here"
  300. >You wipe your face where she pointed and wash it in the washroom
  301. >Twilight was outside your room reading a book
  302. >TS: "Dinner will be served soon, now Megan might be arriving tonight"
  303. >Great, now comes the moment that may get you killed
  304. >You follow Twilight to the dinning room and find Princess Celestia and a blue version of her
  305. 15/x
  307. >You sit in the middle of the shorter version of table you saw earlier, seems the staff really accommodate to the princesses
  308. >A unicorn places soup in front of you which looks like mushroom soup
  309. >"Greetings Anonymous, we welcome you to our castle"
  310. "Hello Princess Judas"
  311. >Shit you did it again, you're so fucking dead
  313. >She stops and stares at the door
  314. >You turn to see what she is looking at
  315. >In the doorway stood a very pretty blonde girl, with the bluest eyes, and a nice pair on her chest
  316. >She stares at you, slowly intaking in everything
  317. >She walks up to you ignoring a servant greeting her
  318. >She places a hand on your cheek
  319. >You start to blush as her chest is close to your face
  320. "Uh h-hi"
  321. >She wraps around you and squeezes you in to her chest
  322. >If you die suffocating in her boobs then at least you'll die with a smile
  323. 16/x
  325. >She finally lets you go so you can breathe
  326. >M: "I-I can't believe it, another human...all these years"
  327. >Your cheeks are boiling under her finger tips
  328. >Why you so beta right now?
  329. >You can talk to girls, just right now not her
  330. "Uh hi, I'm Anonymous"
  331. >M: "I'm Megan"
  332. >She gives a smile which then turns serious
  333. >M: "How did you get here?"
  334. "Woke up in a castle, how about you?"
  335. >M: "Jumped over a rainbow which no longer exists thanks to Discord. That was the only way to get back home. How are you here?"
  336. >You remember sleeping in your bed than waking up naked
  337. "Yeah, was at home then woke up here. Now I wonder if its a dream"
  338. >She slaps you
  339. "Ow what the hell?"
  340. >M: "Is it?"
  341. "No! That really hurt"
  342. 17/x
  344. >M: "Now I wonder if I am crazy, wait what year was it when you left?"
  345. "20XX? What year was it when you left?"
  346. >M: "198X"
  347. >Woah she doesn't look a day older than 18
  348. "You look like you're close to my age actually"
  349. >M: "Well I have been here for around 2000 years...or is it more than 2000 years? I lost count, but I just say I am 18"
  350. >You can't believe this, she should have died years ago
  351. >She must have read your mind by the look on your face
  352. >M: "You won't age, ever not evenly slowly"
  353. "How? Why?"
  354. >M: "Magic"
  355. >Mother fucking magic bullshit, it never ends
  356. 18/x
  358. >You noticed she has been sitting down next to you with her hand on your lap
  359. >Celestia notices this as she leaves
  360. >C: "Now you two, please behave tonight"
  361. >She sends a wink to both of you
  362. >Megan takes her hand of your lap which leads to an awkward silence
  363. >The rest of dinner wasn't quiet since Twinkie and June were catching up with Megan and her lastest adventures
  364. >You learn that she owns many homes in different areas of Equestria
  365. >The one she goes to a lot is the one in Manehattan
  366. >You notice that every now and then she would look at you and then get back into the conversation
  367. >Whenever she did you would send a smile, hopefully it didn't come out creepy
  368. >Twilight yawned and gave her good night to everyone and bowed to June
  369. >Now that leaves you alone with Megan and Princess June
  370. >And it became an awkward silence yet again
  371. >L: "Do you ever wonder how a knife feels like in your eye?"
  372. >You both look at her with mixed reactions, Megan was a little creeped out while you were a little interested
  373. 19/x
  375. >M: "Uh no Luna, uhm Anonymous tell me how our world is, it has been a realy long time"
  376. >You started telling her everything you could remember about then and now
  377. >At the end of the history lesson you noticed June left
  378. >Now that left just you and Megan. You alone with her
  379. >Awkward silence yet again makes another appearence
  380. >Time to end this beta feeling
  381. "Hey Megan, would you like to have lunch together tomorrow? Maybe you can show me around the city"
  382. >M: "Yeah sure, I know some good places around Canterlot"
  383. >Internal celebration
  384. "Great, so around what time?"
  385. >M: "Noon, see you tommorow. I have some things to unpack still"
  386. >She waves and heads off
  387. >You get off the chair and look around
  388. >Its just you now
  389. "How the hell do I get back to my room?"
  390. >You go around searching for help so you can sleep
  391. 20/20
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