
Queen - Forever [UICY-15347/8 vs 0602547040855]

Dec 18th, 2013
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text 50.71 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track01.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track01.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  3. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  5. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  7. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  9. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  10. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track01.wav] (4:35.63) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track01.wav] (4:35.63) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  22%  23%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  38%  39%  40%  41%  42%  43%  44%  45%  46%  47%  48%  50%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  63%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  72%  73%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  82%  83%  84%  85%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  93%  94%  95%  96%  97%  98% 100% OK
  12. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 48658128 bytes of WAVE data).
  13. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track02.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track02.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  15. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  17. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  19. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  21. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  22. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track02.wav] (4:12.45) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track02.wav] (4:12.45) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  19%  20%  21%  22%  23%  24%  26%  27%  28%  29%  30%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  38%  39%  40%  41%  42%  43%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  62%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  70%  71%  72%  73%  74%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  83%  84%  85%  86%  87%  89%  90%  91%  92%  93%  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  24. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 44558592 bytes of WAVE data).
  25. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track03.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track03.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  27. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  29. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  31. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  33. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  34. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track03.wav] (3:27.30) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track03.wav] (3:27.30) : 0%  1%  2%  4%  5%  7%  8%  10%  11%  13%  14%  15%  17%  18%  20%  21%  23%  24%  26%  27%  28%  30%  31%  33%  34%  36%  37%  39%  40%  41%  43%  44%  46%  47%  49%  50%  52%  53%  54%  56%  57%  59%  60%  62%  63%  65%  66%  67%  69%  70%  72%  73%  75%  76%  78%  79%  81%  82%  83%  85%  86%  88%  89%  91%  92%  94%  95%  96%  98%  99% 100% OK
  36. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 36585312 bytes of WAVE data).
  37. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track04.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track04.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  39. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  41. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  43. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  45. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  46. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track04.wav] (3:14.46) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track04.wav] (3:14.46) : 0%  1%  3%  4%  6%  7%  9%  10%  12%  13%  15%  16%  18%  20%  21%  23%  24%  26%  27%  29%  30%  32%  33%  35%  36%  38%  40%  41%  43%  44%  46%  47%  49%  50%  52%  53%  55%  57%  58%  60%  61%  63%  64%  66%  67%  69%  70%  72%  73%  75%  77%  78%  80%  81%  83%  84%  86%  87%  89%  90%  92%  94%  95%  97%  98% 100% OK
  48. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 34329744 bytes of WAVE data).
  49. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track05.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track05.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  51. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  53. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  55. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  57. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  58. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track05.wav] (1:08.63) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track05.wav] (1:08.63) : 0%  4%  8%  13%  17%  21%  26%  30%  34%  39%  43%  47%  52%  56%  61%  65%  69%  74%  78%  82%  87%  91%  95% 100% OK
  60. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 12143328 bytes of WAVE data).
  61. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track06.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track06.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  63. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  65. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  67. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  69. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  70. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track06.wav] (2:52.20) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track06.wav] (2:52.20) : 0%  1%  3%  5%  6%  8%  10%  12%  13%  15%  17%  19%  20%  22%  24%  26%  27%  29%  31%  33%  34%  36%  38%  40%  41%  43%  45%  47%  48%  50%  52%  53%  55%  57%  59%  60%  62%  64%  66%  67%  69%  71%  73%  74%  76%  78%  80%  81%  83%  85%  87%  88%  90%  92%  94%  95%  97%  99% 100% OK
  72. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 30387792 bytes of WAVE data).
  73. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track07.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track07.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  75. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  77. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  79. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  81. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  82. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track07.wav] (3:33.25) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track07.wav] (3:33.25) : 0%  1%  2%  4%  5%  7%  8%  9%  11%  12%  14%  15%  16%  18%  19%  21%  22%  23%  25%  26%  28%  29%  30%  32%  33%  35%  36%  37%  39%  40%  42%  43%  45%  46%  47%  49%  50%  52%  53%  54%  56%  57%  59%  60%  61%  63%  64%  66%  67%  68%  70%  71%  73%  74%  75%  77%  78%  80%  81%  82%  84%  85%  87%  88%  90%  91%  92%  94%  95%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  84. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 37631952 bytes of WAVE data).
  85. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track08.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track08.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  87. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  89. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  91. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  93. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  94. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track08.wav] (3:38.40) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track08.wav] (3:38.40) : 0%  1%  2%  4%  5%  6%  8%  9%  10%  12%  13%  15%  16%  17%  19%  20%  21%  23%  24%  26%  27%  28%  30%  31%  32%  34%  35%  37%  38%  39%  41%  42%  43%  45%  46%  48%  49%  50%  52%  53%  54%  56%  57%  59%  60%  61%  63%  64%  65%  67%  68%  70%  71%  72%  74%  75%  76%  78%  79%  80%  82%  83%  85%  86%  87%  89%  90%  91%  93%  94%  96%  97%  98% 100% OK
  96. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 38549232 bytes of WAVE data).
  97. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track09.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track09.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  99. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  101. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  103. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  105. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  106. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track09.wav] (4:38.37) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track09.wav] (4:38.37) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  12%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  26%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  39%  40%  42%  43%  44%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  50%  51%  52%  53%  54%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  62%  63%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  70%  71%  72%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  82%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  93%  94%  95%  96%  98%  99% 100% OK
  108. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 49126176 bytes of WAVE data).
  109. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track10.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track10.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  111. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  113. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  115. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  117. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  118. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track10.wav] (4:30.14) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track10.wav] (4:30.14) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  11%  12%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  39%  41%  42%  43%  44%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  61%  62%  63%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  69%  71%  72%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  81%  82%  83%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  91%  92%  93%  94%  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  120. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 47660880 bytes of WAVE data).
  121. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track11.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track11.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  123. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  125. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  127. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  129. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  130. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track11.wav] (3:32.02) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track11.wav] (3:32.02) : 0%  1%  2%  4%  5%  7%  8%  9%  11%  12%  14%  15%  16%  18%  19%  21%  22%  24%  25%  26%  28%  29%  31%  32%  33%  35%  36%  38%  39%  41%  42%  43%  45%  46%  48%  49%  50%  52%  53%  55%  56%  58%  59%  60%  62%  63%  65%  66%  67%  69%  70%  72%  73%  74%  76%  77%  79%  80%  82%  83%  84%  86%  87%  89%  90%  91%  93%  94%  96%  97%  99% 100% OK
  132. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 37401456 bytes of WAVE data).
  133. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track12.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track12.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  135. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  137. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  139. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  141. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  142. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track12.wav] (1:39.62) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track12.wav] (1:39.62) : 0%  3%  6%  9%  12%  15%  18%  21%  24%  27%  30%  33%  36%  39%  42%  45%  48%  51%  54%  57%  60%  63%  66%  69%  72%  75%  78%  81%  84%  87%  90%  93%  96%  99% 100% OK
  144. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 17609376 bytes of WAVE data).
  145. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track13.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track13.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  147. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  149. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  151. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  153. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  154. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track13.wav] (3:39.61) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track13.wav] (3:39.61) : 0%  1%  2%  4%  5%  6%  8%  9%  10%  12%  13%  15%  16%  17%  19%  20%  21%  23%  24%  25%  27%  28%  30%  31%  32%  34%  35%  36%  38%  39%  40%  42%  43%  45%  46%  47%  49%  50%  51%  53%  54%  55%  57%  58%  60%  61%  62%  64%  65%  66%  68%  69%  70%  72%  73%  75%  76%  77%  79%  80%  81%  83%  84%  85%  87%  88%  90%  91%  92%  94%  95%  96%  98%  99% 100% OK
  156. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 38775024 bytes of WAVE data).
  157. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track14.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track14.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  159. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  161. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  163. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  165. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  166. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track14.wav] (3:36.52) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track14.wav] (3:36.52) : 0%  1%  2%  4%  5%  6%  8%  9%  11%  12%  13%  15%  16%  17%  19%  20%  22%  23%  24%  26%  27%  29%  30%  31%  33%  34%  35%  37%  38%  40%  41%  42%  44%  45%  47%  48%  49%  51%  52%  53%  55%  56%  58%  59%  60%  62%  63%  65%  66%  67%  69%  70%  71%  73%  74%  76%  77%  78%  80%  81%  83%  84%  85%  87%  88%  89%  91%  92%  94%  95%  96%  98%  99% 100% OK
  168. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 38224656 bytes of WAVE data).
  169. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track15.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track15.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  171. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  173. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  175. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  177. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  178. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track15.wav] (4:14.69) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track15.wav] (4:14.69) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  12%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  20%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  27%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  40%  41%  42%  43%  44%  45%  47%  48%  49%  50%  51%  52%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  60%  61%  62%  63%  64%  65%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  72%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  80%  81%  82%  83%  84%  85%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  94%  95%  96%  97%  98% 100% OK
  180. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 44967840 bytes of WAVE data).
  181. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track16.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track16.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  183. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  185. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  187. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  189. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  190. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track16.wav] (1:18.49) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track16.wav] (1:18.49) : 0%  3%  7%  11%  15%  19%  22%  26%  30%  34%  38%  41%  45%  49%  53%  57%  61%  64%  68%  72%  76%  80%  83%  87%  91%  95%  99% 100% OK
  192. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 13874400 bytes of WAVE data).
  193. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track17.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track17.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  195. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  197. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  199. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  201. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  202. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track17.wav] (4:31.04) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track17.wav] (4:31.04) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  11%  12%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  30%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  39%  40%  42%  43%  44%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  50%  52%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  63%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  83%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  94%  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  204. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 47813760 bytes of WAVE data).
  205. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track18.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track18.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  207. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  209. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  211. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  213. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  214. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\1\split-track18.wav] (5:15.25) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\1\split-track18.wav] (5:15.25) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  12%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  39%  40%  41%  42%  43%  44%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  50%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  62%  63%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  72%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  82%  83%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  93%  94%  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  216. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 55624752 bytes of WAVE data).
  218. ===========================================================================================
  220. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track01.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track01.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  222. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  224. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  226. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  228. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  229. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track01.wav] (4:50.58) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track01.wav] (4:50.58) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  12%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  30%  31%  33%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  39%  40%  41%  42%  43%  44%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  50%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  62%  63%  64%  66%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  72%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  82%  83%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  93%  94%  95%  96%  98%  99% 100% OK
  231. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 51292368 bytes of WAVE data).
  232. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track02.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track02.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  234. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  236. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  238. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  240. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  241. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track02.wav] (4:52.66) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track02.wav] (4:52.66) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  12%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  39%  40%  41%  43%  44%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  50%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  62%  63%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  72%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  82%  83%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  93%  94%  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  243. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 51663984 bytes of WAVE data).
  244. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track03.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track03.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  246. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  248. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  250. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  252. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  253. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track03.wav] (2:43.39) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track03.wav] (2:43.39) : 0%  1%  3%  5%  7%  9%  11%  12%  14%  16%  18%  20%  22%  23%  25%  27%  29%  31%  33%  34%  36%  38%  40%  42%  44%  45%  47%  49%  51%  53%  55%  56%  58%  60%  62%  64%  66%  67%  69%  71%  73%  75%  77%  78%  80%  82%  84%  86%  88%  89%  91%  93%  95%  97%  99% 100% OK
  255. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 28844880 bytes of WAVE data).
  256. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track04.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track04.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  258. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  260. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  262. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  264. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  265. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track04.wav] (4:06.41) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track04.wav] (4:06.41) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  12%  13%  14%  15%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  23%  24%  25%  26%  27%  29%  30%  31%  32%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  40%  41%  42%  43%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  57%  58%  59%  60%  62%  63%  64%  65%  66%  68%  69%  70%  71%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  79%  80%  81%  82%  83%  85%  86%  87%  88%  90%  91%  92%  93%  94%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  267. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 43490784 bytes of WAVE data).
  268. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track05.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track05.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  270. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  272. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  274. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  276. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  277. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track05.wav] (3:13.66) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track05.wav] (3:13.66) : 0%  1%  3%  4%  6%  7%  9%  10%  12%  13%  15%  17%  18%  20%  21%  23%  24%  26%  27%  29%  30%  32%  34%  35%  37%  38%  40%  41%  43%  44%  46%  47%  49%  51%  52%  54%  55%  57%  58%  60%  61%  63%  64%  66%  68%  69%  71%  72%  74%  75%  77%  78%  80%  82%  83%  85%  86%  88%  89%  91%  92%  94%  95%  97%  99% 100% OK
  279. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 34200384 bytes of WAVE data).
  280. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track06.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track06.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  282. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  284. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  286. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  288. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  289. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track06.wav] (4:27.51) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track06.wav] (4:27.51) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  10%  11%  12%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  19%  20%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  26%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  38%  39%  40%  41%  42%  43%  44%  45%  47%  48%  49%  50%  51%  52%  53%  54%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  62%  63%  65%  66%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  72%  73%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  82%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  93%  94%  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  291. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 47218704 bytes of WAVE data).
  292. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track07.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track07.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  294. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  296. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  298. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  300. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  301. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track07.wav] (3:48.26) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track07.wav] (3:48.26) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  5%  6%  7%  9%  10%  11%  13%  14%  15%  17%  18%  19%  21%  22%  23%  24%  26%  27%  28%  30%  31%  32%  34%  35%  36%  38%  39%  40%  42%  43%  44%  45%  47%  48%  49%  51%  52%  53%  55%  56%  57%  59%  60%  61%  63%  64%  65%  67%  68%  69%  70%  72%  73%  74%  76%  77%  78%  80%  81%  82%  84%  85%  86%  88%  89%  90%  91%  93%  94%  95%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  303. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 40280304 bytes of WAVE data).
  304. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track08.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track08.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  306. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  308. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  310. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  312. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  313. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track08.wav] (3:30.60) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track08.wav] (3:30.60) : 0%  1%  2%  4%  5%  7%  8%  9%  11%  12%  14%  15%  17%  18%  19%  21%  22%  24%  25%  27%  28%  29%  31%  32%  34%  35%  37%  38%  39%  41%  42%  44%  45%  46%  48%  49%  51%  52%  54%  55%  56%  58%  59%  61%  62%  64%  65%  66%  68%  69%  71%  72%  74%  75%  76%  78%  79%  81%  82%  83%  85%  86%  88%  89%  91%  92%  93%  95%  96%  98%  99% 100% OK
  315. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 37185072 bytes of WAVE data).
  316. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track09.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track09.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  318. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  320. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  322. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  324. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  325. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track09.wav] (4:47.31) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track09.wav] (4:47.31) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  12%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  22%  24%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  39%  40%  41%  42%  43%  44%  45%  46%  48%  49%  50%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  62%  63%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  69%  70%  72%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  82%  83%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  93%  94%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  327. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 50699664 bytes of WAVE data).
  328. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track10.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track10.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  330. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  332. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  334. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  336. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  337. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track10.wav] (4:06.14) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track10.wav] (4:06.14) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  12%  13%  14%  15%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  23%  24%  25%  26%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  40%  41%  42%  43%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  51%  52%  53%  54%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  62%  63%  64%  65%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  79%  80%  81%  82%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  90%  91%  92%  93%  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  339. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 43427280 bytes of WAVE data).
  340. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track11.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track11.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  342. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  344. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  346. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  348. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  349. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track11.wav] (3:46.53) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track11.wav] (3:46.51) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  5%  6%  7%  9%  10%  11%  13%  14%  15%  17%  18%  19%  21%  22%  23%  25%  26%  27%  29%  30%  31%  33%  34%  35%  37%  38%  39%  41%  42%  43%  44%  46%  47%  48%  50%  51%  52%  54%  55%  56%  58%  59%  60%  62%  63%  64%  66%  67%  68%  70%  71%  72%  74%  75%  76%  78%  79%  80%  82%  83%  84%  86%  87%  88%  89%  91%  92%  93%  95%  96%  97%  99% 100% OK
  351. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 39986352 bytes of WAVE data).
  352. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track12.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track12.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  354. File the second file seems to have 4656 extra bytes (1164 extra samples, or 2 extra sectors)
  356. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  358. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  360. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  361. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track12.wav] (5:24.74) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track12.wav] (5:25.01) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  12%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  39%  40%  41%  42%  43%  44%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  50%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  62%  63%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  72%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  82%  83%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  93%  94%  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  363. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 57327648 bytes of WAVE data).
  364. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track13.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track13.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  366. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  368. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  370. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  372. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  373. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track13.wav] (4:20.12) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track13.wav] (4:20.12) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  8%  9%  10%  11%  12%  13%  14%  16%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  23%  24%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  38%  39%  40%  41%  42%  43%  44%  46%  47%  48%  49%  50%  51%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  61%  62%  63%  64%  65%  66%  68%  69%  70%  71%  72%  73%  74%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  83%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  91%  92%  93%  94%  95%  96%  98%  99% 100% OK
  375. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 45892176 bytes of WAVE data).
  376. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track14.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track14.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  378. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  380. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  382. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  384. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  385. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track14.wav] (3:33.32) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track14.wav] (3:33.32) : 0%  1%  2%  4%  5%  7%  8%  9%  11%  12%  14%  15%  16%  18%  19%  21%  22%  23%  25%  26%  28%  29%  30%  32%  33%  35%  36%  37%  39%  40%  42%  43%  44%  46%  47%  49%  50%  52%  53%  54%  56%  57%  59%  60%  61%  63%  64%  66%  67%  68%  70%  71%  73%  74%  75%  77%  78%  80%  81%  82%  84%  85%  87%  88%  89%  91%  92%  94%  95%  96%  98%  99% 100% OK
  387. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 37648416 bytes of WAVE data).
  388. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track15.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track15.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  390. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  392. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  394. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  396. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  397. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track15.wav] (4:57.17) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track15.wav] (4:57.17) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  4%  5%  6%  7%  8%  9%  10%  11%  12%  13%  14%  15%  16%  17%  18%  19%  20%  21%  22%  23%  24%  25%  26%  27%  28%  29%  30%  31%  32%  33%  34%  35%  36%  37%  38%  39%  40%  41%  42%  43%  44%  45%  46%  47%  48%  49%  50%  51%  52%  53%  54%  55%  56%  57%  58%  59%  60%  61%  62%  63%  64%  65%  66%  67%  68%  69%  70%  71%  72%  73%  74%  75%  76%  77%  78%  79%  80%  81%  82%  83%  84%  85%  86%  87%  88%  89%  90%  91%  92%  93%  94%  95%  96%  97%  98%  99% 100% OK
  399. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 52430736 bytes of WAVE data).
  400. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track16.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track16.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  402. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  404. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  406. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  408. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  409. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track16.wav] (2:12.58) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track16.wav] (2:12.58) : 0%  2%  4%  6%  9%  11%  13%  15%  18%  20%  22%  24%  27%  29%  31%  33%  36%  38%  40%  42%  45%  47%  49%  51%  54%  56%  58%  61%  63%  65%  67%  70%  72%  74%  76%  79%  81%  83%  85%  88%  90%  92%  94%  97%  99% 100% OK
  411. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 23421168 bytes of WAVE data).
  412. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track17.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track17.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  414. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  416. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  418. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  420. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  421. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track17.wav] (3:46.60) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track17.wav] (3:46.60) : 0%  1%  2%  3%  5%  6%  7%  9%  10%  11%  13%  14%  15%  17%  18%  19%  21%  22%  23%  25%  26%  27%  29%  30%  31%  33%  34%  35%  37%  38%  39%  41%  42%  43%  44%  46%  47%  48%  50%  51%  52%  54%  55%  56%  58%  59%  60%  62%  63%  64%  66%  67%  68%  70%  71%  72%  74%  75%  76%  78%  79%  80%  82%  83%  84%  85%  87%  88%  89%  91%  92%  93%  95%  96%  97%  99% 100% OK
  423. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 40007472 bytes of WAVE data).
  424. Scanning [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track18.wav] and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track18.wav] : 0% 100% OK
  426. File the first file seems to have 48 extra bytes (12 extra samples, or 0 extra sectors)
  428. These extra bytes will be ignored in the full comparison.
  430. Preparing to do a full comparison...
  432. shntool [cmp]: warning: WAVE data size differs between these files -- will check up to smaller size
  433. Comparing [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track18.wav] (3:22.46) and [R:\Queen - Forever\4871505 FLAC\2\split-track18.wav] (3:23.47) : 0%  1%  2%  4%  5%  7%  8%  10%  11%  13%  14%  16%  17%  19%  20%  22%  23%  25%  26%  28%  29%  31%  32%  34%  35%  37%  38%  39%  41%  42%  44%  45%  47%  48%  50%  51%  53%  54%  56%  57%  59%  60%  62%  63%  65%  66%  68%  69%  71%  72%  74%  75%  76%  78%  79%  81%  82%  84%  85%  87%  88%  90%  91%  93%  94%  96%  97%  99% 100% OK
  435. Aligned contents of these files are identical (up to the first 35740944 bytes of WAVE data).
  436. shntool [cmp]: warning: cannot open non-existent file: [R:\Queen - Forever\4863559 WV\2\split-track19.wav]
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