

Apr 28th, 2012
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  1. Synthesis: boop boop
  2. Jonarific: yo
  3. Synthesis: What's everyone up to?
  4. Jonarific: just got here
  5. Jonarific: normally i don't get lucky on finding any games with people though ;(
  6. Synthesis: Ooh. What brings you here?
  7. Synthesis: Aww. I would, but netplay is detestable.
  8. Synthesis: who do you use?
  9. Jonarific: the netplay is fine lol
  10. Jonarific: i play vs east coast on this game with 3delay all the time from southwest
  11. Synthesis: Don't !whois me!
  12. Jonarific: what ?_?
  13. Synthesis: Hahaha
  14. Synthesis: but seriously. Who do you use?
  15. Jonarific: i can use pretty much anyone
  16. Jonarific: where do you live at anyway? maybe we could try some games without it lagging
  17. Jonarific: or do you normally not play vs people
  18. Synthesis: I play versus people IRL.
  19. Synthesis: We can netplay sometime if you want, but I can't right now.
  20. Jonarific: shocker
  21. Jonarific: if i had 1$ for everytime i've heard that
  22. Remzi: "netplay is fine"
  23. Remzi: You're kidding right?
  24. Jonarific: ah this irc wouldn't be complete without remzi
  25. Jonarific: the trashy 20-0 guy who thinks he knows everything about the game
  26. Jonarific: strange how you couldn't take a round of me, and only 1-2 off that-guy
  27. Jonarific: normally that doesn't matter, but why do you always have to be an ass
  28. Jonarific: it's like you have the personality of someone who thinks they're actually good and can say whatever he wants, using his actions to backup what he says
  29. Jonarific: but... you're just bad and try to be confrontational in a chat room lol
  30. jpBrett: fraud on fraud action
  31. Jonarific: going to ignore you as usual
  32. ***jpBrett sits and watches
  33. Remzi: So skill obviously equals knowledge.
  34. Jonarific: if you weren't in japan brett i would show you who the fraud is
  35. jpBrett: :>
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