

May 28th, 2014
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  1. Fluttershy: *looks up at him* Uhm... are you okay..?
  2. Discord: Whatever do you mean
  3. Fluttershy: You're looking a little... well... like a bat...
  4. Discord: *he looks at himself* So I am. Must be feeling a little too...tame. Sad to say peace isn't my bread and butter
  5. Fluttershy: Oh...! Well, if you want to do something a little more interesting, we can...
  6. Discord: How inviting of you *he smiles, nuzzing her neck*
  7. Fluttershy: *leans her head, not expecting this sort of affection from him* Uhm... yes, it's fine...
  8. Discord: *he lifts her chin with a claw* My my, are you getting nervous?
  9. Fluttershy: N-no... not really... I've jsut never seen you get this... uhm... close before...
  10. Discord: Mmm...I suppose you are right about that, seeing how much of a lone wolf i am *he proves this by turning a little wolf-like*
  11. Fluttershy: *giggles a bit* Yes, well... but even then, this is a bit different for you...
  12. Discord: I wouldn't say that. I'm sure I've stood close before. *he ghosts the tip of his claw along her neck and shoulder*
  13. Fluttershy: nnh... *shivers* But... not with all this touching... W-what are you doing...?
  14. Discord: Watching you shiver at the moment. *he smiles, scratching under her chin* You are so amusing, my Dear
  15. Fluttershy: O-oh... *blushes a bit* B-but... uhm... *she's starting to get flustered now*
  16. Discord: My dear, sweet Fluttersy. Whatever could be the problem? Is there something plauging you in that fluffy head of yours, something you'd like to share perhaps?
  17. [5/27/2014 9:56:16 PM] Krystal: (I'm imagine his voice in my head each time I type him
  18. [5/27/2014 9:56:21 PM] Krystal: (just the way he talks
  19. [5/27/2014 9:56:22 PM] Krystal: (haha
  20. [5/27/2014 9:56:43 PM] Sunflower: (you cant unhear him
  21. Fluttershy: *hides behind her mane again* Uhm... You're just.. uhm.. very affectionate today... t-that's all...
  22. Discord: Perhaps I am simply paying back your kindness. *his coiled body tightens around her, pulling her ever closer to him*
  23. Fluttershy: *her eyes widen and she draws a sharp little breath* O-oh... this is an... interesting way of doing that...
  24. Discord: And what way would that be. Speak up, my Dear, and let me hear what you are thinking
  25. Fluttershy: Please, jsut tell me what you're thinking first, because I'm not entirely sure where you're going..
  26. Discord: *he laughs, resting his chin back on her head* Having a little fun and holding you. Though I could think of a few other things I can do with you being so close...
  27. Fluttershy: *swallows* But... I thought you said you wanted to do something more exciting...
  28. Discord: *he toys with her ear* I do...*he smiles*
  29. Fluttershy: A-aah... *her eyes close tightly* I... o-oh... y-you mean...
  30. Discord: What do you say, My Dear?
  31. FLuttershy: I...I don't know... I mean... I've never... a-and... o-ooooh...
  32. *she wiggles a bit, and bites her lip. His attention is certainly doing something to her, but she's not sure where to go from here*
  33. Discord: If it helps soothe your worried little head, I am able shapeshift to something more to your...*smirks* tastes
  34. Fluttershy: It's... not really that... it's just... I've never done anything like this before... i-it's a little... strange... especially with you, all things considered...
  35. Discord: I will admit I never would have seen it myself, all things considered. *he tail flicks under her chin*
  36. Fluttershy: O-ooh.. *her own tail starts flicking, and she goes a little tense in his hold* So...uhm... w-where do we start...?
  37. Discord: *he nuzzes her neck* That is a good question. Lets figure that out shall we.
  38. Fluttershy: I don't know very much about this... *very quietly* Other than what I've seen from... y'know... the animals...
  39. Discord: My my, spying on your friends were we? How naughty.
  40. FLuttershy: *squeaks, blushing darkly at that* N-no..! It';s not like that... s-sometimes I have to oversee things... t-to make sure they don't get too rough and hurt each other...
  41. Discord: Oh I'm sure that's all it is, my Dear. *he curls a strand of her mane around his claw, kissing the back of her neck*
  42. Fluttershy: Rude... *she mutters, but nonetheless she responds to his attentions, gasping a bit and lowering back down on all four hooves, leaning the top of her body down but keeping her hindquarters raised. Why? She doesn't even understand*
  43. [5/27/2014 11:28:58 PM] Krystal: (ah those instincts
  44. Discord: *he nuzzes her neck, ghosting his claw tips along her sides as his body shifts around her again. His tail coils around her leg, paws resting over her flanks*
  45. Fluttershy: *she starts lifting her tail over her back... until she realizes how forward she's being. She drops her tail* Oh!
  46. Discord: *he laughs, patting her flank a bit* My aren't you adorable
  47. Fluttershy: *shudders* nnnh... I don't mean to be pushy but... I... I want to do something now... *her back hoof is digging into the ground*
  48. Discord: Oh don't worry about being pushy, my Dear. *he shifts over her, kissing her neck*
  49. Fluttershy: nnh...! he's gotten her quite riled up now, and while she's not dropping her demure nature her little sounds are getting more desperate. Her tail flicks up over her back, draping over him*
  50. Discord: *his paws tense over her flank, pressing himself against her now. He can feel something stir himself, been some time since he was this aroused from what he can remember. Slowly,he starts to rub against her, coaxing himself and listens to her soft voice*
  51. Fluttershy: *gives a loud squeak when he starts to rub against her. She really shouldn't be surprised but yet she still was. She tenses up, mewling softly as she tries to calm herself, but her heart is racing* o-ooh...
  52. Discord: *he shifts, feeling his cock slipping from its sheath, as he rubs against her. He emits a low grunt, clawtips tensing over her flank more*
  53. Fluttershy: *whimpers as she feels the thing start prodding at her, but she doesn't try to pull away. She pushes herself back, letting it rub against her* Ooooh....
  54. Discord: *he kisses the back of her neck, sliding his paws up her body to her shoulders now.* My Dear, do you think you are about ready
  55. Fluttershy: *lightly breathes out* Y-yes... please... *grinds eagerly back against him*
  56. Discord: *his voice drops a bit in pitch, nuzzing her neck* Very good to hear, my Dear. *he rubs against her, slowly easing himself inside of her soft, warm, body*
  57. Fluttershy: *gasps deeply, even squeaking a bit in pain. SHe is /very/tight, and it's clear she's never had anything in there before. But she hides her discomfort* A-aaah...
  58. Discord: You really haven't done anything like this before. *he growls under his breath, pleased by this peice of information. To think, sweet little Fluttershy, untouched by any until him. It was almost too scandilous*
  59. FLuttershy: *her own voice drops in pitch a bit when he growls at her like that, and he can feel her tense around him* A-aah.. N-no... I haven't...
  60. [1:08:10 AM] Krystal: Discord: Well then...I suppose I should be gentle *he catches her ear with a light nip* Unless you don't want me to behave, hmmmm?
  61. Fluttershy: Ah...! *ends up pushing back against him, inadvertedly taking him deeper. She's adjusting well, relaxing a bit* a-aaah... I... Y-you can do what you want with me...
  62. [1:13:22 AM] Krystal: (flutters why
  63. [1:13:31 AM] Sunflower: (why what?
  64. [1:13:42 AM] Krystal: (why must you be so adorable
  65. [1:13:59 AM] Sunflower: (because shes flutter-motherfucking-shy dammit
  66. Discord: *he kissing her neck, a low growl in his throat at the implications to that hit him* My my, how bold of you my Dear Fluttershy.
  67. Fluttershy: nnnh... i-it's okay... j-just please... I... I need more...
  68. Discord: How can I ignore such a plea from sweet little you, hm? *he drags his claws along her sides, thrusting into her a bit harder as his breath catches near her ear*
  69. Fluttershy: mmh! *that time it felt very good, filling her tight little body* mmh! Y-yes...! M-more, please...!
  70. Discord: *he rocks against her fasters, digging his claw into her flanks as he nips along her neck and shoulder, a low rubling growl recinating in his throat*
  71. FLuttershy: *as he does, she becomes quite a bit more... wrapped up in the action, eagerly pushing back against him, even forcefully so. Her mouth hangs open, tongue lolling out a bit* Y-yes....!! A-aah..!!
  72. Discord: *he grinds against her, feeling her tight body tense over him as he pistons himself against her. His voice grow lower, words laced with grunts and growls, as he starts to mutter her name near her ear*
  73. Fluttershy: *she trembles underneath him, not even caring that his claws are digging into her skin now. In a strange way it's getting her even more absorbed. She gives a high-pitched shout when she feels him hilt inside her, tightening roughly on him*
  74. Discord: *he groans low when she tightens, pulling her back against him. It was thrilling to listen to her lose herself like this, all at his hand*
  75. Fluttershy: *very abruptly she cries out, surprisingly loudly for her, and her whole body shakes, tensing and releasing around him. She pants loudly, her wings flaring out suddenly from out her back*
  76. Discord: *he groans low, bucking harder against her, driving roughly inside of her in hopes of drawing more of those loud cries from the soft-spoken pegasi*
  77. Fluttershy: *and oh does he get them, as his not stopping after her climax draws all sorts of lovely sonds from the filly, her whole form trelbing right to her wingtips, hooves digging hard into the ground in an effort to not fall over*
  78. [2:07:23 AM] Sunflower: (headcanon: he didn['t have to do this normally and in fact probably wouldn't have, but he respects fluttershy enough that he made it relatively normal so he wouldn't freak her out or hurt her
  79. [2:08:49 AM] Krystal: (you mean his dick, yes?
  80. [2:08:59 AM] Sunflower: (well, sex in general, but his dick is included in that yes
  81. [2:09:42 AM] Sunflower: (knowing him he could have and probably really wanted to make this as crazy and batshit as possible but kjnew it would probably scare her
  82. [2:10:22 AM] Krystal: (yeah, yeah that he may have wanted, but poor sweet Fluttershy would be terrified
  83. [2:10:42 AM] Krystal: (he will never fully admit how much he actually cares for her
  84. Discord: *he kisses her neck* Sweet little Fluttershy...*he groans, feeling the heat draining to one point as he holds himself back. He holds her tight against him, coiling her tail with his own. He knows he's about to burst, though he isn't sure if she's aware of it herself.*
  85. Fluttershy: *she just starts coming down from her fist climax, and has barely a moment to rest before she's forced into another one. Her legs start to buckle, and the front ones all but give out altogether, leaving her holding her hindquartersup on her shaking back legs. Her wings are shivering down to their last feather and her voice is shaking and faint now, unable to muster much more than a whimper*
  86. Discord: *he rests his head against her shoulder, panting under his breath now. He grinds hard against her, his control starting to slip. Letting out a low, throaty growl, he releases inside if her as he holds her hindquaters tight against him*
  87. Fluttershy: *as she comes down again she wonders briefly why he stopped... until she feels the heat spike up through her belly, which gets another squeak from her., Finally she gets a chance to rest, her body relaxing and her wings lowering once again to her sides. She pants heavily, feeling warm and satisfied* mmm... w-wow...
  88. Discord: *he pulls out of her, easing her to lie down now. He coils his body around her and rests his head on hers* You seem pleased, my Dear.
  89. Fluttershy: *practically collapses, curling into a little ponyball against him* mmh... t-that was wonderful...
  90. Discord: I had hoped you'd say that, my Sweet Fluttershy. Perhaps a little normal, but I felt normalcy would interest you.
  91. Fluttershy: Well... I did say you could do as you wanted... but I do thank you for being considerate... *smiles, closing her eyes and resting her head on him*
  92. Discord: What kind of friend would I be if I didn't in this case.
  93. Fluttershy: So maye you really have learned something... *she laughs softly*
  94. Discord: Perhaps. *he holds up a hand, two fingers barely touching* A little.
  95. Fluttershy: I'd say you've learned a lot.
  96. Discord: Oh stop, you'll make me blush
  97. Fluttershy: it's true, though... *nuzzle*
  98. Mmm...*he drapes his tail over her, nuzzing her back*
  99. ---day after--
  100. Rarity: Fluttershy, why are you walking funny?
  101. Fluttershy: I... I... uhm... had an accident... I was flying and... uh... hit my flank on a tree...
  102. Rarity: Oh you poor dear. Here, I'll make her a nice wrap for your flank. Tell me, do you prefer a muted Lavender or a bold Rose?
  103. Fluttershy: Oh... you don't need to do anything for me... I just need to... uh... stay off it for a while...
  104. Rarity: If you are sure, Fluttershy. Please, don't be afraid to call if you need anything alright?
  105. Fluttershy: Oh, I will, dont worry... *and she flutters off as quickly as she can before any more questions get asked*
  106. Discord: Well that was fun. *he pops out of her mane as a tiny Discord, lunging behind her ear*
  107. FLuttershy: *squeaks, almost tumbling out of the air until she rights herself*
  108. Discord: *he laughs* Careful now, I didn't sign up for the bumpy air ride.
  109. Fluttershy: I'm sorry... you just startled me, is all...
  110. Discord: Well I need to amuse myself some how, my Dear. *he toys with her ear, fluffing it like a pillow*
  111. Fluttershy: I gotta hide... if I don't somepony will find out...
  112. Discord: Is it that bad my Dear?
  113. Fluttershy: if anypony finds out they'll never let me live it down....
  114. Discord: Then it can stay our little secert. Oooh the excitment of being your dirty little secert. Truely outragious!
  115. Fluttershy: But it's okay... if I can just avoid anypony else, jsut for today.... I should be back to normal by tomorrow, right?
  116. Discord: Yes you should be fine by then as long as you rest and stretch now and then.
  117. Fluttershy: *and so she flutters on back to her house and shuts herself in firmly*
  118. Discord: Honestly though how would they find out why you are sore.
  119. Fluttershy: I... uhm... you have a point. I don't know. But what if they do?
  120. Discord: Then they'd ask who the Stallion was. I hardly think they'd connect the dots to me.
  121. Fluttershy: *droops* I guess I really shouldn't be so paranoid...
  122. Discord: *he ports from her mane and sits in the room* A little worry is good I suppose, but you shouldn't get too worried. Like I said. *he snaps his fingers, shapeshifting into a pony* They'd mostly ask who the pony was you were with.
  123. Fluttershy: But they know I don't really hang around any stallions...
  124. Discord: Perhaps they think you've been seeing them in secert...or...*smirk* They think me as a filly
  125. Fluttershy: *eyes widen* Oh...! I... hadn't even considered that... uhm... I don't know, I'd rather not even try to confront it...
  126. Discord: *he laughs, laying back down on the rug and tapping a hoof on the ground* Didn't say you had too. Just making conversation my dear
  127. Fluttershy: uhm... right... *blushes*
  128. Discord: *he laughs under his breath, tapping the hoof a few more times before starting to change himself back*
  129. FLuttershy: *curls up on her couch* I don't regret it... really I don't... I just... It was a big thing, I guess..,
  130. Discord: I didn't accuse you of regretting it either...*he gets up, walking over to her and kissing her forehead* But its nice to hear I suppose
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