

Aug 8th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. on left click:
  2. player is sneaking
  3. name of held item contains "めぐみんの杖"
  4. if {used.EXPLOSION.%player%} is set:
  5. stop
  6. if player has potion effect nausea:
  7. stop
  8. if player is sneaking:
  9. loop 5 times:
  10. if player is sneaking:
  11. if name of held item contains "めぐみんの杖":
  12. if loop-number is 1:
  13. send subtitle "&6&lCharge: □□□□□" to player
  14. play sound "ui.button.click" with pitch 0.5 at player
  15. set {used.EXPLOSION.%player%} to 1
  16. if loop-number is 2:
  17. send subtitle "&6&lCharge: ■□□□□" to player
  18. play sound "ui.button.click" with pitch 0.5 at player
  19. if loop-number is 3:
  20. send subtitle "&6&lCharge: ■■□□□" to player
  21. play sound "ui.button.click" with pitch 0.5 at player
  22. if loop-number is 4:
  23. send subtitle "&6&lCharge: ■■■□□" to player
  24. play sound "ui.button.click" with pitch 0.6 at player
  25. if loop-number is 5:
  26. send subtitle "&6&lCharge: ■■■■□" to player
  27. play sound "ui.button.click" with pitch 0.8 at player
  28. wait 10 ticks
  29. delete {used.EXPLOSION.%player%}
  30. if player is not sneaking:
  31. stop
  32. if name of held item contains "めぐみんの杖":
  33. send subtitle "&d&lCharge: ■■■■■" to player
  34. apply potion of nausea of tier 0 to the player for 3 seconds
  35. set {_prefix} to {prefix.%player%}
  36. if {prefix.%player%} is not set:
  37. set {_prefix} to "&7[&ePlayer&7]&f"
  38. set {_suffix} to {suffix.%player%}
  39. if {suffix.%player%} is not set:
  40. set {_suffix} to "&f"
  41. if {Mute.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  42. set {_eisyou} to a random integer between 1 and 8
  43. if {_eisyou} is 1:
  44. set {_chat} to "&f黒より黒く闇より暗き漆黒に我が深紅の混淆を望みたもう。覚醒のとき来たれり。無謬の境界に落ちし理。無行の歪みとなりて現出せよ!踊れ踊れ踊れ、我が力の奔流に望むは崩壊なり。並ぶ者なき崩壊なり。万象等しく灰塵に帰し、深淵より来たれ!これが人類最大の威力の攻撃手段、これこそが究極の攻撃魔法、エクスプロージョン!"
  45. if {_eisyou} is 2:
  46. set {_chat} to "&f光に覆われし漆黒よ。夜を纏いし爆炎よ。紅魔の名のもとに原初の崩壊を顕現す。終焉の王国の地に、力の根源を隠匿せし者。我が前に統べよ!エクスプロージョン!"
  47. if {_eisyou} is 3:
  48. set {_chat} to "&f紅き黒炎、万界の王。天地の法を敷衍すれど、我は万象昇温の理。崩壊破壊の別名なり。永劫の鉄槌は我がもとに下れ!エクスプロージョン!"
  49. if {_eisyou} is 4:
  50. set {_chat} to "&f我が名はめぐみん。紅魔族随一の魔法の使い手にして、爆裂魔法を操りし者。我が力、見るがいい!エクスプロージョン!"
  51. if {_eisyou} is 5:
  52. set {_chat} to "&f我が深紅の流出を以て、白き世界を覆さん!エクスプロージョン!"
  53. if {_eisyou} is 6:
  54. set {_chat} to "&f光に覆われし漆黒よ。夜を纏いし爆炎よ。他はともかく、爆裂魔法のことに関しては私は誰にも負けたくないのです!行きます!我が究極の破壊魔法、エクスプロージョン!"
  55. if {_eisyou} is 7:
  56. set {_chat} to "&f空蝉に忍び寄る叛逆の摩天楼。我が前に訪れた静寂なる神雷。時は来た!今、眠りから目覚め、我が狂気を以て現界せよ!穿て!エクスプロージョン!"
  57. if {_eisyou} is 8:
  58. set {_chat} to "&f爆走…爆走…爆走……最高最強にして最大の魔法、爆裂魔法の使い手、我が名はめぐみん。我に許されし一撃は同胞の愛にも似た盲目を奏で、塑性を脆性へと葬り去る。強き鼓動を享受する!哀れな獣よ、紅き黒炎と同調し、血潮となりて償いたまえ!穿て!エクスプロージョン!"
  59. loop all players:
  60. if {em.%loop-player%} is not set:
  61. send "%coloured {_prefix}%%player%%coloured {_suffix}%&9>> &f%{_chat}%" to loop-player
  62. bind hologram "&f&l《&f&l%{_chat}%&f&l》" to player for 3 seconds offset by 0, 2.5, 0
  63. set {_num} to 0
  64. set {_location} to location {_num} meter infront of player's head
  65. set player's level to 0
  66. loop 400 times:
  67. if the block {_num} meter infront of player's head is not air:
  68. stop loop
  69. if 10 >= {_loopcount}:
  70. set {_location} to location {_num} meter infront of player's head
  71. set {_loopcount} to 0
  72. set {_num} to {_num} + 0.1
  73. add 1 to {_loopcount}
  74. set {_explosion} to {_location}
  75. loop 7 times:
  76. if loop-number is 1:
  77. add 3 to y-loc of {_location}
  78. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%", rainbowMode true, clockwise false, scan true, radius 10, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  79. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%2", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 10, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  80. if loop-number is 2:
  81. add 3 to y-loc of {_location}
  82. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%", rainbowMode true, clockwise false, scan true, radius 9, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  83. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%2", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 9, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  84. if loop-number is 3:
  85. add 3 to y-loc of {_location}
  86. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%", rainbowMode true, clockwise false, scan true, radius 8, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  87. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%2", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 8, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  88. if loop-number is 4:
  89. add 3 to y-loc of {_location}
  90. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%", rainbowMode true, clockwise false, scan true, radius 9, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  91. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%2", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 9, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  92. if loop-number is 5:
  93. add 3 to y-loc of {_location}
  94. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%", rainbowMode true, clockwise false, scan true, radius 11, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  95. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%2", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 11, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  96. if loop-number is 6:
  97. add 3 to y-loc of {_location}
  98. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%", rainbowMode true, clockwise false, scan true, radius 12, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  99. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%2", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 12, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  100. if loop-number is 7:
  101. add 3 to y-loc of {_location}
  102. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%", rainbowMode true, clockwise false, scan true, radius 13, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  103. drawComplexSpiral particle "redstone", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%2", rainbowMode true, clockwise true, scan true, radius 13, density 10, height 80, effectMod 0.5, start 0, visibleRange 128
  104. wait 3 ticks
  105. drawCylinder particle "flame", center {_explosion}, id "%player%explosioncy", randomRotation false, isSolid false, radius 3, density 100, height 35, sideRatio 0, visibleRange 128, displacementX 0, displacementY 17.5, displacementZ 0
  106. drawCylinder particle "flame", center {_explosion}, id "%player%explosioncy2", randomRotation false, isSolid false, radius 1, density 100, height 35, sideRatio 0, visibleRange 128, displacementX 0, displacementY 17.5, displacementZ 0
  107. set {_location} to {_explosion}
  108. apply potion of nausea of tier 0 to the player for 3 seconds
  109. loop 7 times:
  110. if loop-number is 1:
  111. add 1 to y-loc of {_location}
  112. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%3", scan true, height 0, radius 14, ringCount 1, ringDensity 25, visibleRange 128
  113. if loop-number is 2:
  114. add 5 to y-loc of {_location}
  115. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%3", scan true, height 0, radius 4, ringCount 1, ringDensity 25, visibleRange 128
  116. if loop-number is 3:
  117. add 4 to y-loc of {_location}
  118. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%3", scan true, height 0, radius 6, ringCount 1, ringDensity 25, visibleRange 128
  119. if loop-number is 4:
  120. add 4 to y-loc of {_location}
  121. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%3", scan true, height 0, radius 4, ringCount 1, ringDensity 25, visibleRange 128
  122. if loop-number is 5:
  123. add 4 to y-loc of {_location}
  124. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%3", scan true, height 0, radius 6, ringCount 1, ringDensity 25, visibleRange 128
  125. if loop-number is 6:
  126. add 6 to y-loc of {_location}
  127. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%3", scan true, height 0, radius 14, ringCount 1, ringDensity 25, visibleRange 128
  128. if loop-number is 7:
  129. add 8 to y-loc of {_location}
  130. drawWarpRings style 1, particle "flame", center {_location}, id "%player%explosion%loop-number%3", scan true, height 0, radius 18, ringCount 1, ringDensity 25, visibleRange 128
  131. wait 5 tick
  132. wait 20 ticks
  133. loop 7 times:
  134. if loop-number is 2:
  135. add 2 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  136. if loop-number is 3:
  137. add 2 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  138. if loop-number is 4:
  139. add 2 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  140. if loop-number is 5:
  141. add 4 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  142. wait a tick
  143. drawDot count 30, particle explosionlarge, speed 0.01, XYZ 8, 2, 8, center {_explosion}, visibleRange 64, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 0 ticks
  144. drawDot count 30, particle lava, speed 1, XYZ 8, 2, 8, center {_explosion}, visibleRange 64, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 0 ticks
  145. play sound "entity.generic.explode" with volume 2 at location of {_explosion}
  146. play sound "entity.generic.explode" to player
  147. loop all entities in radius 14 around {_explosion}:
  148. make player damage loop-entity by 35000
  149. stopEffect "%player%explosion%loop-number%3"
  150. stopEffect "%player%explosion%loop-number%"
  151. stopEffect "%player%explosion%loop-number%2"
  152. loop 8 times:
  153. if loop-number is 2:
  154. add 2 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  155. if loop-number is 3:
  156. add 2 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  157. if loop-number is 4:
  158. add 2 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  159. if loop-number is 5:
  160. add 4 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  161. if loop-number is 6:
  162. add 4 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  163. if loop-number is 7:
  164. add 4 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  165. if loop-number is 8:
  166. add 4 to y-loc of {_explosion}
  167. wait a tick
  168. drawDot count 30, particle explosionlarge, speed 0.01, XYZ 8, 2, 8, center {_explosion}, visibleRange 64, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 0 ticks
  169. drawDot count 30, particle lava, speed 1, XYZ 8, 2, 8, center {_explosion}, visibleRange 64, displacementXYZ 0, 0, 0, pulseDelay 0, keepFor 0 ticks
  170. play sound "entity.generic.explode" with volume 2 at location of {_explosion}
  171. play sound "entity.generic.explode" to player
  172. loop all entities in radius 14 around {_explosion}:
  173. make player damage loop-entity by 35000
  174. stopEffect "%player%explosioncy"
  175. stopEffect "%player%explosioncy2"
  176. apply potion of slowness of tier 5 to the player for 10 seconds
  177. apply potion of nausea of tier 1 to the player for 8.5 seconds
  178. apply potion of weakness of tier 3 to the player for 10 seconds
  179. apply potion of jump boost of tier 129 to the player for 10 seconds
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