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CS2 is rigged by Valve

a guest
Jun 8th, 2024
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  1. I am going to get pitchforked here, but I am going to write this wall of text anyway, maybe someone can see through the blinders because of it. If one person would, that makes it worth my time. I am pretty sure that pro players in CS GO were cheating on all LAN events in past years. Valve did absolutely nothing to stop it, because they do not care about integrity of game as long as it is making them obscene amount of money. They let kids gamble, let people ruin their lives for pixels. Goat already touched this subject in 2 part video series, BRAVO! Nothing else matters for them.
  4. I believe Valve FINALLY found solution to cheating problem in Counter Strike. The game is the CHEATER now and it doesnt matter that Billy has walls or aimbot in grand schema of thing because it just doesnt matter anything in result of match. Bare with me here:
  7. 1. AI powered driven big data matchmaking
  9. 2. AI analyzed chat and voice chat in games to see how players react in match by game cheating on them or they accuse their opponents of cheating - likeliness of player quitting game session
  11. 3. AI controls interpolation (peeker's advantage), crosshair movement (micro adjusts your shots to hit or miss opponent), change recoil patters, hearing range for footsteps, flash bang effect duration,... I have seen all in my games and there are quite a bit more in there.
  13. 4. every player in game has good and bad moments within each match or at least in series of matches to make him "feel" good at the game to continue playing
  15. 5. cheaters are irrelevant because game can "make" them die by legit player just by manipulating game itself = cheating problem solved?
  17. 6. players are unaware of their own true skill and basically spoon fed dopamine and rank without progressing in game as they should - if you play CS for 18+ you just know
  20. Feel free to comment about your game experiences. How do you like new CS2 compared to CS GO, CSS, CS 1.6 or even older version. I started with CS 1.0 and I am pretty sure this one is by far the worst CS ever release.
Tags: cs2
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