
Jan 31 2013 #Pony_Hypno-Bits' conversation with Fillyosopher

Jan 31st, 2013
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  1. (11:36:14 AM) Bits: So I really want to believe I got a response from Jubilee last night,
  2. (11:37:04 AM) Bits: but i want to get a few other opinions on the matter.
  3. (11:37:17 AM) Filly|InClass: Do tell, bits
  4. (11:37:20 AM) Bits:
  5. (11:37:22 AM) WubServ: [URL] Pony Hypnosis β€’ View topic - Bits' Hypno Journal
  6. (11:37:44 AM) Bits: It's the entry labeled Jan 30 2013
  7. (11:38:42 AM) Bits: Filly: The entry was updated throughout the day, but shit gets real around 20:59.
  8. (11:39:53 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: So
  9. (11:39:56 AM) TJP12409|InClass: Sho
  10. (11:40:06 AM) Bits: Tho
  11. (11:40:07 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: How's hypnosis been for you guys recently?
  12. (11:40:10 AM) moobull69: woah
  13. (11:40:18 AM) TJP12409|InClass: Not bad, not good, but not bad
  14. (11:40:23 AM) Bits: Really bad, actually.
  15. (11:40:25 AM) Wishdream: midway
  16. (11:40:29 AM) Bits: Not, like, adverse effects
  17. (11:40:36 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: aw Bits, that sucks ;A;
  18. (11:40:39 AM) Bits: but really ineffective.
  19. (11:40:40 AM) Bits: BUT
  20. (11:40:52 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: but?
  21. (11:40:55 AM) Bits: I think I'm making great progress with Jubilee.
  22. (11:41:08 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: That's good! ^-^ That's your tulpa, right?
  23. (11:41:08 AM) Bits: tulpa~
  24. (11:41:15 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: Yeah I thought that hehe
  25. (11:41:24 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: I had a really good hypnosis yesterday.
  26. (11:41:37 AM) Bits: Oh, please tell, CMD.
  27. (11:41:39 AM) Filly|InClass: wow
  28. (11:41:44 AM) Bits: ?
  29. (11:42:27 AM) Filly|InClass: ... your tulpa is gonna be epic...
  30. (11:42:28 AM) Bits: Filly: What's up? :D
  31. (11:42:37 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: I fell asleep listening to the hypno after listening to the blank mind file. I felt the best wings I've ever had- I could feel the individual feathers brush up against my back whenever I breathed in
  32. (11:42:49 AM) TJP12409|InClass: Basically, I get mild results during hypno and none after
  33. (11:42:51 AM) Bits: REALLY??? (in response to Filly)
  34. (11:42:56 AM) Bits: :DDDDD
  35. (11:43:06 AM) TJP12409|InClass: :c stop making me jealous
  36. (11:43:09 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: Ears went mildly well too, and the tail just gets better every time
  37. (11:43:22 AM) Bits: I am also jealous of CMD.
  38. (11:43:34 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: Plus while I slept I had five really good dreams
  39. (11:43:42 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: I've never been able to remember more than two before!
  40. (11:43:49 AM) Bits: I didn't dream.
  41. (11:44:07 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: But I can still never get hooves and personality's turning into a bust I think
  42. (11:44:10 AM) ***TJP12409|InClass cries in a corner from sheer jealousy
  43. (11:44:12 AM) Bits: But it's awesome your hypno is working!
  44. (11:44:22 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: either that or I already act too much like Dash, but still...
  45. (11:44:30 AM) Bits: Well, how it is working anyway!
  46. (11:44:35 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: also I don't want you guys to be jealous D:
  47. (11:44:48 AM) TJP12409|InClass: Too late :,(
  48. (11:45:01 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: I'm really happy about it working, but I hypno'd in the car again this morning and felt next to nothing
  49. (11:45:20 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: So I think its mostly been making prgress while I'm REALLY deep in trance
  50. (11:45:27 AM) TJP12409|InClass: Oh what I would give to feel that even once
  51. (11:45:30 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: I'm going to go blank again once I get home
  52. (11:45:37 AM) Filly|InClass: Think of this. Tulpa are brought from your mind, right? Plenty of people, myself included, split their consciousness at some level to provide sentience. That gives fast results... but the slower way has it's own power. If you draw a tulpa from lower, from your subconsciousness, it is connected to you in ways you'd never expect. And yours is comming from so deep, she can trigger emotions and over crazily powerful stuff. that
  53. (11:45:37 AM) Filly|InClass: is DEEP. When she comes out, you are going to have a powerful and well rounded tulpa...
  54. (11:45:44 AM) Filly|InClass: Wall of text!
  55. (11:45:47 AM) TJP12409|InClass: Also I need something better to make playlists on!
  56. (11:45:50 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: TJ, I have a slight suggestion for you though
  57. (11:45:54 AM) TJP12409|InClass: What?
  58. (11:45:56 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: when you feel the wings
  59. (11:46:17 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: try to imagine them as they would be positioned and pointed if you were a pony rather than a human
  60. (11:46:39 AM) Bits: Filly|InClass:
  61. (11:46:43 AM) TJP12409|InClass: So out rather than back?
  62. (11:46:55 AM) TJP12409|InClass: well, I get you
  63. (11:47:01 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: essentially, if you were to stand up as a human with the wings, folded in, the edge of the feathers would be pointing down
  64. (11:47:06 AM) Bits: Filly: Where do I go from here?
  65. (11:47:11 AM) MyLittleVisuals: CMD, thanks. I totally forgot that
  66. (11:47:24 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: I didnt even realize it till it happened while I was blank haha
  67. (11:47:54 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: Should probably be put up as a reminder somewhere
  68. (11:48:28 AM) TJP12409|InClass: Well, I need to get wings in the first place ._.
  69. (11:48:45 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: I think a lot of people make the mistake of imagining the wings as the would be on an angel rather than a pegasus
  70. (11:49:03 AM) CallMeDash|InClass: If you try to imagine the wings correctly it'll probably be easier :P
  71. (11:49:15 AM) Bits: Filly: I guess you could say...
  72. (11:49:23 AM) Filly|InClass: What you did last night was very good, simply asking for her to prove her existence. Now you'll be slowly bringing her forth, teaching her other ways to communicate. sad truth is... I don't have any experience with something from that deep. It'll take me a while before I can even give you advice, because I hadn't been thinking about it as possible. It just makes sense though.
  73. (11:49:24 AM) ***Bits sunglasses
  74. (11:49:30 AM) Bits: I'm JUBILANT
  76. (11:50:17 AM) Bits: So, I think I should keep narrating when I can,
  77. (11:50:34 AM) Bits: but I'm still not sure about straight-up, by-the-book forcing.
  78. (11:51:49 AM) Bits: Filly: Do you know anything about teaching tulpae to speak?
  79. (11:52:19 AM) klux[Shadow]|League: Filly|InClass: Or how to make it shut up for that amtter
  80. (11:52:21 AM) Filly|InClass: Bits, I think that sounds right. Forcing probably isn't going to be effective... Unless I'm mistake, you are bringing up something bigge than most tulpa. more complex, deeper. You can't just force that... not without limiting it.
  81. (11:54:11 AM) Filly|InClass: Bits, I build my tulpa from my conscious... the deepest I've gone is with Pulse and I never taught her to speak well. Because I've shared my memories with them, they start with language. WHat I'd suggest is that you start with pictures... they are much easier than lagnuage itself.
  82. (11:54:34 AM) Filly|InClass: instead of emotion, move to visual pictures, and eventually to auditory.
  83. (11:54:44 AM) Bits: I don't want to be rude or anything, but I'm not sure what you mean.
  84. (11:55:02 AM) Filly|InClass: welp... hmm...
  85. (11:55:24 AM) Filly|InClass: How do you think of your mind. That will give me a model to start with.
  86. (11:55:58 AM) Kuha: hi everyone
  87. (11:56:02 AM) Bits: I don't really think about it much.
  88. (11:56:02 AM) Filly|InClass: hi kuha!
  89. (11:56:13 AM) Bits: I'm sorry...
  90. (11:56:16 AM) Filly|InClass: blurg......
  91. (11:56:19 AM) Bits: Let me think about it a bit...
  92. (11:56:21 AM) TJP12409|InClass: How do you think of information coming in and out of your mind!
  93. (11:56:34 AM) TJP12409|InClass: Sorry, that was supposed to be a ?
  94. (11:57:03 AM) Bits: I usually just hear a voice narrating things. Sometimes I make the voice say things, which I identify as my own voluntary, focused thinking.
  95. (11:57:24 AM) Bits: I don't know what causes the things I see when I close my eyes
  96. (11:57:37 AM) Filly|InClass: So you have a running monologue?
  97. (11:57:37 AM) Bits: unless I'm focusing real hard on making something appear.
  98. (11:57:50 AM) Bits: I guess that's a good way to put it.
  99. \(11:58:11 AM) TJP12409|InClass: Thats a good start Bits
  100. (11:58:26 AM) Bits: Of course, sometimes I'll loop the last few words I "audiated" if I'm hung up on something
  101. (11:58:38 AM) Bits: and sometimes imagery and words will creep in on their own.
  102. (11:58:48 AM) Filly|InClass: hmm... okay, audio would be best then...
  103. (11:59:08 AM) Filly|InClass: okay, a question. only one voice. can you make a second one and have them talk?
  104. (11:59:18 AM) Bits: Well,
  105. (11:59:22 AM) Filly|InClass: ie, has that ever happened
  106. (11:59:36 AM) Bits: I can make one voice distinct from another
  107. (11:59:37 AM) Filly|InClass: (and I'm not saying do this for your tulpa, just getting a good idea)
  108. (11:59:51 AM) Filly|InClass: can they talk over one another? like at the same time?
  109. (11:59:55 AM) Bits: and I can sometimes converse between the two,
  110. (12:00:01 PM) Bits: I mean
  111. (12:00:11 PM) Bits: I can make them speak to each other
  112. (12:00:18 PM) Bits: but they don't talk at the same time.
  113. (12:00:21 PM) Filly|InClass: okay
  114. (12:00:26 PM) Bits: It's more like one person is putting on both voices.
  115. (12:00:31 PM) TJP12409|InClass: Are you causing both voices to say what they are saying? or is one involuntary?
  116. (12:01:02 PM) Bits: A little of both, but neither voices are out of line with my own thoughts.
  117. (12:01:16 PM) Bits: I've been avoiding that when I'm talking to Jubilee.
  118. (12:01:31 PM) Filly|InClass: bleh...
  119. (12:01:45 PM) Bits: The best way I've been able to avoid it is by speaking out loud and saying whatever comes to mind.
  120. (12:01:52 PM) TJP12409|InClass: ^^^
  121. (12:01:54 PM) Filly|InClass: well... you could try giving her one of the voices...
  122. (12:02:03 PM) TJP12409|InClass: I talkout loud
  123. (12:02:06 PM) TJP12409|InClass: A lot
  124. (12:02:35 PM) Filly|InClass: bluetooth, best invention for talking to tulpa in public... but that is off topic.
  125. (12:02:38 PM) Bits: I have a general idea of what she might sound like, but parroting...
  126. (12:03:03 PM) TJP12409|InClass: Sometimes in the sense of speaking to some sort of invisible audience, never really expecting a reaction though
  127. (12:03:45 PM) TJP12409|InClass: Filly|InClass: you can also pull this off with the headphones with a mic in them
  128. (12:04:37 PM) Filly|InClass: okay, let me try functionalism!
  129. (12:04:47 PM) Bits: Okey dokey lokey.
  130. (12:05:23 PM) TJP12409|InClass: Good luck bits, at least you have a tulpa started
  131. (12:05:38 PM) Filly|InClass: There is a part of your mind which is dedicated to audio. From what You've said, you are constantly running one line of audio (speech in your head) at all times. You can change it, switch from one voice to another, but it is still one line of audio.
  132. (12:05:44 PM) Bits: Thanks, TJP. I hope you have luck in your efforts.
  133. (12:05:58 PM) TJP12409|InClass: thanks, if I ever get started XD
  134. (12:06:01 PM) Bits: Filly: Yes.
  135. (12:06:12 PM) Filly|InClass: If you want her to start speaking, you have to give her access to something. First, she needs a voice that you can tell is hers and not yours. she needs a setting.
  136. (12:06:27 PM) Bits: Should I make a wonderland for her?
  137. (12:06:27 PM) Filly|InClass: secondly, she needs the right to turn off your line for a second and impose her own.
  138. (12:06:42 PM) Bits: Hmmm...
  139. (12:06:59 PM) Filly|InClass: Giving her that permission would be easier if you can visualize it in a wonderland.
  140. (12:07:18 PM) Bits: So I need to give her a unique, original voice, tell her she can turn mine off when she needs to, and...
  141. (12:07:30 PM) Bits: What did you mean by "setting," exactly?
  142. (12:07:32 PM) Filly|InClass: Not just tell her. you have to allow her to.
  143. (12:07:49 PM) Bits: How?
  144. (12:08:06 PM) Bits: I mean,
  145. (12:08:11 PM) Filly|InClass: I mean, just like you can make your voice sound (as an example) low or high in your head, so that you can have two different voices talking, she needs one voice that is hers and that you never use.
  146. (12:08:48 PM) Bits: Hmm... damn...
  147. (12:09:09 PM) Filly|InClass: telling her is one way of giving permission. and if you give that permission without reservation or fear, than she have allowed her, is what I meant.
  148. (12:09:15 PM) Eracoy left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
  149. (12:09:22 PM) Filly|InClass: you have allowed her...*
  150. (12:10:00 PM) Bits: I suppose I could give her the Portal Turret voice. I tend to think in lots of accents...
  151. (12:10:09 PM) Filly|InClass: xD
  152. (12:10:16 PM) Bits: Now I'll need to avoid using it myself!
  153. (12:10:19 PM) Filly|InClass: yep
  154. (12:10:28 PM) TJP12409|InClass: Beep boop son, beep boop
  155. (12:11:49 PM) Bits: I'm still not quite sure how to interact with her. Last night was incredibly lucky, I think
  156. (12:12:13 PM) Bits: Would speaking to her again do it?
  157. (12:13:25 PM) Filly|InClass: I don't know...
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