

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. [sql/query] (15.51ms) SELECT "django_session"."session_key",
  2. "django_session"."session_data",
  3. "django_session"."expire_date"
  4. FROM "django_session"
  5. WHERE ("django_session"."session_key" = 6c8039fc8f68a6bd34f130e6c59660cc
  6. AND "django_session"."expire_date" > 2010-02-10 09:18:57.264836)
  7. [sql/query] (15.51ms) Found -1 matching rows
  8. [sql/query] (0.40ms) SELECT "auth_user"."id",
  9. "auth_user"."username",
  10. "auth_user"."first_name",
  11. "auth_user"."last_name",
  12. "auth_user"."email",
  13. "auth_user"."password",
  14. "auth_user"."is_staff",
  15. "auth_user"."is_active",
  16. "auth_user"."is_superuser",
  17. "auth_user"."last_login",
  18. "auth_user"."date_joined"
  19. FROM "auth_user"
  20. WHERE "auth_user"."id" = 1
  21. [sql/query] (0.40ms) Found -1 matching rows
  22. [sql/query] (0.40ms) SELECT "a3c_userprofile"."id",
  23. "a3c_userprofile"."user_id",
  24. "a3c_userprofile"."status",
  25. "a3c_userprofile"."language",
  26. "a3c_userprofile"."timezone"
  27. FROM "a3c_userprofile"
  28. WHERE "a3c_userprofile"."user_id" = 1
  29. [sql/query] (0.40ms) Found -1 matching rows
  30. [sql/query] (0.31ms) SELECT "auth_group"."id",
  31. "auth_group"."name"
  32. FROM "auth_group"
  33. WHERE "auth_group"."name" = reader
  34. [sql/query] (0.31ms) Found -1 matching rows
  35. [sql/query] (0.32ms) SELECT "auth_message"."id",
  36. "auth_message"."user_id",
  37. "auth_message"."message"
  38. FROM "auth_message"
  39. WHERE "auth_message"."user_id" = 1
  40. [sql/query] (0.32ms) Found -1 matching rows
  41. [sql/query] (0.27ms) SELECT "auth_group"."id",
  42. "auth_group"."name"
  43. FROM "auth_group"
  44. [sql/query] (0.27ms) Found -1 matching rows
  45. [sql/query] (0.69ms) SELECT "a3c_project"."id",
  46. "a3c_project"."name",
  47. "a3c_project"."tagline",
  48. "a3c_project"."description",
  49. "a3c_project"."slug",
  50. "a3c_project"."locked",
  51. "a3c_project"."default_group_id",
  52. "a3c_project"."anonymous_group_id",
  53. "a3c_project"."homepage_id",
  54. "a3c_project"."channel_id"
  55. FROM "a3c_project"
  56. [sql/query] (0.69ms) Found -1 matching rows
  57. [profile/summary] Total time to render was 1.62s
  58. [sql/summary] (17.90ms) 7 queries
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