

Aug 20th, 2012
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  1. [23:34:40] <Toast> :\
  2. [23:35:14] <Reverie> I'm highly regretting coming back
  3. [23:35:25] <Reverie> I never did like biscunt
  4. [23:35:39] <Toast> .....
  5. [23:35:46] <Toast> he's had his say
  6. [23:35:51] <Toast> I've just a few short lines
  7. [23:35:55] <Reverie> All I want is what is mine
  8. [23:36:12] <Reverie> What I worked hard for
  9. [23:36:17] <Toast> this whole thing is bullshit. If you truly care, you'll come back any way possible. not this "I'l come back when I have power" horseshit
  10. [23:36:41] <Reverie> Ufufufufu, can I trust you not to say this?
  11. [23:36:43] <Toast> either act like you fucking care about the users themselves and not the power, or just fucking ragequit permanently
  12. [23:37:50] <Reverie> I looked at #sting's userlist when countbiscunt gave me away the other day
  13. [23:38:10] <Toast> and?
  14. [23:38:18] <Reverie> Not too many people I care about that I don't already see elsewhere l are there
  15. [23:38:23] <Reverie> ... - l
  16. [23:38:46] <Toast> so you're saying, that because you can talk to them in other chans
  17. [23:38:50] <Toast> you aren't coming back then?
  18. [23:38:54] <Reverie> #lgbtbbq has more people who care
  19. [23:39:15] <Reverie> I'm undecided yet
  20. [23:39:32] <Toast> well fucking decide
  21. [23:39:44] <Toast> because this rollercoaster undecisiveness is hurting
  22. [23:39:47] <Toast> either fucking stay, or go.
  23. [23:39:49] <Reverie> I really just wanted a HAY, THIS CHANNEL IZ MOVING TO #STORMBIT when I left in the topic
  24. [23:40:01] <Toast> quit trying to jerk us all around.
  25. [23:40:02] <Reverie> Instead, hijacking
  26. [23:41:29] <Reverie> Of course, you happen to be one if the few peeps I care about
  27. [23:41:44] <Reverie> Of*
  28. [23:42:43] <Toast> why so?
  29. [23:42:54] <Toast> You made it clear you barely tolerate me
  30. [23:43:30] <Reverie> You've been as nonjudgemental as you possibly can, and after thinking about who I really value over the past few days...
  31. [23:44:01] <Reverie> I'd rather take a wild person with a heart of gold over some slimeball and his pet
  32. [23:44:26] <Toast> I'm not as nice as I seem.
  33. [23:44:31] <Toast> Reverie: decide.
  34. [23:44:41] <Toast> you can't say "I'm here for the users, so give me power"
  35. [23:44:50] <Toast> if you're here for the users, then go to #sting and be with them
  36. [23:44:56] <Toast> otherwise, you're after power
  37. [23:46:11] <Reverie> I wish to talk to a couple more people firsr
  38. [23:46:15] <Reverie> First*
  39. [23:46:50] <Toast> after that, what will you do?
  40. [23:47:05] <Toast> continue to fight for power, or be there for the users
  41. [23:47:20] <Reverie> I was only around to help the users
  42. [23:51:34] <Toast> yet you refuse to rejoin #sting until you have power
  43. [23:52:44] <Reverie> Would you come back to a house that was stolen from you and had graffiti sprayed all in it?
  44. [23:54:01] <Toast> thats not the same!
  45. [23:54:37] <Reverie> You lot took control, warped my access lists, etc
  46. [23:55:01] <Toast> I haven't done anything
  47. [23:55:11] <Reverie> Not you
  48. [23:55:12] <Toast> don't blame me for what whoever else did
  49. [23:55:17] <Reverie> But some people did
  50. [23:55:23] <Toast> you no longer consider yourself one of us.
  51. [23:55:55] <Toast> its obvious by your continual reference of us as "you lot"
  52. [23:56:03] <Reverie> Either way, I'm expecting some dirt on someone
  53. [23:56:30] <Toast> on whom?
  54. [23:56:58] <Reverie> Some fucktard
  55. [23:57:05] <Toast> an oper on SB?
  56. [23:57:08] <Reverie> Nope
  57. [23:57:15] <Toast> Reverie
  58. [23:57:18] <Toast> I'll say it again
  59. [23:57:21] <Toast> make a damn decision
  60. [23:57:30] <Toast> you're either going to snap out of whatever is bothering you
  61. [23:57:45] <Toast> and be a real leader, someone that deserves power and cares for the users
  62. [23:57:47] <Toast> or go.
  63. [23:57:53] <Toast> no ragequit bullshit or threats
  64. [23:57:58] <Toast> just
  65. [23:57:58] <Toast> go.
  66. [23:59:05] <Reverie> Ufufufufufu, I'm sick of Alex playing me for a fool
  67. [23:59:19] <Toast> NO ONE IS PLAYING YOU
  68. [23:59:21] <Toast> god damn
  69. [23:59:24] <Toast> we all liked you
  70. [23:59:29] <Toast> now you're acting paranoid
  71. [23:59:32] <Reverie> Thanks to some digging around
  72. [23:59:37] <Toast> like a dethroned tyrant
  73. [23:59:40] <Reverie> I found some shit out
  74. [23:59:41] <Toast> jesus fuck Reverie
  75. [23:59:43] <Toast> .....
  76. [23:59:50] <Toast> and you aren't even listening to what I'm saying
  77. [23:59:51] <Toast> are you?
  78. [00:00:00] - {Day changed to Mon Aug 20 00:00:00 2012}
  79. [00:00:19] <Reverie> You all liked me, he didn't
  80. [00:01:34] <Toast> why else would he have been with you?
  81. [00:01:58] <Toast> Reverie
  82. [00:02:02] <Toast> you're unreasonable
  83. [00:02:13] <Toast> I've put as much effort into this cause as I can
  84. [00:02:18] <Toast> despite someone asking me to not.
  85. [00:02:20] <Reverie> I can't unsee a few leaked logs
  86. [00:02:29] <Toast> goodbye, Reverie
  87. [00:02:42] <Toast> I've got no respect left for you now. Just what you were.
  88. [00:02:47] <Reverie> Well fine
  89. [00:03:01] <Reverie> If ya don't want to hear me out
  90. [00:03:16] <Reverie> I'll go with plan B and rejoin #sting
  91. [00:03:20] <Toast> I'm done hearing you out
  92. [00:03:24] <Toast> I've tried
  93. [00:03:26] <Reverie> For unsaid purposes
  94. [00:03:46] <Reverie> I fucking hate Alex
  95. [00:03:50] <Reverie> But I'm not
  96. [00:03:55] <Reverie> NOT
  97. [00:04:12] <Reverie> gonna ditch the people I care about
  98. [00:04:51] <Reverie> They will have to put up with me one fucking way or another
  99. [00:04:58] <Reverie> Understand?
  100. [00:06:34] <Toast> you've already lost them
  101. [00:06:52] <Reverie> Really now
  102. [00:07:11] <Toast> you already ditched them
  103. [00:08:11] <Reverie> I left a few behind, but like water in a desert, every last drop counts
  104. [00:08:37] <Toast> as I said before
  105. [00:08:39] <Toast> extend your arm
  106. [00:08:49] <Toast> and bring it across your face at a 45 degree angle.
  107. [00:09:22] <Reverie> What do you think I've been doing over the past week
  108. [00:09:41] <Reverie> I have been contacting those who have cared
  109. [00:12:04] <Reverie> Ack, brb mother's coming up
  110. [00:12:11] <Toast> you've been vying for power
  111. [00:12:23] <Toast> and trying to work your way back to where you were beforel.
  112. [00:12:58] <Reverie> Right
  113. [00:13:25] <Reverie> I've had two people offer me oper already
  114. [00:13:39] <Reverie> I could take the opportunity...
  115. [00:14:01] <Toast> on this network?
  116. [00:14:14] <Reverie> Nope, on other networks
  117. [00:14:24] <Toast> have you taken it?
  118. [00:14:27] <Reverie> I'm actually well known
  119. [00:15:04] <Reverie> Toast, I'm waiting for something
  120. [00:15:26] <Toast> what, a chance to take back power?
  121. [00:16:13] <Reverie> Partly
  122. [00:17:02] <Reverie> Actually, 3 networks if you count that one told me they want an asia based vps
  123. [00:17:10] <Toast> ...
  124. [00:17:11] <Toast> as I said
  125. [00:17:17] <Toast> I'm not investing anymore time
  126. [00:17:20] <Toast> goodbye, Reverie
  127. [00:17:36] <Reverie> I will be in sting tomorrow
  128. [00:17:41] <Reverie> What I will do
  129. [00:17:46] <Reverie> I will not promise
  130. [00:17:48] <Reverie> But
  131. [01:35:56] <Toast> because I was talking to you, and not texting Nissa back, she's quite irritated
  132. [01:36:16] <Reverie> I am sorry
  133. [01:36:29] <Toast> :(
  134. [01:36:57] <Reverie> One thing my mother has taught me well
  135. [01:37:13] <Reverie> If it comes between the internet and real life...
  136. [01:37:20] <Reverie> Please choose real life
  137. [01:37:50] <Toast> someone was in need.
  138. [01:37:54] <Toast> I can't ignore that.
  139. [01:38:38] <Reverie> All I have is a burning hatred of the network owner, I'm not in need anymore
  140. [01:42:25] <Toast> then fucking go.
  141. [01:43:24] <Reverie> You didn't hear me, I want to be around for the people
  142. [01:43:35] <Reverie> Not some using asshole
  143. [01:44:01] <Reverie> And I will fucking tell him that when I tell him my decision tomorrow
  144. [01:44:35] <Reverie> No matter how powerful they are
  145. [01:44:47] <Reverie> You can't let one person wreck you
  146. [01:51:37] <Reverie> I do regret my decision to delve deeper into shit, though
  147. [01:51:57] <Reverie> I probably would've never snapped the second time
  148. [01:52:07] <Toast> ...
  149. [01:52:13] <Toast> I'm about to snap
  150. [01:52:28] <Reverie> aye, lemme say one thing
  151. [01:52:38] <Reverie> Thanks for listening at least
  152. [01:52:52] <Toast> you're welcome
  153. [01:58:46] <Reverie> I'll be honest though, I did accept all of the offers presented to me
  154. [02:02:29] <Reverie> But, I'm loyal to those that need me from now on
  155. [02:03:01] <Reverie> That and my friends, obviously
  156. [02:03:22] <Reverie> Which I do hope you're still one of then
  157. [02:03:25] <Reverie> ...them
  158. [02:19:57] <Toast> maybe if you were to act as a friend.
  159. [02:20:23] <Reverie> Ufufufufu, I'm here for ya if you need me
  160. [02:20:45] <Reverie> Hell, even if someone I hated needed me
  161. [02:20:46] <Toast> okay.
  162. [02:20:50] <Reverie> I would listen
  163. [02:20:54] <Toast> thats my case here.
  164. [02:21:53] <Reverie> Annnd downed the last of the jones soda
  165. [02:21:59] <Reverie> <3
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