

Nov 29th, 2017
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  1. #Thank you for using my ChatCore V2.0.6 1.12.2 Skript#
  2. #This has been recently updated for 1.12.2 compatibility#
  3. #Be sure to check out my other Skripts and Plugins below#
  4. #Just copy and paste the following links into your browser or search engine#
  5. #
  6. #
  7. #
  8. #Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy my plugin!#
  11. # Put any words you wish to block below.
  12. options:
  13. BlockedWords: ".com" or ".net" or ".co" or ".us" or ".uk" or ".ws" or ".tk" or ".org" or ".to" or "dot." or "dot," or "(dot)" or ".192" or "dot" or ".aternos" or ".tech" or ".edu" or "DOT" or " , " or ".de" or ".tl" or ".nl" or ".be" or ".me" or ".info" or ".ly" or ".onion" or ".bit" or ".pl" or ".gl" or ".tv" or ".gs" or ".myserver" or ".club" or ".space" or ".design" or ".rent" or ".bid" or ".trade" or ".webcam" or ".press" or ".io" or ".ca" or ".college" or ".host" or ".es" or ".yoga" or ".financial" or ".flights" or ".guitars" or ".xyz" or ".dj" or ".is" or ".hub" or ".server" or ".webcam" or ".ninja" or ".financial" or ".ca" or ".eu" or ".esy"
  14. Version: V 2.0.6
  15. Warning: &7Clearing Entities In
  16. command /clearchat:
  17. permission: chatcore.clearchat
  18. trigger:
  19. broadcast "&7"
  20. loop 150 times:
  21. broadcast ""
  22. broadcast ""
  23. broadcast "&4Chat has been cleared by an administrator"
  24. stop
  25. command /cc [<text>]:
  26. permission:
  27. permission message: &cYou currently do not have the required permissions to execute this command. Please contact a server administrator if this is wrong! ChatCore.Admin.Help
  28. trigger:
  29. if arg 1 is not set:
  30. send "&cIncorrect usage. Try, /cc help"
  31. if arg 1 is "help":
  32. send "&6Chat&7Core Mini Help 1:"
  33. send "&8- &7/clearchat"
  34. send "&8- &7/cc disable"
  35. send "&8- &7/cc enable"
  36. send "&8- &7/cc reload"
  37. send "&8- &7/chatcore"
  38. send "&8- &7/antiswear"
  39. send "&8- &7/cc help2"
  40. if arg 1 is "help2":
  41. send "&6Chat&7Core Mini Help 2:"
  42. send "&8- &7/cc ping"
  43. send "&8- &7/cc help"
  44. send "&8- &7/cc permissions"
  45. send "&8- &7/blockedwords &aNew"
  46. send "&8- &7/lagg clear &aNew"
  47. send "&8- &7/cc &aNew"
  48. send "&8- &7/clearmychat &aNew"
  49. if arg 1 is "permissions":
  50. send "&7 &6&k;;&r &e&lC H A T C O R E {@Version} &6&k;;"
  51. send "&8- &7ChatCore.Bypass"
  52. send "&8- &7ChatCore.Admin"
  53. send "&8- &7ChatCore.Bypass"
  54. send "&8- &7ChatCore.Admin.Help"
  55. send "&8- &7ChatCore.Clearchat"
  56. send "&8- &7ChatCore.Clearmychat &aNew"
  57. send "&8- &7ChatCore.Clearentities &aNew"
  58. if arg 1 is "disable":
  59. set {chat} to false
  60. broadcast "&cChat has been disabled by an administrator."
  61. if arg 1 is "enable":
  62. set {chat} to true
  63. broadcast "&aChat has been enabled by an administator."
  64. if arg 1 is "reload":
  65. broadcast "&cChatCore {@Version} is reloading.."
  66. make player execute command "/sk reload ChatCore"
  67. wait 7 seconds
  68. broadcast "&aChatCore {@Version} has succesfully reloaded!"
  69. broadcast "&aPlease report any issues on the Spigot page!"
  70. if arg 1 is "ping":
  71. send "&cThis feature has been temporarily disabled by the developer"
  72. command /chatcore:
  73. trigger:
  74. send "&7 &6&k;;&r &e&lC H A T C O R E {@Version} &6&k;;"
  75. send "&7"
  76. send "&7ChatCore ( Free ) is a all in one chat control alternative skript developed entirely by &6FrostedWeFall&7!"
  77. send "&7This server is running ChatCore {@Version}"
  78. send "&7"
  79. command /antiswear:
  80. trigger:
  81. send "&cThis feature has been disabled by the developer and has been replaced with the Word Blocker."
  82. command /blockedwords:
  83. trigger:
  84. send "&7 &6&k;;&r &e&lB l o c k e d A d W o r d s &6&k;;"
  85. send ""
  86. send "&, .net, .co, .us, .uk, .ws, .tk, .org, .to, dot., dot, (dot), .192, dot, .aternos, .tech, .edu, DOT, .de, .tl, .nl, .be, .me, .info, .ly, .onion, .bit, .pl, .gl, .tv, .gs, .myserver, .club, .space, .design, .rent, .bid, .trade, .webcam, .press, .io, .ca, .college, .host, .es, .yoga, .financial, .flights, .guitars, .xyz, .dj , .is, .hub, .server, .webcam, .ninja, .financial, .ca, .eu, .esy"
  87. send ""
  88. on command:
  89. if command is "pl":
  90. if player doesn't have permission "chatcore.admin":
  91. send "&cYou do not have the permission chatcore.admin and therefore cannot perform this operation. Please contact your server administrator if this is wrong."
  92. cancel event
  93. if command is "bukkit:pl":
  94. if player doesn't have permission "chatcore.admin":
  95. send "&cYou do not have the permission chatcore.admin and therefore cannot perform this operation. Please contact your server administrator if this is wrong."
  96. cancel event
  97. if command is "plugins":
  98. if player doesn't have permission "chatcore.admin":
  99. send "&cYou do not have the permission chatcore.admin and therefore cannot perform this operation. Please contact your server administrator if this is wrong."
  100. cancel event
  101. on chat:
  102. if message contains {@BlockedWords}:
  103. cancel event
  104. make console execute command "/mute %player% 5m"
  105. send "&7&m-------------------------"
  106. send "&cPlease do not attempt to advertise"
  107. send "&7&m-------------------------"
  108. on chat:
  109. if {chat} is false:
  110. if player has permission "chatcore.bypass":
  111. cancel event
  112. broadcast "&9%player's displayname%&8: &f%message%"
  113. else:
  114. cancel event
  115. send "&cChat has been disabled by an administrator&8!"
  116. else:
  117. cancel event
  118. broadcast "&9%player's displayname%&8: &f%message%"
  121. # Experimental Commands + Disabled commands will go below here ( Idea from SimpleChat Skript ) #
  123. command /clearmychat:
  124. permission: chatcore.clearmychat
  125. trigger:
  126. message "&7"
  127. loop 150 times:
  128. message ""
  129. message ""
  130. message "&4Your chat has been cleared!"
  131. stop
  133. every 10 minutes:
  134. broadcast "{@Warning} &c1 &7Minute!"
  135. wait 57 seconds
  136. broadcast "{@Warning} &c3 &7Seconds!"
  137. wait 1 seconds
  138. broadcast "{@Warning} &c2 &7Seconds!"
  139. wait 1 seconds
  140. broadcast "{@Warning} &c1 &7Seconds!"
  141. wait 1 seconds
  142. make server execute command "/lagg clear"
  144. command /lagg [<text>] [<integer>]:
  145. trigger:
  146. if player has permission "chatcore.clearentities":
  147. if arg 1 is "clear":
  148. clear {_count}
  149. loop all arrows:
  150. clear loop-entity
  151. add 1 to {_count}
  152. loop entities:
  153. loop-entity is a dropped item
  154. clear loop-entity
  155. add 1 to {_count}
  156. if {_count} is not set:
  157. set {_count} to 0
  158. broadcast "&c%{_count}% &7entities have been removed from the server!"
  161. # Find that here #
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