
Proposals to come!

Jun 30th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was sitting on the couch, looking at the time on his phone. "I'm hoping she got the message, I told her what time to be here, in the voicemail but I never got a response." He glanced over at Bliss, "Prudence wasnt' busy with anything was she?" He asked her, leaning back into the couch, in a casual fashion.
  2. Tsaaq: "Of course she did!" Bliss said with a worrisome pout. "She shouldn't be. Oh my, perhaps I should've reveiwed the schedule-" She rambled. She lifted her head once she heard loud knocks on the door. She practically bolted over to it and opened the door. "Oh, you did make it!" // Prudence nodded her head. "Sorry about that you two. I was a little preocuppied with your cousin. Persephone was having a fashion crisis. Anyways how are you?" She went to hug Bliss before going over to Eli to do the same.
  3. Covet: "There we are, I was starting to wonder if you'd gotten my message or not. Welcome Prudence. Sorry to hear that about Persephone." He hasd stood up and made his way over to greet Prudence giving her a hug when she'd offered, "Doing fantastic actually. Things have been enjoyable as late, and we've made some plans."
  4. Tsaaq: She smiled and went to close the door. Bliss went to stand beside Eli as they spoke to Prudence. "I figured someting made you tardy but I'm glad you're here now." She smiled. // Prudence nodded her head. "Always good to hear." She patted Eli's head and took the liberty of sitting on their couch. "Don't worry about her. She worries about what matches her chanel and marc jacobs. It's silly." She rose and eyebrow at Eli. "Is there finally going to be..." She trailed off. "Why don't you tell me your plans before I assume."
  5. Covet: "We're going on a Cruise in a couple of weeks." Eli said almost a little too quickly as Prudence asked, "It's going to be a Seven day cruise through the Carribean, we're shipping out on the tenth of this month." He said with a smile, sitting down and getting comfortable on the couch.
  6. Tsaaq: Bliss cheered, clapping her hands as she went to sit down as well."And it's going to be so much fun and not terrifying!" She smiled. // Prudence rose her eyebrows. "Ohhhhh." She nodded. "Oh that sounds lovely, I hope the two of you have a good time. Just be sure to be safe. We'll hold things down here."
  7. Covet: "You're not actually scared at all are you, My Love?" Eli asked looking over at her, raising an eyebrow. "It's a Disney cruise, with special Star Wars and Marvel days. It kind of feels like they're catering this cruise just for us." Eli said with a chuckle. "I appreciate it, I'm not worried about our place, we don't have any pets or anything, but if someone came by and checked on the place I would be eternally greatful."
  8. Tsaaq: "I'm not!" She said with a pout. "I was being genuine." She crossed her arms. // "Oh of course. I have no problem stopping by. Making I can clean up a little while you're gone if you like?"
  9. Covet: "Oh our place isn't bad is it?" Eli asked looking around because Bliss and him were pretty good about keeping their place picked up. "You don't need to clean anything." He said with a grin, then looked at Bliss, "Oh, okay I wasn't sure with how you had said that. This is my first cruise, so I didn't want you worried at all."
  10. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "I keep this place amazing." Bliss scoffed as she looked arund as well. "This is my first cruise as well. I just hope it all goes well." // "I've gone on plenty of cruises." Prudence waved her hand. "You'll be fine." She got up from the couch and looked around. "Well... I suppose it looks pretty clean. But still. I like to straighten up."
  11. Covet: Eli nodded, "She really does, not an article of clothing out of place." He said giving a wink to Bliss before he looked at Prudence, "This is probably the worst thing to ask, but have you ever had any bad Cruise experiences?"
  12. Tsaaq: Bliss began to blush before crossing her arms. "You don't have to. I'm very meticulous." She corrected quietly before waiting on her grandmother's reply. // "Hmm." She hummed. "Well I do recall a time in the seventies where we were stranded but otherwise?" Prudence explained. "You'll be fine."
  13. Covet: "Yeah, it was the seventies, I'm sure the protocals and expectations on cruises have changed since then. The weather is supposed to be perfect the whole week, sunny, warm and summery." He said with a grin, seeing Bliss's blush and her cross her arms, giving her a soft smile.
  14. Tsaaq: She shook her head at Eli. "I'm going to get grandmother some wine." She said playfuly as she touched his shoulder then went over to the kitchen. // "Why of course! That's what I was thinking. You two should be alright." She smiled. "Thank you darling." She said before turning to Eli. "So, the cruise is a romantic get away is it?" She smiled at him. "Enjoy it. Enjoy your youth together."
  15. Covet: "It is.. at least I hope it will be, in our own special way." He said with a grin then cleared his throat looking over his shoulder to make sure Bliss was busy, "I was actually hoping to run something past you... I was hoping to do this a little later, but I got an email today that I'm needed for a short Convention loop for Marvel, and I won't be back until we're getting ready to fly out to Floriday. So.. It's kind of now or never." He said to her softly, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.
  16. Tsaaq: She was doing shit in the kitchen, getting a wine glass and pouring a good amount inside. // Prudence rose her eyebrow at him. "Alright." She said softly. "What did you want to talk to me about Elijah?"
  17. Covet: "I know I would normally run this by her dad, but he's kind of MIA and out of the picture, so I believe this defaults to you, but I'd like to ask for Bliss's hand in marriage. I have... this idea worked out in my head for how it will go down, but I know I need your approval first." He said keeping an eye over his shoulder keeping an eye on Bliss.
  18. Tsaaq: Bliss hummed, getting her own glass ready while she was there. // Her mouth hung open. "I knew it!" Prudence whispered. "I came in here thinking, it's finally time. It's finally happening." She grinned widely. She turned to Eli and took his hand. "My dear boy, no one has ever cared for Bliss more than me until you came. Unfortunate moments will happen. But I trust in you to learn and bandage her wounds." She told him quietly. "Of course you have my approval." She grinned again, giving him a reassuring pat.
  19. Covet: Eli gave a pleased as punch grin, then tried to calm Prudence down so Bliss didn't expect anything. "I thought about doing it on the cruise.. but I want to have the family that does care about her, around when I do it. So I'm reformulating my plan a little but I'll let you know as soon as I have it all figured out. I've still got to get a ring finalized as well." He said feeling slightly panicked now. "But thank you.. thank you so much for granting me your blessing, Prudence."
  20. Tsaaq: "I'm coming." Bliss called out as she sipped her own glass and began to walk over to the couch once more, but slowly.// "Of course grandson." Prudence smiled at him again and went to pull him in for a hug. "We will not be having an outdoors wedding, and it will not be in the summer. No way. I won't allow that." She laughed. "You can do it at dinner with all of us. How does that sound? At our house."
  21. Covet: Eli smiled and gav her a hug, then pulled back, nodding his head as Prudence went off about details then put his hand on her arm to quiet her because Bliss was coming back. "Shhh.. We can tall about all of that later, But I would love to do that at your place, would it be alright to invite a couple of close friends to dinner that sunday as well?" He asked politely.
  22. Tsaaq: Bliss handed Prudence her glass and sipped her own. "Are you still talking about the cruise?" She asked with a small shake of her head. // She nodded at Eli in understanding. "Oh of course, by all means." She took the glass from Bliss. "Yes, we were." She replied. "Also thank you honey." She smiled as she sipped her glass.
  23. Covet: "Mhhm. Giving me some insight on how to have an extra good time." He said with an overly excited smile as Bliss joined them again. "It's only made me more excited for this trip. It should be a fantastic first for us both, My Love." He told her moving to direct her to sit on his lap, so he could press a kiss to her cheek.
  24. Tsaaq: "Eli." She said softly as she put her glass down on the coffee table then cautiously went to sit in his lap. "Behave, my gram gram is here." She whispered to him as she drapped her arms over his shoulders. // "Yes. I'm ensuring the highest fun level possible..." She trailed off and stared at the two with an awefilled look. "Do you need me to go?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow.
  25. Covet: "I am being a gentleman, and behaving." He said with a chuckle then looked at Prudence, "I wouldn't have you leave before finishing your glass at the very least, Prudence. In fact, I propose a toast.. without a glass myself, so I'll just take a sip of Bliss's. But I propose a toast, for ah wonderful trip and an even more wonderful... Adventure." He said with a grin, giving Prudence a knowing smile before giving Bliss a gentle squeeze.
  26. Tsaaq: "Okay good." She kissed his cheek. She smirled at him before grabbing her glass and raising it as well. "Alright a toast." She smiled. "Here here!" She cheered before clinking her glass with Prudence then sipping. She turned to hand the glass to Eli. // "Oh but when I get started." She laughed. "I really should be getting home-" She smiled as Eli toasted. She nodded her head then took a drink from her glass. "What a lovely toast? I hope everything goes well."
  27. Covet: "Thank you. If you insist on leaving, I wish you a safe trip home." He said after taking a sip from Bliss's glass. He gave Bliss a gentle pat on the butt so he could at least walke Prudence to the door, to see her out.
  28. Tsaaq: "Goodnight Gram, thanks for coming." She waved as she got out of Eli's lap. // Prudence hugged Bliss then went to hug Eli as they got to the door. "Okay, I'll be contacting you about scheduling." She whispered to him.
  29. Covet: Eli gave Prudence a nod and closed the door after she left looking at Bliss, " Come, My Love.. I feel like tonight is a comfy cozy cuddle night. We'll pop in a movie and enjoy each other's company." He told her picking her up to take her off to the bedroom because he was internally elatd.
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