

Nov 26th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. -- FILE menues.lua
  2. -- Contains all the menu information
  4. -- System includes
  5. local menu = require("menu")
  6. local button = require("button")
  7. local menues = {}
  9. -- Some info about the screen size
  10. local scx, scy = require("component").gpu.getResolution()
  11. local btnx = scx-13
  13. -- These are button groups
  14. -- button.new(text, menu,x,y,width,hight)
  16. local MainButtons = {
  17. button.new("Home", "Home", btnx,4,12,1),
  18. button.new("Info", "Info", btnx,6,12,1),
  19. button.new("Rules", "Rules1", btnx,8,12,1),
  20. button.new("Help", "Help",btnx,10,12,1),
  21. button.new("Servers","Servers",btnx,12,12,1)
  22. }
  24. local InfoButtons = {
  25. button.new("Info", "Info", btnx,2,12,1),
  26. --button.new("Claims", "Claims1", btnx,4,12,1),
  27. button.new("Economy", "Economy", btnx,6,12,1),
  28. button.new("Forum", "Forum",btnx,8,12,1),
  29. button.new("Ranks","Ranks",btnx,10,12,1),
  30. button.new("Donation","Donation",btnx,12,12,1),
  31. --button.new("Restricted","Restricted1",btnx,14,12,1)
  32. }
  34. local ClaimButtons = {
  35. button.new("General", "Claims1", btnx,6,12,1),
  36. button.new("Commands", "Claims2", btnx,8,12,1),
  37. button.new("Claiming", "Claims3", btnx,10,12,1)
  38. }
  40. local RanksButtons = {
  41. button.new("Ranks", "Ranks", btnx,6,12,1),
  42. button.new("Donator", "Donors", btnx,8,12,1),
  43. button.new("Staff", "Staff", btnx,10,12,1)
  44. }
  46. local RestrictedButtons = {
  47. button.new("Page 1", "Restricted1", btnx,4,12,1),
  48. button.new("Page 2", "Restricted2", btnx,6,12,1),
  49. button.new("Page 3", "Restricted3", btnx,8,12,1),
  50. button.new("Page 4", "Restricted4", btnx,10,12,1),
  51. button.new("Page 5", "Restricted5", btnx,12,12,1),
  52. }
  54. local RulesButtons = {
  55. button.new("Page 1", "Rules1", btnx,6,12,1),
  56. button.new("Page 2", "Rules2", btnx,8,12,1),
  57. button.new("Page 3", "Rules3", btnx,10,12,1)
  58. }
  60. local ServerButtons = {
  61. button.new("Servers", "Servers", btnx,4,12,1),
  62. button.new("Network", "Network", btnx,6,12,1),
  63. button.new("Direwolf20", "Direwolf20", btnx,8,12,1),
  64. button.new("Tekkit", "Tekkit",btnx,10,12,1),
  65. button.new("Infinity","Infinity",btnx,12,12,1),
  66. button.new("Skyfactory","Skyfactory",btnx,14,12,1)
  67. }
  69. -- This is the text that is displayed in each menu
  70. -- Just an array of strings, each string is a line
  71. -- To leave a line empty use " ", not ""!
  72. -- Supports color codes like &4. Default color is &9
  74. local InfoText = {
  75. "In this section you can find information",
  76. "about most of the server's main features. If",
  77. "you still have any more questions feel free",
  78. "to ask any staff member for help or create a",
  79. "post on our forum"
  80. }
  82. local Claims1Text = {
  83. "The server uses claims to prevent griefing,",
  84. "stealing, and unwanted pvp.",
  85. "To create a claim click with a golden shovel",
  86. "at the 2 corners of the area you want to",
  87. "claim",
  88. "Claims extend from the lowest place the",
  89. "player has built to the maximum building",
  90. "hight. To leave a claim use the command",
  91. "&c/abandonclaim"
  92. }
  94. local Claims2Text = {
  95. "To add someone to your claim use the command",
  96. "&c/trust <name>",
  97. "To remove someone from your claim use the",
  98. "command &c/untrust <name>",
  99. "To give someone access to interact with",
  100. "containers use the command",
  101. "&c/containertrust <name>",
  102. "To give someone access to interact with",
  103. "blocks use the command",
  104. "&c/accesstrust <name>",
  105. "To display a list of trusted players use",
  106. "the command &c/trustlist"
  107. }
  109. local Claims3Text = {
  110. "Each player has a set amount of available",
  111. "claim blocks which is the maximum size",
  112. "of his claim. You get more claim blocks",
  113. "simply by being online or by voting and",
  114. "daily rewards",
  115. "To display a list of all your claims",
  116. "use the command &c/claimlist"
  117. }
  119. local EconomyText = {
  120. "The server uses a standard currency system",
  121. "You can check the amount of money you have",
  122. "Using the command &c/bal&9 ",
  123. "You can gain money either by voting or by",
  124. "Selling items at the Market",
  125. "You can use money to claim land or to buy",
  126. "Items"
  127. }
  129. local ForumText = {
  130. "Have any suggestions? Need support but there",
  131. "are no staff members online? Make a post on",
  132. "our great forum. The forum is online all the",
  133. "time and is viewed frequently by our best",
  134. "staff members.",
  135. " ",
  136. "&cforum.craftersland.net"
  137. }
  139. local DonationText = {
  140. "Do you like our server and want to help us",
  141. "keep it running, or just want to get some",
  142. "new perks? Donate some money on our",
  143. "&cbuycraft&9 web page and get the perk you",
  144. "always dreamed about",
  145. " ",
  146. "&ccraftersland.buycraft.net"
  147. }
  149. local RankText = {
  150. "On our beloved server you would find 2",
  151. "special types of players:",
  152. " - Staff members",
  153. " - Donators",
  154. "These players have special commands",
  155. "and perks"
  156. }
  158. local DonorText = {
  159. "Donator ranks are ranks that are obtainable",
  160. "By donating money on our buycraft web page",
  161. "Currently available ranks:",
  162. " - &3VIP&r (€4.99)",
  163. " - &9Premium&r (€9.99)",
  164. " - &9Premium+&r (€29.99)",
  165. " - &6Sponsor&r (€49.99)",
  166. " - &6Sponsor+&r (€69.99)",
  167. "For more information about the ranks visit",
  168. "our web store: &ccraftersland.buycraft.net"
  169. }
  171. local StaffText = {
  172. "The staff members are players who were",
  173. "chosen and given some special perks to",
  174. "help other players with their problems,",
  175. "and help us monitor the server",
  176. "The ranks are: (in privelage order)",
  177. "&bHelper&r, &dJudge&r, &5Moderator&r, &cAdmin&r, &4GM",
  178. "When new helpers are needed the helper",
  179. "applications on our forum are opened",
  180. "and anyone can apply to join our staff"
  181. }
  183. local Restricted1Text = {
  184. "&cThe following items are restricted:",
  185. "Simple Inventory Sorting (Entire Mod)",
  186. "Creative ME Storage Cell",
  187. " (Applied Energistics)",
  188. "Auto-Breaker (Actually Additions)",
  189. "Long-Range Breakers (Actually Additions)",
  190. "Player Probe (Actually Additions)",
  191. "Lens of the Killer (Actually Additions)",
  192. "Lens of certain Death (Actually Additions)",
  193. "Rod of the Hells (Botania)",
  194. "&cFor the latest updates please",
  195. "&cvisit our forum"
  196. }
  198. local Restricted2Text = {
  199. "&cThe following items are restricted:",
  200. "Imperfect Ritual Stone (Blood Magic)",
  201. "Rod of the shaded Mesa (Botania)",
  202. "Rod of Terra Firma (Botania)",
  203. "Manastorm Charge (Botania)",
  204. "Hand of Ender (Botania)",
  205. "Shard of Laputa (Botania)",
  206. "Teru Teru Bozu (Botania)",
  207. "Celestial Manipulator (Draconic Evolution)",
  208. "Weather Obelisk (EnderIO)",
  209. "&cFor the latest updates please",
  210. "&cvisit our forum"
  211. }
  213. local Restricted3Text = {
  214. "&cThe following items are restricted:",
  215. "Magic Boomerang (Extra Utilities)",
  216. "Creative Drum (Extra Utilities)",
  217. "Creative Harvest (Extra Utilities)",
  218. "Creative Chest (Extra Utilities)",
  219. "Creative Builder's Wand (Extra Utilities)",
  220. "RainMaker (Forestry)",
  221. "Firestone Ore (Railcraft)",
  222. "Raw Firestone (Railcraft)",
  223. "Cut Firestone (Railcraft)",
  224. "&cFor the latest updates please",
  225. "&cvisit our forum"
  226. }
  228. local Restricted4Text = {
  229. "&cThe following items are restricted:",
  230. "Cracked Firestone (Railcraft",
  231. "Creative Screen (RFTools)",
  232. "Creative Storage Disk (Refined Storage)",
  233. "Creative Fluid Storage Disk",
  234. " (Refined Storage)",
  235. "Creative Vending Upgrade (Storage Drawers)",
  236. "EFLN (Tinker's Construct)",
  237. "Builders Wand (Extra Utilities)",
  238. "Chunk Loader Upgrade (Open Computers)",
  239. "&cFor the latest updates please",
  240. "&cvisit our forum"
  241. }
  243. local Restricted5Text = {
  244. "&cThe following items are restricted:",
  245. "Builder Block [Overworld only] (RfTools)",
  246. "Industrial TNT (Industrial Craft 2)",
  247. "Nuke (Industrial Craft 2)",
  248. " ",
  249. " ",
  250. " ",
  251. " ",
  252. " ",
  253. " ",
  254. "&cFor the latest updates please",
  255. "&cvisit our forum",
  256. }
  258. local Rules1 = {
  259. "&c[1]&r No hacked clients",
  260. "&c[2]&r No bug abuse/exploiting bugs",
  261. "&c[3]&r No Advertising",
  262. "&c[4]&r No sale/gifting creative/illegitimate",
  263. " &ritems to members outside of your town",
  264. "&c[5]&r No PvPing with creative, god, fly or",
  265. " &roverpowered spawned items",
  266. "&c[6]&r No using opencomputers in any way that",
  267. " &rmight harm players or track other players",
  268. "&c[7]&r No excessive use of profanity,",
  269. " &rswearing or caps"
  270. }
  272. local Rules2 = {
  273. "&c[8]&r No griefing any protected territory",
  274. "&c[9]&r No insulting staff members",
  275. "&c[10]&r No selling server items for real",
  276. " &rlife money or goods",
  277. "&c[11]&r No abuse of magic",
  278. "&c[12]&r No threats of or intentional harm",
  279. " &rto server integrity",
  280. "&c[13]&r No racist slurs/text/content",
  281. "&c[14]&r No scamming",
  282. "&c[15]&r No harassing staff or other players",
  283. "&c[16]&r No impersonating staff members"
  284. }
  286. local Rules3 = {
  287. "&c[17]&r No console clients",
  288. "&c[18]&r No ban evading",
  289. "&c[19]&r No explaining or exposing of dupe,",
  290. " &rbug or glitch methods",
  291. "&c[20]&r Use common sense. If you have abused",
  292. " &ra loop hole in our rules, the",
  293. " &rpunishment would be decided by the",
  294. " &rsenior staff members and managers",
  295. " ",
  296. "&cFor further explenations and clarifications",
  297. "&cplease visit our forum page"
  298. }
  300. local HelpText = {
  301. "&cNeed help?",
  302. "Check the \"Info\" section on this monitor",
  303. "&cStill need help?",
  304. "Ask any online staff member for help",
  305. "&cNo staff members online?",
  306. "Go to our forum and post your issue there.",
  307. "A staff member will look at the post and",
  308. "will help you as soon as possible",
  309. " ",
  310. "&cforum.craftersland.net"
  311. }
  313. local ServersText = {
  314. "Craftersland currently runs 7 servers:",
  315. " - Network (Vanilla)",
  316. " - Gregtech: New Horizons &9(&cYou are here!&9)&r",
  317. " - Direwolf20 1.7.10",
  318. " - Direwolf20 1.12.2",
  319. " - Tekkit",
  320. " - Infinity Evolved",
  321. " - SkyFactory 2",
  322. " - Skyfactory 3",
  323. " - Skyfactory 4",
  324. " - Interactions &9(&cThe Best Pack!&9)&r"
  325. }
  327. local NetworkText = {
  328. "A pure, vanilla, unmodded server.",
  329. "Survival, Custom minigames, Even a remake",
  330. "of Assassins Creed in minecraft!",
  331. " ",
  332. "Non-Premium IP:",
  333. "&cmc.craftersland.net:25565",
  334. "Premium IP:",
  335. "&cplay.craftersland.eu:25565",
  336. "&cplay.craftersland.us:25565"
  337. }
  339. local Direwolf20Text = {
  340. "Magic, Tech, Random mods that have",
  341. "nothing to do with each other, All",
  342. "mixed together in this one massive",
  343. "modpack",
  344. " ",
  345. "Server IPs:",
  346. "Direwolf20 1.7.10:",
  347. " &cftb.craftersland.net:25565",
  348. " ",
  349. "Direwolf20 1.12:",
  350. " &cdw20.craftersland.net:25565"
  351. }
  353. local TekkitText = {
  354. "Ever wanted to fly to the moon or",
  355. "Build awesome high tech bases?",
  356. "Well, now you can on our awesome",
  357. "Tekkit server",
  358. " ",
  359. "Server IP:",
  360. "&ctekkit.craftersland.net:25667"
  361. }
  363. local InfinityText = {
  364. "Ever wondered how a modded server on",
  365. "steroids looks? Well, wonder no longer",
  366. "and join us on our expert mode infinity",
  367. "evolved server!",
  368. " ",
  369. "Server IP:",
  370. "&cinf.craftersland.net:25565"
  371. }
  373. local SkyfactoryText = {
  374. "Is skyblock too easy for you? Then we",
  375. "challenge you to try our SkyFactory ",
  376. "servers! Modded skyblock servers with",
  377. "an epic and unique gameplay",
  378. " ",
  379. "Server IPs:",
  380. "Skyfactory 2.5:",
  381. " &cskyfactory.craftersland.net:25565 ",
  382. " ",
  383. "Skyfactory 3:",
  384. " &csf3.craftersland.net:25565"
  385. }
  387. -- All of the menues
  388. -- menu.new(name, title, text, button_group)
  390. Home = menu.new("Home", "Welcome to the Craftersland's",{},MainButtons)
  391. Info = menu.new("Info", "Information",InfoText,InfoButtons)
  392. Claims1 = menu.new("Claims1", "Claims - General",Claims1Text,ClaimButtons)
  393. Claims2 = menu.new("Claims2", "Claims - Commands",Claims2Text,ClaimButtons)
  394. Claims3 = menu.new("Claims3", "Claims - Claim Blocks",Claims3Text,ClaimButtons)
  395. Economy = menu.new("Economy", "Server Economy",EconomyText,InfoButtons)
  396. Forum = menu.new("Forum", "Craftersland Forum",ForumText,InfoButtons)
  397. Donation = menu.new("Donation", "Donations",DonationText,InfoButtons)
  398. Ranks = menu.new("Ranks", "Ranks",RankText,RanksButtons)
  399. Donors = menu.new("Donors", "Donator Ranks",DonorText,RanksButtons)
  400. Staff = menu.new("Staff", "Staff Ranks",StaffText,RanksButtons)
  401. Restricted1 = menu.new("Restricted1","Restricted Items",Restricted1Text,RestrictedButtons)
  402. Restricted2 = menu.new("Restricted2","Restricted Items",Restricted2Text,RestrictedButtons)
  403. Restricted3 = menu.new("Restricted3","Restricted Items",Restricted3Text,RestrictedButtons)
  404. Restricted4 = menu.new("Restricted4","Restricted Items",Restricted4Text,RestrictedButtons)
  405. Restricted5 = menu.new("Restricted5","Restricted Items",Restricted5Text,RestrictedButtons)
  406. Rules1 = menu.new("Rules1", "Server Rules",Rules1,RulesButtons)
  407. Rules2 = menu.new("Rules2", "Server Rules",Rules2,RulesButtons)
  408. Rules3 = menu.new("Rules3", "Server Rules",Rules3,RulesButtons)
  409. Help = menu.new("Help", "Help",HelpText,MainButtons)
  410. Servers = menu.new("Servers", "Crafterlsland Servers",ServersText,ServerButtons)
  411. Network = menu.new("Network", "The Network Servers",NetworkText,ServerButtons)
  412. Direwolf20 = menu.new("Direwolf20", "The Direwolf20 Servers",Direwolf20Text,ServerButtons)
  413. Tekkit = menu.new("Tekkit", "The Tekkit Server",TekkitText,ServerButtons)
  414. Infinity = menu.new("Infinity", "The Infinity Evolved Server",InfinityText,ServerButtons)
  415. Skyfactory = menu.new("Skyfactory", "The SkyFactory Servers",SkyfactoryText,ServerButtons)
  418. -- A list of all the menues that is returned when requiring the file
  419. menues = {
  420. ["Home"]=Home,
  421. ["Info"]=Info,
  422. --["Claims1"]=Claims1,
  423. --["Claims2"]=Claims2,
  424. --["Claims3"]=Claims3,
  425. ["Forum"]=Forum,
  426. ["Donation"]=Donation,
  427. ["Economy"]=Economy,
  428. ["Ranks"]=Ranks,
  429. ["Donors"]=Donors,
  430. ["Staff"]=Staff,
  431. --["Restricted1"]=Restricted1,
  432. --["Restricted2"]=Restricted2,
  433. --["Restricted3"]=Restricted3,
  434. --["Restricted4"]=Restricted4,
  435. --["Restricted5"]=Restricted5,
  436. ["Rules1"]=Rules1,
  437. ["Rules2"]=Rules2,
  438. ["Rules3"]=Rules3,
  439. ["Help"]=Help,
  440. ["Servers"]=Servers,
  441. ["Network"]=Network,
  442. ["Direwolf20"]=Direwolf20,
  443. ["Tekkit"]=Tekkit,
  444. ["Infinity"]=Infinity,
  445. ["Skyfactory"]=Skyfactory
  446. }
  448. return menues
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