

Feb 28th, 2015
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  1. Slaine's side-story manga, fully translated with scans:
  4. Looking for: Inaho's backstory novel transcripts
  6. QUOTED FROM ANON: Someone on /a/ posted summaries of the first few chapters, and it would all be in the archives.
  7. - Their parents used to make good eggs and Yuki is sad that Inaho will never get to eat their parents' eggs. I can't remember, this might have been framed in the context of "because she's sad that Inaho won't ever know their parents, she works really hard to take care of him." Yuki can't cook well
  8. - Once Yuki and her parents took the train to the beach and she wanted to wear orange sandals but... I don't know I don't remember what the significance of that was
  9. - During Heaven's Fall, their dad was in the military
  10. - During Heaven's Fall, Yuki grabbed Inaho and ran. Unlike all the other babies in the shelter they wound up at, he didn't cry. He only began crying when Yuki learned that their parents were dead
  11. - Yuki and Inaho were in an orphanage but Inaho got bullied so he built pit traps for his bullies and threw rocks at them. At least one kid broke a bone
  12. - Yuki left the orphanage and took Inaho with her because it was bad for Inaho. Somehow they wound up neighbors with Inko's family, who owned a restaurant, and they didn't starve because of Inko's family
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