
‘‘ heroes

Oct 21st, 2016
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  1. <blockquote><spoiler>template created by <a href="">kaya</a>. inspiration taken from several sources, especially <a href="">chrys</a>, <a href="">fiend</a> and <a href="">willa</a>, all of whom have absolutely amazing templates</spoiler><blockquote><blockquote><img src="" height="75"/><img src="" width="7.5" height="10"/><img src="" height="75"/><img src="" width="7.5" height="10"/><img src="" height="75"/>
  2. <img src="" width="2" height="20"/><b>‘‘</b> <i>t</i>ᴏᴏ many ɪɴɴᴏᴄᴇɴᴛs <i>are</i> <b>DYING</b> . . .
  3. <img src="" width="90" height="20"/>ɪ intend <i>to</i> do <b>SOMETHING</b> ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ it . <b>’’</b>
  5. <b>N O M B R E</b> ; ┒
  6. <img src="" width="90" height="5"/>┖ ; <b>A P E L L I D O</b>
  7. <img src="" width="220" height="5"/>╭ -·- -·- -·- ┓
  8. <img src="" width="220" height="5"/>◈ &nbsp; &nbsp; alias
  9. <img src="" width="220" height="5"/>╰ -·- -·- -·- ┛
  10. <i>born</i> <b>##</b>th of <b>month</b> ; <i>age</i> <b>##</b>
  11. <b>pronouns</b></blockquote><b>POWER NAME;</b> describe your power here as verbosely as possible. remember to include strengths and weaknesses in the large block of text you will place here, and please do not split the strengths and weaknesses apart from the rest of it. surely you should be able to write like this by now, you're not in primary school.</blockquote><img src="" width="35" height="5"/><img src="" width="80"/><img src="" width="20" height="5"/><img src="" width="80"/><img src="" width="20" height="5"/><img src="" width="80"/><img src="" width="20" height="5"/><img src="" width="80"/><img src="" width="20" height="5"/><img src="" width="80" height="80"/>
  13. <b>DESCRIPTION;</b> Wafer toffee toffee pudding candy jelly-o donut candy. Jelly-o gingerbread bear claw marshmallow pastry macaroon cupcake. Pie tiramisu bonbon cheesecake cheesecake ice cream toffee candy canes. Toffee danish pudding pie bonbon sweet roll gingerbread cotton candy halvah. Sugar plum topping tart cheesecake jelly. Halvah cake lemon drops croissant halvah lemon drops gummies. Apple pie lemon drops powder icing ice cream wafer chocolate bar cookie chocolate. Sesame snaps cake pudding bear claw jelly-o sweet sugar plum. Toffee marshmallow sweet roll halvah gingerbread. Ice cream bear claw sweet. Liquorice croissant croissant ice cream toffee croissant. Chocolate cake soufflé halvah cotton candy chocolate cake.
  15. Bear claw jelly brownie icing donut liquorice. Sesame snaps tart jujubes wafer jujubes sweet chupa chups topping dessert. Donut sesame snaps muffin liquorice donut tiramisu bear claw gingerbread. Biscuit jujubes caramels caramels cheesecake apple pie gingerbread. Tart donut cotton candy sesame snaps toffee marzipan cotton candy wafer candy canes. Candy canes wafer candy. Chupa chups icing bear claw dessert pudding. Cake muffin cheesecake powder bonbon dragée. Topping brownie pudding jelly beans cheesecake lemon drops candy pastry. Donut pastry bear claw brownie pastry danish. Lemon drops oat cake chocolate chupa chups toffee jelly-o cake jelly. Icing cake chocolate. Jelly cupcake lemon drops jelly-o donut donut icing soufflé. Caramels jelly-o marzipan tiramisu ice cream candy canes dessert.
  17. Jujubes croissant tiramisu gummi bears candy canes. Tootsie roll sugar plum powder cupcake jujubes pudding cake cake sugar plum. Ice cream jelly beans croissant sweet pudding dragée. Powder gummi bears pastry. Pastry jelly beans chocolate bar soufflé cookie. Cupcake toffee cupcake marzipan caramels gingerbread. Toffee brownie jelly-o. Pastry sesame snaps fruitcake sugar plum. Bonbon tootsie roll donut biscuit jelly-o candy canes. Jelly cotton candy pudding candy canes chupa chups ice cream tootsie roll. Marzipan lemon drops donut gummies macaroon toffee. Pudding macaroon pie chocolate. Cake icing gummies dessert gummies marshmallow bear claw dragée. Soufflé biscuit lollipop jujubes macaroon dragée.
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