
ATE Ent (Actor)

Dec 6th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. USERNAME: @GlisteningHobi
  2. FACE CLAIM: Park Seonghwa (backup: Jung Yunho)
  4. NAME: Lee Hyuntae
  5. NICKNAME(S): Tae
  6. BIRTHDATE: 11th April 1997
  8. BIRTHPLACE: Gwangju, South Korea
  9. HOMETOWN: Gwangju, South Korea
  10. LANGUAGES: Korean & conversational English
  12. HEIGHT: 178cm
  13. WEIGHT: 61kg
  15. BACKGROUND: Hyuntae actually first started to love acting when he had nothing to do one evening after school so he decided he would go to his friends drama class. At first he just stayed on his phone and didn't really pay much attention until the teacher encouraged him to join in as someone was missing that day. He quickly became really engaged in what they were doing and by the end of the class, he was loving it and ready to go again. The teacher then pulled him aside before he left with his friend to tell him that he had real talent and that he should enrol in the after school club. After talking with his parents, he decided to join the after school drama club. After a few years, a prestigious acting scout came to one of his performances and saw real talent. As a result, they scouted him to their company and after about a year of being there, he was travelling worldwide performing the musical Jump for many different countries. After a couple of years travelling around with the company, Hyuntae realised it was time to settle back down in Korea.
  18. 1 Street smart = He is definitely what people would call street smart because he is very aware of his surroundings and knows when something is not right. It is as if he has a sixth sense when it comes to danger.
  19. 2 Confident = He oozes confidence to the point where it could be seen as over confident. He is bold and slightly cheeky and that one of the reasons why he appeals to so many girls. He has a very inflated sense of his importance but he is brought down to earth by the people around him. He plays around with this when on shows as a means of entertainment but most people know that he is just being goofy.
  20. 3 Charismatic + smooth talker = He is a very charismatic person and can use his charm to get out of a lot of situations. There is something about the way he smiles or the way he talks or the way he just holds himself that attracts people to him. He just has a very appealing aura. He can easily talk his way out of tricky situations.
  21. 4 Open = he is quite open about his life and doesn't mind sharing details with his fans. It sometimes gets to the point where he overshares and his fans clown him for it. He is also very open about sex and feels that it should be something that people embrace and not something that people should be ashamed of.
  22. 5 Impulsive + Unpredictable = he doesn't think before he acts often making rash decisions with no proper thought behind them. He says or does things that may hurt people just because of a rush of anger. Sometimes it can be good though, it allows him to seize opportunities before they pass where as other people would carefully think it through and potentially miss the opportunity.
  23. 6 Unfiltered = He is a very candid person and doesn’t like beating around the bush about things, especially if it is important and if so, he will make sure to sort everything out as soon as possible. He doesn't know how to sugarcoat things and will say what he wants to say, even if it is harsh or spiteful. He is someone that will tell it how it is, even if you don't want to hear it.
  24. 7 Crude = he can be quite crude and vulgar with his humour and is often talking about sex or making suggestive innuendos. This man is basically horny on legs and he doesn't care who knows it. He often gets hate for this but that doesn't stop him.
  27. 1 Fashion
  28. 2 Late night walks
  29. 3 Games (board games, computer games...)
  30. 4 Travelling
  31. 5 Socialising
  32. 6 Horror movies
  33. 7 Watching Netflix shows or movies with his friends or siblings
  36. 1 Elevators
  37. 2 Having low battery
  38. 3 Complete silence
  39. 4 Ignorance
  40. 5 Messiness
  41. 6 Hospitals
  42. 7 Fizzy water
  44. TRIVIA:
  45. 1 Because of his time travelling, performing Jump, he had to learn martial arts. He was also required to do a lot of acrobatics and dancing so he is quite talented in these areas
  46. 2 He cannot go anywhere without his phone and it is not even because he is always using it, it is because he feels unsafe without it
  47. 3 He loves the rush of adrenaline he gets from watching horror movies
  48. 4 He has dyscalculia which is a brain disorder which prevents him from being able to do the most simple arithmetic calculations. Numbers get really jumbled up in his head and so he struggles to comprehend them. He hates not being good at something so whenever it is brought up, he can get defensive unless he is really close with you
  49. 5 Since he has sister's that are constantly ridiculed because they are open and confident, he is also a strong advocate for women's rights and women being able to do and say and act the way they want
  50. 6 He has ADHD
  51. 7 He has a habit of throwing his phone up and down when having an interesting conversation with someone
  52. 8 His celebrity crushes are Rihanna, Jessi and SZA
  53. 9 He has a habit of humming while eating
  55. GENRE OF DRAMA: Romantic comedies & Slice of Life (maybe Coming of Age aswell)
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