
The King of Storms

Sep 20th, 2015
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  1. 21:12 Sylum *KRAKKOOOOM*
  2. 21:23 Sylum A storm was coming, huge and powerful. Heading right for the 'simple' city of Neon. Strange thing is it only heading for Neon, the perfect size for it, and boat that even goes near it is destroyed in lightning. Not even the eye is calm. Its a swirling vortex of lightning and death, but its just a storm. Shouldn't be a problem. right?
  3. 21:31 *** ATM quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.92 [Firefox 40.0.3/20150826023504])
  4. 21:33 Sylum The storm was over Neon, rain, hail, winds not even a goat man could handle. However things felt, wrong. Anyone who had any control of magic could feel it. But most heroes were to busy helping the normmies get to shelter to notice
  5. 21:35 *** TheLantern joined #covenger_rp
  6. 21:45 *** Rhoms is now known as Drathagan
  7. 21:46 *** AnnaClaskovic left #covenger_rp
  8. 21:47 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne was on crowd control. She hated crowd control. Moving civilians to shelters and making sure the crowds dispersed to keep emergency lanes clear was like herding cats. Everybody was throwing up a fit, and very rarely would you get a citizen to cooperate. Even the Evolutionary insignia meant fuck-all to them, and it as hard enough dealing with the influx of cars as people panicked in...
  9. 21:47 McGoFuckYourself ...the severe weather. Thank fuck she didn't mind the weather itself. Her clothes were soaked, her leather jacket getting whipped back and forth by the winds, desperately trying to hold her skirt down, but it was one of those rare moments she could actually feel the wind and the rain against her skin. Which was nice, in a way. As she cleared out another crowd, the metal girl sighed to...
  10. 21:47 McGoFuckYourself ...herself. She just /had/ to call the Cap a dumbass to his face. Her fucking attitude constantly getting her into trouble and shit duties like this one. Goddamn.
  11. 21:47 TheLantern has begun helping fortify the home for the coming storm
  12. 21:52 Isidora was standing with her arms crossed and a very, very furious look about her face, looking up at the storming sky with burning eyes. A storm. A really fucking big storm. For once not of her making, and for once she couldn't seem to do a damn thing to it. The more she tried to change it the more frustrated she got.
  13. 21:52 Isidora should be concerned, but in the moment was just righteously pissed.
  14. 21:52 The-Haze was guiding a passing people through shadows, never before had this ability ever been used to assist others in such a way so it was no surprise that he could only take a person or two in and out at a time considering he wasn't about to bite off more than he can chew. The crowds were getting to be rather awful, slowing down his pace and making him have to push through just to even be able to...
  15. 21:52 The-Haze ...start to get anything remotely done around here. The only reason he was bothering to assist all the civilians out here was because he was getting paid for it, and he was beginning to regret it now that he was soaked from head to toe, and this was the PERFECT time to go there in his typical uniform, wasn't it? He would have to be very lucky if he'd get through this without having to pay...
  16. 21:52 The-Haze ...for a replacement uniform, he couldn't complain all that much though, at least he had a bunch of shade around him. And being a guy with shadow based powers being in the dark was rather relaxing, comforting even, but that was damn near canceled out by the fact that he was wet as shit.
  17. 21:54 Drathagan stood under the shelter that was a side-shop's overhanging sign, giving only little protection from the rain that was already blowing his starry robes around with the wind, trying to dislodge a hat that seemed almost glued to the old man's head. He had been previously returning to visit a certain magic shop, but that appeared to be for another day now.
  18. 22:02 TheLantern After completing his storm prep, he waves his parents goodbye, as he begins his sprint to find any in need of assistance. Strapping on his bathing cap, he begins his leap to the city
  19. 22:04 Sylum The storm was getting worse, every 10 seconds lightning or thunder, ligtning landed ten feet away from Roxanne, giant chunks of ice lannding near Haze. The eye almost staring at Isidora
  20. 22:09 Isidora would stare right back at the 'eye'. It wasn't just that this was ruining her day. It wasn't just that there was some kind of other force behind this. It was that it had the goddamn balls to think it could fuck with her.
  21. 22:12 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne dragged herself through the city, down the streets as she stumbled in the weather. Any more civvies out? The wind threatened to yank her from her feet, and she struggled against the storm, glaring up at the sky.
  22. 22:12 McGoFuckYourself "Come on, you motherfucker! I've been hit by fucking lightning before, at least learn to fucking AIM PROPERLY."
  23. 22:13 Sylum Thunder, that kinda sounded like growling. Then Lightning came down, direct hit
  24. 22:14 The-Haze Noticing the ice hitting the ground close to him he felt like it was being hurdled directly at him, not like that was physically possible considering it was a storm. He assumed that while pulling people out of the situation maybe he'd run into someone else doing the same, not that it'd help him in any way but he'd prefer it to going entirely solo. Other than that the only thought in his mind...
  25. 22:14 The-Haze ...was now made audible for all those around him to hear "I. Fucking. Hate. Storms."
  26. 22:15 Drathagan left his shelter to wander closer to the street using his jeweled staff as a walking aid. He took in the sights, sounds and feelings around him in an attempt to understand what he felt from the storm itself, stopping to look directly into the sky. "Ei' Oul to Nal'" was called into the clouds.
  27. 22:19 McGoFuckYourself Thrown backwards, clear off her feet. Knocked right onto her (admittedly fine) ass, skidding along the ground a dozen feet away. She groaned, lying on the soaked concrete, gazing up at the sky. A trembling hand raises, middle finger extended. "F-fuck. You."
  28. 26 Isidora in return for the lightning strike that came down, Isi threw two of her own back up into the clouds with very little aim, more or less out of blind wrath.
  29. 22:28 TheLantern Struggling against the wind, Sheldon shortens the jumps, eventually crawling to slow walk, fighting the galeforce with each step. Seeing a man trapped under a telephone wire, he rushes over, to help try to lift it off him
  30. 22:28 The-Haze was stumbling around aimlessly a bit as he continued to do his 'job', "This is fucking bullshit, really? Is nobody else out here?" he complained, having not seen anyone hanging around probably due to the fact that he most likely wasn't close enough to any of the other metas.
  31. 22:30 Sylum The Thunder and Lightning picked up, it was deafening and blinding all at once, The eye moving impossibly fast to right above Drathagan. Then, silence. The thunder, ice, wind everything
  32. 22:36 Sylum "Dhal"
  33. 22:38 McGoFuckYourself She pulled herself up. "Had to be magic. Fucking wasn't bad enough eing a regular storm, was it? Christ. This fucking city."
  34. 22:39 Sylum The word was booming, louder then anything else yet. Glass on the highest floors shattered, nearly making the people of Non deaf, problem is no one really knew what it said
  35. 22:40 The-Haze He instinctively covered his ears as the booming voice made itself heard, in turn he would shout back not realizing that this could very likely being a bad "Hey, just shut the fuck up! I don't CARE who you are, just shut the fuck up already!"
  36. 22:43 TheLantern looks around, trying to find the source of the booming noise
  37. 22:45 Breakdown had been sailing in the air above the clouds as he normally would when spotting a storm in the distance. Last thing he'd need would be for this balloon to take a bolt and create a one-man Hindenburg. Moved in awful fast. As the chaotic Maelstrom made its brief but raucous tour of the city, Break became concerned by its behavior. "One of those Alas...
  38. 22:46 Breakdown at it again?" He posited to himself as he brought the ship to descend through the dispersing clouds. There was quite a bit more damage done than expected. Some colleagues gathered around it as well, beset by a voice that made what remained of the area shudder. Break wasted no time clipping himself to a line and descending to the ground to meet the others...
  39. 22:46 Breakdown "Is anyone hurt? What's going on?" He asked, carrying in his Aid Bag.
  40. 22:46 Drathagan raised his staff to the sky. If he was surprised by the response then it simply couldn't be seen. "Tu' dul Spem' com'. Cease." replied the old man to the clouds. Out of context he'd look senile.
  41. 22:47 TheLantern Massive storm, and some kind of voice, Mr. Breakdown!
  42. 22:48 Sylum "YES"
  43. 22:48 Sylum "The language is weak"
  44. 22:50 Sylum Wind started again, forcing everyone near Drathagan. Right under the eye
  45. 22:52 The-Haze "Who the fuck is this old guy?" he questioned, because really, he had no fucking clue who this old guy was. He doubted he ever would.
  46. 22:53 McGoFuckYourself "The fuck is even going on!" She yelled out over the sound of the wind.
  47. 22:54 TheLantern is tossed near the group, before righting himself upright, bracing himself. Seeing the old man standing in the wind, he goes over to help him. "Excuse me, sir, it's not a good idea ti be out here!", he yells, resting a hand on Drathagan's back
  48. 22:55 Breakdown "Visitors are usually really vague with details! It can get really annoying!" Break shouted back over the gale as he's drawn in, fighting to stay on his feet.
  49. 22:55 Drathagan looked around himself and at the others, settling his gaze on Haze after pushing Lantern away from himself with the staff. "I am DRATHAGAN. And this storm is no storm you know."
  50. 22:56 McGoFuckYourself "Yeah! I fucking figured!"
  51. 22:56 McGoFuckYourself "Storms usually don't yell at me!"
  52. 22:56 *** Isidora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  53. 22:56 The-Haze "I'm pretty sure storms aren't supposed to throw fuckhuge chunks of ice directly at you either."
  54. 22:59 Breakdown "Speaking of yelling, can we tone down the wind so we can talk without shouting at each other, please!?" Break chimed in at the old man, figuring after that last statement, he had some sway over this system
  55. 22:59 *** DeftBeck is now known as JonsiMobile
  56. 23:00 Sylum The wind stopped, for everyne else, Break was still being tumbled around
  57. 23:00 McGoFuckYourself "Okay. So. Fucking rain. Now what."
  58. 23:01 TheLantern looks around, knowing full well this storm could start up once more
  59. 23:02 Drathagan went right back to staring into the eye of the storm. "It be not I that holds this weather. Ask the wind itself."
  60. 23:02 The-Haze "...This may be not be the right moment to ask, but does anyone have some goddamn towels around here? I'm fucking soaked."
  61. 23:04 McGoFuckYourself "I tried. The fucking winds shot me. I fucking hate lightning."
  62. 23:04 TheLantern Yeah, maybe it might not be a wise idea to antagonize the storm, ya know?
  63. 23:05 The-Haze "Maybe the storm should stop being such a dick then."
  64. 23:06 Breakdown "TELL ME ABOUT IT!" He called out, still being buffeted by high-speed winds
  65. 23:06 JonsiMobile came out of his shelter, squinting at the howling winds
  66. 23:07 JonsiMobile "I can only make wind. I have little control over winds of natural origin."
  67. 23:09 McGoFuckYourself "I've antagonized worse. Well, if the goddamn thing's talking, it's got a mind behind it. Ain't here just 'cause the winds pulled it this way, right? Gotta have a motive or somethin'."
  68. 23:10 Drathagan raised his staff to the sky again, droplets of rain splashing onto his thick shades. "Whal el Tu'? Tell us your true form!" was yelled into the clouds again.
  69. 23:11 Sylum The eye and clouds around it started to lower, forming a shape
  70. 23:11 Sylum "I am the son of the sea and sky"
  71. 23:12 Sylum "The devour of the unworthy"
  72. 23:12 Sylum "The thing all mortals fear in the cold night"
  73. 23:13 Sylum "Killer to the Ala"
  74. 23:13 Sylum "The being that shall whipe this place from history"
  75. 23:14 Sylum "I am Lyrroth, The King of Storms"
  76. 23:14 *** Sylum is now known as Lyrroth
  77. 23:15 Lyrroth "And your city shall be destroyed"
  78. 23:15 Lyrroth The thing was right above them, ten twenty feet. A fucking dragon
  79. 23:15 Lyrroth made of storms
  80. 23:18 Lyrroth His head was huge, able to eat them all in one bite. His neck streching up and up twisting back into the swirling storm he was
  81. 23:19 Drathagan turned to face the rest of his 'companions'. "Ah, this explains the problem. You've enraged an elder wyrm. Not many people have, bravo to you all." he said, his tone devoid of humor. This was a serious compliment to him.
  82. 23:21 TheLantern But, what did we do Neon City is such a nice place to live!
  83. 23:21 McGoFuckYourself "Oh for god's sake."
  84. 23:21 The-Haze "What is this? Like the 5th time this month alone that we've ran into bullshit like this?"
  85. 23:22 TheLantern "And, how do we stop that?" Lantern yells, pointing at the dragon
  86. 23:22 Lyrroth "You cant"
  87. 23:23 McGoFuckYourself "Fuck you! Yes we can."
  88. 23:23 The-Haze "It's just an asshole wyvern, right? What harm could it do?"
  89. 23:23 Breakdown "Why did you ask that...?"
  90. 23:25 Lyrroth The Storm resumed, even worse then before. Giant balls of ice as big as Lanterns head, rain that will soon bring a flood. And to top it all of, Lyrroth is a dragon, and he was getting ready to break some Lightning onto them
  91. 23:26 Drathagan strokes his beard in the rain, seemingly undisturbed by the current situation. "It is but a wyrm, strong as it may be. To save your city you'll simply have to fell the beast as you'd any other. Best to act quickly."
  92. 23:28 TheLantern "Alright, plan of attack, then, guys?"
  93. 23:28 McGoFuckYourself "We beat the shit out of it."
  94. 23:28 The-Haze "Simple, we just murder him to death."
  95. 23:31 Breakdown "I can try to buy us some time. Play distraction in The Grappelin and keep it off you guys"
  96. 23:34 TheLantern "Ya need assistance up there, Break?"
  97. 23:35 Breakdown "Only if you don't mind getting in a Dragon's face."
  98. 23:36 TheLantern "I live for it!" Lantern says, giving a goofy grin and a thumbs up
  99. 23:39 Lyrroth breathed a giant blast of lightning onto them, a good chunk heading for Roxanne
  100. 23:39 The-Haze "Guess I'll try to attack it from down here then, it's probably for the best to have people pretty much everywhere to attack this stupid fucking wyvern."
  101. 23:40 McGoFuckYourself "Not sure how I can fucking hit it ri-DUCK AND COVER." She turned and dove towards the ground, scrambling aay from the bolt.
  102. 23:42 McGoFuckYourself Only to get, for twice in one day, struck by it. A loud crack, a hot buzzing sound, and she's thrown a dozen feet across the ground. Again. She groaned, shifting on the ground. Not standing back up.
  103. 23:43 The-Haze somehow miraculously managing to avoid being hit by the blast of electricity he ran over to Roxanne, looking down at her "Hey, are you alright? We're going to need a whole bunch of fucking people up if we want to kill the asshole wyvern over there. So you going to get up or what?"
  104. 23:43 McGoFuckYourself "Hnngh."
  105. 23:44 Lyrroth roared, flying up and up before diving down, mouth wide open, sparkingling with lightning
  106. 23:44 Drathagan continued stroking his beard, a gaze casted at the zapped metallic girl. His staff was glowing with a feint energy as it absorbed the bolt directed for him. "Hrm. You'll have to do better than that."
  107. 23:44 Breakdown 's ears rang from the striking lighting as it blew him back a ways. He took a minute to regain his bearings as he thanked his goggles for ensuring he still had eyes at this moment. "This has already gone too far." Break said through curled lips. With a few presses of his remote, the Grappelin comes to bare, a pair of ropes hitting the ground...
  108. 23:45 Breakdown "Lantern, let's go!" He called out, clipping the line on
  109. 23:46 TheLantern "Gotcha!" Lantern says, as he begins to leap between buildings, before landing on the Frappelin's deck
  110. 23:53 Breakdown "Huh. I didn't know he could do that." He notes with an impressed tone before retracting the line. Zipping up to the deck, he ushered Lantern along to the Bridge with a sharp "C'mon, c'mon!" Once there, he flipped a few switches and levers, taking the vessel out of auto-pilot.
  111. 23:54 Lyrroth "Your flesh shall boil mortals!"
  112. 23:54 Lyrroth "Your flesh shall boil mortals!"*
  113. 23:55 TheLantern "So, what kind of gadgets you got on this ship, eh?"
  114. 23:55 McGoFuckYourself "I....I don't fucking boil well, dumbass!" She dragged herself off the ground. Again. "Gonna have to fucking do better than that!"
  115. 23:58 The-Haze "So how do you suggest we get to him from all the day down here.... seems really hard. Seems kind of bullshit really, really really bullshit...." he said, taking a moment to think "Hey, wyvern! Why don't you come down a bit instead of being such a piece of shit coward?"
  116. 23:59 Lyrroth Haze apperently didn't look up as the dragon was headinr right towards them, mouth open and ready to ear
  117. 23:59 Lyrroth Haze apperently didn't look up as the dragon was heading right towards them, mouth open and ready to eat
  118. 00:00 Breakdown "I'm going to have to focus on piloting this thing to keep us from being roasted alive. So how'd you like to shoot a dragon with lasers?" Break replied, as he toggled a few more doodads, causing the hum of the cannons firing up to ring through the room. He gestured to a command stick on the front panel as a green targeting reticule was projected onscreen
  119. 00:01 Drathagan pointed his staff directly at the swooping monster. "Ei Nath!" bellowed out, apparently some sort of magical word as the staff projected a ball of pure flame towards the beast's maw.
  120. 00:02 TheLantern rushes over to the control stick, hesistantly grabbing it. "You sure this is safe?"
  121. 00:03 Breakdown "No, but he's gigantic. You can't not miss him. You'll do fine."
  122. 00:05 TheLantern salutes Breakdown, before grabbing onto the controls, and fires at the drsgon. ""Aye aye, captain!"
  123. 00:08 Lyrroth The laser hit, somehow, and the Dragon stopped diving to stare at the Ship
  124. 00:08 Lyrroth "YOU DARE?!"
  125. 00:10 Breakdown "We dare!" Break smirked back, weaving the Grappelin around in an evasive manner.
  126. 00:11 McGoFuckYourself "Oh for fuck's...'oh no I'm here to destroy the city', 'what, why are people trying to stop me from destroying the city', why the fuck do these guys always get so goddamn confused when we don't just fucking lie down and die whenever they come rolling in." She crossed her arms. "Haze, you think you might be able to snag him or something? Maybe pull him down while he's distracted?"
  127. 00:11 TheLantern continues to let loose a barrage of laserblast, aiming maimly for the head
  128. 00:13 Lyrroth blasted more lightning at them, it engulfing the laser blasts
  129. 00:13 The-Haze "Well... it has been a long time since I've actually gotten to beat a piece of shit up like that wyvern over there. So I might as well try, right?" he said, quickly strolling over the Drathagan, is he close enough to the ground for someone to maybe leap up and get a good swipe on him? If so Haze would then jump into the air, digging his claws into the first bit he could reach up to, trying...
  130. 00:13 The-Haze gouge it a bit out, maybe this would cause it to get a bit closer to the ground?
  131. 00:17 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  132. 00:18 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  133. 00:19 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  134. 00:20 Drathagan simply stood in the street, stroking his beard and watching over the situation. "Hrmm."
  135. 00:25 Lyrroth The Dragons head was level with Breaks ship but the neck was hanging low, low enough so Haze could grab on, somehow to the clouds Lyrroh was made of. However, Lyrroth weighed probably in the hundred tons and still managed to fly, Haze weighed about 203 lb. All in All, Haze was about to go on a ride
  136. 00:27 Breakdown reached down and pulled out a sliding cabinet filled with a trio of large, glowing, colored canisters. With that, he depressed a button on the console and with a electronically voiced [Eject!] as a green canister exited the panel infront of Lantern. "Switch the green one with the Orange one. We'll fight fire with fire." Break said, slamming down...
  137. 00:28 Breakdown another button, unleashing a series of flares into the Dragon's eyes, using the flash to escape and take a better position on the creature
  138. 00:29 Lyrroth "GRRAAH! You shall pay!"
  139. 00:30 TheLantern swaps out the cannisters, letting loose another barrage at the beast
  140. 00:30 Lyrroth The storm became even worse, chunks of ice aimed for The ship and few on the ground
  141. 00:31 Breakdown [CART SET! HEAT!] the panel called out, as the cannons changed to a hot orange color, unleashing beams of screaming heat
  142. 00:32 The-Haze tried to keep a firm grip on the dragon, digging his claws in and trying to move around on the surface of it, when all of a sudden a brilliant idea sprung to mind. He had to try this at least once so he looked down at Roxanne and just simply said "I may be about to do the stupidest thing ever, so don't flip your shit, alright?"
  143. 00:34 McGoFuckYourself She shrugged. "Trust me, I've seen my fair share of stupid shit!"
  144. 00:35 Lyrroth flied forwards at incredible speeds, right through the flaming heat, he was going to chomp down on Breaks Ship
  145. 00:35 Lyrroth "I bleed hotter substances!"
  146. 00:36 Lyrroth This was true as sparks flew from where Haze stabbed, this creature bleed lightning
  147. 00:36 Drathagan slammed his staff into the concrete of the street and vanished into a thick cloud of smoke, reappearing in another cloud of smoke atop the bow of the Grappelin. He sat cross-legged and still, his staff rested infront of him.
  148. 00:39 The-Haze jerked his hand back, the electricity having shocked him quite a bit "Aww... FUCK, that hurts!" he said, shaking his hand trying to soothe the pain that had come from stabbing the beast. Being as stupid as he actually was he went to stab it again, even now that he knew the results of what had happened last time. He would try to extend his claws inwards, to see if there was any sort of...
  149. 00:39 The-Haze ...weakness he could potentially take advantage of.
  150. 00:45 McGoFuckYourself "Hey, Haze! Give a girl a lift up? Might be able to help there!"
  151. 00:46 Lyrroth got ready to chomp down on Breakdown ship, if he didn't move 2/3's of it was going to be Lyrroth's lunch
  152. 00:47 The-Haze tried to reach down to her, extending shadow outwards and inwards to try to pull her towards him he didn't know how viable it was that he'd be able to reach down and grab for her, but at least making an attempt was better than doing nothing at all "Alright... you know how I mentioned I was going to try something stupid? Would you like to hear the idea? ...It may be dangerous if I mess this...
  153. 00:48 The-Haze ...up. Very fucking dangerous."
  154. 00:50 Breakdown "Shoot it in the mouth!" Break called out, heaving the ship out of harm's way as best he can. The bridge rocking with the engineered turbulence. "Maybe its not so fireproof on the inside!"
  155. 00:50 McGoFuckYourself "Can't be as fucking dangerous as this goddamn thing!"
  156. 00:51 The-Haze "... Are you familiar with semtex?"
  157. 00:52 McGoFuckYourself "I've heard of it, yeah."
  158. 00:53 TheLantern "Think you can get us closer? I'm pretty sure I got something a bit hotter than your guns!"
  159. 00:54 The-Haze reached over to his belt underneath his jacket, producing a small, orange brick of said explosive from out of his belt "Do you think you'll be able to cover me while I find a safe place to affix this? This is really fucking important."
  160. 00:55 Lyrroth mouth was glowing and full of blazing lightning, I'm sure fire would work
  161. 00:57 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhh. Sure. Why the fu-wait. Do you just /carry/ that shit with you wherever you go?"
  162. 00:57 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne had, at this point, been dragged up by the shadow alongside Haze. BOviously
  163. 00:58 The-Haze "Only when I know shit is probably going to be going down, yeah. I grabbed it on a hunch when the storm started up, it's better to be paranoid than it is to be dead, right? Just keep an eye on me, I never get a chance to use anything from my belt anyways. It's usually... empty." he said, crawling along the surface of the dragon, trying to get a safe distance away from Roxanne before he would...
  164. 00:58 The-Haze ...even think of placing the explosive.
  165. 01:00 Breakdown "Do what you gotta do." Break said ignoring weirdly snarky narrators as he brought the ship along the Dragon's side, skimming along its stormy scales. While Lantern did what he had to do, Break made up to switching canisters again. [CART SET: CRYO!] The panel cried out again as the glows of the cannons changed once again from a hot orange to an ice blue
  166. 01:03 TheLantern rushes to the starboard bow, and lets loose a torrent of helffire erupts from his mouth, caking the side of the dragon in searing hot flames
  167. 01:03 Drathagan looked upon the dragon from his seat and chuckled. Truly this man could give less of a shit.
  168. 01:05 Lyrroth turned to follow Break, the icey blast hit, but sadly so did Lantern fire so, in the end they got him wet, not even so as there was a storm going on.l The streets were starting to flood so good thing Rox is on the dragon
  169. 01:07 McGoFuckYourself She hugged the dragon. And by 'hugged', I totally mean 'dug her claws in as hard as she could'. Did she bite him? Maybe. Maaaaybe. "Haze, you better fucking move! Longer this thing's flying about the more people are in danger down there!"
  170. 01:07 The-Haze had managed to scramble about as far as he could from Roxanne without facing the risk of falling off and plummeting to his death. He would then past the explosive onto the side of the dragon and look over at Roxanne "Alright.... I'm going to try to fling myself over there, do you think you could grab my arm after I jump over?"
  171. 01:15 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhhhhhhhhhh maybe?
  172. 01:15 McGoFuckYourself "
  173. 01:16 Lyrroth didn't notice Haze or Roxanne, he was to busy trying to kill Break, Lants and Drathagan
  174. 01:17 The-Haze "Alright, so if I fuck up here I'm likely going to die. Not to make you nervous or anything though so... be ready." he said quickly, kicking his feet back and forth to try to build up enough moment before he said 'fuck it' and simply pushed himself hard in her direction with a shadow, holding his arm out hoping that maybe she would catch him. Failing that he'd flail a bit and ultimately...
  175. 01:17 The-Haze ...attempt to stick his claw back into the dragon, though that's only assuming that's what he'd do if it did fail.
  176. 01:45 Lyrroth blew another blast of lightning At Breakdown's ship, mostly aimed for the engine
  177. 01:46 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne had seen better days. She wasn't grounded, so must of the electricity wasn't going straight /through/ her, but it still stung like hell. "Haaaaze! Hurrry the fuck up, because I can't hold on for long!"
  178. 01:47 Lyrroth "There is no use in running! Not even you can stop me Drathagan"
  179. 01:48 The-Haze having managed to grab on he grabbed a hold of Roxanne with an extended shadow from his claw, trying to slowly descend from the crazed dragon "Alright, so here's to hoping this shit actually fucking works!" he said, reaching down to his belt with one hand, pushing down on one of the four portions of the X on his belt buckle, remotely detonating the explosive. The explosion was large, quite...
  180. 01:48 The-Haze ...large, he wasn't sure if it'd have any effect on the thing, but it should hopefully fuck the thing up pretty badly.
  181. 01:50 Drathagan continued his calm sitting atop the barge. "Tal
  182. 01:50 Drathagan "
  183. 01:59 Lyrroth The explosion worked and the beast went down. The flooded street was even more destroyed now that a dragon had a rough landing in it.
  184. 02:04 Lyrroth The stormed stopped, as Lyrroth entire body was scrunched up in the streets, finnaly some sunshine. Sadly the lightning blood was close to the water. So hopeflly fulling killing a dragon has the body vanish
  185. 02:04 *** TheLantern quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  186. 02:05 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne crashed into the ground. Hard. Water cushioned the blow a bit, but it was still hard as shit. Thank fuck she had metal skin, else it might've cause some serious damage
  187. 02:05 Lyrroth "HOW?"
  188. 02:07 The-Haze also smacked into the ground, his 'mask' now revealed to be more of a helmet splitting in half and falling off of his head as he landed. If he wasn't wearing state of the art body armor under his uniform he would very likely be dead now, but now he was more concerned about how he was going to have to replace his entire uniform now. Due to breakage and the watery bullshit it had to deal with...
  189. 02:07 The-Haze ...all day.
  190. 02:07 Lyrroth "You mortals...took me out. The King of Storms!"
  191. 02:08 Lyrroth He was getting up, well raising his head from the ground
  192. 02:08 The-Haze "just... die already, you stupid wyvern."
  193. 02:09 Lyrroth "Never, I can not die. I shall not die!
  194. 02:09 Lyrroth "
  195. 02:10 Drathagan slammed his staff against the ship and poofed into smoke again, this time reappearing in the air near the dragon itself, levitating as it were. "Ule Tu' Eign. You are felled by them, like Knights of old. Although, the Knights of old were far more handsome. Make your peace so they may strike the killing blow, Wrym."
  196. 02:11 McGoFuckYourself "I-I take offense to that, thank you." Still lying on the ground.
  197. 02:11 The-Haze "....Did we kill the wyvern?"
  198. 02:11 Lyrroth He was getting one last lightning blast ready, and with the fact most of down town was in water, it probably wont end well
  199. 02:14 Lyrroth "Kurak ul' warsl en eign', und Tuh s'ill A've!"
  200. 02:14 Breakdown sailed back down, bringing the cannons to bare. With an icy blast hailing from the ship, he intended to freeze this Dragon's head solid. "Chill, out Sparky!"
  201. 02:18 Lyrroth blasted right at Breaks icy blast, cancelling it out
  202. 02:19 Lyrroth "nearly all of my strenth, wasted on some fool..."
  203. 02:19 Lyrroth He looked at Drathagan
  204. 02:22 Lyrroth He relased his most powerful blast onto him, it lasted ten seconds, ten seconds of lightning right ontop of Dathagan
  205. 02:27 Drathagan was completely engulfed in the energy, vanishing in the light of the arcs. As they died down he could be seen once more, unmoved. His staff glowed an extreme violet. "Fol Ei' Nath!" was shouted after the calm. The staff discharged a solid beam spectacular purple energy straight back into the Wrym's mouth in response.
  206. 02:27 Lyrroth "Death by a grand Wizard, my, honor...remains"
  207. 02:29 Lyrroth The beast fell, exploding into nothing. All thats left is a small egg, semi translucent, a storm brewing inside at Drathagan's feet
  208. 02:33 Drathagan lowers himself to pick up the egg, examining the inside before looking to the others. "Good job. You've saved your city from another of the ancient world's evils...You'd be wise to clean all the rubble up sometime, it's filthy."
  209. 02:34 The-Haze "You going to let anyone else see that thing you grabbed or what?"
  210. 02:36 Drathagan stared at Haze a moment and then to the egg. "..No." His disagreement was backed up by his sudden vanishing into a cloud of smoke.
  211. 02:36 The-Haze "I hope that fucking wizard dies soon, what an asshole. I hate wizards, every single last fucking one.:
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