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Dec 28th, 2017
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  1. <bundleOfNerves> morning
  2. <Zero_> Good bundle
  3. * Brom (~chatzilla@7CE578C9.8464465C.C661C33B.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  4. <bundleOfNerves> zero why do you have an underscore after your name like a chump?
  5. <bundleOfNerves> a chump that didn't register their nick
  6. <Zero_> Because a long time ago someone took the name Zero and I haven't been able to take it
  7. <Zero_> So I have accepted to be the most inferior of Zeroes
  8. <Zero_> As is tradition through my whole life.
  9. <bundleOfNerves> why did you pick such an obviously taken nick in the first place?
  10. <Zero_> It is the first word to the title of my quest, Zero Sum
  11. <bundleOfNerves> oh
  12. <Zero_> You ask the strangest questions bundle.
  13. <bundleOfNerves> that is factually untrue
  14. <Zero_> Oh, ask me another question then.
  15. * Brom (~chatzilla@7CE578C9.8464465C.C661C33B.IP) has joined #tgchan
  16. <bundleOfNerves> why didn't you name yourself zero sum, which is less likely to be taken?
  17. <Zero_> Because that is the quest, not the Zero.
  18. <Zero_> It's like if I named myself Zero: The Quest
  19. <Zero_> But everyone would call that stupid
  20. <bundleOfNerves> it's not really on the same level of stupid
  21. <Zero_> Okay, well conceptually it is. How about some intriguing questions instead of ones about a name choice.
  22. <bundleOfNerves> hmm, you could just decree that 'zero_' is the first word and space of the quest title
  23. <Zero_> But it clearly isn't, and clearly that's MORE stupid
  24. <bundleOfNerves> better than zero plus an unrelated underscore
  25. <Zero_> I feel like I'm being unfairly judged here.
  26. <bundleOfNerves> .note anon-on what does guitar 'set up' mean and why is the guy taking a screwdriver to my borrowed guitar?
  27. <bundleOfNerves> Zero_: judging would imply i actually care about your name
  28. <Zero_> How is this then; Why're you being rude
  29. <bundleOfNerves> and about its superfluous underscore
  30. <bundleOfNerves> oh sorry, didn't mean to be rude, i'll stop
  31. <Kejardon_> I don't think people called bitequest stupid
  32. <bundleOfNerves> whoa here's a name i haven't seen in a long time
  33. <bundleOfNerves> kejardon that is, not bite
  34. <Zero_> Like, I get why you have to ask. But don't go ahead and say 'I don't care' after, evidently you do to ask so intently about my name for no good reason.
  35. <bundleOfNerves> well, i was asking because i'm waiting around and was bored
  36. <bundleOfNerves> and i remember overlord used to loath his underscore, so i thought i'd try teasing you about it
  37. <Zero_> I'm glad to be your momentary distraction?
  38. <bundleOfNerves> realize most of life is a momentary distraction, right?
  39. <bundleOfNerves> at least most of my life is
  40. <Zero_> I feel like I shouldn't be someone's curiosity unless it's for good reason is all.
  41. <Kejardon_> I stopped hanging around in the irc channel because it seemed to be a lot of noise I didn't care about, but people were saying it's gotten better
  42. <bundleOfNerves> i was just making conversation. i guess it went in a too personal direction? sorry if it did, i didn't notice
  43. <Huckebein> Zero quit being a cunt
  44. <bundleOfNerves> Kejardon_: it has?
  45. <Zero_> I'm not.
  46. <bundleOfNerves> Huckebein: it's fine, leave it
  47. <Huckebein> Yes, you're not quitting it. That's why I'm telling you to.
  48. <Zero_> I'm not being a cunt, mind your own beeswax.
  49. <Huckebein> Let me put it this way, Zero.
  50. <bundleOfNerves> huck, it's fine, he didn't say anything out of place
  51. <Borgachev> Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunt.
  52. * ChanServ sets mode: +h Huckebein
  53. <%Huckebein> shut the fuck up, Zero
  54. <bundleOfNerves> please don't
  55. <bundleOfNerves> dammit, i legit wanted to know if i did something that bothered him, and he answered me
  56. * Delian grabs some popcorn
  57. -
  58. Slinko is * ...
  59. Slinko on #neumonofacts @#tgchan
  60. Slinko using * Where are you?
  61. Slinko has identified for this nick
  62. Slinko End of /WHOIS list.
  63. -
  64. <Kejardon_> bundleOfNerves: I dunno, I figured I'd at least give it a while before deciding to leave again
  65. <bundleOfNerves> ugh now he can't talk here, dammit huck why, now i feel guilty
  66. <%Huckebein> Don't feel guilty
  67. <bundleOfNerves> sorry zero, i didn't mean for that to happen
  68. * Serpens ( has joined #tgchan
  69. * mageyphone_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  70. * mageyphone ( has joined #tgchan
  71. <Delian> Hucke next Blue update when?
  72. * Dasaki ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  73. <%Huckebein> When Tampa is nuked out of existence
  74. <Borgachev> What do you have against tampons?
  75. <Delian> How long will that take?
  76. <%Huckebein> no idea
  77. <Delian> What's a Tampa anyway
  78. <%Huckebein> a city in Florida
  79. <Arkomeda> Im playing game
  80. <Arkomeda> CAPITALISM HO!
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