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Dec 9th, 2018
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  1. import os
  2. import json
  3. import requests
  4. import binance
  5. import re
  6. import lxml
  7. import time
  8. import time
  9. import atexit
  10. from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
  11. from binance.client import Client
  12. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag
  13. from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
  14. from flask_sslify import SSLify
  16. app = Flask(__name__)
  17. sslify = SSLify(app)
  18. URL = ''
  19. api_key = 'vmPUZE6mv9SD5VNHk4HlWFsOr6aKE2zvsw0MuIgwCIPy6utIco14y7Ju91duEh8A' #
  20. secret_key = 'NhqPtmdSJYdKjVHjA7PZj4Mge3R5YNiP1e3UZjInClVN65XAbvqqM6A7H5fATj0j' #
  21. schedulers = {}
  23. def write_json(data, filename='answer.json'):
  24. with open(filename, 'w') as f:
  25. json.dump(data, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
  28. def send_message(chat_id, text='Why did you bother me?'):
  29. url = URL + 'sendMessage'
  30. answer = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'text': text}
  31. r =, json=answer)
  32. return r.json()
  35. def get_ticker_bitfinex(coin):
  36. url = f'{coin}usd'
  37. response = requests.request("GET", url)
  38. return float(re.compile('"last_price":"(.*?)"').findall(response.text)[0])
  41. def get_trades_bitfinex(coin, another_coin):
  42. url = f'{coin}{another_coin}'
  43. response = requests.request("GET", url)
  44. answer = list(zip(re.compile('"price":"(.*?)"').findall(response.text),
  45. re.compile('"amount":"(.*?)"').findall(response.text),
  46. re.compile('"type":"(.*?)"').findall(response.text)))
  47. value = 'buy'
  48. if not answer:
  49. url = f'{another_coin}{coin}'
  50. response = requests.request("GET", url)
  51. answer = list(zip(re.compile('"price":"(.*?)"').findall(response.text),
  52. re.compile('"amount":"(.*?)"').findall(response.text),
  53. re.compile('"type":"(.*?)"').findall(response.text)))
  54. value = 'sell'
  55. return answer, value
  59. def take_tut_by():
  60. url = ''
  61. r = requests.get(url)
  62. soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
  63. news = soup.findAll('div', {'class': 'news-entry big annoticed time ni'})
  64. answer = []
  65. for i in news:
  66. href = i.find('a').get('href')
  67. title = re.compile('<span.*?>(.*?)</span>').findall(str(i.find('span', {'class': 'entry-head _title'})))[0]
  68. answer.append((title, href))
  69. return answer
  71. def take_bits():
  72. url = ''
  73. r = requests.get(url)
  74. soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
  75. news = soup.findAll('a', {'class': 'news-name'})
  76. answer = []
  77. for i in news:
  78. href = ''.join(('',i.get('href')))
  79. title = re.compile('<a.*?>(.*?)</a>').findall(str(i))[0]
  80. answer.append((title, href))
  81. return answer
  84. def checker(chat_id, coin, sign, value, another_coin, market):
  85. rate = get_prices(1, coin, another_coin, market)
  86. send_message(chat_id, str(rate))
  89. def get_trades(coin, another_coin, market, number):
  90. answer = []
  91. if market == 'bin':
  92. if coin == 'usd':
  93. coin = 'TUSD'
  94. if another_coin == 'usd':
  95. another_coin = 'USDT'
  96. client = Client(api_key, secret_key)
  97. trades = client.get_recent_trades(symbol=''.join((coin.upper(), another_coin.upper())), limit=int(number))
  98. for i in trades:
  99. if coin == 'TUSD':
  100. coin = 'usd'
  101. if another_coin == 'USDT':
  102. another_coin = 'usd'
  103. answer.append(f'{i["qty"]} {coin} were bought for the price of {i["price"]} {another_coin} per one')
  104. elif market == 'bit':
  105. trades, value = get_trades_bitfinex(coin.lower(), another_coin.lower())
  106. new_trades = []
  107. if value == 'buy':
  108. for i in trades:
  109. if i[2] == 'buy':
  110. new_trades.append(i)
  111. else:
  112. for i in trades:
  113. if i[2] == 'sell':
  114. new_trades.append(i)
  115. for i in new_trades[:min(int(number), len(new_trades) - 1)]:
  116. if value == 'buy':
  117. answer.append(f'{i[1]} {coin} were bought for the price of {i[0]} {another_coin} per one')
  118. else:
  119. answer.append(f'{1/float(i[1])} {coin} were bought for the price of {1/float(i[0])} {another_coin} per one')
  120. return '\n'.join(answer)
  124. def get_prices(coeff, coin, another_coin, market):
  125. if another_coin.upper() in ['EUR', 'BYN', 'RUB', 'USD']:
  126. url = f'{another_coin}&compact=y'
  127. temp = requests.get(url)
  128. soup = BeautifulSoup(temp.text, "lxml")
  129. coeff *= float(re.compile('"val":(.*?)\}').findall(str(soup))[0])
  130. if market == 'bin':
  131. client = Client(api_key, secret_key)
  132. all_tickers = client.get_all_tickers()
  133. for i in all_tickers:
  134. if i['symbol'] == ''.join((coin.upper(), 'USDT')):
  135. rate = float(i['price'])
  136. return coeff * rate
  137. send_message(chat_id, 'sorry i don\'t understand')
  138. elif market == 'bit':
  139. return get_ticker_bitfinex(coin.lower()) * coeff
  140. else:
  141. if market == 'bin':
  142. client = Client(api_key, secret_key)
  143. all_tickers = client.get_all_tickers()
  144. good = 0
  145. for i in all_tickers:
  146. if i['symbol'] == ''.join((coin.upper(), 'USDT')):
  147. rate1 = float(i['price'])
  148. good += 1
  149. if i['symbol'] == ''.join((another_coin.upper(), 'USDT')):
  150. rate2 = float(i['price'])
  151. good += 1
  152. if good == 2:
  153. rate = rate1 / rate2
  154. return coeff * rate
  155. else:
  156. send_message(chat_id, 'sorry i don\'t understand')
  157. elif market == 'bit':
  158. rate = get_ticker_bitfinex(coin.lower()) / get_ticker_bitfinex(another_coin.lower())
  159. return coeff * rate
  161. # @app.route('/788997844:AAHhO_dpfsBncq6uTMZiUva9GHOOgySKs98/api/prices', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
  162. # def get():
  165. @app.route('/788997844:AAHhO_dpfsBncq6uTMZiUva9GHOOgySKs98', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
  166. def index():
  167. if request.method == 'POST':
  168. r = request.get_json()
  169. try:
  170. chat_id = r['message']['chat']['id']
  171. except:
  172. return jsonify(r)
  173. chat_id = r['message']['chat']['id']
  174. if float(r['message']['date']) + 100 < time.time():
  175. return jsonify(r)
  176. message = r['message']['text']
  178. if message == 'news':
  179. all_news = take_tut_by()[:2]
  180. all_news.extend(take_bits()[:2])
  181. send_message(chat_id, '\n\n'.join(':\n'.join(i) for i in all_news))
  182. elif re.match(r'\d+\.*\d*\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+', message) is not None:
  183. coeff, coin, _, another_coin, market = message.split()
  184. coeff = float(coeff)
  185. send_message(chat_id, get_prices(coeff, coin, another_coin, market))
  187. elif re.match(r'checker:\s*\w+\s*-\s*\w+\s*\w+\s*\d+\.*\d*\s*\w+\s*\w+', message) is not None:
  188. _, params = message.split(':')
  189. name, _, coin, sign, value, another_coin, market = params.split()
  190. if name in schedulers:
  191. send_message(chat_id, 'choose new checker name please')
  192. return jsonify(r)
  193. schedulers[name] = BackgroundScheduler()
  194. schedulers[name].add_job(lambda: checker(chat_id, coin, sign, value, another_coin, market), trigger="interval", seconds=10)
  195. schedulers[name].start()
  196. send_message(chat_id, f'Ok, i create checker: {name}')
  197. checker(chat_id, coin, sign, value, another_coin, market)
  198. elif re.match(r'delete:\s*\w+', message) is not None:
  199. _, name = message.split(':')
  200. name = "".join(name.split())
  201. if name in schedulers:
  202. schedulers[name].shutdown()
  203. del schedulers[name]
  204. send_message(chat_id, f'Ok, i delete checker: {name}')
  205. elif name == "ALL":
  206. for key, value in schedulers.items():
  207. value.shutdown()
  208. schedulers.clear()
  209. send_message(chat_id, f'Ok, i delete all checkers')
  210. else:
  211. send_message(chat_id, 'What is dead is never die')
  212. elif re.match(r'trades\s*\w+\s*\w+\s*\w+\s*\w+', message) is not None:
  213. _, coin, another_coin, market, number = message.split()
  214. send_message(chat_id, get_trades(coin, another_coin, market, number))
  215. else:
  216. send_message(chat_id, 'hz')
  217. # write_json(r)
  218. return jsonify(r)
  220. return '<h1>Hi i\'m son of Bot Father<h1>'
  223. if __name__ == '__main__':
  227. #
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