
Super Gardevoir Chapter 1: Gardevoir Strikes Back

Sep 20th, 2017
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  1. What dose it means to be powerless? That's what Mewtwo wondered. He was said to be the strongest Pokemon ever lived. But, even Mewtwo knows he is not stronger than everything. Mewtwo is sent hitting the ground in a thud. It was rather dark, a dark world. Mewtwo was slowly getting up, then turning to the foe, no shape of any kind, but it did have red eyes, and it seemed monstrous. Mewtwo slowly got up and prepared a blue shadow ball and launch it towards the unknown foe. But the shadow figure stopped it with it's bear hands and squished it like it's a balloon to him.
  3. Mewtwo seemed shocked from seeing it's incredible power. While keeping an eye on the unknown creature with red eyes, it charged towards Mewtwo and slammed him with an invisible palm(though you can tell it's clear blur). Mewtwo gasp in pain. The unknown figure picked up Mewtwo by the head slowly. The mysterious being readies a Shadow Ball to finish off the wounded weak genetic pokemon.
  5. Suddenly, Mewtwo woke up from that terrible nightmare with gasp of terror. He panted. The Mewtwo was sleeping on top of the mountain of Mt.Quena. He looked at himself, but realized it was just a dream. 'Just a dream. But why do I feel it will become a reality?' Mewtwo told himself. He lift himself up to look at the nightly sky. 'I often feared that one day someone, not a human, but a mad pokemon would come and do something terrible here' Mewtwo gazed upon the sky as it turned into a usual beautiful.
  7. The clone of Mew watches as he saw some of the little Nidoqueens and little Vulpixes were all going about and having their fun. 'I only hope no threat comes about and ruins this world I made' Mewtwo walked back inside to rest a bit more peacefully. Pikatwo and Mewothtwo were playing around, as if they are playing tag. "Pika pika!" "Meow!" They enjoying themselves in the surface part of Quena. The only time they come back was when there is an intruder coming about.
  9. The cute clone critters were having so much fun. The two clone pokemon wondered a bit long. Pretty soon, Pikatwo pounced on Mewothtwo. They both had such fun together and laughed. But all of that changed when they notice something floating majestically. "Pika?" 'Who's that?' The clone Pikchu ask. "Meow meow meow" 'I don't know, but he dose look like a Pokemon' The clone Mewoth replied and they both separated. "Pika pika Pikatwo" 'Maybe we should ask Mewtwo first' Pikatwo suggested.
  11. But Meowthtwo trouts towards a Pokemon he has never seen before. He hoped he could be friendly. "Meowth" 'Hi' He introduced himself to the blue and white pokemon. The Gardevoir opened their eyes, showing an expression Mewtwo gives. And so far, they are not speaking, but just looks around. "Meow?" 'Hey, something wrong?' The little cat pokemon asked. Pikatwo was not sure, but he could feel an uneasy feeling.
  13. The blue majestic pokemon looked down to the Mewoth clone. 'Where am I?' He sounded low, little idenical to Mewtwo's but more lower and soothing. "Meow meow" 'This is Mt.Quena' The Meowthtwo said. 'Then where is the one called Mewtwo?' The blue feminion Pokemon balled his fist and chattered. 'For the suffering I have endured because of his existence!' The creature growled. "Meow?" 'Wha?' Suddenly, the blue pokemon kicked the Mewoth clone. "Meeeeooooooooooooo" It was kicked somewhere high up to the other side.
  15. Pikatwo looked gasped in fright. It looked it, but it was not friendly after. Pikatwo needed to warn Mewtwo. So it trout quickly to head back to meet with Mewtwo to warn him of a bad situation.
  17. Mewtwo has been inside of the cave, meditating all by himself. So far, he is calming down after having various nightmares about this unknown being. The clone of Mew is still nervous at times when the more he thinks about it. But as long as he has the Pokemon he created, he'll be there for them. But then, he heard a call. "Pika pika pika!" Mewtwo turned to see Pikatwo who ran to Mewtwo. "What is it?" Newtwo spoke. "Pika, Pika pika! Pika Pika Pika!" "An intruder? Is Giovanni or someone other humans causing trouble here?" Mewtwo asked, hoping it was anything he could take on.
  19. "Pika, pika pika! Pika pika pika pika!" 'A pokemon? What would he want with me?' Mewtwo seemed a bit frighten. While he couldn't show it, but he had a bad feeling this could go bad. "Pika pika pika pika!" 'What would my existence have to do with this pokemon we know nothing about?' "Pika, pika pika, pika pika pikatwo!" As the Pikatwo kept trying to explain to Mewtwo, suddenly, he heard some explosion. "Pika!" The clone Pikachu was scared when he heard that explosion. Mewtwo gripped his hands. 'Warn the others and get them to safety! I will handle this unknown Pokemon..' Mewtwo walked out of the cave to head forth to the unknown threat.
  21. Outside the blue Pokemon shoots his Shadow Balls to where he sees, from trees, rocks and other places. Then when he heard some buzzing around, he notice a huge swarm of Butterfree coming this way to surround the blue Gardevoir. They were ready to send their Sleep Powder straight towards the genetic Gardevoir, but as the blue humanoid thrust it's hands, causing his physic powers to emanate the red aura around his body. It was causing even the entire swarm of those Butterfrees to be stopped by the blue physic pokemon, trapping them in red aura. 'You will all pay for your defiance!' The Gardevoir's telepathic speech sounded wrathful. He swirled all of them and threw them all towards random areas where they hit anything solid, such as the mountains or even hitting the ground, knocking them all out.
  23. The blue Gardevoir growled as he observed the defeated swarm Butterfree. Then, he sensed someone coming. He felt someone levitated behind the Gardevoir. He didn't bother to turn his head to or even roll his eyes back to notice who it was, for he knew who would be brave enough to confront the Gardevoir. 'Sp, you finally show yourself...' The blue physic pokemon disarmed himself. He turned around to see the one Pokemon he has come to hate the most.
  25. 'Explain yourself, intruder!' Mewtwo shouted telepathically. 'Why have you come and disturbed the peace in Mt.Quena!?' The blue Gardevoir balled his fist and chattered. 'I come for you!' The Gardevoir growled. 'And what business do you want with me!?' Mewtwo also clinched his hands. 'I am Gardevoir. I am pokemon born of pure physic powers, until the day I realized my purpose when you were created, so I was taken away and suffered because you! So I come for you to make you suffer as I have!' The Gardevoir explained.
  27. 'I don't know what kind of grudge you have with me, but I will not stand as you attack this island! If you want me, then so be, but I should warn you, I am more powerful than any Pokemon in the world!' Mewtwo warned as his eyes glows blue. 'Them prove how strong you are!' The blue Gardevoir also had glowing eyes, but with red eyes.
  29. With the introductions out of the way, Mewtwo started out with shooting his blue Shadow Ball. The blue Gardevoir shot his purple Shadow Ball. Both the attacks collided and exploded. The came the Gardevoir that and send a punch which pushed Mewtwo back. He was caught off guard. Usually he is able to detect a Pokemon when they attack him, but this Gardevoir was faster than he could detect. Then came this, The Gardevoir shooting Shadow Ball at the cat like pokemon.
  31. Mewtwo used his physic power, but when he did, he sensed how hard he struggle to keep from touching him. 'So.....powerful!' Mewtwo cringed. When he realized it was probably too much for him, he pushed it safely away from the safely away from the island. Mewtwo looked back to the his new foe. 'His attack. It almost hit if as I tried to hold on to it. What is he?' Mewtwo once again launch his Shadow Ball, but surprisingly, he just took the attack. While it seemed to hurt him as his head forced it to look up, it just didn't damage him. Mewtwo was in awe. 'What..?'
  33. The Gardevoir slowly turn his head down to once again lock his eye on Mewtwo. 'Was that your best shot?' Gardevoir said unimpressed. 'No! But this is!' Mewtwo attempted to lock the Gardevoir with his physic to freeze him while his eyes turned blue. But the Gardevoir's red aura was protecting him. The purple genetic physic tried as hard as he could to trap him in his physic grip. The Gardevoir then suddenly dashed straight towards Mewtwo and unleash his claws and suddenly slash him. Mewtwo yell in pain. He hit the kneel on the ground while holding his wound.
  35. As soon as the clone of Mew tried to get back in the fight, the blue genetic physic Gardevoir punched in his stomach real hard, making him gasp in, then he sent in more punches to all of Mewtwo sides. Then, the Gardevoir gestured as if he is shielding himself, only to thrust his arms and created a blue Fire Blast in the form of a fire ball, pushing Mewtwo back to hit the tree. Mewtwo slowly got up and looked at the Gardevoir walking towards him. Mewtwo got up and shot his Shadow Balls. Not very likely as the Gardevoir slaps them away. Mewtwo desperately tried to fight back as he continued to shoot more Shadow Balls, but one by one, he blocked them with his palm, and when he grabbed one, he squished to vapor.
  37. When he just how powerful he is, he then realized something. 'It was not just a dream!' Mewtwo looks back when he had that nightmare. 'It was a-' Before Mewtwo could finish, he was suddenly pinned to the ground, then grabbed by the neck and risen up. Mewtwo tried so hard and struggled to get out of the Gardevoir's grip. '-vision' Mew sounded weak as he was chocked. The Gardevoir continued to show his bold expression. He charges his purple Shadow Ball and suddenly blasted towards the Mewtwo, pushing him s he rolls on the ground uncontrollably. As soon as he stopped, Mewtwo quickly got up and saw the Gardevoir standing next to him. Mewtwo yelped in fright and backed away.
  39. This was not good for Mewtwo. He is heavily wounded. The sky then began to storm. Lighting was booming as the two stared at each other. 'This one is nothing I ever fought. What fury was I just sensing earlier?' Mewtwo thought only to himself. Mewtwo stared the blue Gardevoir with very vibrating red aura. It had a very intimating booming sound. With all that, the Gardevoir raised his hand as his hand was creating an blue electrical sphere. Unlike the Mewtwo's shadow ball, the lighting was a powerful sphere. Then, suddenly he threw it at Mewtwo. Mewtwo used his powerful shield bubble to protect him from this unknown lighting attack. But it proved too strong non the less. It instantly broke his shield, but exploded the electrical sphere. But the Gardevoir was not done yet. He suddenly brought forth a powerful lighting strike and shot the blue lighting energy towards Mewtwo. As it hit him, Mewtwo screamed agony. That attack was like being hit by a Zapdos. Mewtwo then got to his knees and hit the ground.
  41. Gardevoir looked down on the Mewtwo, disappointed for some reason. 'So....this is the mighty Mewtwo?' The Gardevoir spoke telepathically. 'I thought I was battling the most strongest Pokemon in existence, but instead, I'm fighting a weakling!' The Gardevoir walks up to his defeated foe. 'To think I expected a challenge!" He then grabbed Mewtwo by his head. Suddenly, a thunderbolt hit him from behind. When the blue physic pokemon turned to see who attacked, it was the Pikatwo. "Pika! Pikatwo!" It called to the blue Gardevoir. 'And why would I let him go...?' He pointed his palm at the Pikatwo. The clone Pikchu charged his lighting attack, but not before Gardevoir shot the Electro Ball at the Pikachu clone. "Pikaaaaa!' The clone electric rat went flying about somewhere.
  43. With no more distractions, The Gardevoir went was about to float to the sky, but then all of a sudden, a fire blast hit the Gardevoir. The blue physic pokemon turned round and saw who made the assault. It was the clone Charizard and the rest of the other clones. "Rouuurrr!" 'Let go of our guardian!' The dragon fire pokemon demanded with the others standing with the Charizard clone. 'Fools! If you value your lives, then leave me, otherwise, you will all be crush under my heal!' Gardevoir threaten. But then came the Blastoisetwo shooting his Hydro Pump, with the other pokemon using Flamethrower and the Charizardtwo using Fire Blast. Mewtwo had enough consciousness to get them to stop. 'Nooo! Don't!' Mewtwo pleaded, but did not listen, for they are his leader. They needed him for he is their creator after all, but a foolish move they did.
  45. When all the attacks were going to hit the Gardevoir, they were stopped by the Gardevoir's physic ability. He merged them all and absorbed them into his body, making him more powerful. He then dropped the Mewtwo on the ground. To make matters worse, He trapped the genetic Mew clone with a green whip and tied him up, just so he doesn't escape. 'Very well...' Gardevoir closed his eyes, then opened them in a frightening stern manner. 'THEN YOU'LL PAY FOR OPPOSING ME!' As he shouted, he made a quick dash and lashed them with what looks like slaps to the Pokemon clones. Then came a punch to the clone Charizard, the Onyx, a kick to the Rayhorn. The Scyther went after the Gardevoir to slash him, but stop the slash with it's claws. It made a dark energy and used Shadow Claw in slashing the green creature. It yelled in pain.
  47. He turned and kicked a Vulpix. All of them tried to attack the blue Gardevoir, but they were no match with his strength and fury. He shot them with Thunderbolt, Flamethrower and the Hydro Pump. Then came the Gardevoir's Laser Leaf, which stabbed at the others to cause more damage to them as they cried in pain. All of them fallen. They could not fight anymore. Mewtwo looked in awe. He looked closely at the Gardevoir, which reminded him of......himself. He now understood the conception of being your own worse enemy. 'Worthless pokemon! You're not better than humans!' The blue Gardevoir trapped them in his red physic aura. 'When I fought against my tyrant masters, I didn't even blank an eye, nor did I care look back at them' The Gardevoir said.
  49. 'For your foolishness, I will destroy everything you hoped' With that, the Mewtwo gasped. Mt.Quena was only spot where he and his pokemon can be free. 'You wouldn't!' Mewtwo pleaded. 'I would...' Gardevoir said darkly. With that, he suddenly made everything freeze. Everything was turning to ice. The little Nidoqueens and Rhydons were running running scared. All the poor creatures tried to take refuge safely. With Gardevoir having no knowledge of what he is doing to the poor children, they were soon doom. All of them were frozen. 'Stop!! It's me you want! They have nothing to do with this!' Mewtwo pleaded. He now know how Ash felt when he was confronted by this one human. 'They do...They are your creations! And I will take them all to myself!' Gardevoir said cruelly.
  51. The Gardevoir then turned back to Mewtwo. 'I have a surprise for you' As the Gardevoir quoted that remark, Mewtwo was scared for what is to come. Suddenly, Gardevoir teleported himself and all his captive victims. Even Pikatwo was taken to this somewhat familiar place. As Mewtwo looked around, he realized where he and the pokemon are. New Island. And what got worse, it was the cloning lab. Mewtwo turned to the Gardevoir with his stern expression. 'What is this?! What do you plan to do with us?!' Mewtwo demanded his question. 'To recreate a world of perfection in my own image! I have no care for either pokemon or humans. Only perfection! I am the perfect pokemon, one of my kind.. But soon, with your cloning machine, I will create pokemon! Only, they will have a different color, and I am of the perfection!' Gardevoir exclaimed.
  53. 'And after that, what will you do with us?!' Mewtwo growled. 'It is simple. Destroy the imperfect Pokemon and destroy humans as well. Everything be perfect once again! Humans have corrupted this world, and even the pokemon......even corrupted you, Mewtwo' The genetic pokemon was shocked by those worlds. Suddenly, he was grabbed by a powerful force, along with his pokemon. 'When I found this, I was amazed you built this. You've done my job for me, but then the human boy weaken you. So I took the liberty in remade this after I escaped from my tormentors'
  55. Mewtwo tried to break out, but to no avail, they were attached to a metal. All the other pokemon were trying to break out, even to use their great strength, but it proved useless. 'Try as you like, but you'll never break through those chains. They are stronger than any Earth metal. Trust me, I had my experience' The Gardevoir warned. He worked on the computer and each one had a number. Each was one, but for Mewtwo, it was twenty. When he activate the machine, suddenly came the horror. The Pokemon, and Mewtwo were shrieking in agony. All of them were experiencing agony that no pokemon should endure. The Gardevoir looked back when he endure this much torture. For now, he was only inducing 100 volts of his pain. After a while, they all went limp, but Mewtwo slowly raised his head as he saw the pipes moving down and saw what came out of the tubes.
  57. It was horror. Another Mewtwo, but not with purple parts like him, but with green parts to his tail. Then came other pokemon, a Pikachu with a more orange than the usual Pikachu, then came a Green Nidoqueen, a Red Gyarados, a more greener Scyther, a yellow Vulpix and all the other pokemon with a more altered, but what got worse was there was another green Mewtwo, and hordes more. The perfected clone pokemon opened their eyes and turned to their creator. They all bowed. 'My perfect pokemon army! Head my words, for you are my perfect army! For I am your king, King Gardevoir!' He made his statement as he risen his arm in a royal stance. 'YES, KING GARDEVOIR' The green Mewtwo replied in respect to their king, while the others who cannot speak human just roared. 'Take a look at your inferiors! Nothing but corrupted! Unsuited to be apart of this world! So they have no place, but oblivion!' Gardevoir pointed for his subjects.
  59. Mewtwo was more scared and so were the others. It was all coming back, the things Mewtwo tried to do, now to only continue by the hands of a blue Gardevoir. Soon after, they roared at the original pokemon clones. The Gardevoir then picked up Mewtwo with his physic and pulled him up and released him from his shackles. 'You will be replace! If they can't have a Mewtwo that will not obey orders, then there is no point in keeping you! All you are good for is garbage!' Gardevoir shouted and tossed him somewhere random.
  61. "Now, what am I to do with you?" Gardevoir said darkly as he turned to his captive clone pokemon. They all struggled to break free. "I have so many test I like to experiment on you all" The blue Gardevoir made a dark smile.
  63. Mewtwo was very sad. Everything he wanted to built, now taken away. He would've thought of Giovanni, but a Pokemon who hates other Pokemon, that was the most ironic thing he would've thought of. While the others had their own destination, Mewtwo's was where he was dragged to sea. Everything he had was all gone. His home he wanted, and now, it was gone. And there is nothing Mewtwo can do about it, but wait for death herself to take him. But then, something came and grabbed Mewtwo and dragged him out of the water, but who?
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