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May 20th, 2019
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  1. # Source: datadog/templates/daemonset.yaml
  2. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
  3. kind: DaemonSet
  4. metadata:
  5. name: datadog-agent-debug
  6. labels:
  7. app: "datadog-agent-debug"
  8. chart: "datadog-1.24.0"
  9. release: "datadog-agent-debug"
  10. heritage: "Tiller"
  11. spec:
  12. template:
  13. metadata:
  14. labels:
  15. app: datadog-agent-debug
  16. name: datadog-agent-debug
  17. annotations:
  18. checksum/autoconf-config: 38e0b9de817f645c4bec37c0d4a3e58baecccb040f5718dc069a72c7385a0bed
  19. checksum/confd-config: 38e0b9de817f645c4bec37c0d4a3e58baecccb040f5718dc069a72c7385a0bed
  20. checksum/checksd-config: 38e0b9de817f645c4bec37c0d4a3e58baecccb040f5718dc069a72c7385a0bed
  21. spec:
  22. containers:
  23. - name: datadog
  24. image: "datadog/agent:6.10.1"
  25. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  26. resources:
  27. limits:
  28. cpu: 200m
  29. memory: 256Mi
  30. requests:
  31. cpu: 200m
  32. memory: 256Mi
  33. ports:
  34. - containerPort: 8125
  35. hostPort: 8125
  36. name: dogstatsdport
  37. protocol: UDP
  38. - containerPort: 8126
  39. hostPort: 8126
  40. name: traceport
  41. protocol: TCP
  42. env:
  43. - name: DD_API_KEY
  44. valueFrom:
  45. secretKeyRef:
  46. name: "datadog-secret"
  47. key: api-key
  48. - name: DD_LOG_LEVEL
  49. value: "INFO"
  50. - name: DD_APM_ENABLED
  51. value: "true"
  53. value: "true"
  54. - name: KUBERNETES
  55. value: "yes"
  57. valueFrom:
  58. fieldRef:
  59. fieldPath: status.hostIP
  60. - name: DD_LOGS_ENABLED
  61. value: "true"
  63. value: "true"
  64. - name: DD_HEALTH_PORT
  65. value: "5555"
  66. - name: DD_AC_EXCLUDE
  67. value: name:datadog
  68. volumeMounts:
  69. - name: runtimesocket
  70. mountPath: "/var/run/docker.sock"
  71. readOnly: true
  72. - name: procdir
  73. mountPath: /host/proc
  74. readOnly: true
  75. - name: cgroups
  76. mountPath: /host/sys/fs/cgroup
  77. readOnly: true
  78. - name: s6-run
  79. mountPath: /var/run/s6
  80. - name: pointerdir
  81. mountPath: /opt/datadog-agent/run
  82. - name: passwd
  83. mountPath: /etc/passwd
  84. readOnly: true
  85. - mountPath: /var/www/sema4sso/log
  86. name: railslogs
  87. readOnly: true
  88. livenessProbe:
  89. httpGet:
  90. path: /health
  91. port: 5555
  92. initialDelaySeconds: 15
  93. periodSeconds: 15
  94. timeoutSeconds: 5
  95. successThreshold: 1
  96. failureThreshold: 6
  97. volumes:
  98. - hostPath:
  99. path: "/var/run/docker.sock"
  100. name: runtimesocket
  101. - hostPath:
  102. path: /proc
  103. name: procdir
  104. - hostPath:
  105. path: /sys/fs/cgroup
  106. name: cgroups
  107. - name: s6-run
  108. emptyDir: {}
  109. - hostPath:
  110. path: "/var/lib/datadog-agent/logs"
  111. name: pointerdir
  112. - hostPath:
  113. path: /etc/passwd
  114. name: passwd
  115. - hostPath: null
  116. name: pointerdir
  117. path: /opt/datadog-agent/run
  118. - hostPath: null
  119. name: railslogs
  120. path: /var/rails-datadog/log
  121. - hostPath: null
  122. name: pointdir
  123. path: /var/rails-datadog/log
  124. - configMap:
  125. name: cm-datadog-confd
  126. name: vol-datadog-confd
  127. serviceAccountName: datadog-agent-debug
  128. updateStrategy:
  129. type: "OnDelete"
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