
Youth Tonic (Gaelan)

Jan 29th, 2020
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  1. Gaelan had set up his standard brewing set within his room, prior to obtaining the reagents. He teen lets out a yawn before he opens his satchel and lays out the needed ingredients. He names them off as he takes them out. Reciting what he needed from memory.
  4. "Two Amber,
  5. one Alessa,
  6. two Glowing Mushrooms,
  7. three Demon Horns,
  8. ten Fairy Powder,
  9. and... one Lotus Flower."
  12. Once has laid them out in a good manner he takes out the book once more, and props it up on a lectern next to his work space. He flipped back to the page he needed. It took him a bit to find what he needed. "Hmmm.... Ah ha!" He excitedly exclaimed. He found the page. Youth Tonic
  14. He teen settles himself for quite the long brew. With the amount of needed ingredients no doubt this will take an exuberant amount of time. With a light sigh, he would begin.
  16. First he takes the two small pieces of amber that was required for the first step. He placed them within a boiling flask, and dialed up the heat. This was gunna take sometime. The process needed to be a slow and timely burn as he needed to liquefy the amber and begin the distilling process. During this time he would start the next step, since it didn't need any other aspect to be done with yet. In fact it was required that he did this now.
  18. He continued to follow along with the grimoire's instructions. The teen needed to grind up the Alessa into a fine powder and set in a fine extract of the Glowing Mushrooms. Gaelan took out gloves and a light press. A small flask was placed at the base of the contraption, to collect the fluids. He started to press against the harsh fungus and a light green extract was released into the container. After all the liquids were extruded, he took the flask and swirled it around.
  20. He placed it back on the table and started the next part. A mortar and pestle was taken out and placed on the table. He placed the Alessa within it and started to grind the flora into a fine pulp. Once that was dealt with he placed the ground Alessa into the Mushroom extract. Light hissing was made once they made contact with each other. Small bubbles started to form. Quickly he placed it within the distillation process. The amber from earlier finally had liquified and started to fume up.
  22. He finished just in time. As the amber needed to drip into the main flask. A tube was connected to the flask to allow the excess gasses to flow off. They weren't needed however it was gathered at the end of the setup for later use in the final stages.
  24. While that was going on he cleaned out his mortar and started to grind the three demon horns into a fine powder. Once he finished that, he took five containers of fairy powder and places it with it. These needed to brew together. He started another set of flasks and turned up the heat. As it started to heat up water was poured into the flask after the powders were heated greatly. A hostile hiss was made as the two opposite powders conflicted with each other. This was left unbothered for sometime.
  26. He let both of the flasks brew for some time as he just relaxed for a bit. Thinking on how strange it will be once his sister was made younger again. How young would she end up being anyway? His age? He wasn't able to finish thinking on the matter as he needed to get back to work.
  28. Gaelan reached over and gingerly turned down the heat on the primary flask. And once it cooled down naturally he took it and places it next to the other flask that was brewing in conjuncture. He did the same process as the other one. They both were set next to each other.
  30. Blue hues looked over to the book, and continued to read it. After he understood the next step he took the two of them and slowly poured one into the other. A puff of purple smoke was made as the liquid turned white. That didn't last long, since it became transparent. This was still going well, he thought.
  32. The next step was pouring the remaining fairy powder into the flask and allow it to sit. Once he poured the powder into the flask it sunk to the bottom and pooled there undisturbed; As he started to place it within the starting set up again. It needed to be distilled once more. So he turned up the heat and started the process once more. The receiving end held the Lotus Flower. Sat within the final flask needed.
  34. The teen waited for a while before the transparent liquid became gaseous and dipped into the flask with the Lotus within. While this started the gas he collected during the first process was released into it. It was used to fumigate the flower. A light shined within as this took place. As well as light hissing. This went on for sometime as he waited.
  36. After a while, everything calmed down as the final product was brewed. It had become a light yellow substance. He removed it from the setup and quickly capped it off. He had finished it! "Phew. Lets hope I did this right!" He said
  37. (Gaelan Fenrir)
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