
Fire fight

Jul 15th, 2019
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  1. [01:51] And so the spar would be accepted right then and there amongst the Gehennan cobblestone path, and motioning for the man to follow she'd make way toward the fields. It's been quite sometime, but for now it was time to shed the rust and get some of that practice in.
  3. "Alright.. ready when you are." As she said all of this, hands moved to grasp at the staff and heave it over the shoulder. Energies of the cosmos had erupted all over. She was ready.
  4. (N'Dànna)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [01:51] Ichida cast his basic wind aura though he took a new stance that he recently begin to use in spars and such trying to get a grasp over how to use it. He knew she was strong, but it's been a while since they last had a spar and to begin he'd use a basic wind aura to kick things off.
  9. He drew his blade steel katana aiming it towards her, he'd try to be watch out for her powerful spells and land most of his blows without fail. He took a deep breath ready to begin the spar hopefully he could best her this time around despite her different magic.
  11. The Samurai was faced with yet another stronger fighter and this one hurdle needed to be passed. He battle much weaker mage, but he knew she was far stronger than the ones before.
  13. Hus toughest fight yet against a real mage begin now, would he be able to best her with his power alone>
  15. "I'm ready"
  16. (Ichida Rikiya)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [02:32] Ichida was bested the first round of matches by her powerful cosmic magic though it didn't bother him, but the demon knocking at the door wasn't happy with the lose. Bright flame begin to burst from Ichida's body and a huge demon like red claw took hold of the blade, It seems Ifrit wasn't found of lose battles without having a chance to fight.
  21. The next round begin and the demon appeared behind the teen boosting his power greatly and a sinister laugh could be heard.
  23. "I'll be joining this time around.
  25. Ichida didn't fight back allowing this beast to have a nice time using his body to fight. Unlike Ichida with his quick and nimble movements the beast begin to dash and strike like a mad man at the woman.
  27. Ichida was being jerked around trying to compose himself, but to no avail he couldn't stop this hyper beast at all. A sigh was given and with the free hand he'd take a few smoke bombs tossing them on the ground and then allowed the beast to continue.
  29. A combination of Night Falls, Whisper and a aggressive style seem to fight well together. The end of the match was coming to an end and as the arm faded away and Ichida fell, he'd notice she was also on the ground.
  31. He'd chuckle
  33. "I'll be damned....nice one Ifrit…."
  35. He'd begin gathering his breath as he forced himself up looking over at N'Dànna.
  37. "You got me the first time, but I got you right back....seems we both grown since that battle one year ago."
  38. (Ichida Rikiya)
  39. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. [02:39] Throughout the duration of this battle, N'Danna managed to bring him down the first time. A ruthless combination of Earthen molds and energies of the cosmos combined had knocked and pushed him around, manipulations over gravity had helped keep her out of harm's way where it mattered most.
  43. But come around the other encounters? She was felled, and defeated at quite a few turns, sometimes closer than others but soon enough she'd learn her place in sparing with this warrior from Huangzhou. Behind all of those blows was something monstrous that N'Danna couldn't quite put a finger on, but it was something that she wanted no more of.
  45. Sooner than later, the Gehennan had taken enough and wanted no more of what she was facing. Picking herself up, and composing bits of strength, she'd levitate once more stifling a sigh.
  47. "Fighting with you gets as close as ever it feels.. sometimes worse than others. I'll match you in time.. in time.. for now I'll be going. Thank you for the spar Ichida, I'll find you in due time.." If not stopped? She'd be off to her home while looking to the night skies, there were a few things that she needed to do.
  48. (N'Dànna)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [02:47] Zexelis sat in the field, watching as N'Danna sparred someone who was a good rival to her. This person did catch Zexelis's interest, though. N'Danna had provided Zexelis himself a decent challenge.
  53. For the time that N'Danna and this man sparred though, Zexelis seemed to sit in the field, in a meditating position. Flames flowed around him, a slightly redder tint than your average flames. There was a dense heat behind them as well.
  55. Zexelis could still feel the pain of the infernal flames, and his fatigue from a spar with Chazlus. He needed to push his limits though, there would eventually come a time where it wouldn't matter how tired his body was, Zexelis would likely have to fight. As the spar between N'Danna and the young man who was rather new to Zexelis concluded and N'Danna would take her leave, Zexelis stood up.
  57. The flames began to turn a darker red color as Zexelis was still a bit fired up from his last spar, even though he was still kind of fatigued. "Greetings, I am Zexelis, a friend of N'Danna. Would you mind if I get a spar from you. I saw that rather unique ability of yours. I am trying to push my limits and master a new ability as well. I would much appreciate if you could help me with that."
  59. Zexelis assumed the ifrit stance, his flames becoming a scarlet color as he summoned forth a decently large fire Daemon as well. A bit of pain was visible in his face, but even more so resolve was, as well. Both his flames and his creature's flames roared higher as he sat in anticipation of their bout.
  61. "I hope to have a good fight."
  62. (Zexelis)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [02:53] Ichida was about ready to leave only to notice a man coming towards him, he didn't have a clue what he might ask him though he'd hear him out anyways. Ichida listened for a while and give the man a reassuring nod, tapping that the beast door against almost trying to wake him up to prepare for the next bout.
  67. "Need you to wake up again, we have a new battle about to begin and you know you don't like being left out.
  69. Ichida chuckled as a large fiery claw begin to form around his hand and take hold of his blade. The beast didn't speak much probably do to him jsut waking up from it's slumber, however, the heat coming form Ichida was more then enough to show the pair were ready.
  71. "Everyone can push their limits with a little training and I'm more than happy to assist you.
  73. he'd give one final nod before snapping and cast winds around his body, taking flight and aim down at the man. He did notice the daemon and wasn't sure how'd it affect the battle, but he'd try to find a way around it if it was a bit troublesome.
  75. "Let's have a good match indeed."
  76. (Ichida Rikiya)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [03:17] Zexelis tilted his head a bit as he got a closer look at the young man's ability. His hand seemed to convert into a fire claw of sirts, the winds around them also gusting furiously. Zexelis's own flames seemed to only get a bit more excited at this.
  81. As the beast was seemingly awoken, Zexelis only grinned as the man agreed to help him train. There was a period of stillness as the both of them and the Daemon seemed flared up and ready for battle. After a brief period of nothing but the wind and crackling fire making a sound, they both flickered toward one another into battle.
  83. Zexelis was a bit outmatched in speed, and the younger man seemed to have the upper-hand at first. As Zexelis was beaten more and more though, his flames seemed to turn more and more red. It seemed the heat of battle, and thinking about the people he wanted to protect, and the reasons he wanted to be stronger, made his flames more intense.
  85. With each clash, an explosion of flames occurred, a mixture of infernal flames and Ifrit's flames erupting and keeping the battlefield alight. The Daemon even seemed to get more accustomed to their speed too, attempting to coordinate its spells with Zexelis's intense flurries and explosive exchanges of blows with the younger man.
  87. Zexelis got seemingly more and more powerful as the battle and damages dragged out further. He could feel it, he was beginning to learn how to harness this power, and the passion that flowed inside of him. Zexelis's flurries in speed even seemed to become faster and faster, and his intense strength borne of flames allowed him to regain the upper-hand, even after he was fighting an uphill battle.
  89. With a flurry of blows, and his Daemon dashing in, the creature crashed a wave of flame with the younger one's body as Zexelis crashed into his, body spewing with flames. A large explosion occurred as there was a clash to the very end, Zexelis barely managing to stay on hisfeet while he stumbled.
  91. Returning his Daemon to its cube, his flames near completely faded, the scarlet red flames barely smoldering on the surface of Zexelis as he slowly let them die out. "That was good fight, young man. I don't think I ever managed to catch your name, if you don't mind. You have my respect, and I would very much like to have your name in my memory, and hope to see us both become greater one day." He huffed a cloud of smoke from his mouth as he heavily breathed, seeming to have barely held it together for that sentence at the moment.
  93. Zexelis fell to a knee as he held himself up with a gauntleted fist to the ground. It was quite clear he had a couple of inrtense battles in rapid succession, but he seemed like he was going to be okay for the most part, other than immense fatigue. He was just out of commission for the moment, as far as battling went.
  94. (Zexelis)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [03:34] Ichida was bested by the man who seem to be using the same style as him he didn't know there could be different version of Ifrit for many different people. Ichida was amazed at how quickly they manage to best him in the beginning he assume they had the win in the bag, but his cocky nature got the best of him due to Ifrit filling his head with banter.
  99. The crafter gave Ichida a few noteworthy cuts that decided the battle, it seems his flames grew brighter and decided the outcome of this battle. Ichida fell to the ground and the style of Night Falls, Whisper was defeated in far combat.
  101. The Samurai rose back to his feet, now placing his blade in his sheath. He'd bow to the man out of respect for his own strength and him managing to best Ichida in battle after losing the first round.
  103. Ichida was rather impressed at the warrior though he looked at this as a growing opportunity to better himself as a Samurai.
  105. "My name is,Ichida Rikiya. I'm a founder of the guild or clan of the Jade Brigade it's a pleasure to meet you.
  107. You're a strong warrior and I can learn a thing or two from you when it comes to combat. I'm looking forward to any battle we will have in the future I can't wait to see how we do next time.
  109. Ichida was excited there were so may strong people about that he could test himself against, yet this wasn't even the beginning as Ichida had much room to grow it's take battle like this and apply them to his everyday training excises.
  110. (Ichida Rikiya)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [03:40] Zexelis nodded as a bow of respect was given to him. As Ichida was introduced, Zexelis gave a slight bow himself, although it was not in Gehennan culture to usually do so. Zexelis actually tilted his head a bit upon the mention of the man's clan.
  115. "I don't know where, but I think I've heard that clan name before. They have a solid leader, I really had to give it my all to beat you there, save for aiming to break you and such. I'm glad you think there is much to learn from me, as I was nowhere near as strong as you at your age, I don't think. I'm sure you'll match me at a much younger age, and before age even begins to have an effect on me. I will still keep training vigilantly though, so make sure you keep up!"
  117. Zexelis seemed to be getting some of his composure back as he gave a proud smile. "Again, my name is Zexelis, and you have my respect as a warrior Ichida. I am a crafter as well, so I am a good person to seek out if you need something made, too, For now, I bid you good day. Zexelis seemed to fully recompose himself, getting ready to head off."
  118. (Zexelis)
  119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. [03:56] Ichida chuckled at the mans comment though it was very heart-warming to here that people wished the best for him and the other members of the guild. Ichida would offer the man another bow before heading home himself with a bright smile on his face.
  123. "Well thank you your kind words really mean a lot to me and I'll continue to grow and become a better version of myself and improve everyday.
  125. Next time we battle I'll be sure to give you a even better match than I did today and that's a promise.
  127. He'd smile waving the man goodbye.
  128. (Ichida Rikiya)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [03:59] Zexelis waves as he's off.
  132. (Zexelis)
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