
Hearthstone Odyssey

Sep 9th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. /startofficialhunt aQrator | Today, We'll be making a Hearthstone decklist for Highlander Warlock. Only cards that are of the Warlock class, or neutral, can be used to create this deck. The answer to each question is a Hearthstone card. First off, this card, when played, fully heals your hero if you have no duplicate cards in your deck. | Reno Jackson | Similarly, this card provides you with 2 dragons when you play it, provided you have no duplicate cards in your deck. | Dragonqueen Alexstrasza | Third, we want to brew some custom spells. Which card allows you to do that if you have no duplicates? | Kazakus | Finally, we want a card that gives us the perfect card when played, if we are playing a singleton deck. What's the name of the minion that does this as its battlecry? | Zephrys, the Great | Now we need some removal options, to clear the board of the enemy. The first of these destroys all minions affected by the spell, at the start of your next turn. What is the name of this spell? | Corrupting Mist | Another deals 1 damage to a random minion for each card in our hand. Which spell is this? | Dark Skies | These two cards have a very similar effect, each recasting their effect when it kills a minion. One deals 1 damage each time and the other deals two. What are the name of these two cards? List alphabetically. | Defile, Lord Godfrey | This simple card deals 3 damage to any character. | Darkbomb | This slightly more complex card deals 3 damage to an enemy minion, and 3 to a random friendly one. | Unstable Felbolt | Lastly, this spell destroys a random minion for every friendly minion in play. | Plague of Flames | That should be enough removal. We do need some healing though. This card heals your hero for 4HP when drawn. | Aranasi Broodmother | Similarly, this reborn minion heals your hero for 3 hp each time it dies. | Khartut Defender | And this mech minion heals you each time it deals any damage, equal to the damage it dealt. It can attack any minion when you play it. | Zilliax | No good Highlander Warlock deck is complete without some demons. This one makes your hero immune. | Mal'Ganis | And this one deals 1 damage to all enemy minions at the end of your turn. | Despicable Dreadlord | This one summons a demon from your hand when it dies. | Voidcaller | And this 9 mana card is a great summon from it, as it has Taunt and can spawn more Taunt minions. | Voidlord; Void daddy | Finally, when we draw a card, this one summons a copy with rush, that dies at the end of the turn. | Fel Lord Betrug | When we have played a bunch of demons, we want to resurrect them with a hero card that does this as its battlecry. What is the name of this card? | Bloodreaver Gul'dan | And when we're low on them in our hand, we want to be able to draw two from our deck with this classic card. | Sense Demons | On the topic of card draw, this 1 mana spell also draws you a card.. provided you kill a minion with it. | Mortal Coil | This 1 mana minion always draws a card, though at the cost of some health of your hero. | Kobold Librarian | When we have some good demons in our hand, we want to copy the best one. This is the one mana spell that copies the cheapest one in our hand. | Felosophy | And we don't want to pay the cost for these demons. This weapons summons one directly from our hand at the start of every turn. | Skull of the Man'ari | If our hand is really stuffed with demons, this card summons all of them from our hand at the same time, provided we do not have any duplicates in our deck. | Krul the Unshackled | We're at the home stretch now. This card makes the demons in our hand cheaper while it is on the battlefield. | Kanrethad Ebonlocke | And this card will resummon all deathrattle minions we played this game. Or, well, as many as can fit, anyway. | N'zoth, the Corruptor | Our deck could do with some card draw and spell damage. This legendary minion provides both. | Bloodmage Thalnos | Finally, since this deck is rather slow, we are very susceptible to combo decks. This 2 mana minion will summon a random minion from your opponents' hand as its battlecry, hopefully nullifying the combo. | Dirty Rat | The deck is complete. But... we needed to craft everything from scratch. What is the dust cost of this deck, knowing that legendaries cost 1600, epics cost 400, rares 100, commons 40 and basic cards cost 0 dust? | 24740
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