
[SV 1.2.0] Deleted Pokédex Entries

Feb 27th, 2023
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  1. Bulbasaur
  2. Ivysaur
  3. Venusaur
  4. Charmander
  5. Charmeleon
  6. Charizard
  7. Squirtle
  8. Wartortle
  9. Blastoise
  10. Ekans
  11. Arbok
  12. Sandshrew
  13. Sandslash
  14. Clefairy
  15. Clefable
  16. Vulpix
  17. Ninetales
  18. Oddish
  19. Gloom
  20. Vileplume
  21. Poliwag
  22. Poliwhirl
  23. Poliwrath
  24. Bellsprout
  25. Weepinbell
  26. Victreebel
  27. Tentacool
  28. Tentacruel
  29. Geodude
  30. Graveler
  31. Golem
  32. Doduo
  33. Dodrio
  34. Seel
  35. Dewgong
  36. Exeggcute
  37. Exeggutor
  38. Hitmonlee
  39. Hitmonchan
  40. Koffing
  41. Weezing
  42. Rhyhorn
  43. Rhydon
  44. Horsea
  45. Seadra
  46. Electabuzz
  47. Magmar
  48. Lapras
  49. Porygon
  50. Snorlax
  51. Chikorita
  52. Bayleef
  53. Meganium
  54. Cyndaquil
  55. Quilava
  56. Typhlosion
  57. Totodile
  58. Croconaw
  59. Feraligatr
  60. Sentret
  61. Furret
  62. Hoothoot
  63. Noctowl
  64. Spinarak
  65. Ariados
  66. Chinchou
  67. Lanturn
  68. Cleffa
  69. Bellossom
  70. Politoed
  71. Aipom
  72. Yanma
  73. Wooper
  74. Quagsire
  75. Gligar
  76. Snubbull
  77. Granbull
  78. Slugma
  79. Magcargo
  80. Swinub
  81. Piloswine
  82. Skarmory
  83. Kingdra
  84. Porygon2
  85. Smeargle
  86. Tyrogue
  87. Hitmontop
  88. Elekid
  89. Magby
  90. Treecko
  91. Grovyle
  92. Sceptile
  93. Torchic
  94. Combusken
  95. Blaziken
  96. Mudkip
  97. Marshtomp
  98. Swampert
  99. Poochyena
  100. Mightyena
  101. Lotad
  102. Lombre
  103. Ludicolo
  104. Seedot
  105. Nuzleaf
  106. Shiftry
  107. Nosepass
  108. Plusle
  109. Minun
  110. Volbeat
  111. Illumise
  112. Trapinch
  113. Vibrava
  114. Flygon
  115. Corphish
  116. Crawdaunt
  117. Feebas
  118. Milotic
  119. Duskull
  120. Dusclops
  121. Chimecho
  122. Beldum
  123. Metang
  124. Metagross
  125. Turtwig
  126. Grotle
  127. Torterra
  128. Chimchar
  129. Monferno
  130. Infernape
  131. Piplup
  132. Prinplup
  133. Empoleon
  134. Cranidos
  135. Rampardos
  136. Shieldon
  137. Bastiodon
  138. Ambipom
  139. Chingling
  140. Munchlax
  141. Rhyperior
  142. Electivire
  143. Magmortar
  144. Yanmega
  145. Gliscor
  146. Mamoswine
  147. Porygon-Z
  148. Probopass
  149. Dusknoir
  150. Blitzle
  151. Zebstrika
  152. Drilbur
  153. Excadrill
  154. Timburr
  155. Gurdurr
  156. Conkeldurr
  157. Sewaddle
  158. Swadloon
  159. Leavanny
  160. Cottonee
  161. Whimsicott
  162. Scraggy
  163. Scrafty
  164. Minccino
  165. Cinccino
  166. Solosis
  167. Duosion
  168. Reuniclus
  169. Ducklett
  170. Swanna
  171. Joltik
  172. Galvantula
  173. Litwick
  174. Lampent
  175. Chandelure
  176. Mienfoo
  177. Mienshao
  178. Golett
  179. Golurk
  180. Vullaby
  181. Mandibuzz
  182. Espurr
  183. Meowstic
  184. Inkay
  185. Malamar
  186. Phantump
  187. Trevenant
  188. Rowlet
  189. Dartrix
  190. Decidueye
  191. Litten
  192. Torracat
  193. Incineroar
  194. Popplio
  195. Brionne
  196. Primarina
  197. Pikipek
  198. Trumbeak
  199. Toucannon
  200. Grubbin
  201. Charjabug
  202. Vikavolt
  203. Cutiefly
  204. Ribombee
  205. Dewpider
  206. Araquanid
  207. Comfey
  208. Minior
  209. Jangmo-o
  210. Hakamo-o
  211. Kommo-o
  212. Cramorant
  213. Milcery
  214. Alcremie
  215. Morpeko
  216. Duraludon
  217. Wyrdeer
  218. Kleavor
  219. Ursaluna
  220. Basculegion
  221. Sneasler
  222. Overqwil
  223. Enamorus
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