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Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. Private Function LoadTree() As Boolean
  2. 'On Error GoTo HELL
  4. Dim Rec As New ADODB.Recordset
  5. Dim str As String
  6. Dim i As Integer
  7. Dim TypeBefore, GroupBefore As String
  9. str = "select Distinct Type_name from v_materials WHERE Type_Code = 'MT001' or Type_Code = 'MT002' ORDER BY Type_Name" 'cari root
  10. Set Rec = oConn.ExecuteSQL(str, True)
  11. With fgStructures
  12. .Cols = 23: .Rows = 1
  13. .OutlineCol = 4
  14. .GridLines = 8
  15. For i = 0 To 3
  16. .ColHidden(i) = True
  17. Next i
  19. For i = 13 To .Cols - 1
  20. .ColHidden(i) = True
  21. Next i
  22. ' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  23. .FormatString = "Code|Mat Code|Mat Name|Description| |Usage|Unit|Conv Usage|Conv Unit|Create|Revision No|Ref Number|Draw Number|main Mat|PARENT|FLAG|LEVEL|ID|p_code|MType|MGroup|TypeCode|GroupCode"
  24. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, 0, 0, 0, .Cols - 1) = True
  25. While Not Rec.EOF
  26. str = "" & vbTab & "" & vbTab & "" & vbTab & "" & vbTab & Rec.Fields(0)
  27. .AddItem str
  28. .IsSubtotal(.Rows - 1) = True
  29. .RowOutlineLevel(.Rows - 1) = 1 'Rec!bom_level ' + 1
  30. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, .Rows - 1, 0, , .Cols - 1) = True
  31. .Cell(flexcpPicture, .Rows - 1, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(1).ExtractIcon
  32. .Cell(flexcpBackColor, .Rows - 1, 0, .Rows - 1, .Cols - 1) = LblTypeColor.BackColor
  33. .GetNode(.Rows - 1).Key = Rec.Fields(0)
  34. ' add hidden node (we'll handle this when the user expands it)
  35. .AddItem ""
  36. .IsSubtotal(.Rows - 1) = True
  37. .RowOutlineLevel(.Rows - 1) = .RowOutlineLevel(.Rows - 2) + 1
  38. Rec.MoveNext
  39. Wend
  40. For i = 4 To 12
  41. .AutoSize i
  42. Next
  44. For i = 1 To .Rows - 1
  45. .IsCollapsed(i) = flexOutlineCollapsed
  46. Next
  48. End With
  49. LoadTree = True
  50. Set Rec = Nothing
  51. HELL:
  52. If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  53. LoadTree = False
  54. Set Rec = Nothing
  55. Call LogActivities(Now(), "", Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description, "LoadTree() As Boolean", App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision, "", vTypeError)
  56. MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "LoadTreeMenu @ " & App.Title & "." & Me.Caption
  57. End If
  58. End Function
  62. Private Sub ExpandRow(ByVal R&)
  63. Dim str As String
  64. Dim sql As String
  65. Dim encrypt As String
  66. Dim qty As String
  67. Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset
  69. With fgStructures
  70. ' make it fast
  71. .Redraw = flexRDNone
  72. MousePointer = 11
  73. ' get information for new items
  74. Dim RsTmp As New ADODB.Recordset
  75. Dim i&, iPos&, iLvl&
  76. Dim StrNodeCode As String
  77. iPos = R + 1
  78. iLvl = .RowOutlineLevel(R) + 1
  79. 'cari kode node bom, item yang diselect
  80. If iLvl = 2 Then
  81. StrNodeCode = fgStructures.TextMatrix(R, 4)
  82. str = "SELECT DISTINCT Group_Name from v_materials " & _
  83. "WHERE Type_name = '" & StrNodeCode & "' " & _
  84. "Order By Group_Name" 'cari root
  85. Set RsTmp = oConn.ExecuteSQL(str, True)
  86. While Not RsTmp.EOF
  87. str = "" & vbTab & "" & vbTab & "" & vbTab & StrNodeCode & vbTab & RsTmp.Fields(0)
  88. .AddItem str, iPos
  89. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  90. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl
  91. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = True
  92. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(1).ExtractIcon
  93. .Cell(flexcpBackColor, iPos, 0, iPos, .Cols - 1) = LblGroupColor.BackColor
  94. .GetNode(iPos).Key = StrNodeCode & "|" & RsTmp.Fields(0)
  95. ' add hidden node (we'll handle this when the user expands it)
  96. iPos = iPos + 1
  97. .AddItem "", iPos
  98. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  99. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl + 1
  100. RsTmp.MoveNext
  101. iPos = iPos + 1
  102. Wend
  103. ElseIf iLvl = 3 Then
  104. 'cari Root
  105. StrNodeCode = .GetNode(R).Key
  106. str = "SELECT * from v_bill_of_materials " & _
  107. "WHERE parent_code = '0' and priority = 0 and " & _
  108. "MatType+'|'+Matgroup = '" & StrNodeCode & "' "
  109. Set RsTmp = oConn.ExecuteSQL(str, True)
  110. While Not RsTmp.EOF
  111. encrypt = IsValue(RsTmp!encript)
  112. If encrypt = "" Then encrypt = False
  113. If encrypt = True Then
  114. GroupName = oConn.LookUpTable("t_usermenu", "group_name", "user_name = '" & pubVar_UserName & "'")
  115. If oConn.LookUpTable("t_param", "ID", "param_name = 'decript' and param_value = '" & GroupName & "'") <> "" Then
  116. sql = "select dbo.Fn_LoadCript('" & IsValue(RsTmp!qty_usage) & "') as val"
  117. Set Rs = oConn.ExecuteSQL(sql, True)
  118. qty = IsValue(Rs("Val"))
  119. str = RsTmp!code & vbTab & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & vbTab & _
  120. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & vbTab & _
  121. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & vbTab & _
  122. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & " - " & _
  123. IsValue(RsTmp!brand) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!Model) & " - " & _
  124. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_color) & vbTab & _
  125. Format(qty, "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  126. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_usage_name) & vbTab & _
  127. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_conv), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  128. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_conv_name) & vbTab & _
  129. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!define_date), "dd-mmm-yyyy") & vbTab & _
  130. IsValue(RsTmp!Revision_no) & vbTab
  131. str = str & _
  132. IsValue(RsTmp!ref_no) & vbTab & _
  133. IsValue(RsTmp!draw_no) & vbTab & _
  134. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_main_code) & vbTab & _
  135. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_code) & vbTab & _
  136. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_flag) & vbTab & _
  137. IsValue(RsTmp!bom_level) & vbTab & _
  138. IsValue(RsTmp!ID) & vbTab & _
  139. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code) & vbTab & _
  140. IsValue(RsTmp!MatType) & vbTab & _
  141. IsValue(RsTmp!MatGroup) & vbTab & _
  142. IsValue(RsTmp!Type_Code) & vbTab & _
  143. IsValue(RsTmp!Group_Code) & vbTab & _
  144. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code)
  145. .AddItem str, iPos
  146. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  147. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl
  148. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = True
  149. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(1).ExtractIcon
  150. .Cell(flexcpBackColor, iPos, 0, iPos, .Cols - 1) = LblParentColor.BackColor
  151. .GetNode(iPos).Key = "P" & RsTmp!ID
  152. ' add hidden node (we'll handle this when the user expands it)
  153. iPos = iPos + 1
  154. .AddItem "", iPos
  155. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  156. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl + 1
  157. RsTmp.MoveNext
  158. iPos = iPos + 1
  159. Else
  160. str = RsTmp!code & vbTab & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & vbTab & _
  161. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & vbTab & _
  162. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & vbTab & _
  163. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & " - " & _
  164. IsValue(RsTmp!brand) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!Model) & " - " & _
  165. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_color) & vbTab & _
  166. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_usage), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  167. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_usage_name) & vbTab & _
  168. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_conv), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  169. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_conv_name) & vbTab & _
  170. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!define_date), "dd-mmm-yyyy") & vbTab & _
  171. IsValue(RsTmp!Revision_no) & vbTab
  172. str = str & _
  173. IsValue(RsTmp!ref_no) & vbTab & _
  174. IsValue(RsTmp!draw_no) & vbTab & _
  175. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_main_code) & vbTab & _
  176. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_code) & vbTab & _
  177. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_flag) & vbTab & _
  178. IsValue(RsTmp!bom_level) & vbTab & _
  179. IsValue(RsTmp!ID) & vbTab & _
  180. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code) & vbTab & _
  181. IsValue(RsTmp!MatType) & vbTab & _
  182. IsValue(RsTmp!MatGroup) & vbTab & _
  183. IsValue(RsTmp!Type_Code) & vbTab & _
  184. IsValue(RsTmp!Group_Code) & vbTab & _
  185. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code)
  186. .AddItem str, iPos
  187. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  188. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl
  189. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = True
  190. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(1).ExtractIcon
  191. .Cell(flexcpBackColor, iPos, 0, iPos, .Cols - 1) = LblParentColor.BackColor
  192. .GetNode(iPos).Key = "P" & RsTmp!ID
  193. ' add hidden node (we'll handle this when the user expands it)
  194. iPos = iPos + 1
  195. .AddItem "", iPos
  196. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  197. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl + 1
  198. RsTmp.MoveNext
  199. iPos = iPos + 1
  200. End If
  202. '--- decript
  203. Else
  204. str = RsTmp!code & vbTab & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & vbTab & _
  205. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & vbTab & _
  206. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & vbTab & _
  207. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & " - " & _
  208. IsValue(RsTmp!brand) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!Model) & " - " & _
  209. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_color) & vbTab & _
  210. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_usage), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  211. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_usage_name) & vbTab & _
  212. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_conv), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  213. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_conv_name) & vbTab & _
  214. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!define_date), "dd-mmm-yyyy") & vbTab & _
  215. IsValue(RsTmp!Revision_no) & vbTab
  216. str = str & _
  217. IsValue(RsTmp!ref_no) & vbTab & _
  218. IsValue(RsTmp!draw_no) & vbTab & _
  219. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_main_code) & vbTab & _
  220. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_code) & vbTab & _
  221. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_flag) & vbTab & _
  222. IsValue(RsTmp!bom_level) & vbTab & _
  223. IsValue(RsTmp!ID) & vbTab & _
  224. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code) & vbTab & _
  225. IsValue(RsTmp!MatType) & vbTab & _
  226. IsValue(RsTmp!MatGroup) & vbTab & _
  227. IsValue(RsTmp!Type_Code) & vbTab & _
  228. IsValue(RsTmp!Group_Code) & vbTab & _
  229. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code)
  230. .AddItem str, iPos
  231. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  232. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl
  233. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = True
  234. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(1).ExtractIcon
  235. .Cell(flexcpBackColor, iPos, 0, iPos, .Cols - 1) = LblParentColor.BackColor
  236. .GetNode(iPos).Key = "P" & RsTmp!ID
  237. ' add hidden node (we'll handle this when the user expands it)
  238. iPos = iPos + 1
  239. .AddItem "", iPos
  240. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  241. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl + 1
  242. RsTmp.MoveNext
  243. iPos = iPos + 1
  245. End If
  246. Wend
  247. Else
  249. StrNodeCode = oConn.LookUpTable("v_bill_of_materials", "code", _
  250. "mat_code='" & fgStructures.TextMatrix(R, 1) & "' " & _
  251. " and parent_code = '0' and priority = 0 ")
  252. End If
  253. str = "select * from v_bill_of_materials " & _
  254. "WHERE parent_Code = '" & StrNodeCode & "' and priority = 0 " & _
  255. "ORDER BY Parent_Code, mat_code"
  256. Set RsTmp = oConn.ExecuteSQL(str, True)
  257. While Not RsTmp.EOF
  258. encrypt = IsValue(RsTmp!encript)
  259. If encrypt = "" Then encrypt = False
  260. If encrypt = True Then
  261. GroupName = oConn.LookUpTable("t_usermenu", "group_name", "user_name = '" & pubVar_UserName & "'")
  262. If oConn.LookUpTable("t_param", "ID", "param_name = 'decript' and param_value = '" & GroupName & "'") <> "" Then
  263. sql = "select dbo.Fn_LoadCript('" & IsValue(RsTmp!qty_usage) & "') as val"
  264. Set Rs = oConn.ExecuteSQL(sql, True)
  265. qty = IsValue(Rs("Val"))
  266. str = RsTmp!code & vbTab & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & vbTab & _
  267. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & vbTab & _
  268. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & vbTab & _
  269. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & " - " & _
  270. IsValue(RsTmp!brand) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!Model) & " - " & _
  271. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_color) & vbTab & _
  272. Format(qty, "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  273. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_usage_name) & vbTab & _
  274. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_conv), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  275. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_conv_name) & vbTab & _
  276. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!define_date), "dd-mmm-yyyy") & vbTab & _
  277. IsValue(RsTmp!Revision_no) & vbTab
  278. str = str & _
  279. IsValue(RsTmp!ref_no) & vbTab & _
  280. IsValue(RsTmp!draw_no) & vbTab & _
  281. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_main_code) & vbTab & _
  282. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_code) & vbTab & _
  283. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_flag) & vbTab & _
  284. IsValue(RsTmp!bom_level) & vbTab & _
  285. IsValue(RsTmp!ID) & vbTab & _
  286. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code) & vbTab & _
  287. IsValue(RsTmp!MatType) & vbTab & _
  288. IsValue(RsTmp!MatGroup) & vbTab & _
  289. IsValue(RsTmp!Type_Code) & vbTab & _
  290. IsValue(RsTmp!Group_Code) & vbTab & _
  291. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code)
  293. .AddItem str, iPos
  294. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  295. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl
  296. .Cell(flexcpBackColor, iPos, 0, iPos, .Cols - 1) = LblChildColor.BackColor
  297. If RsTmp.Fields("Parent_flag") Then
  298. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = True
  299. If RsTmp!parent_code = "0" Then
  300. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(1).ExtractIcon
  301. Else
  302. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(2).ExtractIcon
  303. End If
  304. .GetNode(iPos).Key = "P" & RsTmp!ID
  305. ' add hidden node (we'll handle this when the user expands it)
  306. iPos = iPos + 1
  307. .AddItem "", iPos
  308. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  309. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl + 1
  310. Else
  311. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = False
  312. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(4).ExtractIcon
  313. .GetNode(iPos).Key = "C" & RsTmp!ID
  314. End If
  315. iPos = iPos + 1
  316. RsTmp.MoveNext
  317. Else
  318. str = RsTmp!code & vbTab & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & vbTab & _
  319. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & vbTab & _
  320. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & vbTab & _
  321. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & " - " & _
  322. IsValue(RsTmp!brand) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!Model) & " - " & _
  323. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_color) & vbTab & _
  324. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_usage), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  325. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_usage_name) & vbTab & _
  326. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_conv), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  327. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_conv_name) & vbTab & _
  328. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!define_date), "dd-mmm-yyyy") & vbTab & _
  329. IsValue(RsTmp!Revision_no) & vbTab
  330. str = str & _
  331. IsValue(RsTmp!ref_no) & vbTab & _
  332. IsValue(RsTmp!draw_no) & vbTab & _
  333. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_main_code) & vbTab & _
  334. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_code) & vbTab & _
  335. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_flag) & vbTab & _
  336. IsValue(RsTmp!bom_level) & vbTab & _
  337. IsValue(RsTmp!ID) & vbTab & _
  338. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code) & vbTab & _
  339. IsValue(RsTmp!MatType) & vbTab & _
  340. IsValue(RsTmp!MatGroup) & vbTab & _
  341. IsValue(RsTmp!Type_Code) & vbTab & _
  342. IsValue(RsTmp!Group_Code) & vbTab & _
  343. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code)
  345. .AddItem str, iPos
  346. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  347. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl
  348. .Cell(flexcpBackColor, iPos, 0, iPos, .Cols - 1) = LblChildColor.BackColor
  349. If RsTmp.Fields("Parent_flag") Then
  350. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = True
  351. If RsTmp!parent_code = "0" Then
  352. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(1).ExtractIcon
  353. Else
  354. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(2).ExtractIcon
  355. End If
  356. .GetNode(iPos).Key = "P" & RsTmp!ID
  357. ' add hidden node (we'll handle this when the user expands it)
  358. iPos = iPos + 1
  359. .AddItem "", iPos
  360. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  361. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl + 1
  362. Else
  363. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = False
  364. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(4).ExtractIcon
  365. .GetNode(iPos).Key = "C" & RsTmp!ID
  366. End If
  367. iPos = iPos + 1
  368. RsTmp.MoveNext
  369. End If
  370. Else
  371. str = RsTmp!code & vbTab & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & vbTab & _
  372. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & vbTab & _
  373. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & vbTab & _
  374. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_code) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_name) & " - " & _
  375. IsValue(RsTmp!brand) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!Model) & " - " & _
  376. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_desc) & " - " & IsValue(RsTmp!mat_color) & vbTab & _
  377. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_usage), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  378. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_usage_name) & vbTab & _
  379. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!qty_conv), "###,###,##0.############") & vbTab & _
  380. IsValue(RsTmp!uom_conv_name) & vbTab & _
  381. Format(IsValue(RsTmp!define_date), "dd-mmm-yyyy") & vbTab & _
  382. IsValue(RsTmp!Revision_no) & vbTab
  383. str = str & _
  384. IsValue(RsTmp!ref_no) & vbTab & _
  385. IsValue(RsTmp!draw_no) & vbTab & _
  386. IsValue(RsTmp!mat_main_code) & vbTab & _
  387. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_code) & vbTab & _
  388. IsValue(RsTmp!parent_flag) & vbTab & _
  389. IsValue(RsTmp!bom_level) & vbTab & _
  390. IsValue(RsTmp!ID) & vbTab & _
  391. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code) & vbTab & _
  392. IsValue(RsTmp!MatType) & vbTab & _
  393. IsValue(RsTmp!MatGroup) & vbTab & _
  394. IsValue(RsTmp!Type_Code) & vbTab & _
  395. IsValue(RsTmp!Group_Code) & vbTab & _
  396. IsValue(RsTmp!p_code)
  398. .AddItem str, iPos
  399. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  400. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl
  401. .Cell(flexcpBackColor, iPos, 0, iPos, .Cols - 1) = LblChildColor.BackColor
  402. If RsTmp.Fields("Parent_flag") Then
  403. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = True
  404. If RsTmp!parent_code = "0" Then
  405. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(1).ExtractIcon
  406. Else
  407. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(2).ExtractIcon
  408. End If
  409. .GetNode(iPos).Key = "P" & RsTmp!ID
  410. ' add hidden node (we'll handle this when the user expands it)
  411. iPos = iPos + 1
  412. .AddItem "", iPos
  413. .IsSubtotal(iPos) = True
  414. .RowOutlineLevel(iPos) = iLvl + 1
  415. Else
  416. .Cell(flexcpFontBold, iPos, 0, , .Cols - 1) = False
  417. .Cell(flexcpPicture, iPos, .OutlineCol) = imgListTree.ListImages.Item(4).ExtractIcon
  418. .GetNode(iPos).Key = "C" & RsTmp!ID
  419. End If
  420. iPos = iPos + 1
  421. RsTmp.MoveNext
  422. End If
  423. Wend
  425. End If
  426. 'fgStructures.Tag = str
  427. RsTmp.Close
  428. Set RsTmp = Nothing
  429. ' collapse the items we just added
  430. For i = R + 1 To iPos - 1
  431. If .IsSubtotal(i) Then .IsCollapsed(i) = flexOutlineCollapsed
  432. Next
  434. For i = 4 To 12
  435. .AutoSize i
  436. Next
  437. If .ColWidth(4) < LblTypeColor.Width Then .ColWidth(4) = LblTypeColor.Width
  438. ' ready to redraw
  439. MousePointer = 0
  440. .Redraw = flexRDBuffered
  441. .Row = R
  443. End With
  444. End Sub
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