

Feb 15th, 2016
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  1. [19:31] Yewnyx speaking of black panthers
  2. [19:31] Yewnyx
  3. [19:31] Yewnyx also, dammit, since when am I a mod here
  4. [19:31] Yewnyx D:
  5. [19:36] Elara since the great flustercuck of '16 Yew
  6. [19:36] Elara learn to love it
  7. [19:36] Somecrazyguy oh lord
  8. [19:36] Somecrazyguy vox
  9. [19:36] Yewnyx elaborate?
  10. [19:36] Somecrazyguy yeah let's ignore the hostage situations and various other shit the black panthers got up to
  11. [19:36] Yewnyx who's saying that?
  12. [19:36] Somecrazyguy it's all about the free lunches
  13. [19:36] Yewnyx ...
  14. [19:37] Yewnyx why does "let's think about X" always become "yeah let's ignore Y"
  15. [19:37] Somecrazyguy When the article only talks about X
  16. [19:37] Somecrazyguy without saying hey they also did Y
  17. [19:38] Somecrazyguy That's my issue, Yew. It's only giving one very narrow side.
  18. [19:38] Yewnyx the article is literally mentioning that Hoover said something the context for which is rarely provided
  19. [19:38] Somecrazyguy Without any other context, it paints the Black Panther Party as something that was positive
  20. [19:38] Yewnyx does anything that doesn't fit the common mode of thinking has to acknowledge it?
  21. [19:38] Yewnyx have to*
  22. [19:38] Elara varies
  23. [19:39] Somecrazyguy I just don't think it's good reporting, as is.
  24. [19:39] Somecrazyguy It's like talking about how the KKK was also a good place to find singles
  25. [19:39] Elara I mean, I think it's fair to say that the gaming sites reporting Scalia's death as "judge that ruled on a case about video games once is dead" are failing their responsibilities
  26. [19:39] Somecrazyguy without mentioning that they are an awful hate group that went after a lot of minorities
  27. [19:39] Elara they don't have to go into how bad he was as a justice
  28. [19:39] Elara but they should at least mention some of the other stuff he did
  29. [19:39] Somecrazyguy He was a pretty awesome justice though
  30. [19:40] Yewnyx ...
  31. [19:40] Yewnyx i'm sorry the man died but he was an incredibly racist and backwards judge dude
  32. [19:40] Somecrazyguy Other than CU
  33. [19:40] Yewnyx he's negatively impacted hundreds of millions of lives
  34. [19:40] Yewnyx like
  35. [19:40] Yewnyx seriously
  36. [19:40] Somecrazyguy Racist? I'd disagree.
  37. [19:40] Somecrazyguy Backwards? I'd completely disagree.
  38. [19:41] Somecrazyguy Pretty serious accusation to just throw around
  39. [19:41] Somecrazyguy Negatively impacted how, exactly?
  40. [19:41] Elara he was on the wrong side of almost every civil rights, gay rights, healthcare etc case in front of the court
  41. [19:41] Elara on frequently specious grounds
  42. [19:42] Somecrazyguy right side*
  43. [19:42] Yewnyx dude
  44. [19:44] Yewnyx he was anti-gay, at least
  45. [19:44] Yewnyx at the least
  46. [19:44] Somecrazyguy Anti-Gay marriage
  47. [19:44] Somecrazyguy iirc
  48. [19:45] Somecrazyguy I don't think that's the same thing as anti-gay
  49. [19:45] Elara he was in favour of anti-sodomy laws
  50. [19:45] Elara i.e. locking people up for having gay sex
  51. [19:45] Yewnyx "If, even as the price to be paid for a fifth vote, I ever joined an opinion for the court that began: ‘The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, a liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their identity,’ I would hide my head in a bag. The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of [legendary former Chief
  52. [19:45] Yewnyx Justice] John Marshall and [former Justice] Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie." -- Antonin Scalia
  53. [19:46] Yewnyx "Today’s opinion is the product of a Court, which is the product of a law-profession culture, that has largely signed on to the so-called homosexual agenda, by which I mean the agenda promoted by some homosexual activists directed at eliminating the moral opprobrium that has traditionally attached to homosexual conduct…. [T]he Court has taken sides in the culture war, departing from its role of assuring, as neutral observer, that the
  54. [19:46] Yewnyx democratic rules of engagement are observed.
  55. [19:46] Yewnyx So imbued is the Court with the law profession’s anti-anti-homosexual culture, that it is seemingly unaware that the attitudes of that culture are not obviously ‘mainstream’; that in most States what the Court calls ‘discrimination’ against those who engage in homosexual acts is perfectly legal." -- Antonin Scalia
  56. [19:46] Yewnyx he was anti-gay
  57. [19:47] Yewnyx not just anti-gay-marriage
  58. [19:47] Somecrazyguy Ah, fair enough.
  59. [19:47] Somecrazyguy Little bit far, on that spectrum.
  60. [19:47] Elara amusingly, there's a blog I read occasionally which lists things like Pride events under a heading "The Gay Agenda"
  61. [19:47] Somecrazyguy But he isn't exactly wrong about the constitution
  62. [19:48] Yewnyx he was a strict construcitonist when it served him and flexible to the extreme when it didn't
  63. [19:49] Somecrazyguy Sounds like every justice ever
  64. [19:49] Yewnyx not really
  65. [19:49] Elara Scalia struck me as more disingenuous about it than any of the other conservatives on the current Court
  66. [19:50] Yewnyx the supreme court justices are literally empowered by the constitution to decide matters of constitutionality
  67. [19:50] Elara obviously I'm not going to assess him vs the liberal justices fairly
  68. [19:50] Yewnyx ^ to the disingenuous line
  69. [19:50] Somecrazyguy It's literally impossible to be a strict constitutionist to the letter
  70. [19:51] Yewnyx also unwise
  71. [19:51] Somecrazyguy Unless you want to say that only white people should become citizens, which we all disagree with
  72. [19:51] Yewnyx indeed
  73. [19:51] Elara but out of Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts, the others seem to me to be arguing more based on what they actually believe to be true, where Scalia would write opinions that were politically convenient
  74. [19:51] Somecrazyguy I'll concede that the anti-gay agenda was fucked
  75. [19:52] Yewnyx he was morally against homosexuality
  76. [19:52] Elara certainly when I was following stuff like Windsor, and the healthcare cases
  77. [19:52] Somecrazyguy I literally just conceded that yew
  78. [19:52] Yewnyx he wasn't just anti-gay agenda
  79. [19:52] Yewnyx he was anti-gay people
  80. [19:52] Somecrazyguy He had an anti-gay agenda
  81. [19:52] Somecrazyguy is what I meant
  82. [19:52] Yewnyx k
  83. [19:52] Yewnyx fair enough
  84. [19:53] Somecrazyguy But other than that, and CU, I don't see much wrong
  85. [19:53] Somecrazyguy And he was frequently overruled when it came to gay rights, iirc
  86. [19:53] Somecrazyguy The SCotUS should have members at opposite extremes, and moderates as well.
  87. [19:54] Elara problem is lately SCOTUS has had 4 liberals, 4 conservatives, and Kennedy in the middle
  88. [19:54] Yewnyx the scotus is the last place i want to be subject to the overton window
  89. [19:54] Elara the reason for having more than 1 justice is so it's not all on the whims of one man
  90. [19:55] Elara so there's a bit of a problem when he's the deciding vote on almost everything
  91. [19:55] Yewnyx The court should be composed of nominations reflecting the legacy of lawfully elected leaders
  92. [19:55] Somecrazyguy Yeah but now there's gonna be 5 liberals 3 conservatives and kennedy
  93. [19:55] Somecrazyguy which is an issue as well
  94. [19:55] Yewnyx i.e. the nominations should happen when they happen
  95. [19:55] Yewnyx yeah the american people elected Obama, deal with it
  96. [19:55] Somecrazyguy They also elected the republican majority congress
  97. [19:55] Somecrazyguy so deal with that when they block every entry
  98. [19:56] Yewnyx we've had a scotus that's more right than left for a long time
  99. [19:56] Elara that's just obstructionist SCG
  100. [19:56] Somecrazyguy Obstructionism is literally part of the system
  101. [19:56] Elara the Senate is meant to consider nominations the president sends them
  102. [19:56] Yewnyx no, it's not
  103. [19:56] Yewnyx it's a safeguard, not a tool
  104. [19:56] Somecrazyguy What is a filibuster
  105. [19:56] Yewnyx depends on when you ask
  106. [19:56] Elara yeah, if Obama picked himself, they should chuck that out
  107. [19:56] Yewnyx before ~2000s it was a good safeguard
  108. [19:56] Yewnyx then the 60 vote cloture requirement kind of threw things off
  109. [19:56] Elara but they should hold hearings and then an up-down vote on any nomination he sends
  110. [19:57] Yewnyx medicare (not obamacare, original medicare) was barely passed even way back when
  111. [19:57] Somecrazyguy I honestly take issue with the president himself being the one to choose
  112. [19:57] Somecrazyguy Rather than, for example, the whole of the house, with the president able to veto
  113. [19:57] Yewnyx a lot of really influential and actually positive gov't programs haven't passed with huge margins
  114. [19:57] Yewnyx so votes have gotten polarized to the point that you can say that no, letting the senate obstruct is not normal
  115. [19:57] Somecrazyguy lol who would confused medicare and obamacare (reagancare)
  116. [19:58] Yewnyx you mean eisenhower
  117. [19:58] Yewnyx what the fuuuuuuuck
  118. [19:58] Elara nah because SCG the whole point is having the executive pick the judiciary, and the legislature getting to approve or disapprove it
  119. [19:58] Somecrazyguy Really?
  120. [19:58] Somecrazyguy I could have sworn Reagan put it forward as well
  121. [19:58] Elara if the legislature picks the judges that's too closely entangled
  122. [19:58] Yewnyx Eisenhower and LBJ
  123. [19:58] Somecrazyguy Huh
  124. [19:58] Somecrazyguy TIL
  125. [19:59] Yewnyx Elara: wait, aren't you a brit?
  126. [19:59] Somecrazyguy Could have sworn Obamacare was based on EMTALA
  127. [20:00] Yewnyx *shrug*
  128. [20:00] Elara yeah Yew, I am
  129. [20:00] Elara why?
  130. [20:00] Somecrazyguy Honestly, medicaid and social security are two of the best programs that have been put out
  131. [20:01] Somecrazyguy Along with food stamps
  132. [20:01] Yewnyx Elara: I consistently forget that the rest of the world thinks about the American system
  133. [20:01] Somecrazyguy @Yew the American government has a huge sphere of influence
  134. [20:01] Yewnyx of course it does
  135. [20:01] Elara heh. you're big, you speak English, you yell at each other a lot
  136. [20:02] Somecrazyguy It helps when you control both Atlantic and Pacific trade
  137. [20:02] Somecrazyguy
  138. [20:02] Elara also, speaking as a political nerd, the American system is so fascinatingly arcane it's unreal
  139. [20:02] Yewnyx yeah
  140. [20:02] Somecrazyguy I actually agree
  141. [20:03] Somecrazyguy The whole damn thing needs a restructure
  142. [20:03] Somecrazyguy But it won't ever happen
  143. [20:03] Yewnyx i think that one thing we might agree on is that we need leaders that exist outside the entrenched power structure
  144. [20:03] Yewnyx though we disagree wildly on who
  145. [20:04] Somecrazyguy Of course we do
  146. [20:04] Somecrazyguy We want wildly different forms of government
  147. [20:04] Elara you guys need a Parliamentary system, tbh
  148. [20:04] Somecrazyguy please god no
  149. [20:04] Yewnyx what's wrong with the parliamentary system?
  150. [20:05] Yewnyx (genuinely asking for clarification)
  151. [20:05] Somecrazyguy It's boils down to 'congress has a lot more power'
  152. [20:05] Somecrazyguy And I trust them 0.0%
  153. [20:05] Somecrazyguy to do the right thing
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